MTL - Reincarnation Paradise-v94 Chapter 22 : calculate

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There is a faint light on the teleportation array, and the "Destroyer Teleportation Array" that has not been activated, not only looks particularly stable, but also looks harmless to humans and animals, but the daughter of nature, Eluklu, has a bit of eyes hesitate.

"Are you sure the teleportation array is fine?"

Eluklu's brows were tightly frowned, she obviously has a certain spatial attainment. "After a lot of practice, no problem."

"It's still... Forget it, see you in the dungeon of the Northern Continent."

Eluklu turned around and floated away. Seeing this scene, he secretly felt sorry. The space note he had already held in his hand seemed useless. He originally wanted to record the teleportation shock wave.


The surrounding space exploded into shattered crystals. When the shattered crystals healed again, the surrounding scene was completely different. This is a mansion in a dungeon.

The original luxurious decoration is now in disarray, the walls are full of cracks, it looks like it was affected by the impact of a strong explosion, and then some bandits or scavengers came here and took all the valuable things here. Go, and even the relatively intact marble slabs on the ground were taken down and transported away.

Walking out of the building that was on the verge of collapse, Su Xiao found that the building that was originally standing in the center of the dungeon

The spiral cross at the place was knocked down, which is the symbol of the dark **** religion in this world, and a skull flag is erected right now, which is a local scavenger.

The reason why the scavenger’s flag is so pirate-like is that the dungeon is located in a special geographical location. To the south is the sky wall in the dark zone, to the northwest is an ancient tower, and to the north is the "dead city". The light area is not too far away, resulting in many low-intensity dark spreading areas in the surrounding area of ​​the dungeon.

The dungeon scavengers have already explored the relatively safe area around them. They can only go to the relatively safe east sea to explore isolated islands.

The current situation is that because the dark bishop Bohewa in the dusk city was assassinated by the owl, the dungeon far away in the northern continent soon fell into a state of leaderless dragons. What's even more strange is that it is a cancer in other worlds The dark **** sect of ordinary forces, the branch on Lieyang star was actually wiped out by the local scavenger forces.

What's even more amazing than this is that this scavenger faction has shown confidence against the Dark God Cult. They feel that the level of first-class forces is just that, which makes them decide to go all out and go to the Southern Continent and the Soul Academy to grab territory.

It can only be said that this scavenger faction is somewhat rational, and did not choose to start a war against Twilight City. In addition, the scavenger faction also knows that it is not suitable to stay in the North Continent for a long time. For the land of creatures, go to the Southern Continent, where the Human Race and the Sun God Race are more dominant.

In addition, Su Xiao also saw that many lower-level officials from Twilight City came here. There are several million residents in the dungeon. For the entire Twilight City, this population is not too large, but for an individual in Twilight City For urban areas, this population size is particularly important.

Twilight City has more than 100 urban areas, and the size of the entire city is much larger than the area occupied by a country in the ninth-order world, which also makes it difficult for the entire Twilight City to

Management, coupled with various historical issues left over from the war with ancient dragons and flying dragons, at this stage Twilight City is a mixed way of governing by aristocratic system + official system.

To put it simply, the Sun King Ashlot is at the top of power, and below him are the old nobleman Augustus, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Hebertha, and the leader of the Sun Warrior.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Hei Bertha, is a serious and rigorous old lady. It is at least two of her achievements that Twilight City has survived to this day.

The leader of the Sun Warriors is in the inner city. It is more intuitive to say that the Sun Warriors are like the personal guards of the Lieyang Kings, and the leader of the Sun Warriors is the captain of the personal guards. How much will the Lieyang Kings trust him? He can imagine.

The last old aristocrat Augustus, the entire old aristocratic system was stabilized by him. The old aristocrats had two levels, the great nobles and the nobles. The great nobles could not be hereditary, but could only be passed on to blood relatives. It is worth noting that, In Twilight City, cousins ​​are also blood relatives, but they are not direct blood relatives.

In the entire Twilight City, the outer urban area occupies more than 90% of the area, and is divided into 125 urban areas in total. Each urban area is managed by a big nobleman and a financial officer. Among them, the big nobleman is naturally led by the old nobleman O Gus is under the control, as for the finance officer, it is directly under the management of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Hebertha.

Under the big nobles and financial officials in a city, there are a large number of officials, big and small. The officials who come to the dungeon are basically those city officials with a small number of residents in the city. The big nobles behind them all come from them. Before, I gave an approximate number of people. If we can't get so many residents back, even if it's not a dereliction of duty, the future will be bleak.

Based on the current situation of the dungeon, it won't be long before it becomes a fortress city with a population of only a few hundred thousand. It will be used as a gathering place for adventurers or a supply city. At that time, there will be many adventures that will cost money who, from the pioneers of the Southern Continent

Fortress, teleport to the dungeon, and use it as a starting point to explore the resources and wealth of the Northern Continent. Of course, this will be accompanied by the risk of being swallowed by the weirdness and darkness of the Northern Continent to the point that there are not even bones left.

It is conceivable that a large amount of resources will first arrive at the dungeon at that time, and then use the space transmission channel to pass through the pioneer fortress and reach the dusk city. This will undoubtedly inject a large amount of resources into the dusk city, which has almost exhausted the resources of the southern continent fresh blood.

Thinking about it this way, the dark bishop Bohewa, who was the lord of the dungeon, died at the right time. Thinking about the cause of this guy's death carefully, when Su Xiao first entered this world, he planned to conspire with the dark bishop Bohewa. Twilight City supported an agent to intervene in Twilight City's system of power holders.

The actual operation went smoothly. Both the dark bishop Berhewa and the former nobleman Albers were sent to Twilight City by Su Xiao. They also provided a good enough start and a secret medicine that can prolong life. For those old people who are dying As far as the nobles are concerned, they are simply irresistible.

But who knew, after arriving at Twilight City, the dark bishop, Berhewa, turned his back not long after, and joined the old nobles.

This is the method of the old aristocrat Augustus. Facing Su Xiao's conspiracy before, the old aristocrat Augustus also found it difficult. He can curb the greed of his nobles, but he can't suppress the desire of some dying old guys to live. Once he uses brute force to suppress his desire, without Su Xiao intervening behind the scenes, those old nobles who are dying will make Augustus the target of public criticism.

The way for Augustus to break the situation is to win over the weakest point in this conspiracy first, that is, the dark bishop Berhewa who is the lord of the dungeon. For the guy who dominates the dungeon in the Northern Continent, of course Augustus I understand, and I know that the other party is already in Twilight City.

He bought a mansion in the city and sent his family here.

Facing Augustus's wooing, the dark bishop Bohewa agreed without any hesitation, and he thought it was true. Compared with the law-destroyer who had just entered this world, the dark bishop Bohewa was of course more willing to cooperate with the famous big shots in this world. The leader of the aristocracy, Augustus, cooperated, but Su Xiao did not lower his aura of wisdom. After cooperating with the dark bishop, Berkhwa, he would let the other party abandon his interests and be inexplicably loyal to him.

After successfully wooing the dark bishop Berhewa, Augustus didn't immediately find the former nobleman Albers who Su Xiao was going to act as an agent. The old guy was keenly aware that the person who came this time didn't seem to be here to plot something It's more like that during the period of achieving the goal, it is really impossible to get around the Twilight City, so they came up with this conspiracy. It stands to reason that the person who can do this kind of thing should have a more complete, more extreme, and more difficult plan to deal with. right

Just after confirming this point, Augustus had a smile on his face when he met Su Xiao. The two parties were very friendly throughout the negotiation. It was not that the two parties had a good temper, but that they had already confronted each other secretly, and they both felt that the other party was difficult to deal with. Simply become a collaborator.

It has to be said that the old fox is the old fox. Augustus not only got rid of the relatively unstable dark bishop, but also successfully reached a cooperation with Su Xiao, and became the exclusive provider of "nourishing secret medicine" to manage the old nobles more stably The nobles of the faction also made the Northern Continent Dungeon, which was originally a threat from the twilight layer, gradually become a gathering place for adventurers, using the rich resources of the Northern Continent to solve the problem of increasingly scarce resources in the Southern Continent.

The old fox Augustus has seen through these layers. At least based on the current situation, he seems to be stronger than Su Xiao in terms of old yin beep, but there is a problem that Su Xiao sent the dark bishop to Twilight City. Probe and test, to test whether Augustus can understand the benefits and whether he can be a collaborator.

After confirming that Augustus saw the value of killing the dark bishop, Su Xiao decisively put the dark bishop to death. In order to be sure, he even used one of Xiao's three promises. You know, Xiao is the strongest assassin , and more importantly, Baja has the ability to assassinate the dark bishop, but the success rate is not 100%.

Entrusting Xiao to assassinate the dark bishop seemed to be an operation of cannons to fight mosquitoes before, but now it seems that it is more like seeking stability.

Su Xiao looked at the skeleton flag in the center of the dungeon. The so-called scavenger forces are most likely secretly supported by the old nobleman Augustus of Twilight City. This is exactly what Su Xiao wants to see. Continent fights against powerful enemies, the intensity is high, he can withstand it in terms of combat power and will, but he can't stand it in terms of resource consumption, and finding a way to drag Twilight City into the water is the best way to solve this problem.

Right now, I have to deal with the Knight Commander of the High Tower, and I can't see the shortage of resources. Afterwards, I have to deal with the powerful enemy located in the northernmost part of the Northern Continent, the Dark Moon Nightmare. Without sufficient preparation, entering the nightmare area will undoubtedly lead to death .

If you want to be fully prepared, the consumption of all kinds of rare resources must be indispensable. Not to mention, the "aromatic crystal fat" that curbs the nightmarish infection of the spirit requires tons of raw materials to be refined per gram.

There is only Twilight City in this world that can have such a stock of raw materials. As for why Twilight City supports Su Xiao to go to "Dark Moon Nightmare", it is far from enough to complete the "Trial of the King" as a representative of Twilight City Yes, fortunately, Su Xiao already has the means to force Twilight City to help him. Right now, letting Twilight City eat the dungeon is the bait to achieve this plan.

Seeing the dignitaries of the Twilight City swallow the bait of the dungeon in one gulp and savor it deliciously, Su Xiao is very pleased.

Old Fox Augustus didn't see that, and that's one of the smartest things about Augustus.

Point, he saw it, but pretended not to know anything, this old fox now hates Su Xiao for being too ruthless, this plan using the dungeon as bait, if Augustus prevents the old noble camp from swallowing this bait, he will It is tantamount to standing on the opposite side of the interests of all nobles.

Without staying too much in the dungeon, Su Xiao and his party entered the misty forest after leaving the city. The trees in the forest were withered and not dead, and their bark was black, giving people a dark and gloomy feeling.

In such an environment, the daughter of nature, Elukelu, was always vigilant. To her surprise, the Su Xiao team headed by Su Xiao seemed to have no experience in exploring dangerous places, and moved forward quickly. She was a little surprised. Under normal circumstances, people in the Paradise camp have combat experience and experience in exploring dangerous places. Right now, Su Xiao's team looks like novices with no experience in exploring dangerous places.

"Aren't we moving too fast?"

When Eluklu spoke, it could be seen that her emotional intelligence was quite high, and she didn't directly say that Su Xiao's team didn't have the experience and prudence to explore dangerous places.

"Why... why are you walking so slowly?" Baja looked at Aluklu suspiciously.

"The Northern Continent is the territory of monsters. After straying into their territory..."

Eluke said half of what he said, and he couldn't continue. The reason is that the one-eyed strange demon entrenched in this area, after sensing Su Xiao's blood, chose to escape from this area temporarily.

This made Eluklu think why the Su Xiao team, who was born in the Paradise camp, seems to have no experience in exploration. This is not inexperienced, but has too much experience. marching,

The monsters encountered along the way, if you can't run away, kill the treasure chest, and ignore the monsters that run away

The Northern Continent is full of dangers, but one problem is that with Su Xiao's current combat power, after he comes to the Northern Continent, it is not him who will face danger, but instead, he will also become one of the sources of danger in the Northern Continent.

Those strange monsters, moon beasts, wild beasts, etc., after sensing Su Xiao's blood, the first reaction is definitely not that there are people entering their territory, but thinking that there are more powerful monsters passing by, so let's bear with this wave. No shame.

The team's marching speed became faster and faster, until the black mist ahead became thicker, even to the point of semi-fluid.

As if the sound of a group of mollusk creatures wriggling came from the front, Su Xiao took out a honeycomb-shaped spar and threw it into the darkness ahead. sound waves.

The light group approached from above, and when it was 100 meters away from the honeycomb spar, the light group suddenly accelerated, like a predatory fish, swallowing the honeycomb spar. As the light group approached, Eluklu saw that it was like An ancient and ugly creature like a lantern fish.

Su Xiao's purpose is not to draw out this strange creature, but to see the true appearance of the black mist in front of him through the unique light of the opponent's light-emitting organ.

Where is the thick black mist ahead? It is a dark creature wriggling like a leech. There are so many of them that they spread to several kilometers in front. At the same time as the viscous and wriggling sound, it also emits a smell similar to the mud after rain. Most intelligent creatures prefer this smell. After smelling it, there is a subconscious sense of relief in their hearts, and this is exactly what these leech-like dark creatures think A deadly trap to create.

What's even more frightening is that because this dark creature has three paralyzing properties of body, mind, and soul, the intruders clinging to them will not be aware of their existence until they are eaten by them until they cannot maintain the lowest vital signs Only then will it gradually become dark before the eyes, and before falling into the darkness of death, can one see this scene of fear that makes one's spirit collapse.

Aluklu has been to many dangerous places, but speaking from the bottom of her heart, if she could not go to such a numb area, she would try not to go. The current experience is definitely the most terrifying experience she has ever experienced. One of several scenarios.

"Shall we take a detour?" "No."

Su Xiao took out a refrigerated device, and took out a piece of dark red flesh from it. As soon as the dark red flesh came into contact with normal temperature, it dripped blood on the ground, and the dark biome in front of it began to stir.

With force in his hand, Su Xiao squeezed out the blood in the dark red flesh like pinching a sponge. The strange thing is that the blood didn't continue to drip, but clinged to the surface of the dark red flesh, causing its volume to grow rapidly.

He threw it with appropriate strength, and after the dark red flesh flew several thousand meters, it landed with a thud, and with a whoosh, all the leech-like dark creatures swarmed up, forming a black sphere with a diameter of a thousand meters for a while.

The black mist in front dissipated in an instant, revealing a thick layer of white bones on the ground. Su Xiao stepped forward and continued to move forward. After seeing this scene, Elukru was thoughtful. She remembered a dangerous place she had been to, where the deepest It is too dangerous to pass through. In contrast, in the deepest treasure house, there are several secret treasures that people yearn for.

Eluklu didn't mention this matter, after all, he was hostile to Su Xiao's camp.

Temporary cooperation is due to helplessness.

Although Su Xiao's Advanced Abyssology does not directly improve combat power, it has played a vital role in exploring the northern continent. If he wants to reach the "ancient tower" from the "dungeon city", even with his current combat power, he can kill When I got to the front of the "Ancient Tower", not to mention being seriously injured, I would feel exhausted even if I was injured. As for finding a place to rest, there was basically no such possibility. The experience brought by advanced abyssal science was perfect. solve this problem.

After traveling for more than ten hours, the sky, which had been dark all the time, suddenly became a little brighter. The further we went, the clearer the sky became, and a cylindrical tower appeared in front of us. The diameter of this tower was More than 10,000 meters, the height is straight into the sky, and the height cannot be seen with the naked eye. The ancient tower has arrived.

Surrounding the ancient tower is a large area of ​​ruins. Due to the long time, only those relatively large pure rock structures can give a glimpse of the former splendor of this great city.

Following the main street of the ruins, Su Xiao came to the entrance at the bottom of the ancient tower. On both sides of this main street, there stood guards in dilapidated battle armor. They were all over two meters tall, and their flesh and blood were dry to the point of wood. Hua, these are the Eclipse Knights of the Dark Moon camp in the past, and their old opponents are the Sun Warriors who are still extremely powerful today

The giant metal gates of the ancient tower are closed tightly. The lower right corner of a giant gate has been corroded to the point of damage. Entering it from the nearly three-meter-high damage, Su Xiao found that in this vast tower, most of the The areas are dominated by a dark purple substance that looks like biological structures but is harder than most metals.

With Su Xiao's knife skills, he can certainly chop up these dark purple substances. The problem is that the time cost is too high and it will cause unknown risks.

The elevators and steps leading to the upper floor have been sealed by this dark purple substance. Only one teleportation array of the tower can still be used. When he came to the teleportation array, he found that it was marked in void language, because it was the ancient void language. , he could only understand part of it, but it was enough.

The structure of this teleportation array is special. In the case that the ancient tower is full of space traps, this high tower teleportation array can ignore these traps. In addition, the space traps here are old, and there is basically no possibility of cracking them. Moreover, these are irregular, Spatial traps that barely work are more dangerous than when they were originally set.

[Reminder: You have entered the ancient tower and triggered the "curse of the moon" here. ]

[Curse of the Moon] When you try to take any items in the ancient tower and leave this place, you have to go through the "soul balance". All your income in the ancient tower will be on the left side of the soul balance, and you You need to stand on the right side of the soul balance. When the weight of your soul is greater than the items in the tray on the left, these items will belong to you, and you will get the "moon marrow liquid" with the same "weight" as these items . 】

[Warning: If the weight of your soul is less than the items in the tray on the left, you will be swallowed by those in the ancient that you can pay 50% of the items you get this time, and give up the soul balance The test, and in the following 500 natural days, it will bear the erosion of the curse of the moon. ]

Turning off the prompt, Su Xiao continued to study the teleportation array of the tower. After a while, he found that there was only one space scale left in the teleportation array of the tower, which was to teleport to the highest level of the ancient tower. He adjusted the scale and activated the teleportation array.

With a bang, a large crack appeared on the teleportation array. Fortunately, the teleportation was going on normally. When the surrounding space fog disappeared, Su Xiao was already in a luxurious and old room. It can be seen that the owner of this room had been in the dark. The moon camp has a high status.

Su Xiao looked around, most of the furniture had decayed into ashes, a dark purple resin container on the metal wall cabinet caught his attention, he stepped forward and picked up the container.

[You get the source quality of the dark moon. 】

Seeing this reminder, Su Xiao frowned a bit, the big library seemed to be secretly enhancing his luck, otherwise he would definitely not be able to meet such a thing of getting a source of quality for no reason.

The fact is true, it can only be said that it is not entirely true, because of the plan of the big library and the old monster, the high-level executives of the big library did invite a strong man with the ability of fate at a high price, but that is to be in Su Xiao's deep "unknown" After entering the light zone, his luck will be temporarily enhanced, and the process is limited to the time period when Su Xiao enters the dark zone and walks out of the dark zone.

The problem is, this strong man of the fate department has never personally experienced the power of the magic-killing fortune. This person worked hard to increase the magic-killing fortune, but after the scheduled time, he found that he couldn't stop it.

Right now, this scrawny fate-type expert is being forced to increase Su Xiao's fortune, and he is constantly trying to stop this increase, otherwise, he may become the first fate-type expert in history who died because of gaining other people's fortune By.

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