MTL - Record of the Missing Sect Master-Chapter 96

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When Wen Renheng went back, Ye You was drinking fish soup slowly.

He glanced at the food on the table and smiled, "It's richer than we eat."

Ye You smiled and said, "Who made me a patient."

Wen Renheng stepped beside him and sat down, glancing at the corner of his mouth, and then rubbing his chin to clean it for him. Ye right licked subconsciously, who knew that Brother's finger hadn't been retracted and happened to come across. Wen Renheng looked a little dark, and kissed him for a while before letting off contentedly, praising: "The taste of fish soup is good."

Ye Youdao: "Come on a bowl?"

Wen Renheng Road: "Yes."

The two then drank and talked around the table.

Wen Renheng was with him and was in a good mood, so he ate a little bit, and found that although the ingredients were the same, the taste was very different from what he had just eaten. He said, "He is very kind to you."

Ye You silently reacted and immediately laughed.

Celebrity Heng said: "how?"

Ye Youdao: "If you go back and taste Xie Junming's table, you will know that, like this table, the dishes are definitely not from the same pot as yours, nor are they from the same person."

Wen Renheng suddenly remembered that when he appeared in the dining room before, the expression of the host seemed strange for a moment.

He thought the man was wondering why he didn't accompany his younger brother. Now he looked at the table and knew immediately that it was prepared for the two of them. And when he stepped into the dining room, the food was already set up, and the owner was exposed when he replaced it. No wonder it was the reaction.

He couldn't laugh or cry.

Those Baekdo seniors probably wouldn't expect them to be a guest, and the host would actually hide the position in front of them.

Ye Youdao: "He only welcomed Baidao into the village by looking at my face this time. In fact, he didn't like those people at all, and of course he wouldn't entertain them seriously. This temperament fits my opinion."

Wen Renheng heard something and thought of one thing, and asked, "After the end of the matter, won't you go back to the road?"

Ye Youdao: "No, the underworld is good, and the demon is also very good."

Wen Renheng knew that his brother was unwilling to enter the badao when he changed his name to "Demonism" at first. He originally thought it was because of Bai Zi's relationship. Who knew that he would not come back after disposing of Bai Zi, then nodded, not forcing him.

Ye You smiled and asked, "Would you like to come to our underworld? There are many interesting people."

Wen Renheng Road: "No."

His development in Baekdo is good. In the future, he can take care of his brother if he has anything to do, which is good.

Ye You also did not force him. He lay back on the bed after dinner. By the way, he should think whether he should send some Chinese medicine to bring out his "weakness". However, he did not wait for him to consider it. Here it comes.

Master Ding Ge still opened the door so he sat down beside the bed and said, "I heard you are doubting the fat man."

He didn't say who to listen to, but Ye You knew it well and said, "Yes."

Ding Ge said: "Evidence."

Ye Youdao: "Master, if there is evidence for the younger, it must have been given to you already, why go with him in circles?"

Master Dingge was silent for a while and slowly said: "Although I am at odds with him, I have seen what he has done for the rivers and lakes these years, and it is by no means a suspicion that you can overthrow."

Ye Youdao: "I know."

Lord Ding looked at him: "What is your relationship with the sunspot?"

Ye You calmed down and told the truth: "I'm a sunspot."

Lord Ding looked cold: "You?"

Ye You's attitude is sincere: "I know that seniors don't like juniors, but juniors have to do it."

Wen Renheng personally took the tea and handed it to Ding Gezhu, interjecting: "His position in Jianghu is the most clear, but if it is replaced by others, why should I and my brother do this?"

Lord Ding Ge didn't answer, his look was still very cold, obviously he still didn't like their way of doing things.

Ye You sighed: "The Lord"

Master Ding Ge raised his hand to interrupt him, and said lightly: "No need to say much, there is no conclusive evidence, I will not believe what you do, and I do n’t want to know what you will do next, but if you let me know that you hurt innocent people, "What he suddenly thought of, Shen Sheng asked," So Jiang Yue and Xiao Zhong are in your hands? "

"No" Ye You hadn't finished speaking yet, just listening to the outside, there was a noise, and then Wei Jin knocked on the door and came in.

Gezhu Ding said: "how?"

Wei Jin looked dignified: "The lord, the lord is here, and there is an old man next to him. The predecessors said it was the devil."

As soon as Ding Ge's face changed, he got up and left.

Wei Jin hurriedly followed him and rushed out. The door was still open, and the noise outside was heard more clearly.

When Wen Renheng heard it, he also made a sigh, and when he saw his brother Huo Ran lifted the quilt, he held him down: "What do you want to do?"

"What can I do?" Ye You's eyes were cold, "Of course I'm going to look at such a big man."

Wen Renheng Road: "You"

"Relax, brother, I won't be impulsive." Ye You closed her eyes, and then opened it, and it was calm again.

He was probably used to this, and Wen Renheng could not see the slightest murderousness and flaws in his eyes, and even felt that there was a bit of easy-going spirit, but the more so, the more distressing.

Wen Renheng could not help but pull the person into his arms and hugged him firmly, holding the hand of his brother and going out: "If you can't help it, it doesn't matter, I'll stay with you no matter what."

Ye You clenched his hand and said "um".

At this moment the predecessors have ran to the wall.

I saw two people standing outside the door, one of them was the familiar leader, and the other was about sixty, with a look of indifference and strong momentum. Three corpses had been lying on the ground next to them, all of which were **** knights. They were said to have died in the scene with only one stroke.

Several seniors looked at the faces in their memories, their expressions were ugly.

Twenty years ago, how hard they worked hard to get rid of this devil, but it turned out to be empty!

The old man glanced at them, and murmured, saying in a fluctuating tone, "It's been a long time."

Several seniors stared at him, unable to say a word.

After all these years, the devil's head is obviously well-cultivated, but there are some wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, and the rest is the same as before, but this momentum is even more daunting than that year.

The movement was so big that the owner could not sit.

When he ran over, he just heard the phrase, "I haven't seen you for a long time", and then the seniors just stared at each other without saying a word. The scene was a bit cold, but there were strange things in it. He looked at the two sides, and finally turned his attention to the old man. There was a faint illusion-as if this man was standing there, no one dared to take a step forward.

He went to Xie Junming and whispered, "Brother, who is this?"

Xie Junming's look was rare and serious: "The devil."

The host stunned: "What devil?"

Xie Junming said: "What do you say?"

The owner contacted the recent events, and his pupils suddenly shrank, and then forced himself to tears, pulled his neckline, and bit his lips hard.

Xie Junming said politely: "Pretend to be pitiful and useless. Think of the several families that were destroyed at that time, and the elderly and children did not run away."

"" The Zhaizhu returned to the original moment, and his voice tightened when he spoke again. "Will we play eggs today in Shuizhai? I haven't married my wife."

Xie Junming glanced at him: "You don't even think about getting married like this, just pick it up and marry yourself."

Several seniors nearby: ""

Damn, why are you still joking at this time!

The host said quietly: "I sometimes think so, but who will marry me? I'm thirty."

Several seniors nearby: ""

The underworld really is all in a single hill!

When the old man saw that they didn't speak, he took a step forward.

In just one step, several seniors slammed away from each other, ready to fight at any time.

"Slow, wait!" The leader stopped the old man and walked to him to look at the crowd. "Some things, we have to explain today."

"That's right," the owner of Wei Zhuang looked stern, and the first stepped forward. "We just have something to ask you."

Wei Jiangrou was standing behind him. When he saw this, he couldn't help worrying, and shouted, "Dad."

The old man glanced at her when he heard the words, and stared suddenly.

Wei Jiangrou barely understood what was going on.

She felt only a gust of wind coming, and then the surrounding scenes suddenly changed. When she returned to God, she found that she had been pulled by the old man, and the two stood facing each other.

She immediately became pale and screamed "ah".

This change was unexpected, and several seniors were all surprised.

Wei Zhuang said, "What are you doing?"

The old man didn't give alms to his eyes, pulled Wei Jiangrou away, walked across the water in the blink of an eye, and came across the river. Wei Zhuang naturally quit, and hurried to catch up. The lord also returned to God and followed them closely.

When Ding Gezhu, Ye You, and others came out one after the other, they saw this picture. The former asked coldly, "Is that the devil?"

Abbot Ciyuan said, "It's him."

Suddenly, the main sword of Ding Ge came out of the sheath and killed the past without saying a word.

Several seniors were thinking about whether to chase them and rushed along when they saw them. There were many of them. Since the devil was not dead, he had to send the person down again, so as not to let him hurt others.

The front was quickly empty.

Ye You walked to Xie Junming's side and narrowed his eyes after asking: "You said Wei Jiangrou?"

Xie Junming said: "Yes."

Ye Youdao: "I see."

Wallad said: "What do you know?"

Ye You refused to answer, staring at the empty river surface quietly.

He had been thinking before, why did he know that the lord went to the demon head, so Baizi could be so indifferent? Why did Wei Zhuang's owner love Wei Jiangrou so much that he didn't blow people away? It turned out that even the arrival of Wei Jiangrou was unexpected by Wei's owner, but at that time the more Wei Jiang disappeared, so Wei's owner was a little irritable.

At that time, the owner of Wei Zhuang must have hesitated, but in the end, Wei Jiangrou was not sent away, because Wei Jiangrou looked like Wei Zhuang's dead sister!

Ye You didn't know what Wei Zhuang ’s sister and the demon had entangled, but it can be seen from Wei Zhuang ’s solemn determination that Wei Jiangrou can hold the devil, this entanglement must be in the favor of Wei Zhuang ’s owner!

It seems that he originally tried to find a way to separate the relationship between the confederate and Baizi in Shaolin. Instead of bringing trouble to Baizi, he would be defeated by Baizi. As long as the devil did not kill Wei Jiangrou, the bad luck would be he!

After all, Wei Jiangrou's most hated person, but he. /

Read The Duke's Passion