MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 80 If the life outside of Fanfan is only seen for the first time (1)

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Album 1: "Flower World"

Li Xiao knew from a young age that he was in a unique position. He wanted to be windy and rainy, and his brother Li Rui was the president of Dongxing Entertainment.

Under the guise of studying abroad, he had a good time abroad, drinking alcohol, racing, and bands. He had played all the trendy new things, and no one was more lively and public.

Li Xiao always felt that there were only two words in his life, one was freedom and the other was music.

Until one day, in a friend's bar, he was holding the blonde girlfriend at the time and listening to heavy metal rock. That kind of music was his favorite. It seemed that the power of life was all blooming, and the blood was exciting, especially the music. At high tide, it seems that volcanic magma erupted, shaking the world!

However, the disc that the DJ did not know how to play that night, when the music reached its climax, it was not a deafening beat or a psychedelic synthesized electronic sound, but a clear voice like a sound of natural sound poured from the layered metal music. It came out like a lush spring water, and like a winter snow, splashing directly into the bottom of the heart, the metal music was magnificent, and the climax partly had an unrivalled holy atmosphere because of this nature.

Li Xiao was stunned, and remained motionless for two minutes.

More than a decade of life perception is completely subverted at this moment.

He has been playing music abroad for so long, whether it is jazz, rap, rhythm blues, or even country music in the central United States, but he never imagined that in this trendy and trendy western country, he would be affected by this. Eastern voice moved.

"I depend, whose song is this!" At that time, Li Xiao, a yellow-haired man, was delighted and excited, and his beautiful eyes were admired with admiration. "I rely on him, this **** is so handsome! Who is it, whose song is this? "

He has a mess of Chinese. He hasn't learned anything except picking up girls and drag racing.

That night, he drank a lot of whiskey, but he could not fall asleep over and over again, and his mind kept echoing that clear Yue Dong's voice. If the singing of the Greek Siren in the mythology can lead the sailors to the road of no return, then at this moment he is the one who is deeply seduced.

Although there is another saying in Chinese, it is called "Yuyin Liangliang, three days."

He finally got the name of the person. The original name was Pei Qing.

The other party has long been a god-like figure in China, low-key and alienated, but worshipped by countless fans, which has made countless musicians crazy. If in this world they could only choose one singer to sing the song they composed, then 99% of them would choose Pei Qing, and the remaining one percent felt that their lyrics and composition were not enough for Pei Qing to sing.

Pei, Qing.

Li Xiao read the words on the tip of his tongue, and there was a unique taste in the cold and clear.

For the first time, he gave up racing, drinking, and dating with women, paid to download all of Pei Qing's songs on his computer, and listened to all his concerts online. Playboy became a otaku. Li Xiao never felt that the domestic music was so good, and the melody and lyrics would be great, but Pei Qing's singing completely subverted his concept. He stared at the man on the concert platform with a cold and clear face, like a snowy plum in the water. The other person closed his eyes, the other person's eyes narrowed, and the other person's thin lips opened slightly. Every action and every detail With every look, Li Xiao looked over and over again, aftertaste over and over again. He could hardly imagine how such a beautiful and extremely cold singing sang from this man's mouth ...

"I want to go back to China." Li Xiao called Li Rui overnight. There was a time lag between the United States and China. He listened to Pei Qing's song until midnight. It was the morning in the country. !immediately!"

Li Rui had never heard his brother speak to him in such a hopeful voice.

What's more unexpected, since then, almost everything related to Pei Qing, his brother Li Xiao's performance is different from normal.

That morning, the sun was shining, and the Legacy combination of ESE Director Feng Jing holding the red was still popular.

Li Xiao, dyed with blond hair and diamond earrings, fluttered, her eyes filled with eager expectations rushing to the airport, toward unknown miracles and fate.

Li Xiao was not healthy from a young age, Li Rui took care of him very much.

Even now, Li Xiao is 19 years old, Li Rui still plays the role of father, petting and severe, but most of them are doting. Li Xiao is about to enter the entertainment industry. As the president of ESE, Li Rui immediately found the most professional agent to take him. In order to contact the best music producer, he chose the best music recording room in China.

Li Xiao didn't think about what kind of famous club to mix up. He wanted to enter the record industry just to be closer to Pei Qing, to see the legendary song god. To this end, he also pulled Fu Zihan, a dead party from small to big, into the circle to play together. Ticket, the other party is the heir of Crown Glory, and his status is comparable to him.

However, he did not expect that his momentary thought caused a great storm in the entertainment industry.

Popularity has gradually surpassed the Legacy combination that has been so popular in the past two years, and even broke the previous records they set.

Shopping malls, radio stations, streets and alleys are omnipresent and omnipotent. All are his songs and his posters.

In the poster, his blond hair was fluffy, his eyes were dark, and his eyes were right and evil. The corner of his mouth evoked a slightly frivolous smile. He held a fiery red electric guitar in a cool gesture and radiated all over his body. With a glorious glory.

His agent once said that looking at the entire entertainment industry, no star has the charm of his affinity and evil spirit. Numerous fans are crazy for him, countless fans are screaming for him, and their worship floods over him, even destroying his admiration for Pei Qing.

He is an unbeatable dark horse. His first album "Flower World" rocketed to the record sales TOP3! At that time, the record industry was not distressed, his results skyrocketed, and his elder brother was a master, and he celebrated him again and again. The news that the sales volume reached platinum swept through the entertainment circle like a whirlwind.

The whole flower world fell for him.

Album 2: "Li Xiao! 》

He is the pride of heaven.

Other people have worked hard in this circle for ten years and may not get the opportunity. Countless people want to send him into the hands of others; others have extremely wanted resources. Needless to say, Li Rui will instruct his subordinates to integrate the configuration very well. Others worked hard for several years and tasted the praises and auras of scandals, scandals, and unspoken rules. He won the award in less than half a year.

Best newcomer award, best single award, what he wants, what he wants.

He has blond hair, he has tattoos, he drags his car, he is independent. Even those deeds in the foreign band, in the eyes of others, in the eyes of his fans, are all marks of youthfulness and talent.

Everyone was screaming "Li Xiao" and "Li Xiao" excitedly and enthusiastically. Everyone was crazy for him. Numerous female fans and even female artists in his brother's company couldn't wait to put their arms on their arms, even proud of them.

With praise from the outside world, he released his second album, Li Xiao! "If the first album was purely a ticket, then this one was a great success. He launched the album with a mentality of a young emperor controlling the recording industry. The entire team lineup, production funding, MV director than One more and more powerful.

His goal is to become the number one in the domestic recording industry!

The beauties are pregnant, the wine is in the cup, and there is a halo that no one else can bear.

The words Pei Qing gradually faded to an unknown corner after he experienced the glorious fame brought by this entertainment circle and the feeling that such idols were worshipped and admired.

His elder brother Li Rui is optimistic about him, and Fu Zihan, the dead party, helped him to promote it on the platform. The entire ESE launched all the network resources for his album "Li Xiao! "Pave the way to the charts, everything is smoother than the first album. Although there are other old veteran singers blocking the way that month," Li Xiao! "I still triumphed all the way, quickly rushed to the position of the top lists TOP2, TOP1's throne at your fingertips!

But no one thought, "I didn't tell you" suddenly airborne TOP1!

On the same day, Li Xiao, who was waiting to see her album become the first, learned that the news suddenly turned green. Originally, she had good news and waited for the good news. Then she went to the company to show off with his elder brother so arrogantly. "I Didn't Tell You" The first place was crowded out! Even for a long time in the future, it will be firmly seated in the TOP1 position, and even if Li Xiao is engaged in any major publicity offensive and activities, he will not be able to counterattack.

That's Pei Qing's album.

An anti (opponent) who used to be so ostentatious had threatened to proclaim on the Internet: "I didn't tell you", I really didn't tell Li Xiao-with Pei Qing, he shouldn't even think first in his life.

Chess meets his opponents and meets them on the narrow road.

He didn't expect that he had "encountered" Pei Qing in this way so long after he returned home!

On the music forum, all the comments under Pei Qing's album were all praises. All the critics couldn't help but sing a song and a song, from lyricists to composers, to Pei Qing's interpretation. The tacit understanding of the water, and below him, fans will only fanatically call: "Li Xiaoyou are so handsome, I really want you to be my boyfriend." "This is my little Xiaoxiao, cool!" Opponents said: "Go to death, pretend ×!" "A rotten singer who can only sell face ..." and those self-proclaimed high-end poisonous tongue music critics commented: "Busty and fickle, idol singing in the idol era." It is simply a heaven and a underground The difference between clouds and mud.

Pei Qing. Pei Qing!

Li Xiao was reading his name.

Album 3: "Shot in One Hit"

Despite the record sales, Li Xiao was not so happy for the first time.

He returned to meet the legendary Pei Qing, but after entering the entertainment circle, he forgot his original intention in worship and applause.

Today, he no longer wants to hold the mentality of a small fan.

The second album was overwhelmed by Pei Qingli, which stirred up his young arrogance, arrogance and fighting spirit. He must beat Pei Qing and must win over Pei Qing!

"Brother, I want the best music producer! I'm looking for the godfather of Japanese music, I'm looking for dancers from Korea!" Li Xiao said loudly to Li Rui on the phone, before the eyebrows were lively and vivid. Ambitious, "Everything must be the best! This time, I must get TOP1 in" hit and hit "and compete with Pei Qing's new album!"

His first album took only three months to prepare, and the second album was only six months, but this one took eight months to complete. The previous producers were all domestic masters. On the other hand, they spent a lot of money on the top foreign musicians.

This "hit and hit" is a collection of elements.

There are both Korean-style electronic dance music and a vampire prince who is a vampire prince who laughs evilly and staged a timeless life; there is also a magnificent fast song, full of arrangement and lyrics that make people extremely excited; The second wave of the main song, the computer effects of the entire MV directly approached Hollywood blockbusters; the rest, there are now popular small fresh healing system, but also rely on looks to sell cute KTV saliva songs.

In short, the twelve tracks are comprehensive and cover almost all popular music types and fans.

Li Xiao is ambitious and young.

I don't believe this new album, which is composed of many top producers, can't beat Pei Qing's new album!

He always disdains those female fans and those who deliberately show favor because of his identity. But this time, for his new album, he took the initiative to cooperate with the publicity, take a group photo with those female fans, and appeared on the programs of other hosts. The momentum was huge and the publicity effect was incredible!

And Pei Qing's side is still the habit of these years.

With posters and new songs auditioned, Pei Qing has not appeared in various variety shows for a long time, let alone that the low notification fee is only for publicity.

The propaganda offensive on Li Xiao's side is in full swing. Fans declare that they love him so much that they will die. Pei Qing's side is not plagued by fire and movement.

Be sure to overpower Pei Qing! Be sure to overpower Pei Qing! On the first day of the first wave of hit songs, Li Xiao was so excited and worried that he didn't sleep well all night. The next day, he looked at the dark circles-"hit in one hit" TOP1!

"Oh yeah!" He was surprised and happy, surprised and excited, and now he fisted up to the sky, happy to close his mouth, excited for half an hour, waited to see the rankings, and then he felt strangely Ask the agent by phone: "Why is Pei Qing not on?"

This is simply impossible, even if he is TOP1, Pei Qing should have at least TOP3.

After spending a long time there, I finally said, "Because I collided with Pei Qing, Li always arranged a new song to be played one day in advance. I didn't tell you before ..."

Li Xiao was so impatient that he wanted to crash the phone and quit the agent! He's just been so happy for so long, it's just an empty joy, but he's ecstatic like an idiot for a long time.

The next day, the moment that Pei Qing fans praised as "the advent of heaven" finally came!

No matter how noble Li Xiao ’s status is, no matter how hard Li Xiao ’s background is, no matter how heavy foreign musicians Li Xiao invited, Pei Qingxin ’s “God of Advent” hits the charts. All the first.

As soon as Pei Qing came out, who was fighting!

He is, or is not, the words of music myth, only Pei Qing can afford it!

Li Xiao, who was squeezed to the second place again, was almost about to scratch the wall. His exhausted "hit and hit" was still in front of Pei Qing's "God of Coming". He is like a young and famous noble knight, but he has never been defeated by the magnificent glory of the noble **** ...

Even if Li Xiao was reluctant, he still wanted to know how the other party sang and how the MV was filmed. His "hit and hit" was shot like a Hollywood blockbuster. All kinds of cool and cool shots were superb. The gray sky plane crossed the air at a low altitude. As a masked man, all of a sudden noblemen in tuxedos, champagne, beauties, and racing cars, the whole song was exuberant, full of rhythm, and cost a lot of money! Li Xiaoqin ordered this song to be the main song and was satisfied.

And "Apocalypse", the vast expanse of deep interstellar, Pei Qing wearing a white Greek robe, wearing a headband made of olive branches, singing and groaning among the stars. There are no big stunts that burn money, and no dazzling incense car beauty, but every shot chases Pei Qing, the arc of eyebrows, eyes, nose bridge, lips, chin, all the starry sky and the sea extending into the corner of his eyebrow Hair ends, extending into the corner of his white elegant robe ...

The longer you look at such close-ups, the more different feelings develop.

In the end, even Li Xiao couldn't help but stretched out his slender fingers and touched the computer screen. Pei Qing in the mist in the screen stepped out of the sea step by step, with cold eyebrows, long legs, and clean toes. With each step, the deep blue sea was automatically separated behind him, so that he could go straight into the sky. The azure blue water was shaking, and Pei Qing, who was walking in front of the Greek white robe, was blindfolded, with a laziness and coldness only in the noble gods. When he sang for a while with his eyes narrowed, indifferent and clear eyes were ignorant of everything, the clear voice of the empty valley Orchid penetrated the deep sky, and the stars began to fall on the huge black sky ...

At that moment, Li Xiaocai felt deeply that his "hit in one hit" did not hit the throne of TOP1, but Pei Qing's "God of Advent" hit his heart in one hit!

Album 4: "Dumping"

He still has no intersection with Pei Qing.

But as other fans became more and more fascinated by him, his enthusiasm for Pei Qing was like the flames rising day by day. More enthusiastic than other fans, even hotter than his fans.

Li Xiao listened to Pei Qing's new album over and over again. Lose convincingly orally.

Perhaps the top producers he invited were able to make photography, synthesis, and recording everything the most commercial and perfect, but in the presence of music, he lost to Pei Qing's natural and pure.

Because pureness is extreme, it is enough to despise all powerful technical processing.

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