MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 45 Chinese Medicine Family (Chinese)

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One-time recorded instant performance.

To put it simply, in the same scene, all the movies that happened in this background are shot at once. Avoid manpower and material resources caused by the crew's reshoots, as well as a waste of funds.

For example, the environment of charity.

Although the ages are different, the grandfather and father in Du Yunxiu's dramas are here to see the patients. Therefore, after making a record of the field record, you can start split shooting and non-sequential jump shots.

Under the guidance of He Dao's excellence, the props group is quite sophisticated about each set.

This charity hall alone was restored from photos taken in the late Qing Dynasty. Some of the cabinets and chairs are now too new, so they spent money buying, leasing, or getting old.

The effect presented is also very old-fashioned.

An antique Chinese medicine store hangs a lacquered plaque of "charity hall" gold lacquer.

Outside the door was a couple of Chinese character couplets of "Ginseng Deer Antler" and "Refined Medicine".

Step into the medicine shop, the main hall is hung with landscape paintings, and there are rosewood tables and chairs for the patients to rest.

On the left hand side, a statue of Shennong, the king of medicine, was invited. In addition to weekday worship, the apprentice worship ceremony is also held here. Choosing Jiri, worshipping three animals, and sending a red envelope by Du Yunxiu's grandfather, is considered as a gift.

The classification of Chinese medicine stores is very strict.

Apprentices are at the lowest level, and they are: miscellaneous, tail cabinet, second cabinet, and head cabinet. When Yin Guanqi was young, his family was very prosperous, and there were only a few philanthropic apprentices in the charity hall.

At the beginning, the scene is a touch of Chinese medicine, and the apprentice is busy ...

The first cabinet and the second cabinet are mainly responsible for buying and selling medicinal materials, which are carried out on the right-hand counter.

Abacus, tiller, medicine cup, trowel and other tools are placed next to it, and a hundred-meter cabinet about 1.2 meters tall is erected at the back. As the name suggests, this wooden medicine cabinet has about one hundred drawers, which are filled with various herbs. A small note is written in small letters with a brush and marked on the outside of the small drawer. The most common is "Bazhen"-Chuanxiong, Angelica, cooked land , Baiji, Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Poria and Licorice.

The young Yin Guan chess is very naughty.

Every time his father told him to study medicine well, he washed, baked, sun-baked, simmered, and shaved the herbs, and finally, he could always crush the herbs into dregs during the Yin Guan period.

The camera flickered. The young Yin Guanqi became a teenager in the process of grinding, but he still looks like he doesn't care about Chinese medicine ...

But this lens has only a few frames.

Because the following is the story of the raging war, and after a few years, Yin Guanqi has grown up and has his own pharmacy.

Director He shouted "Card!"

The record was immediately recorded, picked up the digital camera, and took pictures of the actors.

In the past, in order to prevent subsequent dramas from wearing out, every time I manually record the actors' accessories. Now that you have a camera, you can take a picture and save it directly. When the end of the continuous filming begins, the stylist can dress up the archived photos.

Du Yunxiu also took the opportunity to brew a bit of emotion.

The previous shot only took a minute or two, mainly showing the appearance of a young boy with a little slyness in his carefree chess. The whole eyebrows fluttered easily, without experiencing a little vicissitudes. What time shows to him is the anger and beauty of the rising sun.

This is not the same as Du Yunxiu's quiet personality.

But Du Yun's performance was very natural. As an actor, in addition to figuring out the personality of different characters, it is also important to think more and observe more.

For example, the mental state just shot, Du Yunxiu refers to the character of Fujisawa and Wei Yifei.

Young, energetic, and playful.

On weekdays, observe how people with different personalities react in different situations. By combining, absorbing, and thinking, based on similar types of characters, then integrate their own understanding of the play, try to figure out the plot with the character of the character, and perform it again. Fill in the details and shape your own character ...


The next scene will be a plot of Yin Guanqi's own Chinese medicine shop.

At that time, his family was gone, his grandfather was killed, his father died from exhaustion, and he held Yin Guanqi's hand tightly before he died. On his palm, he wrote the words Hanging in the pot ...

In the final clip, He Dao inserted the scene of the war for nearly seven or eight seconds as the connection of the movie jump.

A large number of blasts, deaths and injuries of countless people, broken walls, smoke rolling ...

Du Yunxiu looked up, the sky was a vast ash, only the smoky war was still lingering, and the end was invisible. As if a hopeless road.

The surroundings should have been full of noise and background sound.

But He Dao asked the editor to fade all the sounds-leaving only Du Yunxiu's narration.

Under the tragic flames of war there is nowhere else.

"At that time ... I just realized. The past days of carefree are really gone, even though I have never been willing to believe it. The past ignorance and pride have turned into the regrets of life. I can't see what is in front of me Way, in a country where there is no hope. But ... still have to go on. As a healer, go on. "

Du Yunxiu's voice is not as strong as Pei Qing's.

However, the strong lines and strong emotions formed a strong rendering power. In particular, between words, between words, that kind of manipulation, that kind of connection, that kind of urgency ...

Even if he was picky, He commented in front of the media in the future: "I never thought that a young actor could make such a critical line in one go. But Yun Xiu did it! He not only did it, but also made him in the editing room at the time. Everyone is moved. "

However, this is the last word ...


After shooting the teenager.

The props team quickly reset the scene and re-lighted the lighting as instructed by the director. The former thriving charity hall became lonely and dilapidated after being arranged by the props group. There was only an old hundred cabinets, a few broken wooden chairs, and a miserable scene after the war.

After sitting, He Dao looked through the window, and when he was satisfied, he slightly clicked and called out, "Action!"

Du Yun here is wearing a turquoise gown. In front of the counter, he weighed two herbs with a tiller.

Before the family had fallen, this kind of thing was done by the tail cabinet, but now that the world is in depression, even if the charity reluctantly reopens, it is only him and a little mute apprentice. Pick it up.

The light is dim.

Compared with the previous bright and warm colors, He Dao has now changed the film's tone to a cool color.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his thirties and forties explored from the door. He was dressed in shabby clothes, with holes in it, and repaired it a few times. At first glance, he was a poor and poor white people.

He flinched, showing a longing in his eyes, and inferiority in years of distress.

Little dumb saw the other side, but did not want to tell Du Yunxiu.

This doctor always treats some people who have no money to see a doctor. All the money saved is used for herbal medicine. As a result, his life is almost difficult to maintain.

However, the other party carefully entered the charity hall and alarmed Du Yunxiu who was packing herbs.

This time the lens gave a close-up.

Du Yunxiu gradually raised his head, looked away from the tiller on his hand, and glanced out the door.

The yellow light hit his face, lining his nose like a mountain. At this time, Du Yunxiu's makeup was stylist's makeup, his complexion became dark, but his eyes were very dignified, low-key, thin and quiet, giving birth to an unspeakable special.

Youth and youth are different.

They haven't opened up yet, so the lines are soft and seem a little green. When he was young, his silhouette would become much tougher, and his pliable feeling turned into vicissitudes of maturity. That transformation is like a young foal turning into an adult tall horse.

It is up to the stylist's skills to grasp the characteristics of different age groups.

That's the case with Pan Yingzi's The Generation Queen. When Wu Zetian was an innocent and weak girl, her clothes were dominated by light and lively tones, her face was almost naked, her eyes were curved, her smile was like flowers.

After becoming a queen and a woman, the stylist deliberately trimmed her crescent-shaped eyebrows into horizontally raised eyebrows, creating a feeling of anger and authority. A darker shade of rouge was applied to her cheeks, highlighting the richness of a mature woman. The outfit was also set off with her dark and magnificent palace dress to set off her dignity and power, completely setting aside the original pink and orange gauze palace ladies.

This time the stylist is also a first-rate veteran.

It was only this hour that the scene changed that the young man, who was ignorant and arrogant, became a young man who had lost sight of the casualties of the war and became thin and dull. The complexion was carefully adjusted, from the whiteness that stayed in the mansion all day, to a yellowish color after sun and rain. This is also the change in appearance of Du Yunxiu when he fled the war and left his hometown.