MTL - Red Moscow-Chapter 2 warning

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  Chapter 2 Warning

  Khimki is a small town, and the people in the town were either evacuated or went to the front line. There were not many people walking around in the town, so Lin Hua finally found the town police station under the guidance of an old lady.

  At the gate of the police station, there was a policeman walking back and forth wearing a rifle. Seeing Lin Hua approaching, he stopped, stretched out his hand to Lin Hua, and said with a smile, "Misha, do you have something to do with the director?"

Seeing that the policeman on guard knew him, Lin Hua had a surprised expression on his face, thinking that Sergey had mistook him for Misha just now, and now this policeman also called himself Misha, could it be that he and the Misha they knew Sha, do they look so similar?

  But at this moment, he was eager to find the town people's commissar, and asked him to send militiamen to strengthen the defense in the north. He didn't even care about why others would mistake him for Misha. He asked bluntly, "Comrade policeman, is the director there?"

   "Yes, yes," the policeman nodded a few times and said, "I'm in his office, having dinner with comrades from the town people's commissar."

  Lin Hua opened the wooden door and walked in. At the end of the long corridor, there was an office with the door open. According to his experience, it should be the director's office. Just when he was about to step forward, he suddenly saw a rectangular mirror hanging on the left wall, and he hurriedly moved over to try to figure out his current image. Unexpectedly, he saw a stranger in the mirror, a young man wearing a khaki short leather military coat, no hat, short blond hair, and a thin face. Based on his facial features, he could tell at a glance that he was a stranger. True Russian.

   "My God," Lin Hua was taken aback when he saw his face, and said to himself, "How did I become a Russian? What's going on?"

He stood in front of the mirror in a daze for a while, and suddenly remembered the purpose of his coming here. In a few hours, the Germans would break into the town of Khimki. The entire squad would be wiped out, and even the remaining residents of the town would suffer. Thinking of this, he quickly walked towards the director's office ahead.

  There is a stove near the window in the director's office, making the whole room feel warm. A policeman dozed off sitting on the bench to the left of the door. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head and took a look. After seeing clearly that it was Misha, he nodded at him and continued to lower his head and close his eyes to rest.

Lin Hua saw two middle-aged men in military coats, sitting at a desk next to the wall and eating. There were bread slices, pickled cucumbers, pickled tomatoes and other food on the table, and there were even two cups of steaming black tea. Lin Hua didn't know who the town people's committee member he was looking for, so he quickly raised his hand to his forehead, saluted them, and asked politely, "Which one is the town people's committee member?"

Hearing Lin Hua's voice, he turned his back to the middle-aged man at the door, and after seeing that the person standing behind him was Lin Hua, he stood up with a smile: "So it's Comrade Misha, have you had lunch yet?" ? How about eating some together?"

As soon as the other party stood up, Lin Hua could clearly see the rank of lieutenant on the other party's collar badge. He guessed that the other party might be the director of the police station, and quickly said respectfully: "Thank you, Comrade Director. I haven't eaten yet, but I am now I have urgent matters to ask comrade Comrade Town People’s Committee.”

The middle-aged man sitting facing the door put a half-bitten cucumber into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it, then looked at Lin Hua and asked, "Comrade Corporal, I am Kochetov, the Town People's Commissar. What's matter?"

Lin Hua quickly stepped forward and said to Kochetov: "Comrade People's Commissar, according to intelligence, a small German army is heading towards Khimki, and it will probably arrive here in a short time. I hope you can dispatch The nearby militia, go to the north of the town to strengthen the defense there..."

Before Lin Hua finished speaking, Kochetov scolded him: "Comrade Corporal, do you know what you're talking about? The Germans will break into Khimki in a few hours? Nonsense , It’s nonsense, I don’t care where you got this information, but I want to remind you: In front of us is the 16th Army under the command of Lieutenant General Rokossovsky. Absolutely not one step back. But what are you talking about, that the Germans are going to break through their defenses, into the town of Khimki, on the outskirts of Moscow, into the heart of the Soviet motherland. To put it mildly, this is absurd ideas; to put it in a bad way, this is the performance of defeatism."

After Kochetov's storm passed, Lin Hua bit the bullet and said: "Comrade Town People's Commissar, it is entirely possible for the enemy to bypass our army's defense line and break in here. I think it is absolutely necessary to send militiamen to strengthen the defense in the north of the town." Necessary."

Hearing what Lin Hua said, Kochetov was furious. He pointed at Lin Hua and shouted, "Who do you think you are? A general or a marshal? You can actually judge the next move of the German army and think they will break into this place." Small town of Khimki. I see, I'm going to call your superiors immediately and ask him to transfer you to where the fighting is fiercest, to face the Germans face to face, and you won't be like this all day Thinking wildly."

  Seeing that Kochetov was so stubborn, Lin Hua knew that there was no point in persuading him any longer. He decided to leave here immediately and rush to the north of the town to set up defenses. He straightened his body and asked Kochetov: "Comrade Town People's Commissar, will you allow me to leave?"

  Kochetov was eager for Lin Hua to leave at this moment, and when he saw that he offered to leave, he waved his hand, indicating that Lin Hua could leave. Lin Hua raised his hand to salute Kochetov and the director, then turned around and was about to leave the office.

   "Wait a minute, Misha!" Just as Lin Hua was about to leave the office, he was stopped by the director. Lin Hua stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the police lieutenant, not knowing what he was going to say to him.

  The director pointed to his own head, and said to Lin Hua in a kind tone: "Misha, it's cold, don't forget to wear a hat when you go out, it's better to blow the cold wind, you'll get a headache."

  For the director's concern, Lin Hua nodded gratefully, then raised his hand to salute the other party, and then walked out of the director's office with big strides.

  Lin Hua came to the north of the town, where he met a group of his subordinates. There are ten people in total, including the whole class and himself. Both the chief and deputy machine gunners are called Sidolin, and they are brothers; among the remaining six people, there are two submachine gunners, and the rest use weapons similar to those of themselves and Xie Duo. Like Liao Sha, they are all Mosin Nagant rifles.

  Seryozha asked Lin Hua in a low voice: "Misha, what did Comrade Town People's Committee say?"

  Lin Hua shook his head and said with a wry smile: "He didn't believe that the Germans would rush to Khimki, and even scolded me."

Seryozha had already guessed that Lin Hua would run into a wall. After all, the troops had been stationed here for more than a month. Except for a few bombings, they didn't even see the Germans. Besides, there was the main force of the 16th Army in front of them. , how could the enemy rush into the town? But in order to take care of Misha's face, he still asked politely: "Misha, what should we do?"

Lin Hua was thinking in his heart that although the Soviet army has been retreating steadily since the outbreak of the war, and the German army has reached the city of Moscow, most people do not think that the German army is capable of rushing into Moscow, so they lack the necessary vigilance . This can be seen from the reaction of the Town People's Commissar Kochetov. Since there is no support from the outside world, they can only rely on their own strength to block the German troops trying to break into Khimki.

  Thinking of this, Lin Hua said to Seryozha: "Order the soldiers to enter their respective combat positions and prepare for battle!"

  (end of this chapter)