MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 1357 Dilemma

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"Practitioner ... did you just perform lightning in your dream again?" Yu Menghan said with a slight change in his expression, surprised.

"Well, your girl is really uneasy ..." The old uncle sighed, but his eyes were full of spoils.

Although the old man had founded the Nightmare Sect for more than ten million years, he still couldn't find a disciple who could get the true biography. At first, Yu Menghan was accidentally discovered by the dream, and he was about to earn it.

The old man has exhausted his long career and reached the peak of Da Luo. He has been eager to break the last hurdle and be able to achieve the ancestor of the dream, but he is still struggling. Now he feels that the hope is slim.

However, Yu Menghan's appearance gave the old woman another choice, so she pinned her hopes on her.

And the latter is indeed an excellent way to cultivate this path. As long as she is willing to practice hard, she will be assisted by an old lady, and the future road is expected.

However, what makes the old man a little helpless is that Yu Menghan seems to be in deep entanglement with Qian Chen. A "Five Thunder Dharma True Scriptures" has always been put on hold. While practicing the Supreme Law of his family, he will still secretly repair it Learn this method.

"Well, this Bodhi banquet is about to start. Don't take a nap. You will get Bodhi Dao fruit in a while. You must cherish it, but it has a chance." For Yu Menghan, the old lady couldn't blame it. .

"Master, do I have a share of this fruit?" Yu Menghan was surprised.

"You naturally don't have it. All the accompanying people don't have it. Only those who are formally invited by heaven and those who hold Bodhi's hands have this great opportunity. However, the benefit of eating this fruit for teachers is limited, so I will give You taste the fresh tadpoles. "Laozhu smiled.

"No, no, if it is Master ’s Tao fruit, the disciple cannot eat it." Yu Menghan waved hands again and again.

"Stupid girl, don't you know the preciousness of this Bodhi Taoist fruit, not to mention those Taiyi Brothers Luo, the Taoist ancestors over there, they all cherish this fruit. Of course, this fruit also has a grade. , Tian Ting will treat it differently according to the level of cultivation and the relationship with Tian Ting. "The old man clicked Yu Menghan's heart and smiled.

"That Master's Tao fruit ..." Yu Menghan asked halfway, but felt unsuitable, so he didn't continue.

"Being a teacher is naturally the highest level of Dao fruit, so after you get it, you must not take it in a hurry. The teacher will seal it with the technique, and when you return to the Nightmare Sect, you will be gradually divided and subdued. Fang can not hurt your body, and can maximize the absorption of medicinal effects. "Lao Zhan stretched her eyes and said with a contented smile.

"Mengpo Daoyou is willing, but this Bodhi Taoist fruit is the power of his elders to condense various rules with secret methods, and it took a long time to make them. When you say this to a disciple, you give it to a disciple?" A thick voice rang from the side.

The old man didn't even have to turn his head to look at it, so he scolded: "The old Taoist fruit, give it to anyone who wants to give it, want you to control this old immortal thing?"

Yu Menghan couldn't help turning his head, and found that the speaker was a tall gray robe old man, whose face wasn't much immortal style, but the momentum of the whole person was not bad.

But it looks a little shabby gray robe, compared with the other people's Jinyihuafu, it looks a bit out of place.

"Haha, those who have n’t attained the Bodhidharma have the ability to help them understand the avenue; those who have already received the avenue have the ability to delay the erosion of the heavens ..." The man was also not annoyed, and still said with a smile .

"Cangwu old dog, shut up the old body and ask you to do more noisy." Mengpo turned her head sharply, angrily.

The old man in gray robe of Tao Cangwu Zhenjun shrank his neck and stopped speaking.

"Master, is this senior saying true?" Yu Menghan was shocked.

Since following Mengpo's practice, her vision has long been incomparable to that year. She also knows a lot about the hidden things in the true immortal world. Therefore, when I heard the words of Cangwu Zhenjun, she realized that this Bodhi Tao was better She expected it to be 10,000 times more precious.

"Well, naturally, it is true. Otherwise, a Daozu level like Cangwu Old Dog exists. How can they bow to the court, not only to submit to coercion, but also to this temptation." Lao Xun no longer spoke, but Send a secret to Yu Menghan.

Yu Menghan heard the sound in the heart of the lake and secretly made up his mind to avoid taking this Bodhi fruit anyway.

"Thank you for mentioning it." Yu Menghan knew that the Cangwu Zhenjun had deliberately tried to break the matter. Mostly, he wanted Master to take this fruit himself, and Sui Chuanyin said.

After hearing the words, Cangwu Zhenjun smiled and said to Mengpo: "Mengpo, you are blessed, you really received a good apprentice ..."

After all, a look of loss suddenly flashed in his eyes, and after walking to a case not far away from Laoyu, he sat down slowly, closed his eyes, and looked like an old god.

Yu Menghan looked at the lively surrounding scenes, and for some reason there was a sorrow in his heart, but Han Li suddenly appeared in his mind.

I do not know where he is now?


The unknown territory was in a square formation of ten thousand cents.

Han Li hangs in the dark void. In the void in front of him, seventy-two sword-spirit boys are spinning, forming a mighty sword formation.

I saw the golden electric light flashing, and the seventy-two boys flickered with golden light one by one, showing their true bodies one by one, and turned into a golden flying sword entangled with electro-optical light. A golden sky gate came out.

Unlike the Tianmen transformed by the Tongtian Sword Formation on weekdays, the momentum of the Tianmen in front of the eyes is too weak, and it looks like an illusion, and it is full of shadows and shadows, but the power of the lightning rule contained in it is real.

Even outside of the enchantment encirclement, Yew and others still looked secretly.

"Why is this so unreasonable? It's clear that what you practice is the power of time. Why is there such a pure and overbearing power of thunder and lightning on your flying sword?" Asked the ugly old woman Zhu Yan with a strange look.

The other three of them looked at each other for a while, but no one could give an answer.

"His set of destiny flying swords is really extraordinary, I'm afraid it's also an innate **** soldier who has won the heavens and the earth ..." Dong Lihu sighed, guessing.

While several people were talking, the imaginary sky gate that suddenly appeared in the Ten Fang Wanxian array suddenly opened, and a golden ocean surged in it. Thousands of golden dragons rushed out from the midstream and rushed to the edge of an enchantment.

"Booming ..."

With the sound of a roar that blew up the sky, all the golden dragons that condensed the pureness of Thunder and the power of the Lightning Attributes all collided against the enchantment, like a mass of golden fireworks that burst apart.

In the whole enchanting void, there was a burst of gas shocks, a violent impact force, wrapped in strands of golden electric wire, and rushed back and forth in all directions.

Han Li's figure flashed during the period, avoiding the constant force fluctuations.

His brows were wrinkled and he was surprised.

What kind of formation is this? It can completely block the space of one side. Not only can't he and Jintong's physical souls pass through, even the impact of their attack seems to be unable to spread, they can only rush back and forth in this space. Until the consumption is complete, dissipate by itself?

A million miles away from him, another enchanted void, Golden Boy was also slamming a golden giant fist, constantly bombarding an enchanted void, and the sound of blasts continued to thunder.

The void was also exploding with waves of fist.

At the same time, within the territory of the ten immortal domains connected to the ten-square million immortal formations, dozens of mountains oscillated simultaneously, dozens of volcanoes erupted at the same time, and a large area of ​​the sea set off unprecedented waves.

Immediately moving the whole body, the Shifangxianyu gathered their whole body to suppress Han Li and Golden Boy.

Thousands of monks distributed in various immortal domains were also implicated and shocked. Among them, Luo Luoqiang was able to withstand it. Taiyi Yuxian seemed to be struggling, and their breath was very uncomfortable. .

As for those Jinxian monks, even more miserable, many people can't bear it, they directly bleed in seven holes, and they can't afford to fall to the ground.

However, some people in the formation method couldn't support the fall, and new people would be added immediately, so the ten-square million-sentence array remained stable and showed no signs of breaking.

Four people outside the large array, after looking at the damage of the monks who maintain the French array, were all relieved and still in a controllable range.

"If it is only to this extent, it can still be controlled. It may not be possible to give them ten days and a half months." The white-haired man Mengyuan smiled a little more, and said.

"There must be no slackness, look carefully, and once there are loopholes, you must immediately make up for it." Yew looked slightly condensed, still keeping alert, said.

"Yes." Wu Dahan replied before the tiger, and the other two responded.

Within a long time, Han Li had taken back the sword spirit boy, standing upright and frowning.

At this moment, a golden light flew from a great distance, stopped in front of him, and the figure of the golden boy emerged from it.

"This big array is so weird that I can't break it directly with my strength." Jin Tong sighed, holding his arms in front of his chest, and said with some sullenness.

"Heaven and earth are completely banned here. My Tongtian Sword Formation can't communicate with heaven and earth. It can only use part of its power and can't break the enchantment." Han Li glanced at her and said.

"It's better ... let's not attack this enchantment. You hit me and see if the generated power can tear the void? If so, you and I can directly enter the extraterrestrial space through the void crack. Can you get rid of it? "Suddenly, Jintong suddenly felt something, and thought of something.

After hearing a moment of thinking, Han Li thought that this plan could be tried.

As a result, the two quickly opened their stance, tens of thousands of miles away, one punch, one sword, and they hit each other with a thunderbolt.

Rumble ...

In a short time, a far more powerful space shock came from before. The sound of blasts in the void continued to swell, and the waves of collisions slammed back and forth throughout the entire array.

Golden Boy escaped from the back and forth collision and came to Han Li.

The two looked at each other and were both very disappointed. Only then did the astonishing blow, which caused the space to tremble endlessly, but failed to cut the surrounding void into a star-shaped space crack as expected.