MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 187

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"You can kill a chicken with a butcher's knife to deal with a small human being, why do you need to do it yourself, eldest brother?"

The ghost king of Quyuan glanced at the ghost king and said, "The ghost king of Quxue, now is the time for you to show your loyalty!"

"You went and killed Ye Hao's stumbling block yourself, and the ghost king of the province took the shot himself!"

The Blood Ghost King can explain: "Brother, calm down first and don't be impatient. As your subordinate, I should share your worries and solve problems for you, but I hope Big Brother can give me enough time to finish my words!" Hmm! 〃 The Ghost King of Quyuan waved his hand.

"For the sake of your sincerity, just say something!"

"Brother, I just watched the battle scene of Ye Hao's family, and I found that Ye Hao himself didn't take action!"

"It's just a few zombies under him who are against us!"

"There is no doubt that Ye Hao's own strength is much more powerful than those zombies. If we want to defeat Ye Hao, we must first consume some of his energy!"

"How to consume it?\" The ghost king of the Yuan Dynasty shouted loudly.

"Ye Hao's minions are very powerful!"

"These **** under our command, even a few minions under Ye Hao can't win, it's just...\"

As soon as he said this, the mood of the Ghost King Juyuan once again became extremely manic.

However, at this time, the ghost king's attitude was unusually calm!

He shook his head and said calmly:

"Brother, don't be too pessimistic. Although Ye Hao's minions are powerful, they also have a fatal flaw, that is, the number is too small!"

"I figured it out, there are only three of Ye Hao's most powerful thugs!"

"In addition, there are dozens of impoverished little devils, all of which are not worth mentioning!"

"Our previous attack also wiped out several of Ye Hao's younger brothers. If we launch a few more attacks, we will be able to eradicate all of Ye Hao's younger brothers!".

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Chapter 241: The Great Desire

"At that time, Ye Hao will have to do it himself!"

The remarks of the Pelican Ghost King made Quyuan Ghost King very tempted.

Seizing this opportunity, the Gill-blooded Ghost King increased his strength.

"Ye Hao's minions are at best seventy or eighty, but there are as many as tens of thousands of warriors under the Lord Ghost King!"

"Consume a wave of them, and we can easily win!"

"Okay, let's do it!\"

After a short period of thought, the Ghost King Zhuyuan accepted the proposal of the Ghost King Mi Xue.

He has a large number of goblins under his command, and he has a great chance of winning by playing the crowd tactics.

It is not impossible to directly send the ghost king up to attack Ye Hao. The key is that the ghost king under the Taiyuan Ghost King has already suffered a loss under Ye Hao.

Last time there were three ghost kings, two of them were killed by Ye Hao.

Now, even if the ghost king of Quyuan himself took the shot himself, he might not be able to take Ye Hao with full confidence.

For now, the only way to win is to rely on numerical superiority.

Although the ghost king of Quyuan is cruel and bloodthirsty, his IQ is not low. Of course, the Kuiyuan Ghost King may never have dreamed of it, but his current decision is completely in line with Ye Hao's appetite.

After Ma Yuzhen and the others obtained the whale swallowing secret technique, they could directly swallow the little devil to improve their own strength.

In addition, they are the bodies of zombies, which are almost comparable to perpetual motion machines, and they never know they are tired!

No matter how many little ghosts the ghost king of Quyuan sent, he would just send nourishment to Ye Hao, without any practical significance.

The fierce battle continued for three days and three nights, and Ye Hao's small courtyard was still standing in the ghostly atmosphere!

In these three days, Ma Yuzhen, Zhao Yan and Zhao Fang have all grown tremendously!

At the beginning, it took the three of them to join forces to stop the kid's charge.

On the third day, basically it only takes two people to join forces to fight the ghost tide, and the remaining one can go back to the house to rest for a while.

On the first day, Ye Hao stayed on the balcony and paid attention to the battle of the day.

On the second and third day, Ye Hao simply slept at was not in the mood to pay attention to the melee outside.

Ma Yuzhen and the others hunted the little ghosts, and while they were getting the benefits, they could also give back some system gold coins to Ye Hao!

Ye Hao now just needs to stay at home and count the money, and he can be as comfortable as he wants to be.

After fighting hard for three days, but still unable to take down Ye Hao's villa, the 18 Yuan Ghost King has completely lost his patience!

On this day, Jiyuan Ghost King finally made up his mind to kill Ye Hao, the madman, and completely conquer Xuecheng.

The ghost king of Yuyuan mobilized all of the dozen or so ghost kings he had recently cultivated, and then gathered hundreds of red-clothed ghosts, pressing them aggressively from all directions. \"Ye Hao, you madman who doesn't know how to live or die, how dare you fight against Lord Ghost King!"

"Master Ghost King is here, why don't you get out of here and die!"

As the lackey of the Taiyuan Ghost King, the Bloody Ghost King, of course, wanted to stand up as a **** and shouted at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao walked out slowly from the gate of the villa and said unhurriedly:

"The ghost king of Quyuan, right? I have no grudges with you in the past, and I have no grudges in the past. Why do you have to run up to them and find them uncomfortable?"

The Ghost King of Fun Blood refuted sternly: \"The arrogant boy, how dare you be so presumptuous in front of the Ghost King, and you don't have to kneel down and die!"

Ye Hao glanced at the Blood Ghost King and asked, "What are you?"

\"I am even the supreme ghost king of the ghostly abyss, the ghost king of the blood!\"

Ye Hao asked again: "The **** ghost king? Since you are the supreme ghost king of the ghostly abyss, is the Zhuyuan ghost king your younger brother?"

"You..." The Blood Ghost King hurriedly explained, \"I and Quyuan Ghost King are brothers in love, regardless of each other!"

"Humph!\" The ghost king of the Yuan Dynasty snorted directly.

The ghost king of Quyuan snorted coldly, and the body of the ghost king of the blood was trembling, and his face turned pale!

Just now, the Blood Ghost King said that he was the supreme ghost king in the abyss of ghost energy, and he obviously had "heart of not being a minister", which made Jiyuan Ghost King very dissatisfied.

However, the ghost king of Tiyuan is not a completely brainless stunner, he also has a very high IQ!

Miyuan Ghost King deeply understands that this time is definitely not the time to be troubled by Nei Liao, Ye Hao is his biggest enemy!

0??For flowers...

Therefore, although the Taibuchi Ghost King was extremely angry in his heart, he still pressed his anger back into his stomach and did not vent it out.

The Ghost King Quyuan waved at the group of ghosts behind him, and hundreds of red-clothed ghosts from behind immediately rushed up and charged into the courtyard.

Ma Yuzhen and the three of them dealt with the red-clothed ghosts in the courtyard, while Ye Hao directly killed the Jiyuan ghost king.

"Learn to kill the ghost formation!" The ghost king of Quyuan shouted angrily, and immediately summoned the ghost kings under his command to set up a ghost formation to block Ye Hao.

The ghost king of Quyuan knew that Ye Hao was powerful, and two ghost kings were planted in Ye Hao's hands last time.

This time, the ghost king of Yuyuan will directly use his killer copper to kill Ye Hao, so as not to have many dreams at night.


I have to say that the idea of ​​the ghost king Uyuan is very good, and the execution ability is also very good!

It's a pity that he still underestimated Ye Hao's fighting power after all!

He thought that he could kill Ye Hao in seconds by setting up a lore-killing ghost formation, but in fact, the killer copper trick in Ye Hao's hands was completely unexpected to him.

Seeing that the opposing team was extremely sturdy, Ye Hao didn't hesitate, and directly sacrificed his new magic weapon: Bright Heart Pearl!

The lore-killing ghost formation suddenly attacked, and suddenly a dazzling white light burst out with Ye Hao as the center, like a nuclear bomb explosion, directly charging the dark night sky with complete electricity.

The extremely powerful white light devoured the ghost energy in the surrounding space with the momentum of the wind and the remnants!

The lore-killing ghost formation was built on ghost qi. After the ghost qi was swallowed by the Bright Heart Pearl, the power of the lore-killing ghost formation was naturally greatly weakened. Ye Hao broke through the ghost formation effortlessly and killed the ghost king of Quyuan.

"You are courting death!"

The ghost king of Quyuan felt a huge shame, and her current mood was completely runaway!

He opened his mouth and spat out a pitch-black cloud, which smashed towards Ye Hao's face.

Ye Hao held the obvious bead in his hand, and smashed it towards Yun Tuan with a ruthless fist.

"Boom" came a loud noise.

"The thunderous black cloud was slapped to the ground by Ye Hao's slap.

System: Congratulations to the host for successfully harvesting the Ghost King Spirit, with a lucky red envelope of 100,000 system coins! Ding.

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Chapter 242: The Ghost Forest

Ghost King Soul... The Ghost King Soul I harvested last time, Ye Hao couldn't see what it was, and was directly hacked by the system.

This time, the ghost king's soul finally fell into Ye Hao's hands.

The ghost king's soul contains powerful ghost qi, which can be directly absorbed and refined to improve Ye Hao's cultivation.

However, Ye Hao didn't have much interest in this ghost king's spirit. The reason is very simple:

The energy in the ghost king's soul contains extremely strong negative resentment, and these things will make people's characters extremely manic!

Therefore, Ye Hao intends to hand over the Ghost King's Soul Essence to Ma Yuzhen, who will absorb and refine it, so that the way of his own cultivation can be a little more advanced!

The ghost king of Zhuyuan originally planned to attack Ye Hao with his ghost spirit, but he did not expect that Ye Hao not only blocked his spirit attack, but also directly took away his ghost spirit "570\" . "No..." After the ghost spirit was taken away, the body of the Navel Abyss Ghost King quickly faded and dissipated!

In the end, after a mournful and mournful scream, the Ghost King Yuyuan completely disappeared from this world.

"It's not good, the ghost king was killed by him, everyone quickly withdraw!"

The Ghost King of Fun Blood found that the Ghost King Taiyuan had been killed in seconds, so he turned around and ran away, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Forget it, don't chase it!" Ma Yuzhen and the others wanted to chase after the victory, but Ye Hao stopped them.

Ye Hao said in a deep voice: "The ghost king of the body abyss has been killed, and the little ghosts in the abyss of ghosts will not be able to become a climate!"

Now if we directly kill the abyss of ghosts, this large group of evil ghosts will have to flee in confusion!

"Evil ghosts escaped from the abyss of ghostly energy, it will not be easy for us to find them again!"

"It's better to let them return to the abyss of ghosts, you can go to the abyss of ghosts every day, and there will definitely be good harvests!"

"Uh..." Zhao Yan stuck out her tongue and sighed.

"Boss, are you trying to make the abyss of ghosts our breeding farm?"

Ye Hao shook his head and sighed: "There's no such thing as a farm, the point is that it's a good thing for us to do this!"

"There are probably tens of thousands of ghosts in the abyss of ghosts!"

"If this large group of evil spirits are allowed to escape, it will cause serious disaster to the world!"

"Let them stay in the abyss of ghosts, and many innocent people can be spared!"

"This is really a good way to kill two birds with one stone!" Zhao Yan said happily.

"The outside world is safe, and we also have stable cultivation resources. In the future, my cultivation will definitely skyrocket like a rocket!"

"Come on, you!" Ma Yuzhen retorted with a blank look at Zhao Yan.

"You stinky girl is too eager for quick success!"

"The boss has given us such a great benefit. If you don't thank the boss first, you are thinking about your own interests!"

Unexpectedly, this time Zhao Yan did not talk back to Ma Yuzhen, but shifted her soft gaze to Ye Hao:

"Of course I want to thank Brother Ye Hao!"

"It's just that now I belong to Brother Ye Hao, whether it's my body or my soul.

I really can't come up with anything else to repay brother Ye Hao's deep friendship! "

"Hahaha!\" Ye Hao shook his head and laughed,

Read The Duke's Passion