MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 212

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"Let me go!" the girl shouted, "that man is a zombie, he is a murderous zombie!"

Ye Hao shook his head and smiled: "I can let you free for a while, but I can't let you go now!"

"Come here, help!\"

The girl found that her plea for help was ineffective, so she began to roar loudly, trying to attract the attention of outsiders and was finally rescued.

It's a pity that the entire hotel has now been reported by Ye Hao, even if she breaks her throat here, it's useless.

Ye Hao never thought of throwing this girl into the pill furnace to make pills, but he definitely couldn't let her go right now.

The corpse demon is an extremely powerful being. He handed over the secret tome of the elixir to Ye Hao, and will definitely supervise Ye Hao's movements secretly.

If the corpse demon finds out that Ye Hao has released this "Medicine Bow I\", this guy will definitely go berserk immediately.

The young girl roared for a long time to no avail, and then began to question Ye Hao: "What do you want, I have already told you, who was a zombie just now, do you still want to help Zhou?"

Ye Hao shook his head and sighed: "Whatever you think, in short, you can't leave here, otherwise the consequences will be serious!", 庠, 八

\"What serious consequences could there be?〃The girl refuted sharply, "I'm dead here too, you _ group of murderous butchers, you have no humanity at all, if you have the ability, you can kill me now!" Haha, little girl, you are too impulsive!" Ye Hao just smiled helplessly.

The girl wanted to continue reprimanding Ye Hao, but Zhao Yan grabbed her arm and forcibly dragged her to another room. ?


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Chapter 291: The Demon King of Montenegro

After Zhao Yan dragged the girl away, Ma Yuzhen asked, "Husband, this stinky girl is too arrogant, I will kill her!"

Ye Hao didn't say a word, just looked at Ma Yuzhen with weird eyes.

Ma Yuzhen said solemnly: "Why are you looking at me with such eyes!"

"I killed her and refined it into an infernal corpse, so she will become obedient and obedient in the future? Isn't it good?"

"Forget it!\" Ye Hao shook his head and waved his hand back, "The most important thing for me now is to hurry up and study this magic pill secret!"

"Ah?\" Ma Yuzhen's complexion suddenly changed, "Husband, don't you really want to help the corpse demon refine the corpse pill, right?"

\"Husband, although I can no longer be regarded as a normal human being, I still feel that the refining method of the corpse pill is too vicious!\"

"As the so-called killing is nodding, directly using the body of a living person as a medicine and throwing it into the pill furnace to refine pills, this is really unacceptable. If it's not good, it will make people angry?..."

"Haha!\" Ye Hao just smiled indifferently and didn't say anything.

Ye Hao didn't intend to help the corpse to make pills at all, but to kill that murderous and greedy guy.

It's just that Ye Hao has a good idea of ​​this kind of thing, and there is no need to tell Ma Yuzhen.

When the time is right, Ye Hao will tell her.

This afternoon, Ye Hao stayed in the room to look up the secret tome of spirit pills, when Wu Na suddenly knocked on the door and ran in, handing Ye Hao a letter.

This letter was written by a guy named Black Mountain Demon King to Ye Hao.

Black Mountain Demon King has a very high status in Mingyue City. Vampire Earl Wu Gang was once the younger brother of Black Mountain Demon King. Wu Gang was killed by Ye Hao and Wu Na was also subdued by Ye Hao.

The Demon King of Montenegro wants to "meet" with Ye Hao to talk about Wu Gang's future affairs.

After scanning the contents of the letter at a glance, Ye Hao couldn't help frowning: "This Demon King of Montenegro wants to stand up for Wu Gang?"

Wu Na hurriedly explained: "Wu Gang used to be the younger brother of the Demon King of Montenegro, and the boss will definitely ask if the younger brother is killed!"

"Otherwise, who will recognize him as the boss in the future!"

"However, judging from the attitude of the Demon King of Montenegro, I don't think he wants to use force to solve this problem!"

"The purpose of his meeting with the master is most likely to make the master submit to his subordinates and become a younger brother!"

"If the master is willing to be his younger brother, then the matter of Wu Gang's murder will be over. If the master is unwilling to compromise, the Demon King of Montenegro may be detrimental to the master!"

"Yeah!\" Ye Hao nodded and replied, "Then, do you think I should compromise?"

"Uh\" Wu Na frowned slightly, not knowing what to say.

After a long time, she continued: "Everything is up to the master, Wu Na swears allegiance to the master!"

Ye Hao replied solemnly: "I know you are loyal to me, I don't doubt your sincerity, I just hope you can tell the truth!"

Only then did Wu Na continue: "From a personal and subjective point of view, I hope the master can kill the Demon King of Montenegro!"

"Well, what about from an objective point of view?"

"There are many younger brothers under the hands of the Demon King of Montenegro, and some of them are extremely powerful. If you want to kill him, you must be fully prepared!"

"A few months ago, Wu Gang and I went to see the Demon King of Montenegro once. I saw the body of the Demon King of Montenegro, which was more than ten meters high!"

"He sits in the dark palace, his body is like a hill, and it is very terrifying to cover the sky and the sun!"

"Although the size does not mean that he must be very powerful, I am sure that this guy's methods are extremely terrifying!"

"Yeah!\" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "If you say that, I really need to be careful about this meeting!\"

"So, the master is going to see the Demon King of Montenegro?"

For Wu Na's question, Ye Hao could only respond to her with a gloomy wry smile: "It's not a question of whether I want to meet the Demon King of Montenegro, but I have to see him anyway!"

"Even if I refuse his invitation to meet him this time, he will definitely come to see me on his own initiative. This is something that cannot be avoided!"

"Instead of passively meeting him in an unprepared state, it would be better if we take the initiative to meet him!"

"At least, we take the initiative to see him and prepare in advance!"

0??For flowers...

The Demon King of Montenegro is a very powerful guy. This time Ye Hao went to see the Demon King of Montenegro, and a conflict was inevitable!

Although Ye Hao himself is strong and capable of dealing with possible crises, Ye Hao will not let go of Shi Chong's best helper.

Shi Chong begged Ye Hao to help him refine the spirit corpse pill, but Ye Hao has not clearly rejected his request so far.

Therefore, Shi Chong still has certain demands for Ye Hao!

When Ye Hao went to see the Demon King of Montenegro, he might encounter "danger". If Shi Chong knew about this matter, Shi Chong would never stand idly by.

Maybe, at the critical moment, Shi Chong may not be able to stand up to help Ye Hao.

Therefore, after Ye Hao decided to go to the appointment, he asked Wu Na to inform the corpse demon of the matter as soon as possible. Ye Hao invited the corpse demon to go with him to see the demon king of Montenegro. help".

Wu Na acted very fast, and passed Ye Hao's notification to the corpse demon that night.

After the corpse demon received Ye Hao's letter for help, he couldn't help but frown!

\"This guy, the Demon King of Montenegro, is very difficult to deal with!\"

Wu Na said softly, "Lord Corpse Demon, the Demon King of Montenegro will definitely have a hard time with our master. This time our master goes to see the Demon King of Montenegro, and it must be more fortunate than good luck!"

"If he has an accident, I'm afraid Lord Corpse Demon's Spirit Corpse Pill will not be available!"

The corpse demon was instantly furious: "Stinky girl, you dare to threaten me!"

"No, no, no!" Wu Na shook her head and waved her hands to accompany her with a smile, \"Lord Corpse Demon, you have misunderstood, even if I am ten years old, I would not dare to threaten you!"

"What I'm telling you now is all from the bottom of my heart. The safety of my master is very important to you!"

"If all goes well, the master will soon be able to refine the corpse pill!"

"Really!\" The corpse demon suddenly saw a car, "How long will it take to succeed in alchemy?\"

"How about this, try to postpone the meeting for a few days. The Demon King of Montenegro didn't force him to summon Brother Ye Hao, he just invited Brother Ye Hao to negotiate with him! "Since it is a friendly negotiation, the specific meeting place can also be negotiated. What??...\"Ding?


Chapter 292: Going to the Hongmen Banquet

Wu Na asked back, "Lord Corpse Demon, what do you mean?"

"Could it be that you're really scared, Mr. Ye Hao really takes you as a friend, but you don't care about Mr. Ye Hao's life or death!"

"How is that possible!" The corpse demon said with a smile on his face, "Everyone is a friend, so saying these words hurts feelings too much!"

"I want to say that the strength of the Black Mountain Demon King is too sturdy, even if I am not necessarily his opponent!"

"We're in the past now, if the scene gets stuck, I'm afraid it's going to be difficult to end it in the end!"

"Conversely, when I take the Spirit Corpse Pill and my cultivation base breaks through, I don't need to be afraid of the Black Mountain Demon King anymore!"

\"When the time comes, Brother Ye Hao and I will kill the Demon King of Montenegro together!\"

"So, the top priority right now, "607\", is to hurry up and refine the Spirit Corpse Pill!"

The corpse demon thought that his idea was very clever, but in fact his current intentions were already known to everyone in Sima Zhao's heart, and even Wu Na could easily see through his intentions.

The corpse demon just wanted to use Ye Hao to help him refine the corpse pill!

As long as the corpse pill is in hand, he will not care about Ye Hao's life or death.

The previous scenes of calling Ye Hao brothers and sisters were all deliberately disguised by him.

"The time for the meeting between my master and the Demon King of Montenegro has been negotiated, and it will be three days later!"

"The master sent me here to invite the corpse demon to the banquet. If the corpse demon wants to go, you only need to respond to me with a word, and I can go back and inform the master!"

"Okay, I'll be on time for the appointment!" The corpse demon had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

In fact, the corpse demon didn't want to go to this wave of muddy waters at all, but at this stage of the matter, he had no choice.

Although the Demon King of Montenegro is powerful, the corpse demon is not vegetarian. As long as the corpse demon is willing to lower his face and speak for Ye Hao, the demon king of Montenegro will still give him a face. For the spirit corpse pill, the corpse demon must do so.

In the afternoon three days later, the corpse demon waited for Ye Hao on time in the northern suburbs of Mingyue City.

The corpse demon was still sitting in a car, and in the driver's seat, a middle-aged man with a pale complexion sat.

The corpse demon is very domineering. He directly blocked the road and robbed the car, and he also kidnapped the driver. This guy is simply fierce and domineering to the extreme. Ye Hao did not bring Wu Na to the appointment this time, but brought Zhao Yan to the appointment.

After getting in the car, the corpse demon said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, I've already helped you ventilate, and then as long as you bow your head in front of the Black Mountain Demon King, this matter will be revealed!" "Everyone in the future. They are all friends, there is nothing that can’t be overcome!”

At this time, the corpse demon is very sincere in communicating with Ye Hao.

It's a pity that Ye Hao didn't give her "face".

Ye Hao said bluntly: "I didn't do anything wrong, why should I apologize to the Demon King of Montenegro?"

"Brother, you...\" The face of the corpse demon was ashen, and he said a little anxiously, "You may not know that the guy from the Demon King of Montenegro is very strong, and it is very difficult to defeat him with our strength!\ "

"If the Demon King of Montenegro takes advantage of the situation, our situation will be very dangerous!"

Ye Hao replied indifferently: "Isn't it just a little devil, what's so great!"

"It just so happens that I'm in a good mood today, so I'm going to have a good fight with him!"

"Brother, are you crazy!" This time, the corpse demon is really anxious. "The Demon King of Montenegro is far more powerful than you think. …”

"In short, we'd better not provoke the evil star of the Demon King of Montenegro. Brother, you have to believe me once, I really didn't lie to you!"

"Okay!\" Ye Hao nodded very readily and agreed, "Since Brother Shi Chong has spoken, then I naturally won't provoke him!"

"This time I went to see the Demon King of Montenegro. If the Demon King of Montenegro doesn't take the initiative to provoke me, the two of us will not break the river, and we will be at peace with each other!"

"But if the Demon King of Montenegro takes the initiative to provoke me, I will never compromise, and I hope Brother Shi Chong can help me at that time!"

For a time, Shi Chong's face was full of bitterness.

It's a pity that Shi Chong is completely miserable now, Ye Hao is determined to fight with the Demon King of Montenegro, he has no choice at all.

Along the way, Shi Chong persuaded Ye Hao many times to keep calm, and he kept nagging all the way, but Ye Hao obviously couldn't listen.

"Hey!\" With a depressed mood, Shi Chong and Ye Hao came to the hinterland of the Black Mountain Demon King: Heishan City!

Black Mountain City was rebuilt from a super huge villa. This place was originally an extremely luxurious tourist villa, but after being occupied by the Black Mountain Demon King, it was transformed beyond recognition and nondescript. In the center of the villa is a towering mountain. The height of the mountain must be at least 150 meters. The whole body is painted with black paint!

The huge screaming building was pitch-black, and it seemed to have an indescribable gloomy feeling, which made people feel uncomfortable all over.

After walking in, Ye Hao discovered that the black "big mountain" was essentially a 40-story high-rise building.

"This Demon King of Montenegro really doesn't understand aesthetics!"

Zhao Yan pouted and muttered: \"It's a good building, but he just ruined it like this, hey...\"

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