MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 9 Start reading

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This kind of idol drama is risky, either a success or a defeat.

Everyone knows nothing.

Only Feng Jing dare to venture and invest, even flirting at the nightclub in a leisurely manner the day before the broadcast.

However, when I review this show a long time later, I feel that everything is doomed.

They are known as the hidden ace of ESE. For the first announcement, the hottest show is now on. The first time they shoot is a script tailor-made for them ...

The name of their group is Legacy, so the idol drama is also called "The Legacy".

The name of the four characters in the play is their stage name. What could be more direct and easier for the audience to remember this way?

All the first additions are beyond the reach of other newcomers.

Because no company except ESE, except for the scenery, dare to make such a big bet on newcomers. Either the game is high and the flag is won, or the game is inadvertently lost.

This extreme consequence is not something everyone is willing to bear.

If it is said that the four of Du Yunxiu then exploded into the flames, they swept across the entire idol drama market, watching Changhong, as if they were breaking bamboo, rising steadily.

Then this interview program is like the most important Mars at the beginning.

"TheLegacy" was broadcast on ESE's summer vacation golden stage and immediately caused a great sensation.

Almost all of the little girls were fascinated by Du Yunxiu's four people, and they were wiped out.

Become their loyal fans after the first episode, and spare no effort to recommend this show to friends! Even when talking about this play, I couldn't help screaming, as if I found a confidant!

It's no wonder that when the script was positioned, the screenwriter magnified the characteristics of the four.

No matter what kind of girl, there will definitely be one that matches her favorite masculinity and personality.

Those castle-like academies, rich children's backgrounds, high-end luxury cars, luxury brand clothing ... meet the mentality of a little princess in the hearts of every girl.

On the first day of the premiere, even the four who were not as close as they were in the show sat together to watch their performance in the TV show.

For the other three, this is their screen debut.

Anything for the first time is extremely special and has a different meaning.

And Du Yunxiu, in fact, not so much attention to ratings.

He has acted in many TV series before, as well as film works.

Regardless of whether the ratings are good or bad, the box office is good, the word of mouth is good or bad, it is worth being proud and demeaning. He has experienced the gap between the clouds and hell, so he can be treated lightly.

But he also looked very carefully at this time.

This kind of carefulness is not aimed at the plot, or the interpretation of the characters, or the performance in his play, but the two words-"Idol, Icon".

The words that closed the scene that Amanda brought to him made a big shock in his heart!

As long as they have made a movie, they are classified as powerful, and their views on idol stars ...

How to say it, it ’s like the relationship between river water and well water. The boundaries are clear. Although it ca n’t be excluded, it is difficult to recognize their acting skills in a real sense ...


It's easy to say, but not everyone can take it.

In the previous life, he was ordinary and occasionally recognized, and he was somewhat surprised.

Supported by fanatics, even when flying, many fans will pick up, countless gifts and flowers ... He really hasn't experienced it.

When I first saw the script, the character was gentle in the early stage, but my heart was always in deep sadness.

The parents died in an accident, leaving a large legacy.

He lives with his sister. Even in the villas with many servants, the little ones still feel lonely, and only when two people snuggle together will they feel a little warm.

Then my sister fell in love with Chu Feng of the childhood sweetheart, but the other party was like the wind that no one could catch.

On a date, Chu Feng missed her appointment, and her sister was unfortunately killed by a car. In her hand was a little paper crane stained with blood ...

Since then, the character has been in deep grief.

On the one hand, it was his sister's business. He couldn't help but blame Chu Feng. On the other hand, for him, Chu Feng was the only good friend.

But this one ...

I also met Fujisawa in Chu Feng, Wei Yifei, and the heroine ... It broke.

Chu Feng is different from him.

Chu Feng is arrogant and overbearing, but has a unique charm on his body. As long as he has a deep relationship with him, everyone will like him. The world after Chu Feng will be bigger and more friends.

And he, from beginning to end, his memory stayed that afternoon.

Parents were buried in the cemetery with the help of relatives, and the priest was praying for the dead.

No wind.

There are only small white daisies.

Little Chu Feng, wearing a small black suit, wiped his tears with his sleeves, and comforted him naively: "Don't cry. Aunt is dead, but I will take care of you."

After his sister left, he was the only one left in his world.

In the distance between him and Chu Feng, there are more and more people, more and more. Maybe one day, when he looks at Chu Feng's back, he will only see the vast sea of ​​people.

The desperate hunch was never detected by the cheerful and arrogant Chu Feng.

Although the plot of this idol drama is exaggerated, and the bridge section is also a bit of dog blood, but the character setting is still full.

At the time of the show, the screenwriter told him that basically the role of the idol drama in the first performance, the audience will define the character of the actor. Unless there are more successful roles to go beyond this later.

What is the role of the idol drama in the first performance, and what character will the audience place on the actor?

Is this ... the so-called idol?

After Du Yunxiu listened, he thought for a night.

The next day, the screenwriter added a specific prop-a small paper crane.

Because it is just a gentle temperament, any idol drama can be shaped in the future, and any actor can perform.

To become a popular idol, you must first create a unique character.

And the little paper crane.

Once connected with his role, other actors will not be able to repeat it in the future.

Screenwriters and directors can repeat a similar character, repeat a similar bridge, but there is no way to repeat a characteristic prop.

And the audience, when they saw the paper crane, even thought of him immediately, Du Yunxiu.


"TheLegacy" is as imposing.

The ratings are almost like riding a rocket, and in the exclamation of everyone again and again, soaring crazy!

The first broadcast achieved a good score of 6%, and the highest ratings rushed to 7.8%. This is already the first level of idol drama ratings!

But which of the first-stage idol actors is not very popular, and which is not mixed in this circle for several years.

Du Yunxiu's four talents performed idol dramas for the first time.

Such ratings have made the production of competing TV stations secretly shocked.

They were comforting themselves in secret, that was just the mystery of the previous ESE, plus the effects of the trailer and the interview show, so they could be prestigious during the premiere ...

"TheLegacy" broke their glasses again-the ratings for the second week reached 9.6%!

What is this concept? !!

In the history of more than ten years of idol dramas, only three films have exceeded 10%.

But those idol dramas have a total of twenty or thirty episodes. Such high ratings were achieved after the plot reached its climax!

But TheLegacy ...

It just broadcasts the second episode!

In general, idol dramas have the highest ratings in the first episode.

Because many viewers don't know what kind of film it is, plus the seemingly wonderful trailer, they will take a look at it with interest.

However, if the actor is not as attractive as imagined, and the plot can't catch their hearts, the ratings for the second episode will fall.

Unless the plot is classic, and coupled with strong follow-up publicity, it will drive ratings and maintain it at a better score.

However, all the producers of this idol drama of ESE know well:

The shooting of the other party is basically performed in a state of confidentiality. Although this approach will cause great interest during the first broadcast, it will also cause the initial publicity to be completely inadequate.

The consequence of inadequate publicity is that many viewers may not know what kind of drama this is, and they may not watch it in time.


Even in this early stage of propaganda was completely inadequate, the whole momentum had not yet been rendered, and even the announcement was only a few, and the plot was not launched ...

The ratings for the second episode of "TheLegacy" have risen without falling!

If after the four people Du Yunxiu fully propaganda, when the plot reaches its climax, how much the ratings will rise!

And when we can pull the final episode of the entire drama ’s ratings, how much will it reach!

The producers of other stations can hardly imagine it!

If before, they also wanted to fight with their popular idol stars, then in the face of this close to 10% ratings, their 2%, 3% results ... not worth mentioning!

They even have to be suspicious-has the viewing information of ESE been faked? !!

Just in this kind of tremor.

The ratings for TheLegacy have once again been unexpected, or, as expected, these producers have skyrocketed.

First 9.7%, 9.9%, 10.3% ...

If it is the first time at ten, the faint indicates that "The Legacy" will refresh the viewing history of the entire idol drama history.

Then in the twelfth episode, when Yun Xiu played by Du Yun and Yu Feng broke up with Chu Feng, and Chu Feng began to suppress Du Yunxiu for the heroine, the ratings at that point in time instantly rushed to 17.6%.


The average ratings for that episode were only 11.8%, which was 5.8%.

Even the screenwriters were so surprised that they couldn't stop talking, not only because they created the highest ratings, but because ...

Why does this episode have the highest ratings!

Isn't the female lead misunderstood by the male lead, and both the male lead and the female lead are in great pain? But Yun Xiu and Chu Feng broke up? !! !! Chu Feng officially counterattacked? !!

The entire discussion version of ESE's official website was overwhelmed by the audience's fierce comments ...

As soon as a post is posted, and within a few seconds, it is immediately crowded out by other posts.

"Don't abuse Yunxiu like this, Xiao Chu, how can you be so bad!"

"Ahhhh, let's die, the first time people hate the heroine so much, oh ..."

"Yeah, that's how pitiful Yun Xiu is, 555!"

"Yun Xiu is so kind. The little paper cranes he gives to others represent his blessings to others. Those little paper cranes are well protected ...

But, Chu Feng, do you know?

Do you know ... the lonely little black paper crane?

That's actually Yun Xiu himself.

Yun Xiu didn't want to do such a thing, and he didn't want to be himself who he hated.

He gave all his blessings and hopes to others.

Only the little black paper crane left in the shade was left abandoned.

In the dark, I have been alone ...

Chu Feng, you said it yourself, you will take good care of him.

But ... you have long forgotten the vow you once said.

Only Yun Xiu remained in place.

Remember every sentence you said.

Remember that afternoon.

That little one will comfort you. "

Read The Duke's Passion