MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 20 Start reading

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"Mr. Feng, I'm afraid Yun Xiu's drama is out of reach! The director insists on replacing people!" Amanda walked into Feng Jing's office with a worried look.

Feng Jing narrowed his eyes and motioned to Amanda to speak down.

"Yun Xiu was a car accident and a bone fracture, and it took three months to recuperate. The director couldn't wait! I really tried my best to communicate and coordinate, but there was no way." Amanda made a very difficult look.

"The most feared thing is the unexpected situation of the artists. In fact, it is not just this movie, the endorsements and announcements of Legacy's entire team are delayed because of Yun Xiu Tong Tong!"

"One advertiser even withdrew Legacy and replaced it with an artist of Crown Glory. Fortunately for other advertisements, under my explanation, those merchants agreed to delay and did not take into account the default fees for those contracts."

"And for the part of Yun Xiu, we have previously insured its artists, and this has been negotiated with the insurance company. They will compensate a relatively satisfactory amount."

"Although it's a shame that Yun Xiu failed this time, I believe he has a better chance next time!"

Amanda's words were very technical.

First of all, tell the bad consequences of this accident. Let me elaborate on what problems she has communicated and resolved in the short seven days.

It shows that she has done a lot in Yun Xiu's car accident, and is not completely unfavorable.

Finally, it is implied that the movie is a foregone conclusion.

The average newcomer comes to this position, and the upper level of ESE does not manage more. It will be just a role.

Yun Xiu has just become popular. She does not believe that she will really "special treatment".

And in fact, from the day of Yun Xiu's car accident, the progress of the entire movie has been delayed.

Especially in the next week, it was another drunk driving scandal and a press conference, which prolonged and continued the movie renewal period, which was delayed for a full week.

This is equivalent to, for a whole week, the director could not shoot any of the main characters.

The director this time is a cutting-edge director, but also a very ambitious young man. I really want to match the release schedule. This movie will also have to sign up for the Kimberly-Clark Awards for the award. All planning arrangements are linked, and no delays are allowed.

When the director sent someone to send a flower basket to the hospital to see Yun Xiu, he frowned when he heard that she was going to be injured for three months.

Because of the influence of the film progress, it is the biggest taboo for the director!

What Amanda does is to deepen this contradiction.

Adhering to Yun Xiu means that he must be recuperated for three months before he can start work, soliciting the relationship between the two, so as to strengthen the idea that the director must change people!

As long as the substitutions are made by the director, even ESE ... there should be no way out.

"No!" Feng Jing suddenly stood up, raised her suit neatly, her long hair was raised in the air, and said categorically, "Yun Xiu, you must play this movie!"

Amanda's face changed, and she couldn't help but blurt out: "Why must Yun Xiu come ?! Fujisawa, Wei Yifei can't do it?"

She didn't even realize that her tone of voice had been jealous of indecision.

Obviously, Chu Feng's popularity is the highest in Legacy. Obviously, Chu Feng has the most fans. In his self-motivated spirit, on the wrist of communication, Chu Feng knows how many times better than Yun Xiu.

Obviously Chu Feng's movie is a big production, a big director, and it is the one who should be most favored by ESE!

Why is Feng Jing so partial to Yun Xiu? !!

Feng Jing's slender eyes blinked. Such an action was done very slowly, as if in slow motion. It was so slow that he felt that he had done it specifically to see Amanda with such eyes.

That look.

It seemed to laugh but not smile, as if through her selfishness, and with a little, slightly, contempt ...

Amanda's face was stiff, and she could only brace her face to face such a look.

She waited for Feng Jing's reprimand, or ... anything else.

But what surprised her, or what scared her--

Feng Jing didn't even say anything.

Did not say anything.

Just glanced at her like that, then quickly walked out of the office.

Amanda suddenly felt like he was isolated from the world by the scenery.

She is no longer a subordinate of Feng Jing trust ...

"You, are you going to find the director?" Amanda asked with a trembling voice behind Feng Jing.

But Feng Jing still didn't look back.

No answer.


Du Yunxiu came to the studio with pain.

Unlike ordinary bone fractures or fractures, rib problems are very troublesome. In severe cases, you must rest in bed, and can only take a sloped position. In the light, even in the early stages of bone healing, rest as much as possible and not stand for a long time.

Du Yunxiu's current pain has actually affected his breathing a bit.

Therefore, he had to use a multi-head chest strap to fix it, on the one hand, to ease the pain, on the other hand, it also helped the healing of bone fractures, to avoid future dislocations.

The studio is filming the drama of Liu Yi and the male second, a busy scene.

The director sat behind the surveillance screen of the camera.

During this time, Du Yun's car accident caused a lot of enthusiasm. As a result, the crew was also affected and kept being harassed by the media. Soon afterwards, I heard the director scolding Yun Xiu on the set, and even made a decision to substitute!

Even the crew members of those crews did not dare to greet him even if they saw Yun Xiu.

Du Yunxiu could only stand by and wait for this one to finish.

It's like doing the right thing with him. This director's non-stop NG has been filmed several times. Either there is a slight problem here, or the feelings there are not in place.

After passing without any defects, Du Yunxiu's face was a little pale, and he gently covered the injured area with one hand.

When Liu Yi came over, Du Yunxiu saw him.

She has always been curious, grateful, and guilty about Du Yunxiu. So when shooting, the corner of the eye kept observing the situation of the other side. At this moment, when I saw Du Yunxiu's look was not good, he felt a little worried.

I don't know if all women have a natural motherhood.

Du Yunxiu sometimes gave her this kind of uncontrollable, distressed, feeling ...

The second man has no such idea.

He always felt that he was a faction. When he was suppressed by the fast-growing idols such as Du Yunxiu in the play, he felt very depressed.

Later the director was asked to make a substitution.

I felt that my chance was coming, maybe I changed myself to the male lead, and the other guys acted as the male second. After all, he is more familiar with the plot and the role, which can shorten the unnecessary running-in time ...

On-site closing.

The director shouted "CUT" and waved his hand to go out. Quan Dang did not see Du Yunxiu.

He also has his own temper.

Although it is not as good as the previous generation's big name guide, but fortunately, I won several awards. This actor is a good one, but dare to challenge him and let the entire crew wait for him?

Joke, is a car accident great? Should a car accident be sympathetic?


A car accident can only mean that you are out of luck. To say byebye to this movie.

He has always been a person who knows how to find a balance between business and literature. He is also good at finding balance between reality and ideal.

So his movie box office is good and he can win prizes.

This is why, he can make a popular idol who has not seen acting to be a male lead, or he can arrange for an investor to let Liu Yi act as a female lead.

At the same time, I also let myself appreciate the strength of the second man.

Although Du Yunxiu's acting skills were beyond his expectations.

However, he will not delay the entire movie for one actor, delaying subsequent schedules and the registration time for the Golden Cypress Awards.

Delaying his own "future."

What's more, like the other agent's agent, my actor was injured, and my actor's biggest tone was to make him unhappy ...

"Liandao." Du Yun Xiuqiang chased the past, barely smiling at the other side.

"I really want to play this show, you see ..."

"Take care of your injuries, don't think too much about it, there will be opportunities next time!" The director perfunctoryly comforted. Even if he was really dissatisfied with this actor, but everyone was mixed in the entertainment industry, he never said anything that offends people.

"No, no, I just want to play this ..."

"I said Yun Xiu," the director seemed to hear something funny, "We have so many people and such a large crew, it is impossible for you to wait for three months in vain ... You still have to go back and heal,"

"It doesn't take three months. I have fifteen or ten days, that's enough!" Du Yunxiu waved his hands and explained.

The director's eyes glanced from Du Yunxiu's body from top to bottom.

It's just that kind of gaze. It has a very subtle feeling. It's the kind of gaze that totally distrusts the other party.

"Fifteen days, ten days?" The director chuckled, "Forget it. The next play will be wire, are you sure?"

"I don't want to be described by the media as a director who abuses actors! And what if your ribs crack again at that time? At that time the film was half shot, but there was no way to really change people."

This time, the director spoke more directly.

"What's more, even if it's fifteen days, ten days-it's a drag on my progress!"

The director smiled coldly, set Du Yunxiu aside, and walked straight in front of him ...

Du Yunxiu bowed his head and thought for a moment.

When the director turned his back to the invisible place, his eyes suddenly became eye-catching and confident, as if he had completely changed his face.

"Liandao, in fact, you know clearly, that character--"


Contrary to Amanda's guess.

Feng Jing went out at this time, not to confront the director, but to call out Liuzhang Zhang.

The two have also been in this circle for a long time. They have heard each other's name. Occasionally, they happened to be coincident. Once they met, they also greeted, chatted, and had tea.

It is absolutely impossible to say that you do n’t know each other, to say that you have a relationship, it ’s a little worse ...

"Why would you like me to have tea today?" Liu Zhang felt a little stunned when he received the call, but then he responded. After weighing, I feel that Feng Jing rarely asks him to come out once, but it is better to sell to the other side.

Of course, on the phone, he also put on a show.

What did you say when you saw Schedule, it was full, suggesting that Feng Jing took this time out of the "busy schedule".

Let Feng Jing forget the feelings of this time.

Both of them are extremely superior people, this little meaning is of course comprehension.

Feng Jing also showed that he had inherited his affection and wanted his attitude.

"Recently you heard about it, our company's artist Yun Xiu."

Feng Jing smiled slightly at Liu Zhang.

I have to say that when Feng Jing laughed, it was a very wicked feeling. You ca n’t wait to pinch him. How can a man laugh so charmingly, that teardrop mole will be so charming, no matter from which perspective, Are they so perfect?

"It was the one who did not forget to protect your sister Liu Yi during the car accident."

"Ha ha ... Really? It's a bit of an impression, but I didn't ask much about the car accident. It's fine if people are safe." Liu Zhang saw Feng Jing's affection for his sister on his head as soon as Feng Jing came, so he hit Tai Chi and see what the other person meant.

"Ming people don't say anything secretly. I'll just say it. Yun Xiu got a little bit injured due to a car accident and may need to rest for a while. I hope you can talk to the director." Although there were no corners, Feng Jing said very implicitly.

"Director ... want to change?"

Liu Zhang is also human.

In this case, only three points are needed to guess the meaning under the table.

"It's a bit difficult ... you know, I'm just an agent." Liu Zhang felt the scum that had just grown on his chin, and slowly smoked a cigarette from the cigarette case.

"Come on, who doesn't know that in Crown Glory, you are the status of more than 10,000 people under one person. No one dares not to listen when you speak." Feng Jing lifted the other while taking the opportunity.

The biggest investor in this movie is Crown Glory.

Even Liu Yidu's investment circle was set.

So Feng Jing didn't ask the director to plead like Amanda thought, he started directly from the upper level-find investors to put pressure on the director.

Regardless of how long you have to delay, as long as you want to make this movie, you must listen to investors.

"I didn't say, but you should also understand my situation."

Liu Zhang drank his cigarette, and didn't help or say: "We all work for people. To influence a decision, not just one person can decide, but also take into account the meaning of Boss."

"Even if you do, you have to take Li Rui's meaning into consideration, don't you?"

"Trust me, this will be the most worthy decision for you to make." Feng Jing laughed like an inscrutable fox.

If Feng Jing continues to beg him in a low-profile manner, Liu Zhang will rather belittle the person who has been rumored in the industry and can keep pace with himself.

But the other side, such tone, such momentum ... is indeed unexpected.

"In fact, you have always wanted Liu Yi to get a title from the film." Feng Jing hit the nail on the head. "This year, Liu Yi has been in the industry for three years. After three years in the industry, he has won the title. There are few in this circle, but not not. Lin Xuan is just one. "

"Although, I believe, as long as you are present, the laurel behind this year's film will be in Liu Yi's pocket." Feng Jingshen took a deep look at the other person, and the smile that seemed to indicate that he already knew that Liu Zhang was in this year. The judges did a lot of work.

"But ... you don't want your sister to get this title, is it more justified?"

The smoke between Liu Zhang's slender index finger and **** paused slightly.

He didn't speak, just raised an eyebrow at Feng Jing.

Feng Jing handed the phone over, and the video data in it was a video he recorded himself when he went to the studio to visit the class.

The resolution of a small video is completely incomparable to that of a camera, and there is even a lot of noise around it.

But in that— Liu Yi's eyes looking at Du Yunxiu, every gesture and action of Liu Yi made people feel a strong attraction.

That beauty.

Such restrained beauties, unparalleled in style, provoked people's heartstrings.

Just from a small screen like a mobile phone, you can release a powerful aura, and you can see it. If it is placed on a high-definition three-meter-wide screen, what a charm ...

Even Liu Zhang did not expect that Liu Yi's acting skills would be so rapid! Such a superb!

"This acting feeling-only Yun Xiu can bring her!"

Feng Jing narrowed his eyes and said very confidently.

His eyelashes were long and thick, and at this moment his eyes were slightly curved into an elegant arc, with a line that was indescribably cunning and lazy.

He was asking Liu Zhang for help, and he asked Liu Zhang to use the pressure of investors to not replace Du Yunxiu.

But now and now.

Liu Zhang has fully understood why the man in front of me became a myth in the entertainment industry and a myth in the industry of brokers!

Feng Jing's body, Feng Jing's words and deeds, has a charming personality charm!

"I promise."

Just when Feng Jing met Liu Zhang, Liu Zhang said to Feng Jing, "I promise" this moment.

On the set.

Du Yunxiu said to the director's back.

"Liandao, in fact, you know clearly that role-only I can play! Only I can interpret that role to the best!"

Du Yunxiu has always been gentle.

But at this moment, his eyes were wise and firm, and his body was exuding a mysterious and powerful temperament-as if being possessed by Tang Yunqi in the script!

Magnificent light, stepped on his feet.

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