MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 1326 Farewell

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"My father didn't say it, but Feng Qingshui exists at Daozu level after all, your cultivation is ..." He San hesitated.

Han Li heard that he no longer deliberately suppresses his breath, and an incomparable coercion was released instantly, and the whole body of gold flowed like gold.

Although under his deliberate control, this coercion is confined to within a hundred feet of his body, but in this world, the circulation of the vitality of the world also seems to be between his thoughts.

He seemed to be the master. Although he was standing still, he was astounded and felt a great shock.

The cultivation that belonged to the peak of Da Luo's later period was revealed at this moment.

Twenty-three consciousnesses rushed towards him with invisible coercion, and unconsciously took two steps back. After shocking in their hearts, it took a long time for them to return.

"I didn't expect that you could have made such a big change in just these years. No wonder ... no wonder my father ..." Yan San took a deep breath and said slowly, but in the end it seemed to be a little bit verbal and finally, after all Did not continue.

"He faced the heavenly court, which could attract most of the attention. If I went to Feng Qingshui, it would be a breakthrough. I just hope that he would not be in the heavenly court at this moment." Han Li repressed his breath and said.

"At present, he is indeed not in the Middle-earth Fairyland, but in another large fairyland, Longyuan Fairyland, and has been closed in the Wulong Sect he founded for some time," said Sansan.

"It's just right, you sort out what I want for me, and I will start tomorrow." Han Li said.

"Okay. When do you plan to leave, I'll go with you," said San San.

"You can't go," Han Li said immediately.

"Why can't I go, mother kiss her ..." Before Han San's words were finished, Han Li was interrupted.

"Since she chose to be Nangong Wan, even if she isn't your mother-in-law, she certainly doesn't want you to go." Han Li looked at Yunsan and said so.

"I don't care what you think, how to say, in my heart, she is my mother-in-law, I must go." Said San San.

"You ca n’t help with your current practice. Besides, I want you to help me and send the Purple Spirit to the Demon Realm." Han Li said without any euphemism.

Twenty-three heard the words, and it turned out.

"Well, because of my cultivation, if you go, it will only drag you down. But Ziling ... why should she go to the demon world?" He questioned on all sides.

"What's wrong?" Han Li noticed something different and asked quickly.

"Don't you know about the Demon Realm? Zi Ling wouldn't need it if she went to find a stone to pierce them." Jian San frowned and said slowly.

Zi Ling heard the words, her expression changed slightly, and she suddenly had a bad feeling.

"What the **** happened?" Han Li asked with a gaze.

"The outbreak of the civil war in the Devil World has been going on for more than a thousand years, and it has been particularly fierce in the past 100 years. In the final battle seven years ago, the entire Yeyang City was destroyed, and a scaly void was completely erased. Shi Kongjie, followed by Kongkong, suffered a fierce defeat. "Sansan sighed and said quietly.

"What happened to Shi Kongjie and Shi Chuankong, but they have news?" Han Li asked.

"The Demon Realm is dead now, and it is difficult to get any news out. The last message I got was that Shi Kong was defeated by the Demon Lord, and he died. Shi Chuankong did not say he died, but his whereabouts are unknown. No trace. "Said San San.

Crabman killed, Shi Chuankong missing ...

Han Li only felt that the sea was sinking, and for a while he didn't know what to say.

"It's been seven years since that war, and still no news comes out?" Ziling asked.

"It was the Lord of the Lord's own order that completely closed the Demon Realm, and did not say when to reopen. Now it is impossible for any news to enter and no news to come out." Jian San shook his head and said.

"Leave it alone, when I come back from heaven, I will go to the demon world to find out." Han Lichang exhaled, looking pale, and said.

Twenty-three didn't say much, just nodded.

"That being the case, you stay in the underworld first and wait for us to come back." Han Li said to Zi Ling.

Ziling face was worried, but nodded.

"By the way, crying soul, but she has news?" Han Li asked.

"She ... she went to the abyss of the soul." Twenty three answered.

"Abandoned Soul Abyss ... Where is that?" Han Li asked.

"It's a real Jedi in this nether world, a place where even his father hasn't tried to get involved. She said there is a avenue she really wants to find, and I've discouraged it and failed to stop it." Three said.

"How long have you been?" Han Li asked.

"I went there a hundred years ago and haven't returned yet."

Han Li's eyes narrowed, a white light lit up at the center of his eyebrows, flickered for a moment, and opened again.

"How?" Ziling asked.

"The divine connection has also been disconnected ..." Han Li murmured.

"It is rumored that the Fallen Soul Abyss was originally a ghost wandering place, let alone a distance so far, that it is also in the abyss, and don't want to sense each other." Said San San.

"This is the way Crying Soul chooses, you have to believe her." Zi Ling pulled his arm and persuaded.

Han Li heard that, after a long silence, he nodded.

Like the golden boy, Crying Soul has its own way to go, just as he himself has the way to face the heaven.

"Early tomorrow morning, I will depart for Longyuan Fairyland. At that time, you will organize the news about Feng Qingshui to me." Han Li looked at Yunsan and said.


That night.

On the main island of Huxin Island, Han Li and Zi Ling lay on the sloping roofs and depended on each other, looking at the starry sky that had not been known for many years.

Unfortunately, the sky is dark tonight, and there is little starlight on the sky. Even the remnant moon is covered by dark clouds, and everything is covered with a hazy light.

Han Li withdrew his gaze and stared at the woman cuddling beside him, only to see that in this dim light, Zi Ling's beautiful face was still as pure as jade, reflecting a faint light.

The silhouette of her side face was blurred in this moonlight, but she had a different beauty.

"Zi Ling, I ..." Han Li could not help but whispered, and raised her hand to touch her cheek.

For Li Ling, Han Li was somewhat guilty.

They met and met each other in that year, and they cherished each other. It was more like a confidant encounter. It was Jinfeng Yulu, and there were countless victories in the world.

However, due to various reasons, there is always a stranger between them.

"No need to say anything, I can enjoy the peace at this moment, and I'm already satisfied." Zi Ling didn't turn around, still looking at the sky, said softly.

Han Li heard the words, and then twitched a smile.

After a while, Zi Ling stretched a hand over Han Li's arm and lay his pillow behind his head.

"When you go here, you must be extremely careful to bring Sister Waner back without any damage. I won't go anywhere and will always wait for you here." Zi Ling looked up slightly and looked at Han Li, said.

Han Li glanced down, and buried his head in Ziling's chest, and suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable. In his impression, Ziling has always been a straightforward woman, and rarely behaves like today.

"Do you know what I saw in my last reincarnation in the six reincarnation?" Ziling asked.

"What is it like?" Han Li asked immediately.

He had wanted to ask this question before, but he didn't ask the question until the state of Ziling was bad.

"In fact, there are no big storms and difficult times. On the contrary, in the last life, I was just a vulgar woman with no spiritual roots. I was only a short lifetime. In that life, I have been waiting. A person, from the age of cardamom to the ancient garb, waited for a lifetime, and that person did not appear. "Zi Ling said slowly.

After that, she stared at Han Li's eyes with bright eyes.

Han Li swayed slightly in his heart, faintly heard a call, seems to be the Qian Ying in his dream many years ago, but can't remember his face.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arm around the back of Zi Ling's neck, stroking down one of her compliant long hair, and gently held her shoulder.

Zi Ling trembled slightly, but then she let loose and snuggled in Han Lihuai, whispering:

"So ... I'm very satisfied in this life. It's not easy to meet each other. After this fate, what else is unsatisfactory? What regrets?"

Han Li looked at her, and she saw water shining in her bright eyes, a little bit of light, just like two starry stars, beautiful.

At this moment, the night breeze suddenly rose, blowing a cloud of clouds, blocking the last moonlight.

The entire Huangquan Daze was caught in the darkness, and the dim faint phosphorous fire in the four wild fields slowly rose from all parts of the lake to reflect the surrounding green.

After a moment of silence, it suddenly rained in the sky.

The rain in the underworld is naturally different from the fairyland.

The rainy silk is mostly contaminated by the shadowy atmosphere, so the rain is more stagnant. Although it is not harmful to the body, it is not a beautiful thing.

Han Li didn't want to be disturbed by this rare tranquility. He raised his hand and waved away the dark clouds.

Zi Ling raised his hand and held his arm, and said softly like a mosquito and fly: "Hug me back."

"No longer ..."

Han Li didn't finish talking. He looked down and saw that Zi Ling's cheeks had turned red, and she instantly understood her meaning.

He stopped talking, and clasped her spine with one hand, and gently crossed her leg with the other, hugged it horizontally, and walked towards the temple.

As the night went deeper, over the island of Lake Heart, the ** got together, and the momentum gradually increased.


The night rain was like a curtain, and it had been all night, sometimes leaping, sometimes raging wind.

The wind and rain are intertwined, and the earth is poured in the quiet night sky, making this night in the underworld somewhat different.

In the early morning, the clouds closed and the rain rested.

Han Li opened his eyes and looked at the graceful figure still asleep next to him, and that charming face, and his eyes did not move for a long time.

I didn't know how long, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he reached the lips, he didn't know what to say, and finally turned into a sigh.

He got up, put on a brand-new green robe, stood aside for a long while by the bed, and finally turned towards the door.

On the bed, Ziling's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and a drop of crystal tears slowly dripped down the cheek, leaving a thin tear mark.

Han Li walked to the door, looked back suddenly, and glanced toward the bed again. Seeing that Zi Ling was still asleep, he stepped forward and covered the door gently.

The swaying candlelight in the room stagnated, and then returned to silence again.

When he came to the door of the temple, Gan Jiuzhen was already there.

"Ready?" Han Li stepped forward and asked.

"Where is Ziling? Aren't we going to see you off today?" Gan Jiuzhen looked behind Han Li and asked.

"Last night, I have already spoken separately, so I don't need to say more this morning." Han Li shook his head and said.

Gan Jiuzhen was suspicious, but only when the purple spirit was reluctant to distinguish, and did not ask anything.

She turned her wrist, took out a palm-sized token and a black jade bamboo slip, and handed it to Han Li.

"Bodhi?" Han Li took a look, wondering.

"Longyuan Fairyland is one of the three ** fairylandes, which can lead to the Middle-earth Fairyland. At this time, when you bring Bodhi, you are said to go to Middle-earth Fairyland to participate in a Bodhi feast, more than any customs clearance. It works, it can save a lot of trouble. "Gan Jiuzhen said.

"You think very carefully." Han Li nodded, turned his wrists, and put away.

"It was all ordered by my father before he left. The jade bamboo slip recorded how to go to Longyuan Fairyland, and also recorded some news about Feng Qingshui, hoping to help you." Gan Jiuzhen said.

"It's enough," Han Lilue said after checking it.

"Be sure to rescue your mother." Gan Jiuzhen pursed his lips and solemnly instructed.

"Yes." Han Li nodded and said.

Speaking of which, he clenched his tactics with both hands, and only said "go away", and there was a golden thunder that fell for nine days.

After the sound of "Zi La", Han Li's figure has disappeared.

The spatial fluctuations in front of Gan Jiuzhen were still agitated. Her eyes looked far away, and her eyes were full of worry.

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