MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 166

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0??For flowers...

Scholar, Fatty and Ye Hao are all hot topics of discussion.

"Revelation" recently opened an official account online, claiming the scholar and the fat man.

Netizens know the identities of the scholar and the fat man, but Ye Hao's identity is still a mystery.

Especially Ye Hao's performance in the live broadcast is the most prominent, so everyone's desire to know his identity is more urgent.

But no matter what method was used, there was no way to find any information about Ye Hao.

Cao Chao never thought that the reporter would ask this question at such a press conference.

And a group of reporters below looked at him expectantly.

Cao Chao cleared his throat, but felt that this question was sharper than all the previous questions, and it was difficult to answer.

Cao Chao: "He...

Is a brave hero! "

There was an uproar underneath.

Not from a special department? !

Compared with the "revelation", the special office seems to be a little bad.

Listening to the movement below, Cao Chao tried his best to calm down, and continued to say with a serious face: "There are still many powerful aliens hidden in this world.

There are also many ordinary people who do not have the ability to awaken.

But our special office has the same attitude towards these people - as long as you are right with the Specter, you are a hero! "

"This world needs all of us to defend together!"

There was a tidal wave of applause from below.

Cao Chao silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

The masked woman returned to the headquarters of "Revelation", and the first thing she did was to have someone call up Yun Zhongjun's IP address. When the assistant heard this, he hesitated.

"We have a good reputation because there has never been a user information leakage incident. If this incident is exposed, I'm afraid..."

The assistant did not continue to speak.

Because the masked woman's face was already very dark and ugly.

The masked woman slapped the table hard.

The assistant shuddered.

Only to hear the masked woman shout angrily:

"I asked you to give the address, not to come to threaten him!

Is to give gifts, is to apologize!

understand? ! "

The assistant nodded in fear, "I understand, I understand." Ding.


Chapter 207: Looking for ghosts on the Internet, the truth behind [Subscribe]

Ye Hao didn't care about the outside world.

But the eyes of the outside world are focused on all the aliens who have appeared in the live broadcast.

The video is spreading more and more widely.

People who often go online have already watched videos on various social platforms.

After that, the video began to circulate through chat software.

In the end, people who don't have mobile phones can see the edited live video from other people's mobile phones.

Cui's father and Cui's mother are getting old.

The mobile phone used is still an old one, which is usually only used for making calls.

When things first started to ferment, they didn't even know what was going on.

As they get older, they care less and less about the outside world.

They have a daughter under their knees.

I'm in my early thirties this year.

This daughter was born when the two were in their forties.

Loved since childhood.

The two old people "May Four Seven" are almost eighty years old this year.

The loess has been buried to the neck, and it is open to everything.

But there is one thing that has always been the knot of the two old people—a

On this day, the daughter brought the child to the house for dinner.

The older one is a boy from a daughter and an ex-husband.

Some time ago, my daughter found a new boyfriend and was pregnant with another.

Because the preparations for the wedding were in a hurry, and the daughter was unwilling to perfunctory, the child in the womb was already seven months old, and the wedding of the two would not be held until a week later.

The relationship between the daughter and the two elderly people has been close since childhood.

After dinner this time, her daughter Cui Nianying sat on the sofa with her mother Cui as usual.

Cui Nianying suddenly remembered something, rummaged for her mobile phone, and brought it to Mother Cui.

"Mom, it has recently been officially confirmed that there are ghosts in this world. You should be careful from now on! If something is wrong, call the police first!" Mother Cui glanced at her daughter with a smile.

"Ghost? Why do you still believe this?"

Cui Nianying had already guessed that her mother would not believe it, so she clicked on the video that had been prepared on her mobile phone.

"Hey, look at this, this is a real video! You will believe it after watching it!"

The video prepared by Cui Nianying is one of the most viewed clips on the Internet.

Edited all the scenes where Specter appeared.

Of course, Ye Hao didn't let go of the classic scene where Ye Hao released the female ghost in red to kill the group of ghosts in seconds.

Mother Cui looked at it suspiciously. As the video played, Mother Cui's expression became heavier and heavier.

In the end, it became unbelievable, and even his lips trembled with excitement.

When Cui Nianying saw Mother Cui's expression, she knew that her mother must believe it.

She also comforted Mother Cui: "Mom, don't be afraid, there is a special office to protect us, as long as we don't take the initiative to join some weird things, there is a high probability that nothing will happen. And Mother Cui didn't seem to hear what she said, He took away her mobile phone, staggered, and walked towards Father Cui, who was reading the newspaper on the balcony.

"Old Cui, old Cui! Look at it!"

Father Cui raised his heavy eyelids and looked at her suspiciously.

"What are you doing, old woman yelling?"

Mother Cui ignored Father Cui's bad temper and stumbled and put the phone in front of him.

Seeing that Mother Cui's eyes were already red with excitement, Father Cui cast his eyes on the screen of the mobile phone doubtfully.

Father Cui's expression changed from bewilderment to shock, and finally he was so excited that he breathed heavily and stood up abruptly.

Seeing the reactions of the two old people, Cui Nianying realized that things seemed a little different from what she imagined.

She walked to the two old people and asked suspiciously, "Mom and Dad, what are you?... What's the matter?"

Mother Cui grabbed Cui Nianying's hand and finally couldn't hold back her tears.

She choked out:

"Nianying, the girl in red in the video is your sister!"

Cui Nianying was stunned on the spot.

Cui Nianying has known since childhood.

My name is based on my sister's name.

Nianying, reading Yingying, naturally misses Yingying.

Her sister, Cui Yinyin, was kidnapped on the train to college.

In the end, it went to where it was sold, and no one knows.

Cui's father and Cui's mother had her so late, also because they spent too many years looking for Cui Yinyin.

After completely losing hope, Cui's father and Cui's mother gave up in tears and had her. But who would have thought that when she saw her legendary sister, it would be like this.

Mother Cui looked at Cui Yingying in the video, tears could not stop falling.

"Yingying still looks like when she was young..."

Cui Yingying also looked like this at the beginning.

After so many years, nothing has changed.

This is all because Cui Yingying has become a ghost?  …

Mother Cui was distraught: "What happened to Yingying back then.."

Father Cui turned his head and quietly wiped away his tears.

Although Cui Yingying has become a ghost.

But in the hearts of Cui's father and Cui's mother, Cui Yingying is still their daughter.

The first thing they thought of was the tragic experience of their daughter.

Cui Nianying sympathized with her sister, who she had never met.

And she read popular science online.

The red-clothed ghosts all died with great resentment.

Seeing the elderly parents cry, Cui Nianying suggested:

"Otherwise, if I post a missing person notice on the Internet, maybe my sister will see it?"

"It's been so many years... a little more hope is good, right?"

After Cui Yingying finished cooking recently, her biggest hobby was surfing the Internet. Don't do anything else, just keep searching for videos about yourself.

Enjoy your handsome appearance in the video.

On this day, Cui Yingying swiped a strange Weibo.

"Looking for the female ghost in red in the video, you can privately message me if you have any information... Cui Yingying read it word by word, but found that she couldn't understand it. Why does one person specifically look for a ghost?

With this curiosity, Cui Yingying privately messaged the woman who posted Weibo. The woman responded quickly.

It is said that the female ghost in red in the video is her own sister, and her parents have been looking for her for 1.2 years, so they had no choice but to think of this method. Cui Yingying asked for some more information and found that every one of them was correct!

This is really my own sister and parents looking for themselves!

Cui Yingying cried out with excitement, found Ye Hao, and told him about it.

Ye Hao looked at the chat records of the two and lifted his eyelids.

"Want to get married?"

Cui Yingying's scalp tightened, and she said quickly.

"Master, don't get me wrong! Yingying is loyal to you, she just wants to see her family for the last time.

People and ghosts have different ways, I understand! "

Frightened by Ye Hao, Cui Yingying didn't even feel excited to find her family.

Ye Hao nodded.

Read The Duke's Passion