MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 201

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They were without weapons, but Ye Hao was still intact.

Seizing one of Chen Meimei's flaws, Ye Hao slapped her directly on the forehead with one hand.

Chen Meimei, who was originally alive and vigorous, was "suddenly" on the spot after being slapped by Ye Hao.

He collapsed to the ground with a thud, like mud, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Seeing this situation, Ye Hao smiled bitterly and sighed: "What a bunch of naive girls, I just sympathize with your misfortune and want you to rein in your horses. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Since all of us can no longer communicate now, let's see the real chapter under the hand!"

"Bang!\" Ye Hao shot for the second time, and Chen Yanyan was also knocked to the ground.

Ye Hao's shot was as fast as lightning, and those corpses had no ability to backhand at all.

Moreover, after Ye Hao succeeded in one strike, he would immediately be suspended in the air again.

This made those corpses who couldn't fly, in front of Ye Hao, like sandbags, only to be beaten.

The one-sided battle lasted less than five minutes, and all four Yan corpses were thrown to the ground by Ye Hao, unable to move. At this time, the battle between Zhao Yan and Ma Yuzhen on their side was in a stalemate.

Chen Dongkai's true identity is the Ghost King of the Sea of ​​Interest, one of the seven ghost kings in the abyss of ghosts.

Originally, with the strength of the Quhai Ghost King, it was not considered a powerful existence in the desert of death, because the black zombies and the ghost king of the fire in the desert of death were extremely sturdy existences, and their combat power was much stronger than that of ordinary ghost kings.

However, the ghost king of the sea also has something, that is the heart of the world!

Yuhai Ghost King is a fierce ghost who came out of the abyss of ghost qi. He has been nourished by the energy of the heart of the world all the year round, making his ghost qi particularly pure. .

Chapter 268: Investigating the truth

Naturally, this guy's combat power is particularly terrifying.

The evil things in the desert of death have never touched the heart of the world, and are thirsty for the energy of the heart of the world.

Quhai Ghost King used the Heart of the World as bait, and collected a large number of minions in the desert of death. Zhao Yan and the others were not the opponents of this old monster at all. They were completely suppressed and beaten. Fortunately, Zhao Yan and Ma Yuzhen both have zombie bodies, and their anti-strike ability is very good.

Even if they were beaten all over the body in the fierce battle, as long as it was not a Taoist attack, it would still be very difficult to kill them.

Ye Hao was able to quickly subdue the corpses, because Ye Hao used Taoism, and it was a high-quality Taoism.

Chen Dongkai didn't expect that Ye Hao almost destroyed the few beautiful corpses he cultivated with the tendency of destroying the dead.

Originally, he was counting on those corpses to deal with Ye Hao, but now he's done...?... The corpses have all been destroyed, but Ye Hao is now unscathed. For Chen Dongkai, this is simply A 02 day old shame. Chen Dongkai had to order a large number of fiery ghost kings and black zombies to come from all directions, and use the method of making dumplings to end Ye Hao.

At the critical moment, Ye Hao directly resorted to his killer copper trick: Bright Heart Pearl!

The purifying light released by the Bright Heart Pearl has a strong purifying effect on spiritual creatures.

Once the zombies are purified, they will become corpses!

After the Specter is purified, it will immediately enter reincarnation and cannot continue to exist in the human world.

After the ghosts in the front row and the zombies were purified by the bright heart bead, the zombie ghost kings who swarmed forward all stopped.

Then, with the spread of the bright heart pearl, the surrounding zombies, the ghost king began to retreat rapidly, for fear of being affected by the pool fish.

At this time, it was Ye Hao's turn to start laughing!

"Chen Dongkai, you don't even have to weigh your weight, so you dare to be mad in front of me?"

"If you are really capable, forget it. It's ridiculous that you used these stinky fish and rotten shrimp to provoke my majesty. I can only tell you regretfully that your wishful thinking is going to come to nothing!"

"And today is your doom, you wait to die!"

Ye Hao is provoking Chen Dongkai like this now, just to force Chen Dongkai to take the initiative to attack.

In this way, Ye Hao can wait for his work and use the power of Mingxinzhu to kill him.

But Chen Dongkai is very treacherous. He knows Ye Hao's strength. After the attack plan failed, he fled in embarrassment. Even this guy didn't even have the courage to say a ruthless word. He ran very simply and neatly.

After Chen Dongkai left, the group of black zombies he attracted, and the ghost king were also devastated, and they all fled for their lives.

"Wow, husband, you are too powerful. In your eyes, those black zombies are really a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp!"

Ye Hao didn't know how to respond to Zhao Yan's flattery.

It's not those black zombies, stinky fish and rotten shrimps, but Ye Hao's own control methods are too powerful, forming a crushing potential for those evil creatures.

At this time, Ye Hao was not in the mood to boast about his brilliant achievements, but greeted Zhao Yan and the others immediately and began to retreat.

"Husband, what about them?" Before leaving, Zhao Yan focused on Chen Meimei and the four of them.

Ye Hao replied casually: "They are just in a coma now, and when these guys wake up, they will still attack us endlessly. I think they will just kill them all if they don't do it!" Unexpectedly, this time Ma Yuzhen But it became sentimental: "Husband, I don't think we can be too arbitrary!"

"The fate of these girls is also quite tragic. They were poisoned by Chen Dongkai's old dog at a young age. Since this incident has brought us across, we must not stand by and watch!"

"We still help them, and when they wake up, we can also find out the truth!"

"Yeah!\" After thinking about it for a while, Ye Hao also made a decision!

"I am also very curious, how did the relationship between Chen Dongkai and his family develop to this point?"

"I remember when they first entered the desert of death, the relationship between their family was quite good, and they got along very well. Now how did Chen Dongkai kill a few girls and make them into beautiful corpses?" "This is really It's incredible..."

"Well, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and I also think there must be something strange in this matter!"

Zhao Yan also echoed: "If Chen Meimei and the others can be brought back to their senses, maybe we can investigate the truth!"

"All of them have completely turned into corpses, and it is impossible to regain their senses!"

In this regard, Ye Hao has the most say!

However, Ye Hao is also very curious about the inside story of the Chen family's cannibalism.

How did the originally harmonious and amiable family develop to this point inexplicably?

After being silent for a while, Ye Hao continued: "Although I can't make them completely recover, but these girls were not poisoned by me, they were just bewitched by Chen Dongkai!" "Chen Dongkai must be using Some sorcery has temporarily taken over their minds, and I think they'll figure it out soon!\"

Zhao Yan asked 587: "If they are enlightened, will they still attack us?"

"Yan Zhi is full of resentment. They will give priority to attacking their enemies, but if they don't touch their enemies, they will attack everyone they encounter, slaughter them, and kill them indiscriminately!"

Ma Yuzhen said rather embarrassedly: "Is there really no way?"

"Try it!\" In the end, Ye Hao changed his mind.

Although these corpses are cruel and ruthless, their strength cannot pose too much threat to Ye Hao.

As long as Ye Hao fights mentally, he can still control the situation.

"Ye Hao did not rush to wake up the four Yan corpses, but asked Zhao Yan and the others to do it and bring the Yan corpses into a hidden cave!"

After placing Yan's corpse side by side in the cave, Ye Hao asked Zhao Yan to take care of Yan's corpse, and went to the tent to supplement his sleep.

After about five hours of touching the scene, Zhao Yan finally ran over to report the situation to Ye Hao: A corpse has woken up, husband, would you like to go take a look? "

"I'll go right now!\" Ye Hao jumped up from the air mattress and ran towards the cave where Yan Shi was being held.

The first to wake up was Chen Yanyan. Even though she was about to leave the cave, she was stopped by Zhao Fang. .

Chapter 269: It's not clear

Now Chen Yanyan is fighting fiercely with a group of little ghosts under Zhao Fang, and the fight is extremely hot!

"Stop!" Ye Hao greeted from the air!

Zhao Fang faltered and withdrew for a long time, pulling away from Chen Yanyan.

Chen Yanyan found that Ye Hao was coming, and did not continue to pester Zhao Fang, but turned her spear and killed Ye Hao.

Ye Hao waved his hand and said: \"Chen Yanyan, you were not killed by me!\"

"Me?" As soon as Ye Hao said this, Chen Yanyan's body suddenly shook slightly.

But soon, Chen Yanyan's mood became agitated again: \"You are just a bunch of nonsense!\"

\"I saw with my own eyes that you killed my sister. Could it be true that what I saw with my own eyes was fake?\"

Ye Hao replied with a wry smile: "Of course what you see with your own eyes can't be fake, but you may not know that what you are thinking of now is not what you saw with your own eyes, but was People are imprinted in the mind!\"

"What do you mean?" Chen Yanyan retorted, \"You still want to make a sophistry even now?"

"Hehehe!\" Ye Hao was directly amused by Chen Yanyan, 〃 I really don't need to argue with you, I have always respected facts! \"

"Your current state is no longer a normal human being!"

Chen Yanyan decisively attacked: "I was killed by you, I want to kill you!"

After Yan Bi, she charged forward again and wanted to fight Ye Hao to the death.

Chen Yanyan's attack rhythm was very fierce, but Ye Hao still grabbed her wrist.

She used all her strength to break free from Ye Hao's pull, but was unable to do so.

Ye Hao shook his head and smiled: "Just because you are not my opponent at all, if I want to kill you, I can turn you into a corpse to seek revenge on me? You don't really think that I am as stupid as you are. Is there a cure?"

"I??..." Although Ye Hao's words were harsh this time, it also made Chen Yanyan "shocked?" awake.

After turning into a corpse, Chen Yanyan forgot many memories of her life, but her IQ did not decline.

If Ye Hao really killed her, how could she be turned into a zombie to take revenge?

By convention, the controller of the corpse is basically the culprit who made the corpse.

This culprit will control the corpse to attack others, and it is impossible for the corpse to attack himself.

But Chen Yanyan has a big confusion now: why in her impression, Ye Hao killed her, but her master is Chen Dongkai?

Chen Yanyan felt that she was stealing a lump of paste in the bottle, she just stood there and didn't know what to do!

At this time, Ye Hao continued: "I won't say anything extra, think about it for yourself, how did you become a corpse!"

"Although most of the memories during your lifetime have been erased, I know you must still remember that you will be refined into a corpse!"

Chen Yanyan nodded dumbly and replied, "Of course I know that Chen Dongkai turned me into a corpse, but in my memory, you killed me!"

Ye Hao asked back: "Then the question is, after I kill you, you are a dead corpse and definitely not a beautiful corpse,

"Chen Dongkai knows that the corpse is an ominous thing, why did he refine you into a corpse?"

"He did this to give me a chance for revenge!"

"Hahaha!\" This time, Ye Hao couldn't help but burst into laughter, "I said you are really naive!\"

Even now, you still believe Chen Dongkai's nonsense, he has already refined you into a gorgeous corpse!

"Basically, it can be concluded that Chen Dongkai killed you, and then refined your corpse into a beautiful corpse. The refined corpse must be a girl who has just died. Before the corpse turns cold, you can immediately cast a magic spell to refine it. Come out to be a corpse!\"

"If I killed you, after Chen Dongkai found you, your corpse was already cold, how could you turn into a beautiful corpse?"

"Uh, me?..." At this moment, Chen Yanyan's thinking in her head became even more chaotic.

From a subjective point of view, she is more willing to believe Chen Dongkai, but now she has become a person who is not a ghost or a ghost, and the chaotic memory fragments in her head make her doubtful about Ye Hao's words.

At this time, half-belief is actually a good thing, at least she believed half of what Ye Hao said.

With Ye Hao's strength, it's not difficult to kill Chen Yanyan, but now what Ye Hao really wants to do is definitely not to kill, but to conquer these corpses and become his own help.

Let Ye Hao kill and refine corpses by himself, Ye Hao will definitely not do it!

But now Chen Yanyan and the four of them have been poisoned, and Chen Dongkai has refined them into beautiful corpses. Even with Ye Hao's strength, they cannot be resurrected.

Now that things have come to this point, it can only be left to nature.

Bring them under his command, and prevent them from poisoning the world.

Chen Yanyan fell into contemplation, sitting in place without roaring, while Ye Hao set up a tent at the entrance of the cave and continued to sleep.

An hour later, Chen Meimei and the others also woke up one after another.

The originally silent cave became restless once again.

Chen Meimei and the others still had to look for Ye Hao desperately, but Chen Yanyan wanted to stop them. The sisters were arguing in the cave. The scene was very chaotic for a while, until the end, when Ye Hao rushed to the scene, it was considered stable. stay in the situation.

This time, Ye Hao didn't reason with them in earnest, but said fiercely!

Anyone of you who wants to take revenge on me, come and do it, let me see how capable you are! \"

"Go to (Li Nuo's) to die!" Chen Meimei shouted, stretched out her sharp claws, and grabbed Ye Hao's neck.

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