MTL - Reign of the Hunters-v6 Chapter 49 pretty good

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Chapter 49 is quite good

Ye Ye leaned on the chair behind him, stretched his limbs, and looked at Zuo Xiaolan quietly. She saw her filling her face in the smoke. From her point of view, there was an unreal feeling. Looking at it, she didn't know why her eyes were so wet. She only felt that her nose was sour and she sucked in the subconsciously. She slowly said, "Mom, I know."

"Stupid, if you really know, I don't have to say it today." Zuo Xiaolan took another cigarette and slowly spit it out. In the smog, her face became more and more blurred and looked like It’s so soft and kind: “You’ve been a child since childhood, no one can say anything, no one can say no. I remember, when you were a child, you watched TV once, and there was a program on TV that called the city. The children in the country go to the country to have fun with the children in the country. You are going to go. I am distressed. I will not let you go. Your father will not let you go. But you have to go, and you have to slap the money to sneak a name. When I and your dad know that the next day is gone, your dad has smashed you, you still have to go, we have no way to get you, and finally you can only follow you. A lot of things, but you didn't bring them when you left, but you took a lot of money. After half a month, you came back, black and thin, and all the bags were bitten by insects. I asked you if you are suffering. You said no. However, when you called Liu Chang, I heard it, you said I am dead, but, in front of us, you are not guilty, and money is given to others. You said, your child, I don’t know how to make a roundabout? You looked at the child, you are with me. Say to your dad, we donate two, why should we go, what will you say to us with two good words? How about you give us a soft energy? You are our daughter, if you will spoil Your dad can't wait to pick up the stars in the sky."

This thing is remembered, but the time is really separated for a long time. She has forgotten what it is all about, but she is vaguely remembering. When she was a child, she insisted on helping others. The good thing, a meaningful thing, then the thing that Zuo Xiaolan said in his mouth. When she thought of it, she couldn’t help but laugh at the low voice. When she was a child, she was really innocent and happy. So a little bit of things seemed to be heavier than life and death. She seemed to remember it again. That time she fell to the country. The river was almost drowned and was scared to death, but when she came back to her parents and asked her if she was doing well, she had a small neck and a crisp answer. "Good times."

At that time... it was a good time.

"Small words, don't be too embarrassed. If you really choose the man, you will be softer. I know how strong you are, but small words, strong you are also girls, you are strong, he is also strong, one It’s okay for two years, and it’s going to be a little longer.” Zuo Xiaolan stretched out his hand and crossed the table, holding the hand of Ye’s word tightly, and said it clearly and cautiously.

Ye Ye raised his eyes and looked at Zuo Xiaolan. Zhang opened his mouth to defend what he was, but he didn't know, but he couldn't say anything. She looked at Zuo Xiaolan and there were a lot of words that could not be said. She can't tell, Mom, I can't do it. I can't do anything like Dong Yin for the lover. I can't do anything like Susu for the love of people. I am the leaf word, I am the leaf word after the rebirth, I am so hard, I just don't know how to take it soft. She smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, squinting at the smoke across the eyes and looking at the left Xiaolan gently said: "Okay, Mom."

Seeing her like this, Zuo Xiaolan did not relax at all. Instead, she took a big drink from the glass and sighed: "You, let me persuade me, I will know what you think in this dead heart, you still Play with me this set of yang yin."

"No." Ye Xiaolan, who is smiling and drinking, looks like a little girl.

"I told you anyway, if you don't really want to be true, you will wait to suffer! Really..." Zuo Xiaolan knows the leaf words very well, so when the leaf words are so obedient In her heart, there was a sullen fire rushing over it, rushing her to feel uncomfortable. She really wanted to open the head of the leaf and see what the girl was thinking. She said, "Remember. No matter who you follow, be gentle, be gentle, just know how to understand."

The leaf word is still like a brow, and she nodded happily: "Know it, mother."

"Really understand?" Zuo Xiaolan suspiciously looked at such obedient leaf words, one thousand 10,000 did not believe.

The leaf word is still like a smile: "I really understand it."

Zuo Xiaolan saw it. Although she was not at ease, she couldn’t say anything. She could only pull the leaves and messed up and said something to go to sleep alone. Only leaving the leaf word alone sitting on the balcony, she looked up at the soft and cold moon slowly exhaled a breath, knowing it, just do it.

Four years passed by. For fate, this is a big event, and it is also a big thing for Ye Ci. She is going to graduate.

Yes, although Ye Ye has been working very hard, but the rebirth obviously did not bring any good news to her. Her risk was almost a few times, so this graduation certificate was a little overhang. Fang Susu looked at the leaf words that were preparing for graduation and said: "Is the paper well?"

"Get it done, but..." Ye Zi looked at the title of his paper, and looked at the sky, sighing: "Who knows if you can get a diploma?"

"It must be." Fang Susu nodded affirmatively.

The leaf is full of emotions and looks at Fang Susu, or Susu is good. She has no confidence in herself. She is so confident in herself. Fang Susu looked at her and said, "Look at the amount of tuition you paid, the school will give you a diploma."

Ye Ye suddenly felt that he had flew a group of crows on his head, and while he was flying, he wowed and wowed, and the cow was full of faces.

"I will reply next month. Do you want to go to the headquarters of Destiny this month for the four-year party?" Fang Susu held his chin and smiled at the way the leaf was caught by her. It was not easy. Asked who else has seen the son of this son? I am so happy, I should have taken the photo of my mobile phone just now.

"How? Listen to your tone, are you going?" Ye Zi took a look at Fang Susu.

"It was going to go, but the number of places in our guild is not enough. If Qin Chu does not take me." Fang Susu pouted a very wrong grievance: "You said, you said that this man is abhorrent, actually does not take me, he must I am going to the party to find the little girl."

The leaf was amused by Fang Susuna's sour tone. She patted her shoulder: "If he doesn't take you, then go with me."

"Really? You go too?" Fang Susu came to the spirit, and then she laughed again: "I know, you will go, if you don't go, then no one can qualify."

"But, you have to be my follow-up, what kind of suitcases and other things will be yours." Ye Yu licked his nose, pretending to be a smirk.

"Ye Xiaoci, why don't you die!" Fang Susu rushed to the neck of the leaf and smiled happily, and the leaf words followed her smile. The laughter of the two girls seemed to be a silver bell, and they rushed through the sky and went straight to the sky.

Sitting on the plane flying to S City, Fang Susu looked left and right, could not help but sigh: "The treatment of the Great God is not the same, it is the first class, I listen to Qin Churuo, they are all economy class. ""

Ye Ye is looking at the advertising magazines on the plane in a boring way. There are house advertisements in the apartment. The apartment-style villas are all kinds of dazzling. When they hear Fang Susu so sigh, she does not lift her head and says: "If Qin Churuo I can make a red name like this, and he can also sit in first class."

Fang Susu thinks that the most prominent thing in the game ranking is the sinful value. She has always topped the list with five times more than the second place. She touched her nose, leaned on the leaf and looked at her. Side face, gently and slowly asked: "Leaf words, how many people have you killed?"

The question was asked. When Fang Susu’s words fell, he immediately saw the serving flight attendants looking at the two of them. The beautiful eyes were like a knife, and a pretty face was pale. The leaf sighed silently. She turned her head to Fang Susu. With a slow speech rate, she just said the voice heard by the flight attendant clearly: "Miss Fang, please add the attributive? Is it only in the game? Is it good to kill the player? Don’t say this misunderstood."

Fang Susu looked at the leaf words and looked at the flight attendants who were holding two people like a big enemy. They blushed and said, "I, I said wrong..."

Ye Zi took another look at the flight attendant and saw that the flight attendant had already walked towards their rest. If there is no mistake, there is a phone that can inform the ground and the captain. She couldn't help but pick up the magazine and sighed and lamented: "Fang Susu, this time you are killed."

Fang Susu blinked his eyes and blinked his eyes, finally finding out where the problem was.

It was very calm along the way, but the flight attendants stopped taking the initiative to pay attention to the two of them. It seemed to be like a snake. However, this calm made Fang Susu feel a lot more solid. She felt that the crisis had passed.

In fact, the fact is that when you feel that everything is too peaceful, the dog's blood will be poured into a basin and a basin.

The plane has just landed, and the phone of Ye Ci has not yet opened. There are a few people who look very righteous. They have confiscated their two mobile phones and invited them to the relevant departments for tea. Ye Zi sat in the little black room and looked at Fang Susu. He said with a bad voice: "Fang Susu, why don't you die, why don't you die?"

Fang Susu hugged his head and cried in the corner of the wall, crying and said: "Ye, this is the first time for people, the first time to the relevant state departments, can you not let me sad again? ""

The leaf word gnashed his teeth, but looking at her poor look was really impossible to say.

This is an unexpected trip. At least I have never thought that I entered the relevant department in the case of such an oolong. Fortunately, this is not a detention. It is only recently that there are wanted orders. A female murderer fled, and all departments were more serious. She was so inexplicably brought to practice. However, even if such a leaf word is enough to vomit blood, this is what it is.

However, she did not stay in the relevant departments for too long. It didn't take long for someone to protect her. Of course, there are all the culprits of Oolong Fang Susu.

The leaf word looked at Wang Jiangnan's mouth and pumped it very badly. However, when she saw the procedure, she gave the police a cigarette and smiled and walked toward the light dust that she walked over and felt that she had just pulled her face. This is really...

Easy light dust stood in front of the leaf words, the black and black scorpion lit up almost squinting, and the light inside the house was shattered on his hair, warm as the sun in the winter. His mouth curled up and smiled at the leaf: "Ye Xiaoxu, can you interview your feelings now?"

The leaf word was originally a smoldering temper, plus a little inexplicable tension and a little bit of fear. The face was so ugly that people couldn’t bear to look again, but after hearing this sentence, I didn’t know why, she suddenly wanted to laugh. I really want to laugh. She hooked her mouth and said to Yi Liangchen: "Not bad, just can't get online."

Yi Xiaochen laughed out the sound, reached out and hooked her into her arms, let her face bury in her chest, feeling her hot breath sprayed through the shirt on her body, he lowered Head, printed a kiss on her hair: "A fool, you really don't worry."

The leaf word was warmly warmed by his soft voice, but the mouth was not soft at all. She licked her nose and the voice was a little small, but she was justified: "I didn't ask you to come, I found the organizer. Fang, if you don’t come, don’t worry.”

The Year of the Year listened to this statement and felt so harsh. His eyes swept over Wang Jiangnan, who was doing the formalities there. He happened to look at Jiangnan and looked at him. Although it was only for a moment, he still saw Wang Jiangnan. When the eyes fell on the leaf words, the corners of the mouth slammed tightly. His eyes narrowed, and then he smiled quietly. He bowed his head and said softly: "No way, I am born with a life-threatening life." He said, he took the leaf to pick up his luggage and watched it. Jiangnan made a greeting and took the leaves to go.

The leaf words did not forget that they still carry a towed oil bottle, and quickly stated that they were going to take the oil bottle together. This obviously made the light dust that was already uncomfortable and slightly uncomfortable. He looked at him with squinting eyes. Like Fang Susu, Fang Susu immediately felt that there was a frozen ice around him.

There was no way to get it in the end. The four people could only go back together. They sat in the car of Jiangnan. Originally, Susu was trying to sit behind the leaf, but under the light eyes of Yi Qingchen, she suddenly felt the pressure was big, so she touched her nose and took the initiative to ask for a co-driver when she got on the bus. went.

Wang Jiangnan on the first road did not squint, concentrate on driving, and even did not say a word with the leaf words, Fang Susu is because of his huge mistake today, the co-pilot is dead, leaving leaves and easy dust, a tired I have to close my eyes and lean on the seat to raise my spirits. One of them blinks and doesn't know what to think. So the car that should have been so lively was frozen in the midsummer to become an ice cave.

When I arrived at the hotel, Wang Jiangnan took a few people to check in. Yi Qingchen had already gone through the check-in procedure, so only Ye Ci and Fang Susu had checked in. After the check-in, Wang Jiangnan handed the house card to the leaf words, and then slowly smiled: "Have a good rest, the genius begins after the event. If you want to go to the company tomorrow, I will pick you up."

Ye Ci smiled and shook his head: "Get it, you are busy, I will not go, go shopping tomorrow, I didn't go out to play last time."

The easy-to-light dust ears that have been standing behind a few people have moved, the last time? His indescribable gaze swept from Ye Zi to Wang Jiangnan, and he swept from Fang Jiangnan to Fang Susu, and then his lips were hooked.

"Yeah, can you try to play new content this time?" Fang Susu has been pretending to be dead, but at this time she heard the invitation from Jiangnan, she immediately became happy. The last time she tried the new content, she went back to it for a long time. .

Wang Jiangnan looked at Fang Susu with a look of excitement and smiled and nodded: "Although I didn't plan to put too much new content out for a try, but in the face of old friends, of course."

"Ah, ah, small words, go together tomorrow, go together..." Fang Susu’s words were not finished, and suddenly I felt that the back was cold and cold, she looked at it with Yu Guang, only to see Yi Xiaochenzheng Looking at her with a smile in her arms, her voice was subconsciously unfounded. "S city seems to have several nice scenic spots. We didn't go to play last time. In fact, we can go and see it this time." Fang Susu didn't know what happened to her. She looked at Yiguang with Yu Guang. I couldn't help but have a chill, and then there was such a dogleg in my mouth.

She even saw that after she said these words, Yi Xiaoqing was satisfied with picking her eyebrows, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then she began to pretend to die, until she returned to the room for a while. Fang Susu finally reacted. Why should she be afraid of the guy, she did not seem to owe him money, and did not offend him. What did he watch for himself on that night? It made her feel like she was being beaten by a poisonous snake. This night, she almost disappeared. So she decided to play the role of the so-called girlfriends, she turned over and licked her nose against the leaf of another bed: "Yezi classmate, today is the guy who is your gimmick!"

Ye Ye is rubbing her hair. When she heard Fang Susu’s words, she raised her eyebrows. She thought about the flow of years and thought about the adjectives of Fang Susu. She couldn’t help but laugh: “Shantou?”

"Isn't it, look at his eyes, greasy... leaf words, I think this person is not kind, and I am stunned at me one night, I have not offended him, so people who are not kind can think about it. Fang Susu drums the drumsticks.

Ye Ye did not know the move of the current year, but looked at Fang Susu only to feel very funny. She nodded. "Well, Qin Churu is very kind."

"You, you, you, leaf words, you are broken!" Fang Susu was smothered by the word of the leaf and couldn't say it. After half a day with her finger, she hated and said: "No wonder you can see him. Not a family does not enter a house."

The leaf word was too lazy to control her. When she dried her hair, she fell down and prepared to sleep, but she heard the voice of Fang Susu. She said, "Small words, is he a passing year?"

"Yeah." Ye said with a closed eye.

"Ye Ye Ye Ci, he is really not a kind person." Fang Susu recalled that he had been wronged by the eye knife that had just been stabbed by the flow of the year, but she still said slowly: "However, he is true to you. it is good."

"Ah?" This word is a bit boring. This is the first time that Fang Susu sees the flow of the year. Nothing is known. Where did this come from? "How do you know that he is good to me?"

"Eyes." Fang Susu smiled: "He looks at your eyes very warm and warm, not the same as when he looks at others."

The heart of Ye Ye’s heart moved slightly, and it was soft and soft, but half of it did not show up. She turned over and said: “Fang Susu, you have a lot of romance novels.”

Fang Susu glanced at the leaf and said with hate: "You will be proud, catch someone who is used to you, and you will be proud of it."

"Family, your tone is not so sour, tomorrow, your man will arrive, I will let you go to elopement, don't ink with me." Ye words yawned ~ ~ ready to sleep.

Fang Susu heard these words and felt embarrassed. After saying a few gossips with Ye Yu, he also planned to sleep, but before she went to sleep, she said to Ye Zi: "Ye, I think the flow of years. Really good to you, really, don't let go." She looked at it, only saw the back of the leaf and could hear her even and even breathing, and she fell asleep.

In the dark, the leaves of the leaves are slightly curled up, and they are a little higher.

The next morning, the leaf waking up and received a text message from the old year, let her go downstairs to have breakfast, she invited Fang Susu to go together, Fang Susu heard that he went with the flow of the year, and even shook his head. Expressing that he is not interested in being a light bulb, he also indicates that he is going to find his own spring. When she leaves the room, she can't help but pull out her mouth. This guy, what to say.

When I went downstairs to the hall, I saw Yi Qingchen sitting in the lobby bar. He was wearing a light T-shirt, extremely casual pants, sitting there and looking down, not knowing what to look at, the sun shining through the glass. Shining on his skin, he gave his face a layer of light, shook the eyes of Ye Ye, she walked over to him, and he looked up at her, and the smile on his face looked at him. The spring is bright.

He slowly said to the person in front of him: "Hey, little son, I haven't seen you for a long time."


Well, I did a very good thing yesterday. I submitted the book, but I forgot to send it, so... hahahaha, drifting away... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point. () Vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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