MTL - Reign of the Hunters-v6 Chapter 61 Air combat

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Chapter 61—Air Combat

The battle of the sky is far more intense than the battle on the ground. After all, fighting on the ground is like fighting on the plane. You just need to pay attention to the enemy before and after, but you can fight in the sky. This is the battle of 3D space. The enemy you should pay attention to is 360 up and down. There is no dead angle. This also requires that air combat players have a strong ability to adapt.

There is no empty ride from the beginning, and now all the guilds have empty rides. The airborne system of fate has gone through four years and has matured. If you say that the first empty ride is as long as you can catch the mount, then the current ride is obviously to choose a more skilled work from the skilled workers. After four years of tempering, especially in the years after the opening of the dark players, the dark players and the light players have more and more friction, which makes everyone's requirements for empty riding higher and higher. .

The players of the current airborne units are not only more sophisticated than the players of the Marine Corps, but even their mounts are carefully selected. There is such a saying, an empty cavalry, you can cloth, but your mount must be equipped with top equipment, otherwise, you will go to the cliff.

This is true, because the equipment of the empty ride is relatively rare, so the general price is not cheap, plus each air cavalry wants to make their mounts well, so the best airborne equipment is often fired very high. This also caused the cavalry to be basically poor, and the more advanced the cavalry, the poorer. This point is reflected in the leaves of the words, but fortunately, the flow of the year is a very profitable owner, if it is not the leaf words have to borrow the usury, but, despite this, the awkward leaves still insist on giving the year to the white. On that day, there was nothing to do with the white words of the leaf words for the years, and there were more than fifty...

Ye Ye sighed, how is she still so poor, she turned out to be quite rich...

Although she was thinking about it in her mind, the sixth child had already taken her to the most chaotic place where the fire was going. She transferred the command channel to the air ride channel, and immediately heard the commander commanding in an orderly manner. His voice was calm and simple. It seems that this earth-shattering war is just one of the numerous practice battles. It’s not worth the waste. More energy. The original name of this person was not known. After the darkness opened an air battle, he went to the breeze to sign up. The name was also very ordinary, called Tuesday. Ye Ye is not the first time to listen to his command. He knows more about his routine. Of course, the other party has obviously seen the leaf word riding on the wind and the old six flew up into the sky and joined the team. He immediately gave it to him. Command: "The son of the son is quiet, from the right rear, and with the first square, the opponent's black dragon, it is best to annihilate in the shortest time."

The command has always been clear on Tuesday, there is no more nonsense. In the beginning, such a command was not subject to any of the players in the dark. After all, this command was too ordinary. Before he took the commander, he was simply ordinary. There was no such thing as a past that could be boasted, but it was such an ordinary The player who couldn’t remember the name was on the day of the dark airborne commander’s test. He was shocked by the overwhelming strategy and quick-fixing strategy, and many of the big-name commanders were eclipsed. Then he became the dark system. The first commander of the airborne ride.

In fact, when he first commanded the son of the son, he was still quite nervous. After all, the height of the opponent was really artificial. He was afraid that he could not control such a top player. His reputation is that even a little master of the game is a problem, but he did not expect that in the first battle, after his first instruction to the son of the son, the woman who thought it was the apex of the world Actually, his command obeyed the point that almost made people feel awkward. It was because of the high obedience of the son, which further strengthened the position of the first commander of the dark air ride on Tuesday. Until now, he has reached an unshakable height and turned his head. In fact, the person he is most grateful for is still a son.

Of course, after that time, he asked the son of the son who was so obedient to his own orders. She just said calmly: "On the battlefield, there is no difference between a master and a non-master, only the difference between a warrior and a commander. I am a soldier, so I obey the order, you are the commander, so you are responsible for the decisions you make, and I think there is something wrong with this."

This is a sentence that made it possible to find its place on Tuesday. What I didn’t know on Tuesday was how many years the son’s son had paid for such a sentence.

"Received." Ye Ye calmly replied with a sentence, and then rushed toward the direction specified in Tuesday with lightning speed, she quietly stared at the player sitting on the black dragon, is an old friend - - Water has no moon. He is now one of the forwards of the light-riding player's hollow riding unit. Not only is the mount's attacking power strong, but it is also very powerful. The gleaming mount equipment swayed the eyes of Ye Zi. She was not innocent after the step of the incident, opened the long bow and shot at him. No matter how long it took, she was still careful, and when she saw that other people’s equipment was better than herself, she couldn’t kill him now, and then smashed those shiny equipment one by one from his black dragon. .

Just as the fierce arrow was about to approach the water without the moon, only a flaming figure was seen and it was near the water without the moon, and then the mouth spurted a fire, and the arrow’s offensive The birth of life is at the most critical moment.

The eyes of Ye Ye’s eyes are even thinner. She is somewhat annoyed. When she is performing her task, it’s a bit annoying to have a stalker, even if she wants to decide a winner, even if she wants this. The opportunity to completely defeat him, but in such a war, this idea is obviously not appropriate. However, there is no way, as long as she is entangled in the flow of the year, she will basically be unable to take off her body, and she will not be able to continue her task. She can only report the situation here on Tuesday, and ask him to continue to send another striker. Sneak attack.

It’s no surprise that the interception of the flow year was on Tuesday. He immediately changed his strategic direction and made a joke easily: “The son is quiet, are you a murderer?”

The leaf words turned white eyes and directed the old six to quickly and distance.

It’s just that there is no phoenix flying fast in the holy dragon. Not only that, but the flow of the year seems to have given him an accelerated equipment for the phoenix. This thing is taken from the leaves of the word, and when I think of it, the heart of the leaf is in my heart. More and more anger is getting angry. How is his luck still so bad, actually ROLL points to 99 °100 1 point gap will be lost to the flow of things. Originally, the speed of the phoenix was fast, and with the acceleration of the equipment, the flow of the year quickly caught up with the leaf words. Although the two people are far apart, they can still hear it if they speak loudly.

Ye Ye heard the flow of the year and said: "Oh, this acceleration equipment is still quite worthwhile, flying well." She chopped her teeth more and more, but couldn't think of any rebuttals, she could only turn her head and go to the rogue. Then, continue to operate the sixth to fly in the distance, but even so, she can still hear the screaming voice behind her, saying, "Oh, little son, don’t you do this, not a black hand, anyway, you It has never been red."

The words of the leaves became more and more sorrowful and angry. She turned back and suddenly stopped, then screamed at the flow of the year: "I am, I am a black hand, if I am not a black hand, how can I meet you?"

The flow of the year also stopped, as if thinking about this problem very seriously, then he seemed to find the answer and nodded, suddenly realized: "You are not because you are bad luck, but because you have to make me good for a lifetime." Luck is running out."

The leaf word was mad, and she roared, unceremoniously pulling the longbow to shoot toward the passing year, and then directed the sixth to keep attacking Liu Niang. This air battle can be different from the land war. The flow of the year cannot be as easy as the land war, not to mention the fact that the leaf is irritated by him, and the offensive is urgent and fierce. At first, the current year will be repelled, almost no The power of parry. Seeing that his phoenix was sprayed a few times by the old six of Ye Ye, and poisoned He took the initiative and did not love the battle, commanding Phoenix to leave quickly.

His speed was fast, and he was flying fast. The old sixth of the leaf word stretched his neck and wanted to bite the phoenix, but in the end he only bite a feather. This made the old sixty irritated, angry screaming to chase the wind-pulsing phoenix to fly, Ye Zi looked at the flying years and let the old six catch up, while pulling the long bow in his hand, All the skills are over the past year, and I only see the head of the flow of the year. The red clouds cover the top of the cloud, and the clouds cover the top, and the clouds are covered, colorful and very beautiful.

It’s really a bit of a pain in the past few years. He flies and pours red into his mouth, pulling himself to consume too much blood. Just as the leaf words continued to release various overbearing skills toward the flow year, they saw a violent turn, and the body shape flashed a little, and a golden arrow flew over the leaf. The arrow was too close, flying too fast, so that the leaf word had almost no chance to dodge, and the shoulders were smashed with an arrow, and the pain of life. As soon as she gritted her teeth and pulled the old six in the air, she flew up and down, and she did not escape the arrows of the passing years, but she was very thrilling.

However, the flow of the year is obviously not good enough. Although the speed of the phoenix is ​​a little faster than that of the sacred dragon, it also reminds the huge mount, and its sensitivity is slightly inferior to that of the holy dragon, which causes the flow of the year to be manipulated. More thoughts.

After bypassing a circle, he saw that the leaf word raised his bow again. He smiled, and although he was in a hurry, he also raised the bow in his hand. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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