MTL - Record of the Missing Sect Master-Chapter 56

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As a puppet, since Qin Yuemian followed them to Shaolin, in addition to going to the county for a teething ritual and drinking a little wine, her favorite thing to do is to go to the peach girl for tea. He is not always stared at like Xiaogongzi, and it is much easier to receive news.

He asked: "This medicine man refers to the group of Baizi?"

Ye nodded right.

He didn't know exactly where those people settled. Only knowing the approximate location, he sent people to stare around. The note reads "Maybe", either the person watching him felt something wrong, or his helper made a new discovery, so he tried to send a message to Qin Yuemian.

Qin Yuemian has seen Master Deru look like an attack, and has a deep understanding of the horror of the drug man, asking: "What do they want to use the drug man?"

Ye You smiled and said, "For example, kill Shaolin directly, or arrest a group of people from the rivers and lakes, hold them around, and force the abbot to hand in a few counts to kill a hostage until we are willing to hand it over. For example, if we go a step further, we will force the abbot to pick a place that is good for them, and then we will set up a trap to kill our group of people.

Qin Yuemian's heart suddenly jumped fiercely: "——What?"

Ye Youdao: "If the other party is mad, I think it will be the case, it depends on which one they choose. Well, as their eyes stab, I will definitely be the one named. If I really want to pass, Don't miss me too much. "

Qin Yuemian forced herself to calm down and asked, "Will you be obedient?"

"Yes," Ye You said earnestly, "what else is your personal life in front of the rivers and lakes?"

Qin Yuemian didn't want to listen to him **** and looked at Wen Renheng.

Wen Renheng said: "It will be Mid-Autumn Festival in two days."

Qin Yuemian said: "So?"

Wen Renheng asked: "You don't want to go out and play?"

Qin Yuemian raised an eyebrow.

At this time, several seniors learned the ins and outs from the mouth of the alliance leader, and were all silenced by Xie Junming's powerful reason.

Lord Ding said coldly, "I said that he should not be left."

The leader has calmed down slowly and frowned: "Will he make an excuse for intention?"

Wei Zhuang asked: "Do you think he has no purpose?"

"Don't have a purpose" was used on this occasion. The other people, like Ding Xilai, couldn't help but want to be a little bit crooked, but then they were pulled back by reason, and they heard the leader continue: "I do n’t know.

He said to him that Xie Junming couldn't use common sense to see, but had a headache and changed his mouth. "Anyway, you have to tell him, don't let him take off the clothes of others."

Everyone found it reasonable. Besides, the Wulin Alliance was treated like this by underworld people. How could they swallow this breath and went to Xie Junming's small courtyard together to discuss an argument.

Xie Junming was drinking tea and had no intention of sleeping.

They all agreed to ask whether this man was waiting for them and went in.

Xie Junming said: "For what just happened?"

The leader said, "Why are you really that?"

Xie Junming asked with a smile: "Do n’t you think I see you?"

The leader of the alliance froze a moment, and the master of Ding Ge listened to him nonsense, his look even more ugly. The owner of Wei Zhuang took a look at it, opened his mouth first, and mediated it kindly, then vaguely stated that they did not believe the excuse.

Xie Junming said: "What I said is true."

Everyone had a headache, and they couldn't help it.

"I don't have many friends, and I think you can guess who I am for," Xie Junming said. "The fortune teller did say that, but it was too detailed, but it made people feel problematic."

The crowd surprised a moment.

Xie Junming and Ye You were too familiar. After listening to the progress of the day, and hearing Ye You's words to Mr. Xiao, they realized the spirit of provoking alienation and said, "This happened recently, you just happen The scene was so heated that both Ayou and I felt that someone might want to lead him to Shaolin, so I stopped him and came here first. "

The leader asked: "You didn't hold down the fortune teller?"

"Isn't it clasped?" Xie Junming said. "Ayou only sent someone to follow him, but there is no news yet."

Everyone silent.

Xie Junming said: "The fortune teller also said that the person was distinguished. I heard that Zhonggong was tied as soon as I came here, and naturally I thought about the leader." He looked at the leader, "Zhonggongzi had a birthmark on his back. What? "

The leader's forehead jumped: "No."

Xie Junming said: "I don't know about it, or the birthmark is fortune telling, or else the crowd is so easy to find this person? Can you choose someone?"

Everyone thought about it and shook their heads.

Xie Junming said: "So I still think this is weird. Do you have any enemies?"

The leader said: "It doesn't necessarily mean me."

Xie Junming said: "But with so many people, the first thing I think of is you, oh, maybe it's a misunderstanding."

The crowd was silent again.

These things come one after another, true or false, the situation is still unknown, as if separated by a layer of fog, I do not know what will happen tomorrow.

Xie Junming said: "In short, I know so much."

Everyone glanced at him and understood that they couldn't ask for other useful things, and then they left. Xie Junming watched them leave, evoking a bad smile, drinking the cup of tea in his hand and going to sleep.

Qin Yuemian also left at this time, sweeping a friend to send it in person, could not help but said: "I just knew his identity."

Wen Renheng nodded, and said gently: "Go to bed early."

Qin Yuemian still felt a little cold, and it was estimated that it would be a little mildew in the future. He cursed the pair of brothers in his heart and confessed his fate.

Wen Renheng turned and entered the house. Seeing his brother sitting thoughtfully, he went to untie the cloth on his face, pinched his chin and looked at the burn marks. He decided to apply more medicine for a few days and said: "Go wash your face."

Ye You washed his face obediently, came back and sat down and was applied by his brother, still walking away.

The traces on that face are already very shallow. If you don't look closely, you can hardly see it. Wen Renheng simply wiped a thin layer of medicine for him and put away the small porcelain bottle, and wiped his fingers: "Sleep."

Ye Youying answered, got up and undressed, and climbed into bed.

Wen Renheng simply cleaned up, lay down next to him, pulled the person into his arms, and asked, "Still thinking about it? I'm afraid there are actually some medicine people nearby. Will we be late?"

Ye Youdao: "One of them."

Wen Renheng Road: "What else?"

Ye Youdao: "I want to talk to Ji Shenyi alone and ask him about his apprentice."

Wen Renheng said: "Do you suspect Bai Zi's doctor is his apprentice?"

Ye You said "um".

However, Ji Shenyi is now in a special position. To solve the problem of Master Deru ’s medicine, check whether Li Hua had been given medicine in his childhood. Bai Zi ’s main reliance is on medicine people. As long as the medicine is not understood, they can catch people and feed them at any time. , The drug man can't kill him at all.

Therefore, Bai Zi wants to get rid of Ji Shenfang and Fang Xiaosheng, even he has to be ranked behind them. This kind of thing can be guessed by Abbot Ciyuan and Xuanyang, so he sent a senior Shaolin monk and eighteen Luohan to protect the pair. Master and apprentice, whoever is going to stare. Today, the little **** doctor came to see him, and was also escorted by people from Shaolin. He wanted to talk with Ji Shenyi alone, which was very difficult.

He looked at his brother: "If you say I'll go and ask him about the big apprentice. Shaolin people are here, will he tell me the truth?"

Wen Renheng thought about it: "You can try it. He helped you cover it up once, and this time he might say something useful to you."

"Well, I think so, but I only called a little divine doctor today. What excuse did I use to find him, and my chest is tight?" Ye You said and stopped, looking at a face close at hand. , My chest is tight. "

"" Wen Renheng was so full of mind that when he suddenly turned here, he was speechless.

Ye You laughed and leaned towards him.

Wen Renheng held the man in his arms, and ran his hand through his collar.

Ye raised an eyebrow.

Wen Renheng said: "Aren't you stuffy? Rub it for you."

"In fact, it's not too boring. Brother, don't forget that this is Shaolin. Let's be serious." Ye Youhua disappeared on the lip next to each other. He noticed that the belt was untied and hugged Brother's neck.

Wen Renheng hugged him for a long time and kissed for a long time. When he let it go, his clothes had been torn open, he stood slightly up, and looked at him: "Are you still bored?"

Ye You was short of breath, looked at the person under the ambiguous candlelight, and narrowed his eyes, "It's okay."

Wen Renheng stretched his thumb and rubbed his lips in the corner: "What else is wrong?"

Ye You asked, "Where do you look at me?"

"I think you're fine." Wen Renheng let go of him, lay down beside him, and looked down at him with his head up. The clothes were undressed, half of his chest was exposed, and a little bit of oozing was unrestrained. It looks a little different.

Ye Youyi glanced a few times and pulled his collar.

Wen Renheng grabbed his rebellious hand, put it on his lips and kissed: "Don't sleep?"

Ye You asked, "Are you sleeping?"

Wen Renheng said: "Be honest, I will sleep."

Ye nodded to the right, slowly gathered his clothes together, and laid down lazily, indicating that he would sleep now and never move. Wen Renheng saw that he really closed his eyes, looked at him for a while, leaned over his lips and kissed. Ye ticked the corner of his right mouth: "This is not my problem."

Wen Renheng secretly said a scourge, and couldn't help but kiss deeply, and then restrained to retreat.

Ye You worked hard to calm his breath: "Are you worried that there will be movement tonight?"

"It's not impossible." Wen Renhengdao.

Ever knowing Bai Zi's identity, he knew how serious the matter was. They can't be easily distracted under Bai Zi's eyelids today, not to mention that the Confederate leader was smashed by one after another today, and I wonder if there will be any action at night.

He asked, "Twenty years ago, was that demon dead?"

The messy thoughts in Ye Right's brain calmed down, and there was a moment of silence: "I don't know, but I don't think I'm dead."

Wen Renheng said: "When you went to Xiangxing City, Ji Shenyi said that Bai Zi was increasing the dose, probably to control more powerful masters. If the devil did not die, would they want to control him?

Ye You sat up sharply: "Ji Shenyi said this?"

Wen Renheng said: "Well, if the leader of the alliance is really the servant of the demon, then he would leave because of expediency, then he is still the demon, and only cooperates with Baizi."

Ye You then said: "Suppose that the leader is completely unclear about Bai Zi's dosing. He may think of his master when he hears the words of Ji Shenyi, and then his son is tied up, and I was provoked again. In the evening Also Xie Junming cut off his clothes once "

Wenren Hengdao: "The Confederate has worked with Baizi for so many years, but the means to Baizi is clearest."

Ye You immediately said, "Brother, I'll go out."

Wen Renheng said: "I am with you."

Ye Youdao: "No, I can do it alone. I'll go to Xie Junming first and ask the results before I say."

Wen Renheng didn't stop. He told him that there was a night clothes in his bag, watched him change, and asked, "If I didn't force you to tell the truth, what should you do now?"

Ye You laughed: "Maybe I will sleep with Xie Junming tonight."

Wenren Hengdao: "Why?"

Ye You earnestly said, "It's late at first sight, I love at first sight."

Wen Renheng: ""

Ye You smiled at him again, opened the window and left.

Wen Renheng waited patiently and waited for an hour to see him return. A big rock fell in his heart and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Well, I was caught on the way, I solved it." Ye You said, took off the night clothes and put them away, wiped briefly, and went back to bed.

Wen Renheng found a comfortable posture for him and hugged him: "Sleep."

Ye You lay down for a while and said, "Brother?"

Celebrity Heng said: "ah?"

Ye Youdao: "I think it ’s the middle of the night, even if the leader has any action. Should we let it go?"

He didn't finish saying a word, and Wen Renheng kissed him, and then his clothes were picked up. He reacted a little, ducking slightly, wondering: "Brother?"

Wen Renheng responded with an "um" sound, and the hands on him did not stop.

Ye Youdao: "I mean, should we get up in the middle of the night to see, what do you think I mean?"

Wen Renheng: ""

The two looked at each other, Ye You raised his eyebrows meaningfully, smelled Renheng's expression dim, and pressed him to kiss again. /

Read The Duke's Passion