MTL - Record of the Missing Sect Master-Chapter 106

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The faces of the Wang Family Master and Ge Shaobang were indifferent.

The former poured a cup of tea for himself and poured it into his mouth silently, while the latter shook his hand and touched the teapot and poured a cup. He raised it up and wanted to drink, but after all he couldn't hold back. Is there any evidence? "

Right leaf: "No."

The two masters of the Wang family were almost out of breath when pressed by the mountain, and their sense of jeopardy was tricky. At this time, the next mountain "咣 Dang" hit this one, shocking them all to shock.

They almost vomited a bite of old blood and repeated: "No?"

So how do you know that Ding Gezhu also has a problem?

Ye You could guess their thoughts, smiled, walked up to wash, and came back to sit down after a while. Seeing that the two were still in the same position, they said, "Yes or no, you actually have a conclusion in your heart, right Right? "

The subordinate Wang wanted to say something subconsciously, but heard the sound of "Tuk Tuk" from the door of the room, and turned back like a frightened cat. Wen Renheng opened the door in the past and found that it was the second child and let people in.

Ye You was hungry for a long time. When Xiao Er left the meal and left, she picked up the spoon and began to drink porridge slowly.

In this case, you still have enough food?

Ge Shao stared at the Lord, anxious to scratch his heart and lungs.

As long as he thinks that all the people in the rivers and lakes have been blinded in these years, even the several tragedies and the heroes who went into the devil were deliberately planned by Wei Zhuang and Ding Ge, his body became cold.

The Wang family masters understand why they can be so calm. After all, the chess game has been held for too long, and Wen Renheng has already memorized their secrets for too long, and they must have been shocked.

He thought about it and asked, "Is there something hidden about the old Yu?"

Wen Renheng said: "Well, the swordsman who killed my master was given medicine."

He paused and waited for the owner of the Wang family to inquire in detail. Then he simply explained the fact that the knight had left a note, and told them that the owner of the villa previously found was the owner of Wei Zhuang.

The Wang family said: "Ding Gezhu is not written on it?"

"No," Ye You slowly swallowed the contents of his mouth and interjected, "But I am a descendant of the Yang family."

The Lord Wang and the Lord Ge Shaobang felt that an auditory hallucination appeared, and said, "What?"

Ye You knew that they heard it, and then went on to say, "My father told me that the family was killed by the devil and Wei Ding before sending me away. My family was the last one at that time. The news of the two families being slaughtered It was my turn the next day after I arrived. I do n’t know where my father learned this in such a short time, and there is no evidence, but after several years of observation, there are various signs that the two are indeed one. Dude. "

The Wang family owner did not expect Xiaogongzi to have this level of identity at all. He recalled: "So Yang Gongzi is your brother now? I remember that when the Yang family had an accident, the oldest son of the family happened to be absent. Only one young son was. A few days later it was reported that the eldest son was also killed. Is that false news? "

Ye shook his head: "I'm the youngest son of the Yang family. Now this young son Yang is the son of my housekeeper. If nothing had happened then, he would already be my book boy."

The owner of the Wang family was puzzled: "How did he become a descendant of the Yang family?"

Ye Youdao: "You didn't follow Shaolin. I didn't know Ji Shenyi. They found a note by Baizi Shenyi. It said that if you take medicine for a child and instill another background in him, it can blur his memory. Over time, He would think he was really that person. "

The owner of the Wang family secretly inhaled: "Wei Zhuang used medicine on him? They are not afraid that the medicine will suddenly expire one day?"

"He can't ride a tiger, otherwise you really think Wei Heide is willing to save people?" Ye You looked at him. "Even if he didn't save people, he would find other excuses to initiate the" slaying demon order ". Saving people is just an opportunity because they When I hurried over, I dug out my bookboy from the dead pile and found that I was only slightly injured. So many white roads were present and Wei Hyde couldn't make up the knife. This brought the person home, but my father's friend didn't Less, he will definitely pay attention to one or two, Wei Heide dare not kill him. "

Ge Shao could not help but interject: "How do you know these things?"

"I checked it later," Ye You gently whispered, "I also knew that he was wearing my clothes. I guess the steward probably wanted him to die for me. Maybe he said to Wei Heide after he woke up. It was the younger son of the Yang family, but no matter what they said, Wei Haide feared that he saw their faces that night and gave them medicine. "

The Lord Wang and Ge Shao helped the Lord to silence.

It was wrong, Yang Gongzi did not die, and was raised by Wei Zhuang until he was willing to let go. Even in order to gain a good name, Wei Zhuang helped him to rebuild the Yang family. It looked good, but only Afraid that the Yang family didn't have many loyal domestic servants at all, all were sent by Zhuang Wei to monitor him.

Alas, slowly asked the Wang family master: "The feeding of the medicine to the child is only known to Ji Shenyi after reading the hand notes. Listen to what you mean, as if you knew it before?"

Ye Youdao, "Well, I have a friend who is one of the Chinese medicine people. He accidentally opened the medicine, and I knew it, so when I check the Yang family, I will know My schoolboy was also given medicine. "

The king's owner knew, "So it is."

Ye Youdao: "What else do you want to ask?"

The two of the king's family didn't speak, they felt that they should be slow.

Ye You looked at them, and then bowed his head to eat.

Wang Jiazhu: ""

Ge Shaozhu: ""

Still eating? Your heart is really big enough, is it just a story from someone else's house?

Wen Renheng knew what happened to his brother when he checked the whole thing. He learned that Wei Haide added a piece of firewood to his great achievements through Yang Yang's affairs, and he would certainly not be so calm. He even now thinks about how he felt when his brother and sister returned to the Central Plains and found no one of Yang's bone when he went through the valley outside Huayang City. Where was he then?

In these years, when the master faced many shocking pains alone, where was he?

He really regretted why he couldn't be tough at first, so that he could accompany his younger brother and follow him through the difficult days and nights.

Ye You noticed his gaze and glanced at him.

Wen Renheng returned to God to add some food to him, shook his hand in the homeopathy, and thought of the past in his heart is irreparable. Fortunately, he can accompany him in the future.

Wang Jiazhu and Ge Shaobang were still immersed in the huge impact of "Wei Zhuang, Ding Ge, and the confederate are a group." They did not even notice the ambiguous atmosphere in front of them.

The Wang family master forced himself to calm down, recalling the past 20 years, and said, "I remember that the relationship between Fengxianzhuang and Lingjiange was stale because Wei Zhuang's sister died after two years of marrying Dingge's eldest brother. Then, Ding Ge's elder brother soon followed, but so far it is not clear what caused the breakup of the two. If their breakup was pretended, would it have nothing to do with this matter? "

Ye You wanted to speak, but when he saw that the brother handed him a silver silk roll, he obediently continued to eat and gave the answer to the brother.

Wen Renheng said: "On the day that the demon appeared, apart from the owner of Wei Zhuang, did anyone follow him?"

The king asked, "Who?"

Wen Renheng said: "Wei Jiangrou, she was captured by the devil."

The Wang family owner was a little confused: "What does she have to do with this?"

Wen Renheng said: "There is a little relationship. I and A Xiao have always been unclear about how Master Zhuang Wei and Master Ding made the Devil willing to die for them. Only this time, I guessed a possibility."

Ge Shao's head had become so thick that he stared at them blankly, waiting for the following.

The Wang family master was a little surprised. He managed the clues and combined the age of Wei Jiangrou, saying, "Wei Jiangrou is less than twenty. It must not have been born by Wei Zhuang and his sister. It should be Wei Zhuang's own daughter. What is she doing? "

Wen Renheng said: "The devil is good to her."

The owner of the Wang family reacted quickly and understood: "Does Wei Jiangrou look like her aunt? The devil will help those two, because of Wei Zhuang's sister?"

Wen Renheng said: "Bacheng is, as for how she died, we don't know. We can only guess that she might have told the demon before he died that he would take care of the two families. The devil agreed, Wei Ding The two then reached the summit. "

The lord of the king was silent.

In fact, even if Xiao Gongzi didn't mention the Yang family, it was already very suspicious that Wei Zhuang and his confederates had not shot Ding Ge in recent years. Now that I heard that Ren Heng finished talking about the demon head, he even felt that Wei Ding was a group. After all, the devil's feelings for Wei Zhuang's sister were so unclear. If the Wei family and the Ding family were really because of others, The elder sister who broke up, without the initiative of Wei Zhuang and the League, the head of the devil can cook Ding Ge, why should he raise a conspiracy?

He settled down, turned to the current matter, and asked, "Why didn't you go to Wuyun City?" Wen Renheng Road: "I accompanied A Xiao to Hua Yang City and met them when I returned"

He briefly explained it.

The Lord Wang and Lord Ge Shao heard that they had tied Wei Jiangrou, and used her to pit the devil and others and bury the gunpowder. They were shocked. Then they heard that the leader was killed by Wei Jiangrou, and they both said "ah", and then heard that Xiaogong He was slaped by the devil, and braced his arm, and released one arm of Wei Zhuang, and silenced in unison: "Are you kidding me ?!"

Ye right-hand did not lift up, "No, my martial arts are still there. When Wu Yuncheng is here, remember to keep it secret for me."

Wang Jiazhu: ""

Ge Shaozhu: ""

The two subconsciously remembered the picture of last night, and secret passage was not impossible.

So now the demon is injured, the leader is dead, and Wei Zhuang really has no arm? They looked at the two in front of them, and secretly seized the opportunity to dig people into this way just by seizing an opportunity. This is really terrifying to the brothers!

"Wait," the owner of the Wang family suddenly remembered and looked at Xiaogong solemnly. "The light on your body was destroyed by the devil's head with the light?"

Ye Youdao: "Yes."

The Wang family said: "Isn't it said that it will be violently violent, can't you live a quarter of an hour?"

Ye Youdao: "I temporarily took the solution pills given by Ji Shenyi, which may have played a role."

The Wang family said, "Can you solve it all?"

Ye Youdao: "It's not clear."

The Wang family said: "No need to look for Ji Shenyi?"

Ye Youdao: "Wait a minute first. I can't leave this for too long."

The owner of the Wang family also knows that this is a critical period, so it is hard to say anything.

He nodded and waited for Xiao Gongzi to have dinner before leaving the inn and rushing to Wuyun City.

In this way, the people in black appeared again, but there were killers hired by the king's family.

And Ye You was sober for a long time, and fell asleep again.

After sleeping for an hour this time, I woke up for a while and continued to be lethargic. After three days on and off, I finally returned to normal and let out a few people who were sweating.

Wen Renheng sat in the carriage and looked at his brother and sister: "Are you all right?"

Ye Youdao: "Nothing feels."

Wen Renheng took a closer look at him and touched his strong pulse. He felt relieved: "I don't know if the medicine worked or whether it was related to your martial arts."

"I think it has something to do with martial arts. After all, it is the first cheats in Jianghu." Ye You raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to practice? I write it down silently for you. Brother, rest assured, waiting for your memory loss, is called a broken throat, I It will also force you to tie up your dead spots, and will not tease you when you have memory loss. "

Wen Renheng couldn't help but remember the appearance of his brother when he had just lost his memory, and smiled: "You were cute at that time."

Ye Youdao: "Do you think I'm not cute right now?"

Wen Renheng hugged the person, gangster-like tune-played, whispered to his ear: "Well, you are charming now."

Ye's right ear was itchy and couldn't help hiding.

Wen Renheng raised his chin: "You seem to be in a good mood these two days?"

Ye You kissed him on the lips, and ducked a little before he kissed back, smiling: "Because I found that I played against the demon head, my winning rate is a little bit bigger."

Wen Renheng Road: "Oh?"

Ye You understood why Brother was surprised, and said, "His internal skill for so many years is indeed higher than mine, but it is limited, and my light power is faster than him and can be dragged above the hundred strokes. Brother, you must know that With age, they are not as good as young people. "

Wen Renheng understood: "So you win in the end."

Ye Right nodded: "I'm worried now that Yun Yun hasn't died, or Wei Haide has medicine in his hand."

It's really bad, I heard people persevering.

The strength of the devil is already terrible. If I take the medicine to increase internal strength, how can I fight?

Ye You only thought for a while and then no longer tangled. He took out the cloth strip and handed it to the brother, motioning him to entangle himself.

Hearing people forever.

Now that Wei Haide knows that his brother and sister have martial arts, and that the lamps in his body are poisonous, he will definitely pass the news on to Ding Gezhu. At this time, the teacher and his brother appeared around the cloth strips, but not only did they not have the mid-lights to eliminate poison, but their steps were still futile. So true or false, the master Ding Ge did not know if he was the same person.

Several people hurried for several days and finally arrived at Wuyun City that evening.

The predecessors have lived in the Sheng family, and the father and the owner of the Sheng family have also learned that the devil is not dead. He said that he has changed from a bystander to a participant. After all, the flower family that was destroyed 20 years ago can interact with them. With relatives, they naturally cannot stand idly by.

The owner heard that Wen Renheng and Xiao Gongzi would come back in a few days, and prepared the room for them. At this moment, when they saw two people, they led the person into the door and looked at the steward to wink and motioned for him to prepare.

Several seniors also met at this time.

Ge Bangzhu and Wang Jiazhu said a few words, seeing his son was quiet, looked at him.

Ge Shao helped the Lord look back silently, and decided to tell Dad something important when the night was quiet, hoping Dad could hold on.

Ge Bangzhu looked at his son's look puzzledly, and was too lazy to ask, turning to Xiao Gongzi: "How is your body?"

"Much better." Ye Youdao said, walking with them, and quickly entered the lobby.

He was about to ask if anything had happened recently, so Jiading ran in and told them there was someone outside who claimed to be Wei Jiangyue and wanted to see Xiaogong and Wenren.

Several seniors suddenly snapped: "What?"

The owner of the house responded quickly and said, "Let him in."

Jiading said, turning and running away.

The crowd stood still in the front hall and looked out in unison.

They waited, and it turned out that it was Wei Jiangyue who saw someone coming from outside. However, his condition was not very good. Although he was still the same as before, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and now there was a shadow, as if he had not slept for many days.

Lord Ding spoke first and asked lightly, "Who were you tied to? Where have you been these days?"

"I went home." Wei Jiangyue mutely cast his gaze on Xiao Gongzi, walked slowly, and finally stopped three steps away from him.

Ye Youdao: "What?"

Wei Jiangyue closed his eyes, and then lifted up his clothes without saying a word, and knelt straight down at him.


A muffled sound.

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