MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 219

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How high is Ye Hao's strength?

"Humph!\"Eternal Night Demon Lord snorted coldly and roared angrily, "It's all a bunch of useless waste, rice buckets!"

That group of peak powerhouses had already been beaten into dead dogs by Ye Hao.

"You!" Ye Hao greeted the Eternal Night Demon Lord across the air, "Come and compete with me!"

"I'd like to see, what's so special about your Eternal Night Demon Lord!"

"Good boy!" Demon Lord Yongye glared at Ye Hao fiercely and refuted, "Since you are so eager to seek death, then I will fulfill you!"

The Eternal Night Demon Lord is a great demon king at the level of hegemony. With this level of existence, he has an incomparably arrogant and domineering arrogance. Even if Ye Hao showed his strong fighting power, it was still not enough to make him feel happy. fear!

An incomparably pitch-black magical energy radiated from Yong 617 Night Demon Lord!

The demonic energy was madly raging, but in an instant, the space within a radius of tens of meters was completely shrouded in it.

Moreover, Ye Hao could sense that the demonic energy was still spreading around at a speed of five meters per second.

The dark demonic energy can not only block people's vision, but also block people's perception to the greatest extent.

Even a strong person with a high level of cultivation is trapped in demonic energy, and he will become a downright deaf and blind person!

"You ignorant ants, I will grant you eternal death!"

The Eternal Night Demon Lord roared angrily and delivered a fatal blow to Ye Hao with an overwhelming attitude!

Ye Hao wanted to dodge the attack of the Eternal Night Demon Lord, but was surprised to find that his whole body was locked in the demonic energy by a strong will, and it was extremely difficult to move his body. ! "Boom!" A loud bang came, and an incomparably bright light hit Ye Hao's body.

The overwhelming impact of the thunder swept through the sky and covered the sky, Ye Hao's body was directly shaken by the huge impact and then retreated several dozen feet away.


The Yongye Demon Lord thought that Ye Hao had been severely injured, and immediately accelerated the charge and swooped in front of Ye Hao, trying to kill Ye Hao with a knife.

But at this moment, Ye Hao's sluggish and decadent attitude suddenly became alive again!

"Bang!" Yongye Demon Lord's thunderous punch slammed into Ye Hao's fist!

Under this wave of violent impact, the face of the Eternal Night Demon Lord directly turned into a big bitter gourd!

The Eternal Night Demon Lord never dreamed that Ye Hao's "defeat" just now was purely an illusion.

His wave of ferocious attacks did hit Ye Hao's "body", but more than 80% of the damage was absorbed by Ye Hao's Bright Heart Pearl!

The damage that really fell on Ye Hao was less than 20%!

For Ye Hao, this little damage can only be equivalent to scratching the itch.

To deal with a demonic hero like Yongye Demon Lord, if you don't use your brains and fight with pure force, it will be an extremely tragic and hard battle.

Ye Hao wounded the Eternal Night Demon Lord with a sharp move, and even seized the opportunity to strike a beautiful counterattack!

Under Ye Hao's fierce attack, the Eternal Night Demon Lord was beaten and retreated, only the power of parrying was not able to fight back.

"Ah, the demons are dancing!\"

Being beaten up by Ye Hao, this made Mojun Yongye feel extremely mad. He really couldn't bear it any longer. He had to break out violently to reverse the current passive situation.

The group of demons dances wildly, but the killer copper of the Eternal Night Demon Lord!

The Eternal Night Demon Lord controls a realm of ten thousand demons, and the realm of ten thousand demons can forcibly imprison the souls of dead creatures in it.

Its usage method is a bit similar to the Soul Gathering Banner, but it is more powerful than the Soul Gathering Banner!

The imprisoned undead in the realm of ten thousand demons can cultivate by absorbing demonic energy to improve their own strength.

Now the group of demons danced with their nirvana, and the ghosts flying in the sky rushed in, and instantly drowned Ye Hao in it.

Ye Hao unhurriedly took out the sun mirror from his pocket, and took a picture of the large group of Tai Mei Kui who came from Beng Teng.

"Ah, my eyes!"

\"My body is melted!\"

"What a strong sun, I can't stand it!"

A scream that was higher than a sound swept through the sky and covered the sky, and the ghosts and monsters on the battlefield lay down in a large area, horrible to see!

"Hmph, I want to show off a little bit of worm-carving skills in front of me, I really don't know whether to live or die!"

Ye Hao roared angrily, and the thousands of ghosts wandering around went straight to the location of the Yongye Demon Lord.

"You're killing yourself!" The Demon Lord of Yongye was even more furious when he found Ye Hao approaching him!

This time, the Eternal Night Demon Lord did not attack Ye Hao with a magic weapon, but directly changed his form and entered a state of madness.

The maddening state of the Eternal Night Devil is more powerful than the maddening state of the vampire earl Wu Gang.

After the madness, the Eternal Night Demon Lord directly turned into a super giant with a height of more than 40 meters. The giant had a pair of huge copper hammers in his hands. With the trend of destroying the dead, he attacked Ye Hao's forehead, ruthlessly. smashed over.

This time, Ye Hao didn't dare to be too big, and his confidant avoided the thunderbolt of the Eternal Night Demon Lord with a flexible movement!

With a loud noise of "Boom!\", after the giant hammer of the Eternal Night Demon slammed into the air, it slammed onto the solid ground!

Straight down with a hammer, a super giant pit with a diameter of seven or eight meters was smashed on the ground!

A huge roar swept the sky and covered the ground, and the surrounding of the giant pit was covered with dense cracks in the ground, like a huge spider web.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Just in a blink of an eye, the Eternal Night Demon Lord struck three more hammers in a row, smashing a series of deep pits directly on the ground, shocking!

"Hahaha!" Eternal Night Demon Lord won an overwhelming victory, and burst into bursts of harsh laughter.

The wild laughter of the Eternal Night Demon Lord is not just a few laughs, but more importantly, the Eternal Night Demon Lord's laughter is also accompanied by an extremely strong soul attack, which can directly sting people's hearts. Although Ye Hao is very powerful now, he is still a mortal person after all!

After being traumatized by the spiritual attack of the Eternal Night Devil, he also suffered a lot of damage.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord pursued and fought fiercely, and Ye Hao was beaten and "destroyed". .

Chapter 306: Conquering the Eternal Night Demon

But just now Ye Hao's "deceitful defeat" caused the Yongye Demon Lord to suffer a big loss. Now the Yongye Demon Lord is very cautious when dealing with Ye Hao.

Even if Ye Hao is already at a clear disadvantage, the Eternal Night Demon Lord still dare not pursue too hard!

Mojun Yongye was worried, Ye Hao suddenly broke out, and gave him another wave of Jedi counterattacks!

This made the battle between the two sides essentially fall into a state of anxiety.

Although Eternal Night Demon Lord has the upper hand, as long as he can't kill Ye Hao in seconds, he will always be at the disadvantage.

The state of madness is a powerful state that consumes one's own vitality and forcibly maintains it.

In essence, the display of madness skills is basically equivalent to the behavior of "drinking poison to quench thirst\".

Once one's own vitality is consumed too much, the state of madness cannot be maintained. Once it enters the weak period after madness, its combat power will show a trend of falling off a cliff.

Therefore, Eternal Night Demon Lord can't delay time with ~ Ye Hao!

He must fight quickly and get rid of Ye Hao as soon as possible-!

"Eternal Night Imprisonment Technique!\"

Suddenly, the Eternal Night Demon Lord burst out with a roar that shocked the world, and then there was a white chill, which spewed out of his mouth!

The white cold air swept through the sky, and the temperature around Ye Hao's body instantly dropped by dozens of degrees.

The temperature dropped so fast that it froze the air into ice cubes.

Ye Hao's body was directly frozen into a huge ice crystal, trapped in place and unable to move.

"Die!" Evil Lord Yongye swung the huge copper hammer in his hand and smashed it down with all his strength.

The moment the giant hammer fell, Ye Hao's body shot out from the solidified ice crystals like a cannonball.

The Yongye Demon King slammed his hammer on the ice crystals with great force, directly smashing the solid ice crystals into a pile of powder.

It is a pity that Ye Hao was no longer in the ice crystal at this time, and then detoured to the side of the Yongye Demon Lord at a lightning speed, attacked from the side, and stabbed the Yongye Demon Lord on the shoulder with a fierce sword. . The attack of the Eternal Night Demon is very fierce, and Ye Hao's attack is definitely not a vegetarian!

This wave of violent attacks struck, and the huge body of the shattered Eternal Night Demon Lord, stepped back several dozen feet away.

In the end, Yongye Demon Lord lost his balance even more, and fell directly to the ground with a thud.

This time, the Yongye Demon Lord has been recruited, and it is that he has completely realized what it means to be truly resolute!

After being beaten down by Ye Hao, trying to get back up again is as difficult as going to the sky.

He struggled several times, but he couldn't get rid of Ye Hao's pursuit!

Seeing that his old life was about to be cruelly taken away by Ye Hao, the Evil Lord of the Night finally chose to give in!

"I surrender, Lord Ye Hao let me live!"

Ye Hao couldn't resist and chose to surrender, and Ye Hao did not continue to pursue and fight!

"Have you realized your mistake now?\" Ye Hao asked coldly.

The Evil Lord of the Night nodded as if pounding garlic: "Yes, yes, this subordinate already knows it's wrong, please let me live!"

Ye Hao said in a deep voice: "You want opportunities, but opportunities are never given to you by others, but earned by yourself!"

"If your lord is willing to let me live, I am willing to swear allegiance to your lord!"

"That's right!" Ye Hao nodded and said with satisfaction, "Since you are so sensible, I will naturally give you a chance, and now give me a drop of your blood essence, you to live

"I...?...\" Eternal Night Demon Lord became hesitant again.

At this time, Ye Hao's body suddenly had a powerful killing intent.

The Yongye Demon Lord also knew that if he did not follow Ye Hao's instructions, he would be utterly lost in an instant.

As long as he can continue to live, even if he is a puppet for others, he will recognize it.

Ye Hao learned the contract technique from Wu Na, and after a period of practice, he is now able to use it proficiently.

Contract technique, you can reach a master-servant agreement with other life forms for a certain period of time in the form of a contract!

As long as the contract is signed, there will be no betrayal. If the servant betrays the master, the master only needs to tear the contract, and the servant who has signed the contract will die immediately.

Now Ye Hao's understanding of contract art has reached a very high level, and the longest time for signing a contract can be as long as three years.

After getting the essence and blood, Ye Hao immediately signed a contract with the Eternal Night Demon Lord!

0??For flowers...

The three-year contract was successfully signed, and the Eternal Night Demon Lord was completely reduced to becoming Ye Hao's servant.

Corpse King Sect!

"What?\" After Shi Yang received the information, his face turned pale in shock, and his whole body was shaking violently.

"Ye Hao really surrendered the Eternal Night Demon Lord. This is too exaggerated. The Eternal Night Demon Lord is one of the four giants of our Mingyue City!"

"Even an existence like the Eternal Night Demon Lord is suppressed in front of Ye Hao and has no backhand power. If we have a conflict with Ye Hao, won't we be killed by him in minutes?"

Yin Feng raised his fingers and praised: "It's really thanks to my husband's wisdom and wisdom that he didn't offend that evil star Ye Hao!"

"Otherwise, the fate of our Corpse King Sect will probably be even more miserable than that of the Evernight Sect!"

"It's not that simple!" Shi Yang didn't feel happy at all.

On the contrary, Shi Yang was still very serious at this time: \"The purpose of that kid Ye Hao is definitely not just to punish those traitors from the Black Mountain Gate. I think the trend he is making now clearly is to Dominate the world!"

"This guy's ambition is really too big, even if we don't provoke him, we will not be spared!"

"Uh..." Yin Feng asked rather anxiously, \"What should we do next?"

"Would you like to join forces with other parties to fight against Ye Hao, can't let him continue to grow like this!"

Shi Yang's head shook like a rattle, rejecting Yin Feng!

"No no no, at this time, our Corpse King Sect can never stand up and be this early bird!"

"Although Ye Hao has settled the Eternal Night Demon Lord, there are three other giants in Mingyue City!"

"Perhaps Ye Hao will stop after he settles the Eternal Night Demon Lord, and he will take over the position of the Eternal Night Demon Lord from now on!" Yin Feng asked: "In case Ye Hao is not willing to tie the four giants, he is determined to take over the position of the Eternal Night Demon Lord!" Completely wipe out other forces and become kings to dominate?\""Hehe!" Shi Yang shook his head and smiled, "In this case, the other three giants must join forces to fight against Ye Hao!\""Even if Ye Hao's strength is stronger , I don't think he can fight the siege of the three giants by himself!"Ding.


Chapter 307: Killing