MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 209

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Having said that, Ye Hao even stretched out his hand and patted Wu Na's shoulder with a smile: "If you encounter troubles that you can't solve in the future, come to me for help. I am your master and will provide you with shelter!"

"Thank you master!"

Under the leadership of Wu Na, Ye Hao specially went to the clothing store to customize a set of aristocratic dresses.

Ye Hao's temperament was instantly shaped after the aristocratic dress on the boat.

In the afternoon, Wu Na also introduced Ye Hao about the rules of the settlement. As dusk approached, Ye Hao drove Wu Na to the Tianhao Hotel, which belonged to the Feiyang settlement.

Tianhao Hotel is a 58-storey high-rise, and the lobby of the hotel is very luxurious.

When Ye Hao came to the gate of the hotel, the place was already full of a large number of world famous cars.

Under the darkness of the night, Mingyue City is full of deserted and deserted colors. Only this day, the Tianhao Hotel is brightly lit and crowded with people, and its popularity is extremely strong.

Ye Hao saw two very strange people at the entrance of the hotel. This man and a woman are obviously much taller than the others. The reason why they are tall is not because of their long legs, but because of the two of them. Individuals have long necks.

The necks of those two people, like giraffes, look very exaggerated.

Wu Na whispered in Ye Hao's ear, "Those two are hanged ghosts!"

In fact, Ye Hao had already noticed that the identities of those two people belonged to Specter Ghosts, but he didn't expect that these two people turned out to be famous hanged ghosts.

It is said that the resentment of the hanged ghost is the most vigorous of all the ghosts, and the fighting power of these guys is also very sturdy.

Basically, most ghost hunters will choose to shy away when they encounter a hanged ghost.

Seeing it today was indeed a well-deserved reputation. Ye Hao could sense that the two hanged ghosts were full of strong resentment, and the yin qi in the two of them was also very strong.

Ye Hao just glanced at the two hanged ghosts, but it aroused the other's idea.

The two hanged ghosts turned their attention to Ye Hao, but they felt that the temperature around them had dropped by more than ten degrees.

After they found out that Ye Hao was a human, they also walked towards Ye Hao's position for the first time.

At this moment, Wu Na hurried forward and stood in front of Ye Hao.

Two friends, how are you tonight? \"Wu Na took the initiative to say hello to the two hanged ghosts!

The Thin Hanged Ghost replied with a smile: "It was my dear Miss Wu Na, why didn't I see Earl Wu Gang this evening? I specially prepared a good wine, I hope he can accompany me for a glass of wine!"

Wu Na said angrily: \"That idiot Wu Gang has already been killed by me!\"

\"Now I am the Vampire Earl Yang!"

"Uh...?..." The two vampires on the opposite side were stunned for a moment (Li Nuozhao), and then the two of them bowed their hands to Wu Na one after another.

The fat hanged ghost with a face full of flesh said in an extremely wretched manner: \"I didn't expect that Miss Wu Na's methods would be so powerful. I have already said that that kid Wu Gang is a short-lived ghost!\"

"Today that stupid pig was finally killed by Miss Wu Na, what a joy!"

"Who is this little white face?\" The Fat Hanged Ghost pointed at Ye Hao and said.

Wu Na replied tenderly, "Of course this is my new boyfriend, his name is Wu Hao!"

"Hahaha!\" The Fat Hanged Ghost said with a smile, "Brother Wu Hao, I have a crush on your girlfriend, or if we have a duel, who will go to Wu Na, what do you think?"

Ye Hao has never been a person who is afraid of things, and this time is no exception!

Fortunately, even if he was going to go up to compete with the hanged ghost, he was dragged by Wu Na! .

Chapter 285: The Demons Dance

Wu Na said in a loud voice, "Aren't you tired of living, fat man? You dare to bully even my boyfriend, believe it or not, I'll smash your ass!"

"Hey!\" The Hanged Ghost smiled at Wu Na.

Wu Na once again warned the hanged ghost: \"I only like handsome and handsome men, a man with a long neck like you is not my appetite!\"

After saying that, Wu Na ignored the two hanged ghosts and dragged Ye Hao into the hotel lobby together.

Watching Wu Na's back, there was a haze on the face of the fat man with a long neck: "What a stinky woman who doesn't know what to do, sooner or later I will let you kneel under my crotch and be a dog!" At the same time, Wu Na also said to Ye Hao at this time: "Those two hanged ghosts, it looks like they are going to hang out with you. If we leave the hotel tonight, we will be poisoned by them!" Ye Hao asked. : "The hanged ghost is so rampant, why don't you attack Earl Wu Gang?"

"You have already killed Earl Wu Gang, proving that your strength is much more powerful than Earl Wu Gang. They must come back to pester you, doesn't it seem reasonable?"

Wu Na said in a condensed voice, "I want to kill Wu Gang in many ways. Wu Gang's most powerful method is his Berserk Technique!"

"The Hanged Ghost 597 is afraid of Wu Gang's Berserk Technique and dare not entangle Wu Gang, but I don't know Wu Gang's Berserk Technique. The two of them must have the courage to attack me. Their strength is much stronger than me, and there are Obvious numerical advantage!"

Ye Hao replied with a wry smile: "Then you aristocratic circles are really messed up. You want to kill a woman just for the sake of a woman. The relationship between everyone is so bad, why are you still having a party?"

"No hands-on is allowed at the dinner party. This is a rule negotiated by everyone!"

"So, after entering the restaurant for a while, you can just enjoy the food with confidence and don't have any psychological pressure!"

"Uh..." Ye Hao nodded, "I try to stay relaxed!"

The banquet scene is in the lobby on the second floor of the hotel.

The form of the dinner was a buffet. Ye Hao briefly glanced at the displayed food, and could not help but frown.

Most of the food in the restaurant is fresh raw meat and bright red blood plasma.

Ye Hao could sense that these fresh meat and plasma were not human flesh, but animal flesh.

(acbc) But even so, the **** smell unique to raw plasma made Ye Hao feel very uncomfortable.

After wandering around the venue for a long time, Ye Hao finally found a piece of tuna sashimi. Although this thing is also raw meat, it is edible.

After all, everyone is enjoying the food with relish. If Ye Hao doesn't move his mouth, he will definitely attract others' attention.

Ye Hao came to participate in this party tonight, the purpose is to investigate, what kind of species are these sea breams hidden in the underground of Mingyue City, so that the right medicine can be used to deal with these evil spirits. Since it is a secret investigation, a low profile is a must!

Ye Hao doesn't want to communicate with strangers, but that doesn't mean he can really get peace.

Ye Hao was sitting at the dining table eating, and suddenly a beautifully dressed woman came to Ye Hao's side.

This beautifully dressed woman eats sashimi similar to Ye Hao, but the wine glass in her hand is filled with a glass of thick blood plasma.

After sitting down in front of Ye Hao, the other party also took a sip of blood from the glass.

After putting down the wine glass, there was still a streak of blood standing on the corner of her mouth!

After a brief observation, Ye Hao discovered that the young woman on the opposite side was a half-yin person.

The half-yin person mentioned here is not a special group of people who are neither male nor female, but this woman is half human and half ghost!

This woman's body was specially made, just like Ma Yuzhen's daughter Ma Lingling. She originally belonged to a normal person, but she was taken away half her life by Taoism and lent it to others to "revive the soul".

After being borrowed half of her life, she has only half of her life left, and she likes to go in and out of places with heavy yin qi, so the yin qi on this woman is very heavy, and the yin qi on female ghosts is very heavy. No difference at all.

"Handsome guy, do you have time tonight to go out and play together?"

The half-yin man took the initiative to greet Ye Hao, and handed Ye Hao the half glass of blood wine he had drank.

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice: 'I'm sorry, I already have an appointment tonight, let's do it another day! \"

"Really?" The half-yin man replied with a smile, "How about a drink with me, little handsome guy?"

"Not so good!" Ye Hao replied solemnly: "I like light flavors, but yours is too heavy!"

"Hahaha!\" The half-yin man immediately closed his mouth happily, "No wonder people say you are a little white-faced!"

"Now it seems that you are really a cowardly little white face!"

Before Ye Hao got angry, the half-yin man continued: "I might as well tell you the truth. If you come with me tonight, I can keep you alive!"

"Otherwise, once you leave this hotel, you will become the belly of the two hanged ghosts. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Ye Hao replied decisively: "I understand the beauty's kindness, I think I can solve this little trouble myself!"

"Humph!\" The half-yin man's face was covered with a sneer, "I think you can't cry without seeing the coffin.\"

"That's right!" Ye Hao also continued to maintain a strong stance, "I just can't see the coffin and don't shed tears, aren't I just two hanged ghosts, what's the big deal, if they dare to come to me to be presumptuous, I will send them to the West! \""Good boy, what a big tone!\"

"You can get out now!\" The Banyin wanted to continue counting Ye Hao's words, but Wu Na directly issued an expulsion order! \"

"Humph!\" The half-yin man snorted coldly, and left angrily without looking back.

Watching the back of the half-yin man go away, Wu Na said anxiously, "Boss, you are so impulsive!"

"That half-yin man is definitely not a good stubble. You offended him to death today, this guy will never let us go!"

"After we leave the hotel this evening, not only must we be alert to the attack of the hanged ghost, but we must also be careful of this intersex man!"

"Hehehe!" Ye Hao stretched out his hand and patted Wu Na's shoulder with a smile, "You can rest assured, as the saying goes, soldiers will come to block water and cover up with soil, as long as these clowns who jump on the beam dare to come up and make trouble, I will definitely let them come. no return

"It doesn't matter if he is a hanged ghost or a half-yin, I will let her go to utter annihilation!

Chapter 286: The Talking Corpse Demon

The aura on the two hanged ghosts is indeed very powerful, but it is not enough to make Ye Hao feel threatened!

As long as Ye Hao is willing, it is not difficult to kill the two hanged ghosts.

As for the Onmyoji, Ye Hao ignored it.

That guy, his fighting power is much weaker than the Hanged Ghost.

"Huh?\" When Ye Hao was teasing with Wu Na again, he suddenly sensed a tyrannical aura that passed over him.

When he turned around to check, Ye Hao saw a man in a black cloak walking not far from his side.

The mysterious man in the black cloak exudes a strong corpse aura, which is so powerful that it makes people suffocate!

"Who is this guy, how can he be so powerful?\"

With Ye Hao's concentration, Rao couldn't help but frown.

Wu Na hurriedly explained: "The identity of this black cloak is a corpse demon!"


"The corpse is a super-advanced form of zombies. It is said that ordinary zombies need to evolve three times before they can become corpses!"

"The corpse demon can run and move under the scorching sun, and it can even fight against Taoism in the flesh. It is an extremely powerful existence!"

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "How powerful can this corpse demon be?"

"I don't know much about this!\" Wu Na shook her head and sighed, "I have come into contact with the corpse demon many times before, but I know very little about him!\""The corpse demon He is low-key, has a humble personality, and doesn't like to fight fiercely with others!"

"He is very powerful himself, basically no one dares to provoke him, and he himself does not take the initiative to provoke others!"

"How strong this guy's true strength is has always been a mystery, and I'm not sure about it!"

During the conversation between Ye Hao and Wu Na, the corpse demon found a seat against the wall and sat down by himself.

He took a bottle of thick blood plasma from the bar and sat in a corner by himself, tasting the blood wine silently, without saying a word!

"I have to go and talk to this guy!" Ye Hao frowned slightly and walked over to the table where the corpse demon was.

After Ye Hao came to sit down opposite the corpse demon, the corpse demon also reached out and lifted the big hat on his head.

This guy is the image of a middle-aged man with two hideous scars on his face.

Ye Hao took the initiative to greet: "Friend, I want to have a drink with you, how about it?"

"Of course!" The corpse demon nodded and smiled, "But our tastes may not be the same, but we can't accommodate it!"

"Hahaha!\" Ye Hao said with a loud laugh, "As the saying goes, when you meet a confidant, you don't have a thousand cups, and you don't talk too much!"

"I think my brother is also a sweetheart. Even if you and I drink a glass of white water, our hearts are still happy!"

Ye Hao has already taken the initiative to "close up" with the corpse demon, but he didn't expect this guy to become cold: "Whether it suits your appetite or not, you have to drink it before you know, brother, make a decision in a hurry now, it's too long. It's too early!\"

However, although the corpse demon has a slightly eccentric personality, it is not unreasonable!

After saying a few rude words, he still picked up the wine glass and touched a glass with Ye Hao.

Next, Ye Hao witnessed with his own eyes that this guy drank a large cup full of blood and put on an unforgettable look.

After a brief taste, the corpse demon frowned and sighed: "It's goose blood again, I don't have any aftertaste, hey!"

Ye Hao asked curiously: \"What kind of animal blood do you think is the best to drink, is it human blood?\"

"Of course not!" The corpse demon shook his head like a rattle and replied, "I don't like drinking human blood at all!"

"No matter what kind of animal blood, in my eyes, there is not much difference in taste. Human blood contains almost no spirituality, while the blood of most animals contains a lot of spirituality!"

"Especially the blood in birds and animals contains more spirituality!"