MTL - Reign of the Hunters-Chapter 6 You are welcome black wolf

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Although Zola is more boring, her work is still very neat. After receiving the introduction letter from Lemi, the level of leaf words also rose from four to five. Zola is quick to master the five skills of the five levels, sniper and bow.

Not only that, because Ye Zi was praised by many NPCs in Xinren Village, Zola even gave the leaf a green bow.

Sharp bow: attack 4-10, attack speed +1%. Requires Level 5, requires a career: Hunter.

Although the professional instructor will send the weapons of this profession, however, the quality of this weapon depends on the mood of the NPC. It is generally white equipment. If you are lucky enough to encounter green equipment, if you open the Universiade, you may receive it. Blue equipment.

Obviously, the luck of the word is generally the same.

However, the leaf does not complain. After the rebirth, she knows that the most important thing is actually caught in the present. She is no longer too high-spirited and not greedy. It seems that the whole person is much peaceful.

She opened her own character panel and looked at the attributes of the whole person.

ID: Gongziyou

Race: Elf

HP: 250

MP: 120

Constitution: 25

Energy: 12

Strength: 15

Intelligence: 12

Agility: 26+2 (ethnic blessing)

Speed: 2

Balance: 12+1 (race blessing)

Perception: 6+1 (race blessing)

Character characteristics: stealth (ethnic blessing), hidden (professional blessing), treacherous, diplomatic, jumping, rolling, counter-offer.

In destiny, the attribute points of each career upgrade are automatically assigned by the system. In addition to the speed of the eight attributes, the other seven points of the attribute points are 16 points.

These 16 points are the same for every profession, but the distribution methods are not the same.

For example, the hunter, at each level, the number of points automatically assigned by the system is this:

Constitution: 3, energy: 2, strength 2, intelligence 2, agility 4, balance 2, perception 1.

There are no particularly high attributes and no special low attributes.

Of course, such official distribution has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that it greatly avoids the appearance of anti-day characters in the game, and maintains the balance between occupations as much as possible. The downside is that all professions and all players are more dependent on equipment and skills.

However, in Ye's words, this is also one of the glory laws of the company.

The more players rely on equipment and skills, the more they will be able to invest in money after the exchange of real money and game currency. The greater the investment, the more the Glory Group will earn.

Closing the character panel, Ye Ye sorted out the popular novice costume that only provided meager defense, ready to go to the cold cave.

Of course, before going to the icy cave, she has to go to a place where she must visit - a crossroads.

In destiny, in addition to melee occupations, other occupations require different consumables when operating skills. For example, legal professions require different methods of casting depending on the spell. The nurses also need treatment media, while the hunter and the ranger can use arrows and arrows.

These consumables are very costly.

Of course, this is not the most troublesome place. The most troublesome thing is that advanced consumables are not sold in the store. As for where to sell...

That only God and leaf words know.

It’s easy to get out of Xinren Village, and there have been a lot of players along the way. They are either in twos and threes, or alone, and they all wave the primary weapons that are free of charge from the system, and they are leveling up in the heat... or, robbery.

I calmly looked at this man and the sea, and the word sighed, but fortunately I grabbed the advanced for half an hour. If it is really open at 14 o'clock on time, and if you come in at the same time with these people, it will be drowned in the tide of leveling. How can it be so easy to go towards the cold cave?

The hunter's initial speed is 2 points, although it is higher than the melee and legal professions, but in the words of the leaf, it is really slow enough.

It took nearly half an hour to get there from the Xinren Village to the crossroads.

Not only that, but when she ran to the crossroads, she felt a hungry feeling.

Slowed down, she walked to a low tree house by the crossroads. Sitting in the corner of the house, the female elf Nadasa. Her feet are filled with materials for making arrows, and there are piles of already made arrows on the table.

The leaf word rushed to her and showed her intentions. Nasha was not surprised. Even if she didn't even lift her head, she took a set of arrows from the table and handed it to her.

Looking down at the set of arrows, Ye Xue smiled and said, "Nadasha, I want a better arrow."

There are three types of arrows that hunters can use before the 20th level: rough arrows, wooden arrows, and bronze arrows. The attacks attached to the three arrows are 1 point, 3 points and 6 points. Of course, the prices of the three arrows are also different.

The cheapest rough arrow, each group only needs one copper coin, followed by wooden arrow, each group needs twenty copper coins, the most expensive is copper arrow, each group sells one silver coin.

For hunters who have just finished level 5, the money in their hands will not exceed 10 silver coins, and there is not much left except for the purchase of the necessary blood bottles. Of course, the choice of the arrow can only choose the cheapest rough arrow.

The natasha handed the leaf words just the cheapest arrow.

However, she seems to have underestimated the leaf words. Although the leaf words are not much different from the ordinary newcomers, the first prizes of the two tasks and the cumulative rewards of the circulation tasks have enabled her pocket money to reach 12 gold coins.

How can such a leaf word choose a rough arrow, and of course she chooses the bronze arrow with the highest damage.

Ten silver coins were taken out of the pocket, and the leaves used ten sets of bronze arrows. Of course, this is related to her small sac. If her quiver can hold a hundred sets of arrows, she wouldn't mind buying a hundred sets at a time.

Despite this, it has already made Nadasa look. She looked up and glanced at the leaves with the cold purple eyes, then put away the silver coins on the table and handed the ten sets of bronze arrows to the leaves.

The leaf word respectfully took the arrow, put it into the quiver, and turned to leave. But I heard a strange voice saying: "Young hunter, where are you going to take your adventure?"

Looking back, it’s Nassa. This made the leaf word slightly unexpected, she thought that this NPC is dumb. To know that in the memory of leaf words, this NPC has never said a word to any player.

"From Dole's past, follow the footsteps of the Elf King forever." Think for a while. In the end, the leaf words answered the ambiguous words from the lengthy narrative of the village chief.

Nadash picked up the delicate eyebrows and then shook his ears. Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "Go, young hunter, may the Elf King Dole be with you."

After saying this, she lowered her head and continued to make arrows, as always.

After waiting for a long time, Ye Ye did not wait until she had other movements and words. Then she took a little bit of reluctance to leave the hut and inserted it into the dense and quiet forest from a hidden path in the north.

The Elf Forest is a general term for the forests near the Elf Village. The forest is so large that there is no margin. The leaf is simply to know that there are many novice villages dotted around the forest, and there are three preparatory copies in the forest.

The trees in the Elven Forest are almost all towering ancient trees. Even if you look up, you can only see straight trunks and lush foliage. The sun shines through the leaves, and the warmth of the stars is scattered in the woods. On the ground, because of the layering of the leaves, the feeling of stepping on is somewhat moist and soft.

Some wildflowers and small mushrooms, which are not named, are drilled from these damp leaves and grow freely.

Above these fallen leaves, there is a meandering and inconspicuous path that extends deep into the Elven Forest. The leaf word follows this road and walks quickly toward the depths of the It is quiet and a bit sultry, but from time to time you can see the 4th and 5th level of the strange walk in the forest. .

To go to the cold caves, you must do a pre-deployment. Ye Zi’s dexterity to avoid the strolling monsters quickly came to the Moro altar in the hinterland of the Elven Forest.

Several low-level rituals in robes were chanting on the edge of the altar.

"Young hunters, you must come here to help us, the king of the elves did not abandon us." The sacrificial offering saw the enthusiasm of the leaves, and the young face had a shallow smile. .

"What can I help you, respected sacrifice?"

"The rat head in the cold cave took my waistband away when I fell asleep, oh! You know! That thing is incredible. In a few days, the high priest is going to visit, if I see that I am lost. This waist card, I will be finished!" Sacrifice holding his head very painful, then he looked at the leaf with a slightly charming look, smiled: "Hunter, if you can help me find the waist card, I will not treat you badly..."

The leaf words can't help but sigh while picking up the task. These NPCs, obviously, can you play so why do you want the players to run errands?

"Hey! Over there, take the handle!" Ye Ci just turned and walked in the direction of the cold cave, and suddenly heard a shouting shouting from behind.

Looking back, I saw a black wolf running towards him, and behind him was a group of dense spiders!

"Don't be stupid, that one! Hurry up, help me solve it!" The black wolf ran as he rushed toward the opening of the leaf.


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