MTL - Record of the Missing Sect Master-Chapter 32

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Ye You honestly said, "I thought about it."

He had long been able to conceal it clearly from his brother. He cooperated with him and took the initiative to analyze, "After the injury and amnesia, the person who hurt me has not appeared yet. As soon as I had an accident, the lamp was poisoned. This is a coincidence. It was my amnesia that I deliberately made to get involved. I just didn't understand a bit. "

Wen Renheng Road: "You can actually pretend that you have no memory."

Ye You echoed, pretending to be ignorant, showing just the right doubt: "Well, I could have pretend to have amnesia, why am I really amnesia? Is there such a thing as amnesia?"

This is also what Wen Renheng didn't understand.

In what way did his teacher amnesia? What about that messy internal force? And the burns on the body, if it was really caused by the younger brother, it would be too hard.

Wen Renheng sighed in his heart, letting out his voice: "What is going on? It seems that you can only know after you restore your memory. In short, it may be you who do it, you converge a little."

Ye Youdao: "Brother, I just guessed that this bureau may be related to me, so I want to unlock it as soon as possible."

"I understand." There was no slight blame or disapproval in Wen Renheng's tone, as if it didn't matter that he had killed the sky, said, "With me, I will protect you whenever I can."

Ye's right eyelid drooped slightly, covering complex emotions, and said, "Okay."

Wen Renheng looked at the gentle brother and said, "Then you promise me something first."

Ye looked up.

Wen Renheng looked into his eyes: "If it was you who did it, after your memory is restored, tell me what it was originally, what I asked and what you answered."

"" Ye Youdao, "Brother, are you trying to make a person with amnesia promise?" Is it a bit shameless?

Wen Ren Heng Dan calmly said: "Anyway the bureau is done, it doesn't matter to talk about it."

Ye Youdao: "Then I will consider it after I recover."

Wen Renheng pressed the umbrella, approached him slightly, and asked calmly: "You don't agree now, don't you believe me?"

Ye You vaguely regained the feeling of being persecuted by his brother before, but it was already very mild. At the beginning, they had all done it. Since his return to the Central Plains was pierced by his brother, his brother has always wanted to cover him The truth about leaving was that he almost wanted to be **** once. Although he was not really tied up, he could see it.

He responded politely: "My men say our relationship is not good."

Wen Renheng didn't change his face and said, "That's because righteousness and evil are not mutually exclusive. I have always wanted to take you home. They can't get used to me, nonsense."

Ye You: ""

Fortunately his memory came back, otherwise he might really believe a little.

Ye turned his eyes to the right and said, "Okay, I promise you."

At first glance, Wen Renheng knew that his master and brother wanted to deal with him. It was estimated that he would say, "Yes, he did, but did not say when." He didn't care, said gently: "Well, just remember."

What do you mean?

Ye You looked at him suspiciously. Couldn't the brother be forced to use it?

Wen Renheng was completely stimulated by the Xiaoyan Pavilion. He wanted to touch the head of his brother. After looking at each other's distance, he wanted to hug him. He put up with it, after all, he didn't hold back his "hand-operated feet", pulled away the cloth on his forehead, stretched out his hand, reached out and did not sweat, and thoughtfully asked: "Are you tired?"

Ye Youdao: "Not tired."

"Then go back in a little while," Wen Renheng said, "Yes, there is something that the little **** doctor didn't see."

Ye Youzhen was about to ask a question, and then he saw that the brother quickly stopped at the acupuncture point on his chest and immediately froze.

Wen Renheng looked with a bit of concern, as if it were really the same thing: "How? It didn't work if you clicked on your acupoint before, I always worry that something will go wrong, now?"

Ye You didn't want to answer, but he couldn't help but said, "It works."

Wen Renheng said "um", and he untied: "That's good. It doesn't seem to bother the little magician."

"" Ye You stood in Qiu Yu silently sweating a layer of cold sweat.

He bet that the brother would order his acupuncture point and it had nothing to do with the little divine doctor. It was just a promise from him that he just tried it when he suddenly thought of it.

It seems that his hunch was not wrong. When the brother knew that his memory was restored, he would definitely use force.

How would you force him? You ca n’t just go to the hammock after you order it?

Would he be too disgusted to think of his brother?

There are many wine restaurants in the city. The fragrance of the wine is ambiguous, which can evoke people's soul. Even if it rains, it cannot stop the enthusiasm that people want to run.

Wei Jiangyue and the young masters were sitting in the elegant room of one of the wine shops.

Unlike other guests, they are not just drinking, but simply looking for a place to sit.

Bai Zi is a highly respected person, and their Lao Tzu happens to be in this category.

During dinner, their Lao Tzu ate at a table. The noodles were kind and kind, and it was okay to see anyone. They were sitting at the table next to them, and they didn't cultivate to that extent at all. The meal was eaten up and down, and they hurried out after the meal.

Several people looked at each other and didn't know what they could say, they just wanted to smile and sigh.

After a moment, one of them suggested: "I said we don't think about those things today, just drink and drink."

"Yes, drink!"

Wei Jiangyue said: "I don't want to, can things be gone?"

"What can we do, we can't just fight here and hear Renheng once!"

This remark was too weird. The others reacted before realizing that he saw Wen Renheng, immediately went to the window and looked around, and surely saw Wen Renheng and Xiao Gongzi across the diagonal. Wen Renheng was holding an umbrella to talk to his classmates. The umbrella covered most of their faces. If it weren't for half of the "lantern" exposed, they wouldn't be sure for a while. At this moment the two were very close, stopped in the dim and soft lights, seeming ambiguous.

They only took a few steps to take a step back, for fear they would be discovered by Wen Renheng.

Although Wen Renheng is young, he is different from them.

To put it plainly, Wen Renheng is the one who can sit at a dinner table with their father, and they can only accompany the table. Wen Renheng was able to accompany his teacher alone tonight without even saying hello to have another elegant dinner, and they did not dare.

It was only Wei Jiangyue who had a good relationship with Wen Renheng and could intersect with each other. Others did not dare to pretend in front of Wen Renheng, even though Wen Renheng's temper was always good.

In recent years, they have compared Wenrenheng with each other, and they have made them all have a little bit of grudge against this person. At first they were a little unconvinced, but as time went by, the bipolar gates became better and better, and Wen Renheng's status became higher and higher. They would be a bit unreasonable if they refused to accept them.

However, they are afraid to return to their own country, and they still dare to discuss a few words behind it.

In particular, Wen Renheng has always lived like a myth. Now that they have become passionate, they suddenly become angry, making them all very excited.

"Does he like that Xiaogong?"

"This sighted person knows at a glance."

"No, you must not have looked closely. I have noticed that he has not done too much intimacy."

"Don't make trouble for Master Han, they can't see you doing that?" "I mean that feeling, there isn't between them, what do you say, brother Wei?"

Wei Jiang said coldly, "I don't know."

He also felt that Wen Renheng liked Xiaogongzi, but looking at the two people, Wen Renheng did not seem to have expressed his heart.

"Xiaogongzi looks very clever, and it is difficult to deal with it. You said that Wen Renheng should not dare, he ordered Xiaogong's acupoint!"

The rest of the people suddenly lighted their eyes, and the wolf's blood was boiling, and they always felt that they could see something.

Wei Jiangyue's expression changed slightly, he clenched his fists violently, and an anger burst into his heart.

Xiaogongzi's total loss of martial arts can't be avoided, isn't Wen Renheng taking advantage of people?

However, before he could decide whether to rush down or not, he saw Wen Renheng unlock Xiao Xiaozi. His expression relaxed, watching them go far, could not help but cast his eyes on Xiao Gongzi.

The person next to him was disappointed and sighed: "Why is this gone, I thought it would be okay, you understand."

"Yes, but why didn't he do it, what did Xiaogong say?"

"In fact, compared to this, I am more curious about the appearance of the son, so that Wen Renheng can look like this, right?"

"I don't know. Have you seen Wei Er?"

Wei Jiangyue returned to his mind, a flashing beautiful face flashed in his mind, subconsciously told them that he hadn't seen it, and then heard them say they wanted to find a chance to see each other, the voice suddenly cooled down: "Don't make a fool!"

A few people were taken aback by his tone and quickly thought about Wei Jiangrou.

Having been with this person for a long time, they all know that Wei Errou is clear in black and white, and Wei Jiangrou has done his best to lose his inner strength. He must be uncomfortable. They didn't mention it with interest, they spoke another, and the atmosphere was lively again.

Wei Jiangyue didn't have any intention to listen to them, but thought that Xiao Gongzi was too good, and now he is like this, even if he is smart, it may not solve all the troubles. The relationship is unknown. If he fails to come together in the end, can Wen Renheng take care of him all the time?

Several people looked at him in surprise: "Second Brother?"

Wei Jiangyue looked up and saw that they were all holding glasses. They waited for themselves, so they lifted the glass and touched them. They were all in a suffocated breath and felt that the wine in their mouth was bitter.

He was full of thoughts and unknowingly drunk a bit, and was faintly escorted back to the inn to look at his dad's room door.

The owner of Wei Zhuang was surprised when he smelled the alcohol on him.

His son always knows how to measure, and he shouldn't be drunk at this time. He asked, "How do you drink like this?"

Wei Jiangyue looked at him silently.

Wei Zhuang asked: "What's wrong?"

Wei Jiang Yuedao: "What are you going to do about Xiaogongzi?"

Oh, it was for this matter, but it was not drunk. Although the owner of Wei Zhuang was puzzled, he sat next to his son, poured two cups of tea, and said, "I will find a way to compensate in the future."

Wei Jiang Yuedao said: "No matter how much compensation is made, his martial arts cannot be returned."

The owner of Wei Zhuang took up the tea cup and sighed, "I know, I can only compensate as much as possible, otherwise what do you want to do? I can't let your little sister lose her life."

Wei Jiangyue said: "I want to take care of him in the future."

The owner of Wei Zhuang was caught off guard, the sip of tea immediately sprayed and looked at him: "What does it mean to take care of him?"

Wei Jiang reacted more slowly for a while before realizing that his dad was snorkeling. He wanted to pat his dad's back in the end, but as soon as he got up, he fell straight and fell asleep on the ground.

Wei Zhuangzhu: ""

The owner of Wei Zhuang shook the corners of his mouth, brought the son back to the room, and went back to pondering the matter carefully, waiting for the meaning of the son the next morning.

Wei Jiangyue asked strangely, "Last night? What did I say?"

The owner of Wei Zhuang knew that this was forgotten. He estimated that it might have happened shortly after his son made an impulse, and he would change his mind after a few days.

After all, he casually dealt with nothing and took him downstairs.

The confederate and others have awakened, ate briefly, and began to rush to Bodhi.

Fifteen years after the completion of the Bodhi Prison, some infamous villains have been shut down in it, and now it is said that something went wrong, the whole river and lake are tense. People who had lost their patience on the map before and returned in the middle of the trip, and had been watching the cheats for a while, could not help but pay a little attention, for fear that those people really came out.

At this time, the culprit that caused this man's heart was sitting in the carriage leisurely, listening carefully to his brother to introduce him to the two rumors.

"The" colorless blood "and the" lone wolf "are people who have been put into bodhi prison for too much evil," Wen Renheng said. "It has been five or six years, and the rivers and lakes have not yet forgotten them."

He took a deep look at his brother and thought that you would be a good candidate. Ye You stared at him innocently, stating that he had no memory.

Qin Yuemian on the side didn't notice that they were vaguely "browsing his emotions" and interjected: "I'm a little curious. Sunspots want to lead people to Bodhi jail, so they found someone to pretend to be the two people to cause trouble. I understand that. But he just I never thought that in the case where Baizi Pharmaceutical is relatively hidden and cleaned up, when people go and find nothing, how can this sing down? "

Wen Renheng also wanted to know how much his family's younger brother had arranged in advance, and said, "When you look at it, you will understand. He should be prepared for such a long time."

"I hope so, or it's too boring," Qin Yuemian said, "Can't help but" he said, "I really want to know who the sunspot is. It's not a simple character."

Wenren Hengdao: "It should be a very intelligent person."

Although Ye You also knew that he was smart, he was glad to be praised by his brother.

He was about to raise the corner of his mouth, just listening to the brother continued: "But it's too frustrating, a little embarrassing."

Ye You looked out the window, pretending not to hear.

Bodhi prison is built on the Lotus Hill. Outside the cell is a small courtyard for the caretaker. Shaolin and Wudang rotate every month. There is a big bell near the backyard of the small courtyard. If something goes wrong, just ring the bronze bell. Shaolin not far from here can hear it and quickly send someone over.

There is only one way up and down the Lianhua Mountain, which is quite wide and can pass a carriage.

When they arrived, the people from Shaolin and Wudang had already arrived, and many people were gathered nearby. At this moment, when they saw them, everyone around them looked at them in unison.

Ye You followed the elder brother off the carriage and slowly entered the courtyard.

Abbot Shaolin and the head of Wudang greeted each other, followed by two rows of people each, Ye You raised his eyes and swept away, and soon noticed that several rows in Wudang were injured. He glanced a few times, and when he heard the leader asking whether the "colorless blood" and "lone wolf" were fleeing, he turned his attention.

Abbot Shaolin crossed his hands and sighed a Buddha.

Wudang said, "I ran a few."

The owner frowned: "But the cage was made of black iron, how did you run?"

Wudang headed the door: "It is said that one-eyed Li has not developed any evil martial arts in recent years. When they deliver meals, they **** people onto the prison door and force them to turn the keys. Otherwise, they will kill. Who knows that the key was also sucked in, and the one-eyed stun stunned them when they came out, throwing the key to other people, the 'colorless blood' and the 'lone wolf' both ran like this.

The Alliance said: "Let's go in and see."

The head of Wudang nodded and motioned for an injured disciple to take them in. The latter cried out, took the key and led the way in the front, and said as he walked, he repeated the thrilling thoughts that night.

Master Dingge couldn't hold back his temper, and asked directly: "Are there any people here to test drugs?"

"Testing the medicine?" The disciple was startled. "How is that possible? Oh, there are a few injuries when I caught them. I have had doctors who have relapsed over the years and have had medicine. There is also a recent period. I'm drinking medicine, but I have n’t survived before. We will report to the head and Shaolin Temple whoever died. They all keep the case, not to mention that the people who were brought in also had relatives and friends. Someone came to visit the prison after a while. Record, who dares to try the medicine? "

It really makes sense, everyone calmed down and looked at Xiaogongzi subconsciously.

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