MTL - Record of the Missing Sect Master-Chapter 103

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As expected, things didn't go well.

Although the gang master thought well, the old men in the gang were shocked when they heard his thoughts, shaking his head like a rattle, and "huh" surrounded him.

Ye You watched them and would help the master to go out and continue to sit and drink tea. The deputy assistant stayed with the guest, with a decent smile on his face, and chatted with Wen Renheng.

Wenren Wenwen said, "This matter must be settled as soon as possible. Before we left, we said something back to the mountain. The owner Wei Wei must have inquired from the mouth of the people now."

The deputy's look changed slightly.

Wen Renheng Road: "But there is a cottage around Xiaoxian. They will probably go there first. It will take some time to find Shuiyun Mountain, but it will be a matter of time. If you do not help the Lord, we must go now. They will come by then, and you can say anything. "

The deputy helper couldn't sit still, and hurried to chat with him for a few words before rushing out to tell the helper.

Ye You was still holding a tea cup, but did not drink, but listened to the movement outside.

In his ear, he could faintly hear the conversation over there.

At first, the old people wanted to go to the study, but the owner said that being a man should be bright and clear, and it was not right to talk about things with his brothers. If you want to say it, say it here. The old people couldn't beat him, they could only agree, and began to reason with him.

Although the sound was intermittent, Ye You could guess the old people's thoughts even if he guessed it. Now that the devil is not dead, it is undecided whether Wei Zhuang has a problem. Help the master to confront the two people at this time. Are you looking for death? The former can absolutely kill them as a gang. As for the latter, what position does Fengxianzhuang have among the rivers and lakes? Their broken cloud gangs are not enough for people to grit their teeth!

Ye You took a sip of tea and heard the old people say, "In short, this matter can't be controlled."

The voice of the Lord suddenly raised a high level, angrily: "How can you say nothing without faith!"

"Does the gang want to drag us to death together? And this is the gang built by the old gang. If you say blast, it will blow up. If the old gang lord knows how sad it is to have spirit in heaven!"

Help: "How did you die together? Wouldn't you run? Besides, I only blew up a room to read;"

"But if they can't be blown up, it's us who die, right, no matter whether it's blown up or not, we all have to be unlucky. Can Fengxianzhuang let us go?"

Help the master: "So Wei's name is not a thing, what is wrong with me? I wanted to change the names of the gangs. You always said that I didn't make any achievements and didn't listen to me. Isn't this something big for me now?"

The scene was silent for a moment, and then the old people said in unison: "Speaking of which you really want to change the name, right?"

Help: "There is also this reason."

"Master, this name was taken by the old gang master. Why do you always want to change it? Whose gang do you want to rename?"

Help the main road: "Shuiyun Gang, Shuiyun Gang, do you touch your conscience to ask nice? Do you know that our gang are all a group of women and talents! I am a big man, you let me go out Say I'm the helper of Shui Yungang, do I still have my face? "

"Then we didn't agree with you later?"

Help the main road: "The broken cloud help is not good, how good the broken bone help!"

"That's not good."

Help the main road: "Why not sound good, so domineering!"


Later, Ye You couldn't hear clearly. He smiled, and looked at Brother slightly surprised.

Wen Renheng Road: "How?"

Ye Youdao: "A little curious about how you would become friends with him."

"I came across it by chance," Wen Renheng said. "He knew that I was a gang I founded, not inheriting my father's business. He said that he admired me very much. He had to pull me to drink. I thought he was interesting. A few words. "

Ye nodded, and at this moment saw the door was pushed open, helping the owner walk back with an unpleasant look, and filled his cup with tea.

Wen Renheng Road: "They didn't agree?"

Help the master: "They said they would go back and think about it, what do you say it is, I ca n’t be a helper!"

Wen Renheng heard that the old people wanted to drag this person, after all, he and his younger brother couldn't wait.

He was extremely considerate: "They also have their own considerations, and they are all elders. It must be for your good. It doesn't matter. You and my brother, I can't let you fight with me because of me."

Help: "No, I promised to help."

Wen Renheng said: "But this matter is more urgent, they have not agreed, you can't give them medicine to faint them all, come and play first?"

Helped the master for a moment, his eyes brightened: "Yeah! You wait for me!"

He said to stand up, and turned away.

Ye You sighed and looked at his brother.

Wen Renheng was particularly calm, as if the person who deliberately gave his brother an idea was not his.

Perhaps the old people had never thought that the helpers of their **** could give them medicine, or maybe they were the first to do this kind of thing, and they were more careful, so they succeeded in surprise. Afterwards, the deputy gang leader and a group of gang members looked at the giggling gang leader and a room full of elders, and were stunned.

Hearing that the matter was finally settled, he came up with a few suggestions and persuaded the Lord to get rid of these people so as not to cause any problems.

The helper found it justified, and ordered his men to carry people away reads ;.

The deputy helper is messy, secretly saying how much wickedness he had to do in his last life. In this life, he has to help such a helper. He has heard that other masters can also toss-like Xie Junming-but he thinks Or did they help the Lord a little more demented.

Wen Renheng whispered as he passed by himself: "Relax, I won't hurt him."

Leng Hu, deputy gang leader: "It's the best."

Although dissatisfied, the deputy gang leader obeyed the gang leader's instructions and began to organize the evacuations.

One is how much he trusts as a person, and the other is that he has no time to waste now, so he has to hurry up. The third is that "Wei Zhuangzhuang followed the demon" is a fact, regardless of whether Wei Zhuangzhuang has any problems. Today, they have bipolar gates and demons here, and there is also a Hopeless Palace that is in good hands with demons, and Fengxianzhuang has a lot of trouble finding them.

Wen Renheng took a look at the layout of the broken cloud gang with his younger brother while they were evacuated.

Help me: "Don't watch, I think about it, let's go, I'll take you to see my gunpowder room."

Wen Renheng and Ye You were aroused, followed him into a stone room, and saw a lot of gunpowder in the room, in addition to a row of organs. Wen Renheng moved: "These institutions"

"Oh, I bought it a few days ago." Help the host, telling them that buying these was meant to tie the organ with gunpowder-try it together, but because it was only recently, only a part of it was demolished, and some were not Time to demolish.

He sighed: "If you come in a few days, I might be able to make the finished product, it just works, it's a pity."

It's no pity.

They thought in their hearts.

Ye You looked at him: "Thank you very much for this time. If you are in trouble, please come to me."

The helper is very hearty: "No, you are the master of Wenren, that's me"

He wanted to say "my brother" subconsciously, but Dianguang Huoshi remembered that he was the leader of the demon cult. He was not so rude, he changed his tongue and said, "It's my friend, there is nothing to help my friend!"

Ye You laughed: "The troublesome helper called two people over and moved these institutions out."

The master was puzzled: "What do you want the authorities to do? Not gunpowder?"

"I need both the organ and the gunpowder," Ye You smiled, "I give a gift to the little girl."

The helper is unknown, but he still called a few people and told them to take them to the house he had planned in advance.

This is a small wooden building on the mountain, which is very convenient for burying gunpowder. It can also be placed a little above the mountain, and it may blow up a few large rocks and drop it. Help: "The main problem now is how to bring them over."

Ye You laughed: "It's easy, leave this to me."

The helper was very curious, and then saw that he stunned Wei Jiangrou, tied him into the room, tied it to a chair, and placed it in the center of the room.

Ye Youdao: "Remove all the furniture and get the organs in."

With a big wave of help from the master, he helped the crowd flow in, burying gunpowder, moving furniture, and organs in an orderly manner.

Ye You waited for them to finish, he motioned them out, looked at the brothers, and started tossing these institutions in a tacit manner. Many of them have been dismantled. The two put away the useful ones, put the bad grass together and put them in the room, and made a few silk threads to make them look complicated.

"" Guarantees guessed their intentions after knowing what they were going to do, and immediately horrified, watching them silently for a while, and followed them lightly. The deputy gang leader came halfway, and after reading it, he was very dumbfounded, gave them a glance and hesitated: "That"

Ye Youdao: "Want to say that we are too cruel?"

The deputy leader silently reads ;.

Ye Youdao: "Relax, she can't die."

The deputy asked: "Why?"

Ye Youdao: "Because someone won't let her die, the master is here, and he will definitely protect him. I really hope that I can die in that time."

The voice was mixed with a sharp sense of killing.

The deputy leader saw him squinting, with anticipation and playfulness in his eyes, which made the whole person feel a little evil, and closed his mouth immediately.

Ye Youdao: "You all go, I stay."

Help the master: "That won't work, we will stay with you."

Ye Youdao: "No, just light a fire, I'll be enough. Otherwise, when the demon comes and sees you here, I will definitely kill you."

Help the Lord looked at Wen Renheng with no help.

Wen Renheng looked at his younger brother and turned to leave first. The helper no longer insisted, with the help of the people to evacuate into the hinterland of Shuiyun Mountain, arrange them, saw Wen Renheng going back, and hurried to follow.

The leader asked: "Will you go to meet the leader of Ye?"

Wen Renheng Road: "No, I'll make up the knife."

Help: "What?"

Wen Renheng laughed and said, "What do you think?"

After helping the master, he realized that they should make up the knife for Wei Zhuang, settle down, and continue to follow him. Wen Renheng knew his temper and did not advise him to take him quickly to the direction he had agreed with his younger brother, quietly lurking.

Several people in Wei Zhuang happened to be here.

Ye You scanned them from a distance, drew a corner of his mouth, and threw a light and refreshing incense into Wei Jiangrou's room, then quickly opened the mechanism, which jumped out from the rear window.

Wei Jiangrou woke up quietly after a while.

She was at a loss for a moment, and then she saw her situation clearly. At least five agencies were facing her, and the sharp arrow lifted up and aimed at her with the gloomy "click" sound, as if she could hold her next moment. Dressed as a hedgehog. Her face turned pale, and she cried: "What do you want to do? Let go of me! Heng brother, where are you? Help me, I don't want to die, save my life-!" Help!-"

The owner of Wei Zhuang was actually not sure whether his daughter had been captive here. He had come to try it out. As a result, he found that the entire gang was empty, and he suddenly knew that he might have found the right place.

But what about them? Shouldn't he run away with Xiaorou?

The old man suddenly said: "Scream."

The owner of Wei Zhuang's face changed slightly. When he was about to ask where he was, he saw that he rushed towards a place, so he followed quickly and reached the wooden house soon. He listened to Xiaorou's cry, and there was something wrong in his heart very quickly.

The leader said: "Is there any fraud?"

The owner of Wei Zhuang frowned: "Well, be careful, everyone here is gone, make it clear"

With half his words, he saw his daughter's condition and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Wei Jiangrou already had tears on his face. When he saw him, he cried, "Daddy, save me, save me!"

The old man looked cold, and the first one broke in and looked at these institutions.

Wei Zhuang and his allies had no other choice but to go in.

The bad feeling in Wei Zhuang's heart is even stronger. This arrangement is like arrogantly telling them: yes, things are not right, there may be traps, but you dare not come in? Several agencies are open at the same time, and moving one may involve the other. Only a few people can dismantle it together, so if you want to save someone, don't want to leave one outside.

The owner of Wei Zhuang thought that this was completely forcing them into the door.

His consciousness of crisis rose to the apex, saying: "Hurry up and dismantle!"

The three hurriedly looked at these complicated silk threads, and when they finally realized that it was hanging, they felt that there was something else in the air that was originally fragrant. Leader: "This is"

Wei Zhuangzhu changed his color and said, "It's gunpowder!"

At the moment when the voice fell, I heard the blast of a blast, and it was shaking.

The wooden house was torn apart instantly, followed by a second explosion-explosion from the top of the mountain. The rubble rolled down with dust, and the house was "banged" and buried.

Ye You stood and looked up, feeling blood boiled all over his body, and even covered his fingertips with a pleasant shudder. He took a few steps down, and soon heard a "bang", the gravel was shaken away by internal forces.

The old man held Wei Jiangrou and rushed out of it.

He was covered in dirt, with a broken arrow in his shoulder, and was bleeding continuously. A few steps behind him, the owner of Wei Zhuang was hurt and walked out, but he paused and turned back.

Ye You fell on a roof in front of them, clapped his hands with a smile, and praised: "The seniors are really affectionate. Such a critical moment can rescue the beauties regardless of their own safety, and the younger ones admire.

The old man was so angry that Wei Jiangrou was released and rushed to the roof.

Ye You flashed off his attack, raised his hand and split his palm, fighting with him in a blink of an eye.

The old man just spent some internal force because of his body protection, and his back shoulder was injured again, which is rare, but he felt it was a trivial matter. He thought he could easily solve this kid, but soon he knew he was wrong. Non-ubiquitous.

He asked, "Boy, what kind of kung fu are you practicing?"

Ye Youdao said, "You kneel down and give me ninety-six heads, and I will tell you with difficulty."

The old man said angrily, "You are looking for death!"

When Wen Renheng and the master heard the explosion-the sound of blast came, they had been fighting hard. Wen Renheng glanced at the ruins and saw that Wei Zhuang hosted the alliance leader and passed immediately.

Although Wei Zhuang's situation is not good at this moment, the vigilance is still there. He noticed it almost as soon as he rushed in. He immediately released the alliance leader and looked at him complicatedly: "Xiao Heng, it was you. "

Wen Renheng Road: "It's me."

He didn't make nonsense, and the next move followed him.

Wei Zhuangzhu quickly hastened his mind to cope.

He is one of the two masters of the rivers and lakes. Martial arts is self-evident, but he suffers from the losses now. If he can't fall on others, he can't stand up to others. The talent of this person is very high, and his strength cannot be underestimated. It is fundamentally different from those of ordinary people. It is difficult to say how it turned out.

He said: "Xiao Heng, your Master's affairs are really not what you think."

Wen Renheng Road: "What the **** is that?"

Wei Zhuang said: "I will tell you later, you let us go reads;"

Wen Renheng Road: "This is not possible."

"You child" Wei Zhuang was angry and still had a complex look on his face, but he showed no mercy at all.

Wen Renheng was not surprised at all.

Help the master look at Ye Jiaozhu and Wen Renheng, and finally turned his attention to the confederate. This man was injured more severely than Wei Zhuang, and his arm was broken.

He thought about it and rushed to catch someone.

The leader is still conscious and hurries to avoid.

He and Wei Jiangrou were near the ruins at the time, and his escape was exactly in the direction of Wei Jiangrou.

Helping the master to chase him, drawing his sword to the neck, but keenly noticed that there was some anxiety on the side of Wei Zhuang, which just made Wen Renheng find a slap in the air, and responded silently. Attack Wei Jiangrou.

Wei Jiangrou was not injured, exclaimed in shock, and turned to run.

There was no shelter around here, and the two were too close. Wei Jiangrou was terrified and shouted even more. She instinctively ran to the only place to hide around—she fled behind the leader, desperately trying to hide.

The leader's body shook, and it was the end of the crossbow. The helper was naturally not afraid. He rushed forward again, and Wei Jiangrou saw that he was getting closer and closer, and was afraid of it. He screamed and pushed out the person in front of him. The latter caught off guard and felt that his chest was cold. Up his chest.

This time, let alone the confederate and Wei Jiangrou, even the confidant himself was stunned.

He let go of his hand subconsciously, staring blankly at the lord.

The leader spit out blood, turned back very slowly, opened his blood-red eyes, squeezed his teeth from the gap between his teeth, and said: "Wei Jiangrou you" before he finished smashing to the ground and died.

The owner of Zhuang Wei previously saw that his daughter was in trouble and forced the retreat to hurt Renwen. He hurried to this side. Who knew this and then saw this scene and slammed his foot.

The old man was apprehensive by Wei Jiangrou's scream. He took a distracted look and just saw the whole process.

However, a master duel, only one distraction is also terrible. He hadn't adjusted yet, and Yu Guang saw the kid's attack come down, and the vastness of internal force was like a huge wave, and he flew out immediately.

The owner of Wei Zhuang had just returned to God at this time, and then saw the old man smash down, his look suddenly changed, and he looked up incredibly. Wen Renheng and the Lord also looked at Ye You, who trembled in the heart, secretly saying that this is the devil! That terrifying demon! Is Ye Jiaozhu still human?

Ye You chased down and drew a corner of his mouth in the silence of Wan Ye: "The same goes for the light off."

The old man turned over and jumped up, and he fought with him without a word.

Wen Renheng and the helper shot together, and met Wei Zhuangzhu and Wei Jiangrou. When they were about to take the two of them, they saw a few dark shadows flashing over and holding off their attack.

Help: "Who is this?"

"It's theirs." Wenren Hengdao could guess the cause and effect in just a moment.

The four of them, Wei Zhuang, went in the direction of Huayang City. It should be because they walked too late in Pingyan and there were no available people around them, so they wanted to rush to meet their own. Quickly, apparently rushed to receive the news in some way.

Help: "Know that those of me shouldn't go!"

Wen Renheng Road: "Should go reads;"

The helper wanted to ask why, but before speaking, he met the people in black, and found that these people were very strong, and immediately understood.

It ’s not like everyone can beat a great dog. At least his gangs wo n’t do it. If they do come, they must die. The big gang really is a big gang, so confident!

Seeing his subordinates, Wei Zhuang immediately relieved, and handed over Wei Jiangrou to them, commanding some people to **** Renheng, and another part to collect the corpse for the master.

Wen Renheng narrowed his eyes when he saw him so unhurried.

The number of people in black is limited. The owner of Wei Zhuang can rest assured that it seems that they may leave a mark before looking for someone, and this should be the first group of people, and there will be later.

No, I have to go.

Wen Renheng made a judgment and helped the Lord take a step back.

The old man also saw the men in black and leaned on them.

Ye You raised his eyebrows: "Why, want to go?"

Old man with a cold face: "boy"

Ye You didn't wait for him to finish, and said, "Let's go."

He said he split his palm fiercely to open the distance between the two sides, and then swayed, but rushed to the black men first. The old man realized his intention and yelled, "Run!"

The men in black froze, and when they looked up, they saw someone rushing.

Ye You flashed up and pulled out the sword on the chest of the alliance leader, and then flipped a few "swipe" swords on his wrist, chopped down the person before the other side responded, went straight to Wei Jiangrou, and cut a few more along the way. It's like people stop killing people, Buddha stops killing Buddha!

Wen Renheng followed and wanted to pull people back.

The helper saw his brain blank, his hands shaking a little.

My mother, this wife is so powerful!

The owner of Wei Zhuang wanted to fight back. At this moment, his heart sank, and he immediately decided: "Withdraw!"

The old man is the only calm among these people.

After all, he is also a master. He knows how easy it is to deal with these people, and he knows that they are not the kid's opponent.

He quickly stopped Ye You and slammed him into the palm, taking advantage of his stagnation, depressing his writhing energy and flashing to Wei Jiangrou, who was already scared, and picked her up and left.

Wen Renheng happened to be there, seeing his pupils shrink, catching Ye You in a hurry, and wanted to ask him if he had a mid-light disinfection, but he saw that the corners of his eyes were already red, and said, "A right"

"Don't stop me!" Ye You broke away from him, chased them and rushed out.

The man in black hurriedly separated some people to restrain him.

Ye You didn't fight, he flew away one by one, staring at Wei Zhuang, who was behind the crowd because of his injuries, slashed three black men who stopped him, and rushed forward with wantonly murder. Go: "Wei Hyde!"

The owner of Wei Zhuang was not good at all while he was approaching. He immediately turned around and dodged. At the next moment, he saw the whitish Jianguang falling down fiercely. His body flickered and he saw the blood spurting out. He didn't know what happened at once , But just heard Wei Jiangrou shouting, "Daddy!"

A group of people around took a sigh of relief.

One of the two masters of the rivers and lakes, Fengxianzhuang, the owner of Fengfengzhuang, was easily unloaded with an arm under the protection of their group!

Ye You did all this, and finally couldn't hold back the anger, and spit out a spit of blood. * B .. Hand faster updates>

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