MTL - Reign of the Hunters-v6 Chapter 3 The prelude to the guild war

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Chapter III The Prelude of the Guild War

Although there was a small episode, it was nothing. It had no effect on the mood of Ye Zi. It was only when she summoned the sixth to fly to the leveling map and suddenly thought of a problem. She seems to remember that this white fairy tale is the pastor of the Genesis main group. They have just accepted the challenge of the flamboyant heart. It is time to start the guild war. At this time, is it a bit too much for a well-equipped priest such as a white fairy to actually not participate? This is not a push copy, just how to get it.

In summary, Ye Zi really feels that Genesis's team management is really loose...

Of course, this is the case where the leaf word is unilaterally considered. And the actual situation is -

"Tofu milk Xi Shi! What happened to your pastor group! Now it is a guild war! You have come to tell me that the white fairy tale is gone now. Didn't the time of the guild war have been notified? How do you do it!" After the war, the captain of the pastor's team, the bean curd Shih Tzu, came to tell Absalom that the white fairy tale had left the team and could not be contacted. As soon as he heard the news, Absalom suddenly stunned and then became furious.

"The notice has arrived..." Shishi, a bean curd, wants to defend a few words. However, in this case, he obviously has no position to defend himself. He can only quietly agree to a few words and he will not speak there.

"Notification is over? Notice is what is happening now! Don't you know that this guild war is a guild war of the staff, all the numbers are quantitative, the nails are riveting and riveting, one less person will not work! Now you Come tell me that she is gone, I am going to find a priest with such top equipment!!” Absalom’s voice is getting higher and higher, and there are still quite a few players around him, but at the moment when he started his hair All the people around are gone...

"Can you pick up a pastor from the five regiments, I actually think that who is technically good..." The bean curd Shih Tzu was sprayed out of the air and dared not, and locked the neck and whispered.

"Now is not a technical problem! It is a problem with equipment! It is technically good to have a good skill in the team. But she only has six sets of equipment in the set. Only one set is equal to how much less. The amount of treatment, you give it a count! You give me a count!" Absalom almost fired.

Speaking of this problem, the bean curd Xi Shi is quite wronged. He said with the strong anger of the president, "I am not going to give the equipment to the white fairy tale. She is not qualified to take this equipment... ..."

This sentence immediately blocked Absalom’s words. Indeed, this set of equipment should not have been given a white fairy tale. If she had asked for sour apples every day after she committed suicide, she was afraid that she would too much inquire about the internal secrets of the guild. When the sealing fee is paid, I am afraid that this equipment will not be taken by her. Speaking of this, he felt even more angry. He really felt that he had known the guy who had fallen into his life for the rest of his life! However, this kind of grievances of this bitterness, he can not tell others, only the thick and sturdy team of bean curd Xi Shi said: "Give me to find that woman again! Also go to the vice president to let him make a comparison Good pastor equipment, find a good substitute priest, if you can't find a white fairy tale, find someone to wear that set of equipment!"

"Yes." Toshiba Shishi, who listened to Absalom, immediately turned back to flash, and he couldn’t see the figure in a blink of an eye. I was afraid that if I ran a little slower, I would become the cannon fodder under the anger of the president. It is.

After sending away the bean curd Shih Tzu, Absalom still felt that all kinds of unpleasantness, walking around the NPC in the venue of the guild battle, a face of stool color. It was at this time that the rushing year came to his side without a hurry to ride his phoenix phoenix. In the year of the roaming, I saw the hot and abbot's Absalom. I didn't have any anger. I walked toward the main team on the other side of the hall. Absalom's look of constipation was a bit too difficult to deal with. I felt that I still didn't want to deal with it. This brow is good, lest you make yourself unhappy.

However, when the flow of the year went to the other side, no one left, Absalom had already looked up and saw him. He immediately rushed to the side of the passing year with a few steps, and said with a look: "Brother, it is mine." Brothers?"

Looking at Absalom, there was some sullen face, and she looked up for a moment and shook her head resolutely: "No."

"Hey, hello, you are not enough! How can you do this!!" Absalom immediately called the pig.

"Your face clearly says 'I have a bad thing to ask for you', I am not a fool, I will hit this kind of thing?" Liu Nian licked his nose: "More, with brotherhood You don’t have to be territorial to threaten me."

After the flow of the year, he went to Absalom and continued to play. Absalom quickly passed around him and came to him. He said eagerly: "Okay, well, I am wrong, I am wrong, I am alive. Don't be like this, don't do this, help the brothers."

"What do you talk about first?" The Year of the Year saw that Absalom was really difficult, so he stopped and thought about it before he cautiously held his hands on his chest.

"Hey! You can't do this! Now that the brothers are in trouble, you still have to think twice before you go, you are still not a man!" Absalom called louder.

The year of the stream looked at him and narrowed his eyes. He stretched out a finger and swayed gently in front of Absalom. He said faintly: "Do you know what mistakes you made so that I should hesitate?" Not waiting for Absalom to speak, he said: "This must be something I don't want. If it isn't, you will say directly if you are in trouble. You are so cheeky, you are never doing anything." I asked about what I meant before, but this time you asked me in advance. Let me guess..." He said a little ridiculous smile on his lips: "You come to me about white. Fairy tale."

"..." Absalom was said to have been in the middle of the year, a slight meal, his face was stagnation, and then he sighed with relief: "Since you guessed it, I will not marry you." He said that he would have the original year of the book. After I said it, I sighed again: "If it is not dangerous now, I will not ask you to do this kind of thing. You know, the sacred color guardian suit (the white fairy tale wearing the priest suit) is always enough. There are ten sets, we only have six sets. We have already suffered a lot of losses on this. If there is one less set, I am afraid that the victory of this guild will be hopeless."

Flowing his hands on his chest and squinting his eyes, he couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

Absalom looked at him nervously and swallowed a slobber: "Can you help me find a white fairy tale?"

After a while, Liu Nian said: "Even if I help you contact her now, this is also a cure. Do you not know that leaving such a deep-hearted woman is a time bomb in the team? The more you are afraid of her I know that the more she knows, the more I know, the more difficult it is, the more you will not be afraid of her. Will she sell the secrets of the guild to our hostile guild? You won’t think that I will come out and receive fire again at that time. Is this a trouble? If this is the case, then I can only say that Absalom, we are afraid that the brothers have not done it."

How could Absalom not know the meaning of the flow of the year, he sighed. "If you are awkward, you will not show up when you return to China. You don't know how extreme this woman is. This kind of suicide is going to happen a few times. We have to go crazy. of."

"Then let her go to die."

Absalom's face changed slightly, and some did not believe in watching the flow of the year: "How can you say so easily, although I can't wait for her to really die, but after all, it is a human life, not to mention, we are still so Cooked."

The year of the flow is disdainful and grinned: "If she really will die, I will not say this. You can rest assured that everyone who screams to die every day is very reluctant, only that kind of muffled, In the morning, I saw someone who was still smiling, maybe you actually committed suicide in the afternoon." He said to him that he had contacted the woman at the same time: "This is the last time I helped you contact this woman. Next time, if you still find me. Then I can only withdraw."

Absalom opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he did not say anything.

In the year of the flow, I saw Absalom's glance. Before contacting the white fairy tale, I found the moon green mound through the staff of Yueqingqiu and sent him a recording of the leaf words. In destiny, the recording between the two mainland players, if someone helps to pass it, is very fast, and it can be transmitted to the other party in just a few minutes.

When the leaf word received the recording of the flow year, he still wondered what happened. After listening to the white fairy tale after listening to the flow of the year, he raised his eyebrows slightly and then tilted his mouth. This person, is this boring thing necessary to report to her? Will she be so careless? In any case, the practice of the Year of the Year is still very happy, she thought about it, also recorded a few words, let the moon green hills conveyed.

While waiting for the word response, I spent the rest of my life sitting in the hall wiping my dagger. And Absalom wandered around him, and asked the passing year while walking: "I said, you didn't promise me to contact the white fairy tale? When are you waiting?"

Looking up at the leisure time, I saw Absalom saying that I was in a hurry and said, "I am in a hurry, I have to report to the higher authorities to see if this matter is approved."

"Prime?" Absalom stunned, and then he reacted. He looked unbelievable: "No! In the year of dying, if you are not married, you are so afraid of your wife, you are still not a man!"

"Stupid." Flowing into the age of Absalom, he learned the words of Ye Ye and said: "I am not afraid of this. I am avoiding hidden dangers. Do you think I can't do this? The problem is that I did not report it. If you make any mistakes in the future, how do you let me explain to the superiors? It’s not you who handle the relationship for a long time, but you can say it easily."

Absalom was blocked by the flow of the year and said a word. He could only carry his finger on the flow of the year. After a long time, he squeezed out a few words: "You also have today."

However, the flow of the year is obviously not what I want to say in Absalom, because the reply of the son of the son has just been passed. He couldn't wait to open it, only to hear the cold female voice inside: "It doesn't work, but it's not a case to tell Absalom."

The Year of the Year listened to the words that were not exemplified, and the corners of the mouth couldn’t help but stand taller and higher.

Absalom saw the flow of the year, and he hated that the roots were itchy. He said, "The white-eyed wolf, your family’s quiet response is not coming back. What do you say? I really did what, how can I fall into the open battle? Look at the eyes of a woman who is hostile to the mainland!"

In the year of the rogue, he put down the dagger and inserted it into the scabbard. Then he looked up and said to Absalom: "Well, my woman said, ‘not to be an example.’

Absalom immediately raised his **** at the beginning of the year to express his helplessness and anger.

In the end, she didn't contact the white fairy tale. She probably wouldn't expect to contact her by the Lunar New Year, so she blocked all the friends' secret words. After contacting the two unsuccessful results, Liu Nian took a photo of Absalom's shoulder and sighed: "Winning and losing is a common occurrence of the military Don't care too much."

I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t contact the white fairy tale, or if the son of the son of the singer said nothing, in short, according to Absalom’s observation, today’s dying year is the same as playing chicken blood in the guild war. Of course, he is also very passionate when he is in PVP, but it is a bit too big to compare with today. It makes Abraham more depressed, as for a woman...

I have never seen a woman for so many years, and I have broken it. I finally saw a woman who has seen it, so I will fight it. Absalom secretly groaned in his heart, but unfortunately his eyes were not good. He found a woman like the son of a son, and he would not want to turn over in his life. As soon as I thought of Absalom, I couldn’t help but sigh. Is this a thing that is a thing?

Just in the heart of Genesis and the flamboyant heart, Ye Ci received a message from Bai Mo: "The Iron Blood Association has launched a placard of the guild war against us. I picked it up. Do you want to come?"

Thousands of mountains and sun? Ye Ye raised his eyebrows. What is he thinking about? How to find them to launch a guild war every day? Her slight smile then smiled: "Come, why not?"

The answer to Ye’s words is to make Bai Mo somewhat surprised: “I didn’t expect you to be interested in this.”

The two chatted a few more words, and Bai Mo went to prepare. However, the leaf word opened the friend panel and found the name of Liu Shuman, and sent a message: "Is the PVP video of the Iron Blood Association?"

The other party quickly replied: "Want! Where is it! I will come over soon." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, monthly, your support, that is me The biggest motivation.)

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