MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 912 shoot to kill

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  Chapter 912 Shoot to kill

   At the same time that Natalia announced the martial law of the whole city on TV, there were mournful air defense sirens in Kiefu City.

  The police stations in the whole city have been notified in advance, took to the streets to maintain order, and blocked all streets.

  All intersections, all streets and alleys, and all entrances and exits of residential areas were blocked by police cars with flashing lights.

   Unless there is a special pass issued by the Independent Prosecutor's Office, no one else is allowed to enter!

  The hundreds of action teams were also scattered throughout the city and began to carry out tasks.

   Having made such a big commotion, it naturally alarmed many people.

   For a while, people were in panic, including high-level figures, and everyone was asking each other what happened.

   But at this time, there may not be a handful of people who really know the inside story, except for those who are dispatched to enforce the law.

  Wang Ye, the general planner of this operation, is counted as one, Andernov, the specific executor, is also counted as one, and Natalia who was pushed to the front of the stage is also counted as one, and Gucci Horse, who is hiding behind and cooperating with Wang Ye, is naturally one...

   Except for the four of them, even Yanukovych and Yulia didn't know the specific plan. The two of them just received a notice that they would take action to wipe out the forces of the priority department tonight.

   As for the rest of the people, they are completely unaware.

  Even the various police stations in Kiefau, who cooperated with the operation, were confused, and only received orders to carry out.

  The city-wide martial law time is tentatively scheduled to be twenty-four hours, that is, from ten o'clock tonight when Natalia announced her appearance on TV to ten o'clock tomorrow night.

  During these 24 hours, no one is allowed to go out without a special approval from the independent prosecutor or the presidential palace, and all stay at home!


  Priority Branch naturally received the news at the first time, his heart skipped a beat, his face turned pale instantly, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

  Although there is no evidence to prove that this operation is targeting him, he is guilty...

  The priority department is very clear about what he and the advisory group will do tomorrow.

   To put it seriously, this can be called "treason"!

  Even if it’s a little lighter, it’s still worthy of the word “riot”…

  He immediately called for the special assistant of the advisory group, who was also a new person sent by the overseas organization that supported the priority department after the previous one died in a bar.

  It was also this special assistant who forced the priority department to make a decision and start tomorrow's action.

   Now that there is an emergency, the priority department will naturally discuss with this assistant to see how to deal with it.

  The special assistant named Tom hurried into the office of the priority department. Before the priority department could speak, he said directly:

   "Something has happened!

  The independent prosecutor named Natalia seems to be completely different from what we expected.

  She is not a vase, let alone a shield, but the opponent's real trump card!

  Who would have thought that a deputy attorney general who had just taken office would be authorized by the Presidential Palace to directly order the blockade of the entire city!

  According to the informant, thousands of people actually participated in tonight's operation, not including the police officers in charge of the perimeter security work.

  Where do these people come from...

  I reckon that this operation is aimed at us, so you immediately order the people in the office building to disperse immediately, everyone hides first, and see how the situation develops tomorrow.

  As long as we are not caught, there is still room for maneuver.

  Tomorrow during the day, various parties will start to exert pressure on the presidential palace. I don't believe it. Gucci can really withstand the pressure from the outside and insist on going his own way to the end! "

   Hearing what Tom said, the priority department was completely desperate.

  Why is this happening...

  I haven't really started to go to demonstrations on my side, are I going to be caught by others? !

  As for what Tom said about external pressure and the like, Priority Branch has no hope, because if Guccima and Natalia really care about these things, there will be no martial law in the city tonight!

   There will be no such big arrests this time!

   "Then...then what should we do now?" Priority Branch asked a little panicked.

   Engaging in politics or giving speeches, the priority department is still very good at it, but how to deal with such a crisis situation is not what he is good at.

  Tom said calmly:

   "First, go and announce to everyone that we will disband immediately and leave here.

  As for where to go, let’s arrange it separately. As long as they can be dispersed, it will be much safer.

Second, the main persons in charge, including you, are most likely on the arrest list, so we must do a good job of concealment, and it is best to find an absolutely safe place, so that the other party will not dare to go in and arrest people. kind. "

  Priority Branch heard that there was still such a place, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked:

   "Where, where is the other party afraid to go in and arrest people?"

  Tom grinned, "Embassy!"

  Priority Section suddenly realized that he was so dizzy just now that he forgot that he could still hide in the embassy!

  You know, on Kiefu’s side, not far from their office building is the embassy district, where embassies of various countries are located.

  I am a frequent visitor to some national embassies!

   As long as you hide in the embassy of the beautiful country for a while, you don't believe that the so-called independent prosecutor really dared to send someone to rush in and arrest him!

  Because the meaning of the embassy is absolutely different, attacking the embassy of another country is tantamount to violating the territorial sovereignty of another country, which is definitely a very serious diplomatic incident.

   It may even cause conflict between the two countries...

  Prior Branch believes that as long as Guccima, Natalia and others have a semblance of reason, they will not be able to do the thing of entering the embassy to arrest people.

  The consequences of that are too serious, almost no one can afford it!


  Priority Division and Tom had just discussed and were about to go down to announce to everyone, when they heard a siren sound from a distance, and quickly came to the office downstairs from far to near!

  The expressions of the two of them changed, the other's action was too fast!

   But this is also normal. Originally, this is the "base camp" of the priority department, and it is also the planning and organization center of tomorrow's parade. The thief is the first to capture the king. Since the other party wants to touch him, he must go straight to Huanglong.

   "No time, evacuate immediately!" Tom hurriedly said, and immediately rushed out the door.

  The hurried footsteps quickly faded away, leaving only the priority behind who hadn't reacted standing there stupidly...

   It took him a long time to react, and subconsciously stretched out his arms to scratch the void in the direction Tom was leaving, and blurted out: "Wait for me..."

   For how to "escape" and how to evade his captors, the priority department has no experience.

   Without Tom, it would be difficult for him to get out of this office building, because there are already

  Suddenly, there was another rush of footsteps, and the priority was overjoyed. He thought Tom had "discovered his conscience", and he wanted to take him with him when he came back!

  As a result, the office door that was half-hidden was kicked open with a "bang", and a group of people poured in.

  The leader was wearing a prosecutor's uniform, followed by burly men in camouflage uniforms and heavily armed.

  The prosecutor stretched out his hand, showed his ID, and said seriously to the priority department:

   "Priority Division, after investigation, you are suspected of colluding with foreign personnel, organizing violent activities, and conspiring to launch a coup..."

  Priority Division can't hear the words after that, because his brain is buzzing...

Under the office building where the Priority Section is located, more than a dozen police minibuses were parked. In addition to the action team members who entered the office building to arrest them, there were also dozens of police officers temporarily transferred, but they were only responsible for Stay outside the office building to prevent anyone from running away.

   Around this office building, the police wires were directly pulled to seal it up, and no one was allowed to go out.

  With such a posture, almost no one can run away.

  But I have to say that Tom is professional enough, and he has the fastest response.

  When he heard the siren approaching, he rushed out of the office of the Priority Division. He didn't take the elevator or the stairs at all, but turned out of the building through the window in the stairwell, and slid nimbly to the first floor along the outside pipe.

  The police cars and the like had just arrived downstairs, Tom didn't hesitate at all, and disappeared into the dark alley behind the building.

  In the whole building, he ran out alone, and the rest of the people were blocked inside...


  The area of ​​the embassy area is usually very quiet, but tonight is different. Several embassies seem to be a little commotion.

  The side door of the American embassy opened, and an embassy staff member in a suit stood there with several American soldiers.

   From time to time, he stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance, with an anxious expression on his face.

  Holding a mobile phone in his hand, he wanted to make a call a few times, but he seemed to have some concerns, so he didn't dare to make a call.

  Perhaps because of the martial law throughout the city, the city of Kifu tonight is particularly quiet, even so quiet that it makes people a little scared.

   Occasionally a little sound can travel far...

  Suddenly, in an alley not far from the embassy of the beautiful country, a figure appeared, and he was staggering towards the embassy.

  The staff member standing by the side door of the embassy looked over at once, and shouted in a low voice, "Tom! Is that you?"

"it's me…"

  The two of them had just started talking, when a few bright searchlights shot over from the alley on the other side, and shone on Tom's face.

  The strong light almost blinded Tom, he stopped quickly and covered his eyes with his hands.

  The originally dark street suddenly became extremely bright.

  The staff standing at the gate of the embassy frowned, and he shouted sharply: "Who is it? Do you know where this is? Soldier, drive away the people over there and bring Tom into the embassy!"

The soldiers of the beautiful country behind him stepped out, and two of them went to Tom's side, intending to bring him into the embassy, ​​and the others walked to the other side, trying to drive away those who turned on the searchlights. people.

  Although I don't know where these people come from, these old American soldiers are used to being domineering and domineering, so they don't care at all.

  But I can only say that there were too many accidents tonight, one after another.

  The soldiers of the beautiful country had just taken two steps, and a prosecutor in uniform came out from the alley on the side of the street.

   Only he came out alone, but no one knew how many people were in the alley behind him...

  The prosecutor said directly to Tom who was standing in the middle of the street: "Mr. Tom, you are suspected of being involved in a crime, please go back with me to assist in the investigation. Don't try to resist or make any changes, or you will be killed!"

Then he turned his head and said sharply to the staff at the embassy gate and several soldiers: "Please don't hinder me from performing official duties! Besides, this is outside the embassy, ​​it is still our territory, and it does not belong to your jurisdiction. Please leave immediately." back!"

  He spoke to several people in the embassy of the beautiful country, although his tone was harsh, but his language was still polite.

   After all, they are diplomats and enjoy immunity.

   Tom's eyes will recover now, and he can see things again. He knows very well in his heart that he must not be caught without a fight, otherwise, it will be very difficult to fish him out again!

  Now the only way out for me is to rush across this street and enter the embassy of the beautiful country.

  Once you enter the embassy, ​​the other party will never dare to mess around, and you will be completely safe.

  As for the prosecutor's warning just now, Tom didn't take it seriously. He raised his hands and said with a harmless smile:

   "Hey, don't be impulsive, I am not from Uzbekistan, you should have no right to arrest me.

  By the way, I am an American, and now I have something to go to the embassy..."

  In the middle of speaking, he suddenly exerted force on his feet, buried his head and rushed towards the side door of the embassy!

   Obviously, what he said just now was to paralyze the other party, so that the other party could relax their vigilance and fail to react.

   After all, Tom is only a dozen meters away from the side door of the embassy, ​​and he can rush in in just a few seconds...

  The staff member of the embassy of the beautiful country showed a smile on his face. He waved his hand and signaled several soldiers to stop on the other side to prevent the other party from rushing over to arrest people.

  But something unexpected happened again. The prosecutor waved his hand slightly, and there was a crisp sound of "snap" from behind him.

   When the sound was heard, the people present reacted differently.

  The staff member of the embassy of the beautiful country looked blank, not knowing what happened.

  Several soldiers from the beautiful country reacted very quickly. They either got down on the spot, or found a nearby bunker, and all looked nervously in the direction of the sound.

  But Tom, who was running, staggered, as if he had tripped over something, and fell to the ground...

   Seeing this scene, even the most stupid person could react. The embassy staff member was horrified and pointed at the prosecutor with trembling fingers.

   " actually killed Tom!"

  The prosecutor sneered, and said calmly: "I have warned him just now, if there is any change, he will be shot on the spot! It's a pity that he thought I was joking."

   "You will pay the price! Do you know who Tom is..." The embassy staff jumped up and shouted angrily.

   As a result, the prosecutor didn't even look at him any more. With a wave of his hand, someone carried Tom away, turned around and left.


   A new month will start soon, and I will strive to keep updating throughout March without asking for leave! One day, if I have enough time, I will take the initiative to add more...



  (end of this chapter)

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