MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 185

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But Ye Hao definitely couldn't really do that. Ma Yuzhen and the others were now zombies, dispelling the corpse poison in their bodies.

They couldn't maintain a zombie state, and they became a corpse. This was definitely not what Ye Hao wanted to see.

"Ding, spend 500 system coins and successfully buy a bright heart bead!\"

After squandering a large sum of money, Ye Hao finally got his wish and got the treasure.

This thing looks like an ordinary glass ball.

However, in the core of the glass ball, there is a bright red light.

After Mingxinzhu was purchased, it was a treasure that had the same spiritual connection with Ye Hao's "five sixty-three" spirit. As long as Ye Hao's mind moved, the effect of Mingxinzhu could be fully activated in an instant, causing a fatal attack on the enemy. The sky gradually darkened, and Zhao Yan became restless again.

"Master, are we going to the abyss of ghosts to hunt ghosts tonight?"

"No need!" Ye Hao waved his hand and said, "We'll fix it for a while recently!\"

"The matter of the ghostly abyss, let's talk about it in a few days!"

"Everyone seize this opportunity to improve their own strength, of course??.??. You can also relax appropriately."

Zhao Fang asked, "Master, I want to practice with you, can I?"

\"And me!" Zhao Yan was also the first to stick to Ye Hao.

Ma Yuzhen strode forward, pushed Zhao Fang and Zhao Yan aside, and drank very domineeringly: "You two little girls go back on vacation, I will take care of my wife these two days!"

Ye Hao asked coldly, "Ma Yuzhen, don't you go back to Yangri Town and visit Lingling?"

"Lingling...\" Ma Yuzhen couldn't help frowning, "If you don't say anything, I'll really forget her!\"

"I really should.... Forget it!" Halfway through her words, she suddenly changed her tune: "I'd better not visit her!"

"I finally got rid of this girl. If I go back now, if she sticks to me again, I'm afraid she won't be able to get rid of it!"

"Right!" Ma Yuzhen suggested.

"If the boss is free, please send someone to Yangri Town and take a picture of Lingling for me to see. I will be satisfied!"

"It's simple, just let Zhao Yan take a trip tomorrow!"

Having said that, Ye Hao gave Ma Yuzhen an admiring look.

Ye Hao asked Ma Yuzhen to go back to Yangri Town to visit Ma Lingling, essentially trying to test Ma Yuzhen's mind in this way.

See if she can completely give up her nostalgia for Ma Lingling, it can be seen that Ma Yuzhen still can't let go, but in the end she successfully defeated herself.

This is very important, at least Ye Hao doesn't have to worry about Ma Yuzhen disturbing Ma Lingling's normal life in the future.

Although Ma Lingling had half of her soul taken away, she was still alive in essence.

If Ma Yuzhen keeps a distance from her, she will not be invaded by the corpse breath on Ma Yuzhen's body, and will gradually become a normal person.

In the next few days, Ye Hao let the sisters Zhao Fang and Zhao Yan move freely, while Ma Yuzhen retreated and cultivated to improve her own strength.

Zhao Yan took time to go to Yangri Town and took a few photos for Ma Yuzhen. Ma Yuzhen was very satisfied with Ma Lingling's current situation.

On the other hand, Mo Bei also completed the house transaction procedure in a hurry. The 50 million yuan housing payment was successively handed over to Ye Hao, and the property rights of the house were once again returned to him. However, Mo Bei was not happy for a few days, so he started to feel worried again.

The ghost qi that was spreading wildly in the abyss of ghost qi was blocked and shrunk for a while, and then suddenly became manic again.

More than ten kilometers outside the snow city, ghosts once again make up for the sky and the sun.

In Xuecheng, the atmosphere that had just eased became anxious and tense again.

The last time I bought a house, I suffered a big loss. Of course, this time Mo Bei would not be in a hurry to sell his assets and escape from Xuecheng.

Mo Bei is waiting for a miracle to appear, hoping that when he wakes up one day, the ghostly spirit in the sky will suddenly subside again.

The ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny.

The miraculous phenomenon that Mo Bei was looking forward to has not been able to appear, on the contrary, there are fewer and fewer residents in the snow city.

The ghosts outside the city covered the sky and the sun, the people in the city were frightened, and there were many ghosts. At this time, the only person who can keep calm is probably Ye Hao..

On this night, the ghostly atmosphere that covered the sky and the sun outside the city was less than one kilometer away from Snow City.

Standing on the high-rise buildings in the snow city, you can see the madly raging goblins outside the city.

The ghost general took the initiative to ask Ye Hao to fight:

"Master, the little devils in the abyss of ghosts are really too wild and have seriously affected your tranquility. I hope that the master will allow me to destroy these madmen!"

"Yeah!\" Ye Hao nodded and replied, "We will set up a checkpoint 500 meters outside the city to prevent ghosts from entering the city and ruining life!\"

Ma Yuzhen asked: \"Anyway, those ghosts are not our opponents, why don't we set the level farther away!"

"Is the distance of 500 meters a little too hasty? What if the ghosts fill the city?"

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice: "With the strength of the few of us, no matter where we set up a card to intercept it, it is impossible to stop all the ghosts from invading!"

"We can only block the edge of the ghost abyss invasion and block their attack momentum!"

"Even now, some ghosts have already sneaked into the city, we can only focus on defense!"

"Yes!\" Zhao Yan followed along and said,

"The matter of ghost qi invading Xuecheng is no longer a secret. Ordinary people have already run away from 1.2, and those who are still willing to stay are those who have the means!"

"Yeah!" Ye Hao waved his hand, "Let's get started!\"

With Ye Hao's order, Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan can go outside the city to set up a checkpoint to block the ghost invasion.

Ye Hao asked Zhao Fang to form the second line of defense with a dozen or so little ghosts under her command. The ghost general stayed by Ye Hao's side and formed the second line of defense. Although there are three lines of defense, Ye Hao's line of defense density is too sparse.

It is impossible to completely block the invasion of ghosts, and it can only block some powerful evil ghosts in a targeted manner!

However, this is enough for Ye Hao!

The spread of ghost qi must form a "momentum" in order to have a strong lethality!

Ye Hao only needs to cut off a little bit, that's enough! ?

Lei I*

Chapter 238: I don't like to joke

As long as one point is blocked from the spread of Devil May Cry, the spreading momentum cannot be formed!

According to the Ghost King's thoughts, today night, he will use the ghost energy to cover the entire Snow City, turning all the people in the city into ghosts. However, this is only his wishful thinking.

Since Ye Hao has already made his move, he must stop the spread of ghost qi.

If the Kuiyuan Ghost King must invade Xuecheng, then a fierce battle is inevitable.

Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan set up checkpoints outside the city to prevent the spread of ghosts.

Soon, a large number of evil spirits surrounded them.

Standing in Ye Hao's position, you can only see Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan in the boundless ghost energy, completely disappeared. However, Ye Hao was able to sense Zhao Yan's presence, and it was still very strong.

As long as the powerhouses at the level of ghost kings didn't take action in person, no matter how many ordinary little ghosts there were, there was nothing they could do about them.

After Ma Yuzhen and the others were surrounded by ghosts, a large number of little ghosts attacked Zhao Fang's second line of defense.


The defensive power of the second release line is not strong, but the main target of most Specter's attacks is the first line of defense.

Before the first line of defense is broken, the attack power encountered by the second line of defense will be very limited.

As for the three lines of defense that Ye Hao was in, they were only harassed by a few little devils!

The fierce battles continued for a whole night, and the nails on the defense line were still standing.

In this night's dust battle, Ye Hao received more than 1,500 system coins as a reward for killing ghosts.

For a whole night, the Specters who came out to harass were just ordinary little ghosts, and not even a single ghost king appeared.

When it was almost dawn, Ye Hao ordered Ma Yuzhen and the others to leave the line of defense and go home to rest.

The best time for ghosts to spread is at night. Under normal circumstances, they will choose to be on the defensive during the day.

But this time, the ghost invasion was met with fierce resistance at the periphery of Syracuse, and the invasion became extremely difficult.

Therefore, after Ye Hao ordered the retreat, the Ghost King directly ordered the attack to advance.

In this way, the ghost energy slowly approached Xuecheng in broad daylight.

Ghost qi spreads very slowly during the day, only about 150 meters per hour on average.

But even this slow pace, if unchecked, will soon devour Syracuse completely.

Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan, both of whom have steel and iron bones, can kill in a group of enemies, but ordinary people don't have the ability. The ghost qi invaded, and the last group of people in the city who were watching and watching also evacuated one after another.

At this time, Ye Hao fell asleep at home, as if everything that happened outside had nothing to do with him.

As it approached noon, he hurriedly found Ye Hao!

"What, are you going to sell me the house?"

After Mo Bei expressed his intention, Ye Hao was shocked.

"Mr. Mo Bei, the joke you made with me is not funny at all, Xuecheng is about to end, what do I want your house for!" Mo Bei replied with a sad face: "Mr. Ye, you should I don’t know, this ghost anger comes and goes quickly, and there are already a large number of ghost hunters who are ready to prepare!” “It won’t be long before these ghosts raging outside Snow City will be wiped out!”

"At that time, Xuecheng will be sunny again, and this house will still be a rare commodity in your hands!"

"Come on!\" Ye Hao waved his hands repeatedly.

"I definitely won't want this house again, go to whomever you like!"

Mo Bei wanted to say something else, but Ye Hao shouted loudly: \"Send off!\"

Zhao Yan could walk into the house and forcibly pushed Mo Bei out of the door.

After being forcibly pushed out by Zhao Yan, Mo Bei focused his attention on Zhao Yan again.

"Sister Zhao Yan, why don't I sell this house to you!"

"Go, go, go!" Zhao Yan said angrily.

"Don't deceive me because I'm a little girl, I warn you to get out of my way, and if you continue to gossip, I'll kill you!"

"Haha!" Mo Bei bit the bullet and explained, "Sister Zhao Yan, you misunderstood, I really want to sell the house!"

"Are you sincere?" Zhao Yan replied with a sneer.

"Since you really want to sell the house, the last time you sold the house to our boss, why did you buy it back so shamelessly!"

Mo Bei's old face was extremely red, but he continued:

"What happened last time was purely an accident!"

"According to my own opinion, the water spilled from the things I sold!"

"The key is my wife. She is very nostalgic. She really can't let go of this house. I can't help it!"

"What does this have to do with me?" Zhao Yan asked with a cold face.

"Get out of here right now, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Xiao Yanyan, don't be so irritable, I'll sell this house to you at a cheap price!"

"And I promise, even if my wife regrets it afterwards, I will restrain her from making a fool of herself!"

Zhao Yan said in a condensed voice, "Your house is indeed quite nice, but I really don't have any money!"

"I'm just a little girl, I don't have any savings in my pocket, and I still consume a lot of money. I really have no money now!"

"Hahaha!" Mo Bei laughed loudly, "I can sell a house worth 80 million to you now for 40 million?"

567 "Go back and wait for the ghosts to recede, then you can sell it again, and you can make a lot of money right away!"

cowardly! \" Zhao Yan gave Mo Bei a cold look, and said angrily, "I don't even have 4 million, how can I have 40 million! \"

\"Then how much money do you have?"

"I only have one million in my body!"

"Go to Ye Hao to borrow some money, and I will sell this house to you for 5 million!"

"Go away!\" Zhao Yan was ruthless again, and directly issued a eviction order to Mo Bei.

Unexpectedly, Mo Bei gritted his teeth and shouted: "1 million is 1 million, the house will be sold to you!"

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