MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 914 Great shame

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   For Gu Qima, he originally wanted to stay out of the matter and sit back and watch the tigers fight.

  In the unlikely event that First Branch and Yanukevich are both injured in the fight, maybe he still has a chance to come out to clean up the mess, and even be re-elected for the previous term...

  This kind of thing, he absolutely can't say it outright, let alone do it outright.

  Because his prestige in the country is not enough to support him to do so.

  So Gucci was originally prepared with both hands.

  Either he retired decently, and it would be best for Yanukovych, who has a good relationship with him, to come to power.

   It is impossible to settle your old accounts after taking office.

  Either Yanukovych and First Branch were in a stalemate, or even fought to the death, and neither of them could take the stage in the end.

  At the same time, no other more qualified person can be found to succeed this president.

  Then, it’s not impossible for him, the “former” president who is quite competent and quite prestigious in the political arena, to come out again and “transition” for a term...

   That's why he started out acting a bit weird, never publicly voicing his support for a candidate.

  It's a pity that Mikhail came to Kefu and changed everything...

   Guccima still knows a lot about this rookie in the Moscow political arena who has become popular like a rocket in the past two years.

  He also knows that besides Mikhail’s superficial deputy speaker of the Duma, director of the two major committees, and the largest energy oligarch, the personal connections behind him are even more amazing!

  The Kremlin Palace, the Duma, the Romanov family, the European royal family, Khovchenko, Abramovich...

  Too many people and too many forces have an inseparable relationship with him, and Mikhail is the only one who can connect such a large force.

  So his coming to Kiefu is not only his personal intention, but also represents Da Mao's national will, which cannot be controlled by Gucci.

  He was forced to stand in a team and began to favor Yanukovych and Yulia, because this pair was Mikhail's default candidate for the next term!

  However, as time went by, Gu Qima felt more and more that his choice was correct.

  Because Mikhail is indeed not a vain name, but really has strength and means.

  Moscow is thousands of miles away, but it can still firmly control the situation on Kifu's side.

  The layout was laid out in advance quietly, especially the "independent prosecutor" who seemed completely inconspicuous a few days ago, but it had the final effect last night.

  Especially, the city-wide martial law was adopted without hesitation to carry out mass arrests. When it was notified to the presidential palace, Gucci was really taken aback!

  Natalia can be said to be "killing first and playing later". It was she who made the decision to close the city and then notified the Presidential Palace, not the Presidential Palace who ordered the closure of the city and handed it over to her...

  The order of the sequence here must be clearly distinguished, because it has a lot to do with it!

  Last night, Gucci Ma also stayed up almost all night, keeping abreast of the latest developments.

   When it was almost dawn, the large-scale arrest operation was successfully concluded. This high efficiency also made Gu Qima amazed!

He knew very well that the people under Natalia were nominally members of the judicial system transferred from Crimea, but it was obvious that the mass arrests were not limited to the action teams on the surface. Done.

   Behind the scenes, I don’t know how many real elite soldiers have been quietly investigating for a long time...

   Otherwise, it would be completely impossible to accurately control the personnel of the Priority Section and some overseas NGO organizations in Kifu City, especially many of them are hidden quite deeply!

   Today, Gu Qima also resigned to his fate.

  He knew that with Mikhail's support, Yanukovych and Yulia would definitely be able to take power smoothly.

  Even in order to make Yanukovych and Yulia’s governing smoother, Mikhail directly wiped out the potential competitors, the priority department...

  If the big hat of "treason" is taken down, the priority department will never stand up again!

  In this case, Guccima has no other ideas except to retire safely.

  However, because Mikhail provided a lot of help in this process, Guccima also received an important promise from Mikhail.

   Among them, there are two most important points:

  One: After Yanukovych came to power, he will issue an "amnesty order" immediately, announcing that he will not pursue any crimes against Guccima for any reason (referring to before retirement).

  Two: Provide Guccima with a "lifetime security guarantee", whether he wants to go to Moscow or Crimea, or stay in Kifford. Then the relevant local departments will provide him with security services to ensure that no accidents will occur.

   Other things like property security, high pension, medical services are not worth mentioning.

   This is also the treatment that Gucci should enjoy!

  After all, this old fox’s term of office was the most difficult period in Uzbekistan, and the lives of the three Maos and the three Maos in the same period were not much better than those in Uzbekistan...

  Although he didn’t make Uzbekistan very good, at least he maintained the basic stability of the country and didn’t let the society collapse. This is not easy in itself!

   It also allowed Uzbekistan to have both sides in the world, and made friends with many countries. Some of the technologies and equipment sold even helped some countries a lot!

   Therefore, Wang Ye's evaluation of Gucci Ma is that there is hard work without credit!

  However, his historical mission has been completed, and it is time to give up his position to young people...


  Today’s live TV speech, apart from Natalia, Guccima showed up, because only the two of them are qualified to make a live TV speech today!

  Anyone else is not qualified to make a national speech at this time, including Yanukovych and Yulia, after all, they have not officially taken office yet...

  Invisibly, it made an impression on almost everyone.

  That is, Natalia can already sit on an equal footing with the current president Guccima...

As for what level her "independent prosecutor" is, most people don't know and don't pay attention to it. They just see that it was Natalia who announced the order of martial law in Kiefu, and she was also responsible for the mass arrest. It was she who commanded, who declared certain people guilty of treason...

   Coupled with Gucci's "flattering" of her, this directly raised Natalia's status.

   Then, after Yanukovych takes office, let Natalia take up the post of Attorney General, no one can raise any objections!


  Kiefu in February is still in severe winter.

  It was a rare clear day today, the sun was hanging in the sky, but the temperature was too low, even the sunlight from the sun seemed to be cold.

   In the morning, the entire city of Kifu was still silent, except for a few shrill sirens occasionally coming from somewhere.

  This is because the martial law in the whole city has not been lifted, and all ordinary people are still locked in their homes and cannot come out.

  But some people have already started to get busy.

  Natalia didn't close her eyes all night, but even after the operation was over, she still didn't have time to go back to sleep.

   That is to find time to spend half an hour squatting on the desk in his office, and then let the secretary make a cup of strong black coffee for him, eat something, and continue to work.

   Each action group brought back a large number of "suspects" and physical evidence, etc., and those less important personal and physical evidence can be handed over to their subordinates for review.

  But the important people, that is, the priority department, his assistants and foreign campaign consultants, etc., must be interrogated by Natalia herself, and she has to make this case a solid case as soon as possible!

   In order to avoid long nights and dreams, there are too many distracting factors outside the venue, so we have to guard against them.

   While Natalia was personally interrogating Priori and the others, Guchima's presidential palace and foreign affairs departments were already in trouble.


   "I make a serious protest!

  Just in front of our embassy last night, officers from the Independent Prosecutor's Office shot innocent citizens of our country!

  This matter must be explained to us, otherwise, you will take full responsibility and bear the corresponding consequences! "

  The ambassador of the beautiful country to Uzbekistan came to see Guccima early in the morning. As soon as he met, he yelled angrily.

   I have to say that the status of the beautiful country is still special. After the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, this is the only superpower in the world, no one!

  So the embassy of the beautiful country also has privileges on Kiefu's side. It is not so easy for ambassadors from other countries to see Guccima.

   But if the ambassador of the beautiful country has anything to do, he basically goes to Gu Qima directly, and ignores the Ukrainian diplomatic department at all...

  Last night, the embassy of the beautiful country suffered a "great shame"!

   Right at the gate of my own embassy, ​​my own nationals, and those with "special status", were shot dead on the street!

   Still in front of the embassy staff, I didn't even stop him.

  Even the corpses were dragged away...

If only such a person was killed, it would not be a big deal to be honest, but the problem is, as far as the ambassador knows, Keefu made such a big commotion last night that he almost uprooted many dark threads that he had arranged for a long time ah!

  The priority department, which had high hopes, not only lost the election, but is now even arrested.

  The parade that had been planned for a long time was also directly killed on the eve of the launch...

   This matter is connected together, how can we not make Mr. Ambassador angry!

   You need to know these things, but since he became an ambassador, the most important work content, not even one of them!

   Now that it's all over, how can I explain to my boss after I go back.


  He is in a hurry, but Gucci is not in a hurry.

  Happily greeted the service staff to bring steaming hot and fragrant coffee for the two, as well as various breakfasts.

   "Mr. Ambassador, have you had breakfast yet?

   Would you like to have a little together? I didn’t have a good rest last night. Although I didn’t direct such a big event outside, I still have to pay attention to it all the time, just in case something goes wrong!

   Fortunately, the female prosecutor is indeed super capable, and everything is under control.

  By the way, what did you just say?

  Why was that American shot dead on the spot, and why did he go to your embassy in the middle of the night? "

   Gucci asked calmly.

  The ambassador was at a loss for words. Of course he knew what was going on, but he couldn't tell the reasons behind it.

  He immediately changed the subject and said:

   "I haven't got the detailed investigation results yet, but I can tell you that the nature is very serious!

  On behalf of the beautiful country, I will formally submit a note to you, asking the relevant personnel in your country to give a sufficient reason to explain why this American was killed.

   Also, as far as I know, a lot of horrible things happened last night in Kiefau.

  A large number of innocent people were arrested or even killed!

   This is definitely a regression of democracy and an act of tyranny!

   is an unforgivable crime..."

   In a few words, Mr. Ambassador gave the nature of last night's mass arrest operation. Of course, it is definitely not a good thing.

  Gucci horse is not easy to deal with. He has been in office for so many years and has been in the right and left of various big countries. How could he not have any real skills.

   Naturally, it is impossible to be fooled by the ambassador of the beautiful country.

  He put down the coffee cup in his hand and said with a smile:

   "Mr. Ambassador, I want to remind you of one thing.

   That is, last night's action was solely responsible for by the Independent Prosecutor's Office.

  Since they dare to take such an action, I believe they must have enough evidence.

  Before the final interrogation results come out, I advise you, Mr. Ambassador, to respect judicial freedom. Is this the same in your country? "

  The ambassador of the beautiful country was speechless.

  Because this system of independent prosecutors was originally "learned and borrowed" from the beautiful country.

  In order to investigate some illegal acts of a certain incumbent president, the old United States pioneered the independent prosecutor system.

   That is, the highest agency authorizes a certain prosecutor to be responsible for a certain case. In this case, this independent prosecutor has the supreme right!

  No matter who is involved in the case, he has the right to investigate, even the president himself.

  And during the investigation process, no one or any department can interfere with his work.

   Now Natalia is such an independent prosecutor. She is in charge of the election fraud case. Those people who are arrested now can be said to be people related to the election...

   So, no one can accuse her of her actions.


   Being blocked by Guccima twice in a row, the ambassador of the beautiful country became a little angry.

He flicked his sleeves and stood up, and said with an angry face: "It's useless to say anything now, because among the arrested people are more than a dozen Chinese nationals, and it is said that there are also some British nationals, so our country and the British embassy The staff must participate in the relevant interrogation to protect the personal rights and interests of our citizens."

  Gucci horse slightly curled his lips, and said with a half-smile:

   "I can't promise you this, because this is the job of an independent prosecutor, and I can't interfere.

   But you can apply to the independent prosecutor's office, maybe they will agree. "

   It’s not that Gu Qima didn’t know what tricks they were doing behind the scenes in the beautiful country. He just didn’t touch his own interests before, and it wasn’t easy to offend others, so he just turned a blind eye.

   But now, I'm about to retire soon, so I don't need to give anyone face!

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