MTL - Record of the Missing Sect Master-Chapter 44

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Scar man is like sitting on a needle felt.

He listened carefully to the movement in the car for a while, after all, he couldn't help but opened a little slit to sneak in, and found that Master Xiao's hand seemed to reach into his clothes, and was immediately shocked. I think duckweed will be locked up as soon as it arrives in Shaolin, so want to take advantage of it?

Can't I?

Is Master Xiao such a person? Or have you lost your mind because of your feelings?

He glanced a few more times, seeing that the two were close together, and they felt a kind of ear-sharpness. Yu Guang saw the driver next to him and glanced down at him, then he lowered the curtain and sat down, feeling very sad.

For so many years, their master managed to have a favorite, who knows that the flowers are deliberately flowing, even if they do n’t like this little sister after the memory is restored, there is also a girl with a confidant peach, what can their master do? To wait, to say that the common ground between duckweed and peach girl is that they can both play a good piano. Is it true that the master Ye likes to play piano?

He suddenly felt that he had found out the truth, and decided to go back and tell the master to learn more piano.

Ye You had already pulled out a token and a jade pendant from duckweed at this time. He took a brief look and returned the token, as long as he had jade pendant.

Duckweed's heart sank slightly.

He is in a high position and has already considered the possibility of being captured, so he specially made a token to carry dangerous news, because most people will find the token useful when they see these two things. Strange Yupei, so if he was captured, the person who captured him took the token to find his person, and the latter would know that he was in trouble and would not be easily fooled.

But this person directly asked for Jade, and it couldn't be a coincidence.

He asked subconsciously: "You planted someone in ours? No, it shouldn't be."

He didn't wait for this person to answer before taking the lead and said, "It shouldn't be, otherwise you should have gone to me and you are the one who caught us and got it out of his mouth?"

Ye You put him back and simply arranged his clothes: "Oh?"

Duckweed asked: "Last time we found that someone was following Li Hua, was it yours?"

Ye You asked with a smile: "Yes, or not?"

"I'm yours," said Duckweed.

He hasn't argued that they caught the wrong person since he got caught up in this person, because it was so stupid, but some things still have to be figured out, he asked, "How on earth do you doubt me? Li Hua said ? "

"No, thanks to the young masters," Ye You said generously this time, narrating the cause and effect for him, watching the coldness in his eyes flashing away and asking with a smile, "Li Hua's mind is too Many, I'm afraid I didn't dare tell you this? "

Duckweed didn't answer, and asked, "Why do you have to identify me?"

Ye You gentle said: "Because I love you at first sight, even if you are not, I want to get you."

Duckweed was tuned-played several times, and simply followed his words and said, "Since you like me, let me see your true colors, and maybe I will love you, and I will leave everything behind with you Now. "

"Okay." Ye You said that, and immediately turned Yirong. Duckweed did not expect him to be so good at talking, and he did not expect that the fake face would be so captivating and stunned.

Ye You pinched his chin and leaned closer to him: "How? Can it get into your eyes?"

Duckweed quickly returned to his heart, suppressing the shock in his heart, and sincerely said, "Very good."

Ye You asked, "Would you like to follow me?"

Duckweed said: "I will consider it."

"Well, I'll wait for you no matter how long," Ye You said affectionately, let him sit back and asked casually, "Where does your family live? But there are relatives? In case your army is wiped out, I will take care of them for you . "

Duckweed said: "It won't bother you."

Ye Youdao: "Don't you want to tell me, or you can't remember it at all, or haven't seen it at home?"

Duckweed was shocked. Could it be that this man was trying to test his memory-modifying medicine when he was a child? Is it possible? Why can you even know such a thing?

Ye You faced the look in his eyes, and immediately knew that duckweed knew the existence of that medicine. Smart people such as duckweed would definitely try to verify whether his memory was true, and if he wanted to come, he had never taken any medicine. .

He regretted in his heart and said, "I think you have a problem because you can hear many people around you, so guessing your identity is definitely not easy."

The duckweed reacted to realize that he was answering his previous question, but many of the people who care for himself were masters of medication. If this person could hear them all, how high is the martial arts?

He could not help but re-evaluate the strength of this man.

Ye Youdan calmly allowed him to look around, picked up the fake leather next to him and put it on. At this time, he only heard the urgent sound of horseshoes coming from behind him, and gradually became a piece.

Scar Man lifted the curtain: "Master Xiao, someone is coming"

He slammed into the man's face, and saw Master Xiao even withdrew Yi Rong. The first reaction was to win the duckweed's favor, even the beauty plan was used!

Ye You put on fake leather and said, "The visitor is not good."

The Scar Man was stunned in his heart, no longer thinking about everything, and hurriedly guarding them, just in case he also ordered the duckweed's acupuncture point, seeing that he didn't hide or flash, he was very cooperative.

"" Duckweed can't even make a sound now, there is no way to tell him that he was originally acupointed, and his eyes were silently removed.

At this time, the people of "Moon Shadow" and "Sky" had already joined hands with Black Shadow.

Almost immediately, they felt that the strength of the other party was not weak, and they could not help but look dignified. They immediately separated some people to hold them back, and the rest escorted the young men away. They have been away for a day and a night, and the people in Shaolin should send someone to look for them. As long as they meet, there is nothing to worry about.

Wei Jiangyue held his sword and wanted to go out, but was quickly stopped by the eyes of the "sky", he said coldly, "I stay, you guard them."

The humaneness of the "Sky": "No, Master No. 2, all masters come."

Ding Xilai nodded beside him.

As soon as he was nervous, he began to talk more, and said, "Listen to him, take a rest and don't follow the chaos."

Wei Jiangyue said: "Do you think I am you?"

Ding Xilai was unwilling: "What does this say, if it weren't for us, would you know Xiangxing City?"

Wei Jiangyue didn't want to quarrel with him, opened the curtains and looked at it. Seeing that this group of people in black seemed to recognize the duckweed's carriage, two of them broke into the barrier and rushed to the car directly, his face could not help changing: " Let me go! "

The young league leader and Ding Xilai said in unison: "Don't find death!"

Wei Jiang turned a deaf ear and hurried out.

The number of "Yueying" and "Sky" is limited, but the number of people in black is very large. The latter is not war-fighting, so a few people in black soon rushed out to chase the duckweed's carriage. Although the bipolar gates were intercepted in several batches, due to the increasing number of people on the other side, they gradually became stretched.

Scar Man's thoughts turned quickly.

It stands to reason that since Duckweed agreed to follow them, the people in Xiangxing should not chase them, even the sunspots should not take the duckweed's life right, so this is because Xiangxing Cheng regretted trying to treat people. Save it, or does Kuroko want to tie someone to Shaolin himself, or is it another person?

He looked slightly hesitant, thinking about taking a gamble, holding the duckweed with a knife holder to stab those people to evacuate, but the woods next to him suddenly burst out with two black men, and a row of concealed weapons hit him, piercing the horse. , Two horses suddenly growled and started running away.

The driver didn't pull, and was accidentally dropped out of the car.

Scar Man was afraid that the two horses would run to the absolute road, hurriedly tightened the reins, and temporarily rested the hostage to confront them.

Duckweed listened to the movement outside, looked at the people next to him, saw that he was calm from start to finish, and didn't know what he was thinking. Ye You noticed his gaze and solved an acupuncture point for him. Duckweed was able to speak and asked, "Are you not worried?"

"Worried," Ye Youdao, "did you see me for a long time and didn't say a word? I'm thinking of a solution."

Duckweed wasn't convinced, and was about to say something, and heard the sound of the sword, apparently the man with the scar turned into a hand.

The men in black performed very well, and the Scar Man controlled the carriage before they caught up with them. In Yuguang, he saw a man in black approaching the carriage, his expression changed slightly, he gritted his teeth, pulled out his dagger, threw it into the hip of the horse, watched the carriage run away, and prayed that it could run to a safe place.

The mad horse panicked and went straight into the woods. The carriage suddenly bumped. Ye You helped the duckweed. The two barely sat down. The duckweed asked: "What now?"

Ye Youyi opened the curtains and glanced forward, and looked at the black man behind him, sighing sighing: "I lost all my martial arts, naturally not their opponents, but people must have backbone, anyway, if they are caught, As soon as you die, it is better to pull your sweetheart over the cliff, and it will be dead without regret if you die together like this. "

Duckweed jumped in his heart, and before he could tell whether he said it was true or false, he realized that his collar had been grabbed by him, and he immediately took it out, raised his head, and realized that there was a cliff in front of him.

Although the two horses were injured, the instinct to survive was still there, and a long hissing sound stopped at the edge, but Ye right didn't stop, and the people around him jumped, almost all of them were decisive.


Chasing the man in black, together with the Scar Man and Wei Jiangyue who came to support from a distance, took a breath, and the brain suddenly became blank. They rushed to the edge of the cliff to see this height, and a heart sank deeply.

The chaos quickly subsided.

The two sides had no intention of fighting, and they hurried to save people after a while. At this time, the people from Shaolin Temple happened to find the nearby place. Wen Renheng was worried about the safety of his brother and followed him. Listening to the progress of the matter, he was very slow and slow. Looking down at him, the sound seemed to be immersed in the ice cave: "You say it again."

Read The Duke's Passion