MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 1316 Do good

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The burly old man was entangled by several gangsters using long weapons around, and had no time to resist the arrows that came on his face, and he would be buried in the rain.

At this moment, a fan-shaped golden electric light fell from the sky and swept over the arrows.

The sound of "Bang" and "Bang" rose, and the arrows made of stainless steel exploded as soon as they touched the golden lightning, turning them into smoke.

The golden beam of light broke apart and turned into hundreds of tiny lightning bolts, which hit the robbers with precision, none of them fell.

A thunderous sound!

The robbers were all blasted out by Zhen, and they twitched violently after landing, but no one died.

The burly old man was not stabbed by lightning, staring blankly at the scene in front of him, some unable to believe his eyes.

The golden lightning quickly drifted away, and the bandits who fell to the ground climbed up after struggling, and looked around in fear.

"Go! Let me see that you are looting others, and you will never be spared!" A majestic voice came out of the sky.

The bandits who had just got up were scared, and sat on the ground again in shock, and then ran away with all their farts.

The burly old man looked at the fleeing bandits resentfully and did not pursue them.

He was old and was seriously injured and powerless.

In the mid-air, there are a figure of a flower, and a figure of a man and a woman appear. It is Han Li and Zi Ling.

"Immortal ..." The burly old man looked at the two men standing in the void, showing excitement.

"I see that you are very magnificent and should not fall here. You and I meet because of fate, so I tried to save you." Han Li glanced at the burly old man, a little bit.

A green light shot out and sank into the old man's body.

The burly old man only felt that a huge warm current was injected into his body, the fatigue of the body was swept away, the wounds on his body healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and his heart was surprised and happy.

"Thank you to the two immortals for their salvation, Xiangzong is grateful!" The burly old man recovered and bowed to the two of Han Li.

With the gratitude of the burly old man, an invisible force came to Han Li.

He drew a quotation, the two of them flickered around Lei Guang, and when the burly old man stood up, he disappeared.


On a huge lake in Feiyixianyu, a large ship sailed.

But at this moment, the waves rolled over the lake, and the black tentacles from the depths of the lake hugged the ship tightly, and it felt like the whole ship was crushed.

Fortunately, the ship's materials were extremely strong, and although it rattled, there was no sign of cracking.

There are dozens of people in the ship's cabin at this moment, seemingly a group of tourists, shivering in a ball.

The lake surged violently, and a black giant emerged. It seemed to be a heterosexual octopus monster, and its open, stinky mouth was biting towards the ship.

Everyone on the boat saw this scene and cried.

A "thunder" thundered from the air, and a golden lightning struck down, hitting the octopus monster.

The skin around the neck of the octopus was flesh fleshed, and an electric arc swirled around his body. A terrified scream was issued in his mouth, and the tentacles that entangled the ship immediately released.

With a bang, the giant monster fell into the lake and disappeared.

Everyone on the boat escaped from the dead and wept with joy.

In the midst of the air, a figure of a flower bloomed, and the figures of Han Li and Zi Ling emerged, and Han Li was still surrounded by golden arcs.

"Immortal, it was the immortal who saved us. Come out and thank you ..." Someone on the boat saw Han Li and Zi Ling, exclaimed, and ran out to worship Han Li and Zi Ling.

Others heard the sound and hurried out, saluting the two of them.

Han Li smiled at the corner of his mouth, the golden light on his body flashed, and disappeared again.


The heavy rains in the Daqing Mountains of Beilu Prefecture caused landslides, and a small mountain village seemed to be flooded by mudslides.

A blue light suddenly fell from the sky, and the entire collapsed mountain peak was immediately frozen, and the mudslides were also frozen, and the village under the mountain was safe and sound.

The villagers who escaped from the disaster were rejoicing and couldn't help but look at each other and wonder what happened.

In the middle of the sky, a figure of a flower bloomed, and Han Li and Zi Ling appeared.

"Immortal, it's immortal! Immortal saved us ..."


Han Li was doing good deeds around Feiyi Xianyu to save people, and in a blink of an eye, it took 20 to 30 years.

The number of people he rescued was unknown, and his reputation gradually spread around Feiyixianyu. Some places even had mortals worshipping Han Li's temples.

And under the oral description of many people who have been fortunate to have seen Han Li Zhenrong, his appearance gradually became clear, and various statues were cast into the temples and worshipped on the temples.

Some of the cultists of the fairy wing of the flying wing have gradually heard the wind, and they sent people to investigate the frequent rescues of immortals in various places.

Han Li inadvertently entangled with the Xiuxian forces in the Flying Wings Fairyland, and quietly left with the Purple Spirit, heading to the nearby Fairyland.

Over the barren realm outside Feiyixian Realm, a flying boat galloped forward, and Han Li sat still with his eyes closed, seeming to be sensing something.

After a long time, he opened his eyes.

"Brother Han, how is the induction of the good corpse progressing?" Zi Ling sat aside and asked Han Li when he woke up.

"It's okay, now I can barely sense the existence of good corpses." Han Li said faintly, there didn't seem to be much joy in his tone.

"Is there anything wrong?" Zi Ling keenly noticed Han Li's emotions and asked softly.

"There are indeed some problems. I have been doing good deeds all these years, but I have received less and less blessing, especially in the past year. There has been almost no response." Han Li frowned.

"How can this happen?" Zi Ling's face changed.

"I don't know. But the good corpse in my body just barely sensed that it is still far from the corpse cut. In any case, we must find a solution, or it will stagnate again."

Zi Ling nodded slowly, silently.

"I was thinking whether it was because of the small number of people rescued recently and insufficient merit that the induction of good corpses would stagnate." Han Li said slowly.

"It's possible, but it could be another reason. By the way, Brother Han, which time did you get the most feedback from helping others?" Zi Lingmei's eyes flashed.

"Get the most feedback? That should be the first time to rescue the granddaughter of the storytelling, and to help others afterwards, they are not the first time, or even almost." Han Li hesitated and said after considering it.

"I remember Brother Han, after you helped others, there were many people who saved more than two times. It seems that it should not be a problem of the number of people." Zi Ling shook her head.

"It makes sense, then, what is the difference between helping others for the first time and so many times later?" Han Li nodded slowly, sinking into a groan.

Zi Ling was also silent, as clever as her, and had no immediate opinion on this mysterious reason.

"Forget it, since you can't think of it, don't bother to think about it, you can have a lot of gains today. After that, you will see the same chance as before."

Zi Ling nodded, no longer thinking in vain.

Han Li made a point, a ray of golden light did not enter the flying boat under him.

The spirit patterns on the flying boat suddenly became ten times brighter, the speed also increased sharply, and the nearby void seemed to be scratched.

After flying for so many days in a row, the two finally arrived at a new fairyland.

The immortality of this immortal realm is extremely scarce, which is much worse than that of the northern Han immortal realm, which is almost equivalent to the level of the spiritual realm.

"So barren fairyland ..." Han Li's consciousness spread and his brows quickly frowned.

The area of ​​this immortal realm is very small, less than half that of the flying wing immortal realm, and his knowledge is sufficient to cover as much as possible.

There are traces of mine veins that have been dug out everywhere in Xianyu. The face is sore, like a broken rag. The spiritual veins underneath have been destroyed and exhausted. No wonder the aura is so lacking.

The population of Xianyu here is very small. Most of the monks and mortals are concentrated in a few specific areas. The spiritual landscapes there are not very damaged, and the aura of heaven and earth is left a little, and it can barely provide for the monks to practice.

"What's the name of this fairyland?" Han Li asked.

"Hexian domain name here is Hegangxian Xianyu. It was a long time ago that the heaven and earth were full of vitality and contained many veins. Only later, the court sent people here to over-exploit and destroy all the veins of this fairy domain. The situation. "Zi Ling took out a piece of jade bamboo slips, and she penetrated into it, saying in her mouth.

"Heaven ..." Han Li frowned slightly, and murmured.

"Brother Han, do you want to continue helping others in this fairyland? This fairyland is sparsely populated, but I'm afraid it's not efficient." Zi Ling looked at Han Li and asked.

"Let's take a look before you say that it is rare to find such a desolate fairyland in the true immortal realm." Han Li's eyes flickered and he said faintly.

Zi Ling nodded silently, saying nothing.

Han Lizheng quoted, the two bodies were covered by golden lightning, forming a thunderbolt array.

When the golden thunder light brightened, the two disappeared.

A huge basin facing the mountains in the northwest of Hegang Xianyu has a radius of thousands of miles.

A giant city is located in the basin, which almost fills the entire basin. Monks and mortals live in the city.

Although the area of ​​the city is not small, there is not much prosperity in the city. Many places have been deserted. There is a rusty smell in the air. There are not many people in the streets in the center of the city. It's also pitiful. Most people hide in their own homes, both monks and mortals.

The whole city is full of heavy twilight, like a drowsy old man, just waiting for death to come.

Lightning flashed in the air outside the city, and Han Li and Zi Ling appeared.

The sky was misty, and no one found the thunder in the air.

Han Li looked at the city below, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Let's go and see." Han Li said, and flew away.

Zi Ling followed closely, and the two landed silently on a street.

At this moment, it was dusk, and most parts of the city were in darkness. Only sporadic fires showed that people were still living there.

Occasionally, the shops on both sides of the street were illuminated with light, illuminating a small area around it.

Han Li walked aimlessly in the street, his eyes closed slightly, seeming to be sensing something.

Zi Ling's heart was strange, but she didn't ask any questions, followed silently beside Han Li.

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