MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 1324 Thundersea Sword

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Han Li felt shocked when the vision of Lei Ling dissipated, the vision changes between heaven and earth, and the endless power transmitted from that gate.

I don't know how long before he came back from the shock, murmured to himself:

"This eye ... turns out to be the relic of Daozu!"

Until Li Yan's eyes are withdrawn and the Mantra Wheel is taken back into his body, Han Li's mood is still difficult to calm down.

So far in the world, I have not heard of the existence of a thunderbolt Taoist, and this thunder beast is probably the last thunderous ancestor, but it is a natural thunder body that can be arrogantly surrounded by the nine-day **** thunder, but with itself The coincidence with the thunder law between this heaven and earth, the final destination, was swallowed up by heaven and became part of this heaven and earth.

This thunderbolt's eye is the last trace left forcibly in the true immortal world before being engulfed in heaven.

Han Li once again fully operated the refining technique. After careful investigation, he found that the power of the thunderbolt was even more terrifying than he had predicted, but it had become pure thunderbolt energy, and there was no more thunder. Your **** is thinking.

But with a little thought, Han Li was relieved.

If there are still remnants of God's thoughts in this remnant giant eye, I am afraid that they have already been re-cultivated and Dongshan has risen again. How can they stay in this area day after day, and how can there be remnants of God's thoughts under the swallowing of heaven?

He stared at the giant orange eye for a moment, then suddenly snapped his fingers.

A layer of golden light curtain quickly expanded from its surroundings, covering the entire thunderstorm ocean.

At the same time, the big five elements of the Han Dynasty three-dimensional fantasy world movements started to emerge, the Mantra Treasure Wheel and other time-like figures emerged, turning into the Yangtze River and Moon Stars of the Wanli Mountains, surrounded by the entire thunderstorm ocean.

The appearance of these five heavenly realms, containing the power of powerful time rules, immediately stirred up the mad resistance of the thunderstorm ocean. The orange eyes "gaze" at Han Li, and the Jiutianyun sea immediately roared.

The entire thunderstorm ocean became crazy like never before. At this instant, all the pillars of thunder and lightning fell down intermittently, like a torrent of waterfalls, which bombarded Han Li's mountains and rivers.

Han Li turned a blind eye to it, but with a single thought, the empty time around him seemed to freeze again. All the falling thunder and lightning flickered and the electric flowers stagnated in the void, without the slightest fluctuation or sound.

In this little world, only Han Li can walk freely.

He waved his palm gently and walked in the void, and the seventy-two green bamboo bee cloud sword floated behind him, walking slowly with him.

Han Li walked around the eye of the thunder, every few steps, he paused, and with a wave of his hand, a green bamboo bee cloud sword flew out, hovering in a void outside the giant eye .

After three hundred and sixty steps, all seventy-two green bamboo bee cloud swords have all found their place, and are arranged around the giant eyes.

Han Li took a closer look at the location of all the bee cloud swords, and after confirming that they were the same, he flipped his palms again, and a whole white, octagonal jade plate coagulating like jade was added to his palm.

This thing is nothing else, just the array of the sky sword array.

During the years of retreat and practice, Han Li did not relax his research on this array. As his practice continued to grow, he finally solved the mystery of the sword array and jade plate.

He originally thought that this thing should be refined by the ancestors of the creation school of the Tongtian Sword School, but later discovered that the mystery of this thing was not man-made, it should be the manifestation of the law of the sword, the formation of the Xuantianzhi The right thing.

This sword array does not have any five-element wind and thunder attributes. Only because of the different attributes of the flying sword used to form the array, the powerful power of different attributes can erupt. Because it contains the law of swords, it can accommodate any attribute. Can show power.

At this moment, all the sword arrays arranged by the Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword are a kind of powerful "Dalian" array in the Tongtian Sword Formation, and Han Li today is to use this Tongtian Sword Formation jade plate to bring this one The eye of "Thunder" refined.

After finishing the arrangement, Han Li held his hands together, and a chanting sound was heard in his mouth.

Just hear a buzzing sound!

The octagonal jade plate trembled slightly, and the runes on it moved quickly like a flowing cloud, and the jadeite glow was flourishing for a long time, and a dazzling light bloomed on it, turning it into a huge octagonal disc hanging on the thunder Above the eyes.

Seeing this, Han Li jumped up, landed in the middle of the octagonal disc, and sat down cross-legged.

His eyes were slightly frozen, his hands were in front of him, and the light on the octagonal disc suddenly became a masterpiece. Numerous illusory sword shadows flew out of it, like a spring rain, and fell on the giant eyes below.

Seventy-two green bamboo bee cloud swords also trembled suddenly, all the swords were shining with dazzling golden light, linked to each other, and condensed in the void into a huge gossip dan furnace phantom. Lei Yan's giant eyes included it.

The octagonal disc transformed by the sword array jade plate is like a furnace cover, covering all the weather in the Dan furnace.

"Booming ..."

With a violent roar, the light of thunder, which had been calm, lit a golden light, and the thunderous thunder in the sea of ​​clouds suddenly stopped.

In the next instant, a phantom of Lei Ying condensed from his eyes, wrapped around the purest rolling gold thunder in the world, and rushed towards the dan furnace virtual shadow, surrounded by purple smoke, and the weather was tens of thousands.

"Boom, boom, boom ..."

After each thunder hit, a loud noise was emitted, and the entire thunderstorm ocean vibrated violently.

Han Liwen was sitting on the octagonal disc, and his body was shocked with it. Among them, even a few strands of electric current emerged and hit him.

However, at this moment, he cannot be distracted at all, and must strictly control all flying swords and maps. Otherwise, once the thunder is blown out, the whole gossip furnace will burst apart. The entire thunderstorm ocean and the two adjacent continents also It will surely be swept away by the thunderstorm that has not been seen in ancient times, and will be erased from the territory of the Northern Hanxian Realm since then.

"The sword defends the offense, refining the sky ..." Han Li drank softly.

The 72-handed Feijian and the map were all powerful at the same time, and numerous sword qi sword shadows poured into the Dan furnace, like the fire of the furnace refining the eye of the thunder.


At the same time, the barren land is on the edge.

Thousands of gray-scale creatures, like locust swarms, squashed on the edge of the land, looking across the sea to the thunderstorm ocean.

Standing in front of these gray world creatures, there are hundreds of gray world monks, led by a tall man in a black robe, wearing a armor full of green patina, and his skin is blue. Look dignified.

"Master Mo Shi, do you want to investigate?" Standing behind him, a thin old man, also wearing a black robe, asked hoarsely.

"No need. No matter what there is, we can't deal with it. As long as it doesn't come to provoke us, don't take extravagant branches and watch closely." The tall man known as ink food shook his head and said .

"Yes." The thin old man answered immediately.

"Restraint these guys, don't take the initiative to provoke, there are still some cities on the barren continent that have not been captured, it is necessary to speed up." Mo Shi ordered.

This time, several gray monks, including the skinny old man, answered, "Observe."


Time flies, months have passed.

The sea of ​​thunderstorms has undergone earth-shaking changes. Originally, the area of ​​thunderstorms where the margins were not visible at all, has long disappeared, and now there is only an area of ​​thunderclouds less than a hundred miles away.

And within that thundercloud area, a figure was walking back and forth around a gossip furnace, which was high and low, and his brows froze, looking rather bored, and it was of course Han Li.

"Obviously the refining has been completed, why can't it be broken?" Han Li moaned with one hand and secretly groaned.

Inside the Natan furnace, a longan-sized orange eyeball can be seen, covered with a layer of golden wire, and the sound of "Zila La" is constantly sounding.

Around the eyes, there was also a green bamboo bee cloud sword that had doubled in size around the 72 handles. The void was suspended, trembling up and down, and there was a wire link between each other. It looked like a whole body at a glance.

According to Han Li's original expectation, with the assistance of the Tongtian Sword Formation, with the help of the large sword refining array, he can refining all the power of the thunder eye into the 72 green bamboo bee cloud swords. Raise its quality to the level of Sipinxian.

But I don't know why, obviously the refining has been successfully completed. The eye of Thunder is that it can never be divided, and naturally it can't enter all 72 swords.

"What is the problem? How can we break it ..." Han Li muttered to himself.

At this moment, a sudden flash of aura flashed his eyes, and then his wrist turned, and a flash of light flashed in his palm.

Seeing the light fall, he had an emerald green gourd in his hand.

This Xuantian gourd absorbed the power of Xuantian's Relic Sword. The law of destruction was bred in the pot. Wouldn't it be good to use it to help open the eye of thunder?

With this in mind, Han Li still hesitated a bit. Although the eye of Thunderhead has been refined, it is a relic of Daozu after all, and the power of thunder and lightning contained in it is extraordinary. Able to withstand its prestige.

"It seems that there is no better way than that, so I will send the green bamboo bee Yunjian together to help suppress the eye of Lei Ye." Han Li thought of a solution that could not be done, murmured.

After speaking, he no longer hesitated. He pointed at his hand, and the gossip kiln disappeared, and the eyes of Lei Yue and the green bamboo bee cloud sword were exposed in the void.

In a few moments, the remnant of Leiyun, which shrouded a hundred miles, suddenly raged, and there was a surge of electric light and thunder.

Seeing this, Han Li quickly lifted the Xuantian gourd, recited a few words in his mouth, raised his hand and patted it toward the bottom of the gourd.

A light flashed from the Xuantian gourd, and a green mist spewed out at the mouth of the gourd, condensing into a mist vortex, and spinning violently.

As a howling wind sounded, a powerful tearing force spread from the whirlpool.

Han Li held the gourd in one hand and coordinated with the other, pulling the eye of Thunderhead and the green bamboo bee cloud sword, flying into the green vortex and absorbing it into the Xuantian gourd.

As soon as the eyeballs and Feijian Fang entered the Xuantian Hulu, the sound of the abnormal noise in the surrounding land and mine clouds suddenly subsided.