MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 905 another new year

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  Chapter 905 Another New Year

  Wang Ye came to the door of Ajielina's bedroom, hesitated for a moment, opened the door and walked in.

   After entering the room, he found that Ajielina was curling up her legs, leaning against the bed and staring blankly.

  Hearing Wang Ye's footsteps, Ajielina turned her head and looked over, with a smile on her face, "Are you up?"

  The more she behaved like this, the more guilt Wang Ye felt in his heart.

   Came to the bed and sat down, scratched his head, Wang Ye said bravely, "That... last night I was..."

  Ajielina reached out her hand to stop Wang Ye from continuing.

  She sighed softly and said in a low voice:

   "I know it all.

  Actually, Natalia has liked you for a long time, and I know it too, and you should feel it too.

  To be honest, the two of you didn’t make a breakthrough until last night, so you’ve already restrained yourself.

  Whether you took the initiative or she took the initiative last night, it doesn't matter, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later.

   Besides, Natalia and the two of us are so close, it is impossible to hide some things from her in the future.

  With... With this kind of relationship, it will be better for you and her.

  Also, Rosiana doesn’t care about you, so why should I care…”

   After finishing speaking, she smiled self-deprecatingly.

  Wang Ye was speechless, he hadn't defended himself yet, but Ajielina thought of everything.

  I could only hold Ajielina's hand tightly and say "I'm sorry".


  For the current Wang Ye, there may only be a few "soft spots".

   There are one parent in the family, one woman beside him, plus a few old friends and old classmates before their careers, such as Ruan Xiaozhu, Zhang Xiaoxi, Song Xiaogang and others.

  Oh, it’s also considered "uncle" Hovchenko...

  For these people, Wang Ye also pays attention to their safety and feelings, and will take their factors into consideration when facing major choices.

   Other than that, he basically has nothing to fear!

  Among the women around him, Ajielina is undoubtedly the one Wang Ye values ​​the most, or in other words, the one he likes the most.

  Because she represents many different things to Wang Ye...

  If he could choose regardless of the consequences, Wang Ye would definitely marry Ajielina.

   But there is no way, even in this position, he still can't do what he wants in many things, so he can only get engaged to Rosiana involuntarily.

   This is the best choice not only for him, but also for everyone around him.

  So Wang Ye cannot be willful.


   Silently took Ajielina into his arms, just hugged her without saying a word, feeling each other's heartbeat.

   After a while, Ajielina should have completely calmed down.

She whispered: "I'll go and talk to Natalia later, I'm worried that she's thinking too much and too complicated. Some things, it would be much better to talk about it directly, and you don't have to cover it up in the future. "

  What else can Wang Ye say, this girl is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

  I really need to restrain myself as much as possible in the future, and stop messing with other girls.

  In fact, thinking about it, Wang Ye feels quite wronged.

   Except for Katya, including Nalan Yaqi and Rosiana, Wang Ye did not take the initiative, he was "forced"!

  Even Natalia, he is also confused. To be honest, Wang Ye really can't remember what happened last night...

  Ajielina went to chat with Natalia, while Wang Ye took a shower in the bedroom here.

  He didn't take a shower before going to bed last night, and now he still smells of alcohol.

   After taking a shower, he put on clean clothes and came to the restaurant.

   It may have been ordered by Ajielina after she woke up. The servant had already cleaned up last night's dining table and brought a dining car full of various steaming breakfasts.

  Wang Ye hadn't finished his breakfast when he saw Ajielina and Natalia walking out holding hands.

  The two looked as usual, as if nothing happened last night...

   Has this been communicated?

  Although Wang Ye was a little curious about how Ajielina communicated with Natalia, he also knew that he should try not to mention that at this time.

   smiled and greeted the two women to sit down and have breakfast.

   "Today is the first day of the New Year, Misha, do you have any plans?"

  After sitting down, Natalia asked with a smile.

  Wang Ye thought for a while, but he didn't seem to have any good ideas, so he smiled and asked: "I'm not very familiar with Crimea yet, I don't know where it is fun, do you two have any recommendations?"

  Natalia tilted her head and thought about it, but she couldn't figure out what's so interesting about Simferopol.

  It was originally a small city, and the so-called scenery has long been tired of seeing them.

  And the scenery of Simferopol is not as good as that of Yalta...

  The busiest place in the city must be the newly opened shopping mall in the city center or something, but it is not suitable for them to go there.

  Whether it is Wang Ye, Ajielina or herself, they are all so-called public figures. It is not convenient to go to crowded places, especially when the three of them are together...

  Ajielina smiled and said, "If there's anything fun outside, I think it's good to just stay at home and chat."

  Wang Ye also agreed.

  Usually busy all day long and flying around, now that I am finally on vacation, it is indeed the most comfortable to stay at home and not go anywhere!

  Especially when there is someone you like by your side...


  So, on the first day of 2005, Wang Ye, Ajielina, and Natalia stayed in the apartment without going out for a day.

  Three people sit side by side on the sofa and watch movies together, eat fruit snacks, and chat about anything other than business...

  Natalia and Ajielina are on the left and right, next to Wang Ye, very intimate.

  Before, Natalia was embarrassed to do this, but now there is a breakthrough in the relationship, and she and Ajielina have spoken, so everything will come naturally.

  At first, Wang Ye was a little unnatural, but he saw that both Natalia and Ajielina looked calm and didn't show unhappy or anything else, and gradually he got used to it...

Of course, in addition to accompanying the two daughters, Wang Ye still took time to give to his adoptive father, Khovchenko, Rosiana, Constantine, Gobrev, Gryzlov, Abu, Shao Yigu, Korokoli, Medeff and others called, said happy new year, and greeted the other party's family by the way.

   For Chinese New Year, although the meaning of New Year for foreigners is different from that of Spring Festival in China, it is also a grand festival.

   New Year wishes are universal all over the world.

Ordinarily, some of them should take the initiative to call Wang Ye, but Wang Ye doesn't pay much attention to this. They are all people who are very close to him or have a good relationship. In addition, he is younger than everyone around him, so it is okay to take the initiative to make a call. should.

   Everyone was very happy when they received a call from Wang Ye.

   Especially Abu, who insisted on talking with Wang Ye on the phone for nearly 20 minutes.

   You know, people with their identities rarely chat on the phone.

   There is an important thing, that is to meet and discuss in detail.

   There is no situation of talking on the phone, let alone talking about trivial matters of parents...

   Abramovich is still in London. He hasn’t returned to China for a while, so he seems a bit reluctant to leave.

   "Misha, I heard that Constantine took down the Siberian Coal Group, is it your handwriting?

   Don’t get me wrong, I have a normal relationship with Menichenko. Recently this guy came to London and even came to visit me specially.

   Hearing what he meant, he might also plan to immigrate to London like me, haha. "

   Abramovich revealed a lot of information on the phone.

  The last time Konstantin came forward, Wang Yeyin was behind the scenes and got involved with Menichenko once. He bought the Siberian Coal Group at a relatively low price, and directly revoked the financial license of the bank of Menichenko!

  Although he got two billion dollars in cash from the sale of the Siberia Coal Group, Menichenko was also seriously injured this time!

  Especially when his heart was directly worn out...

  What big oligarchs, what monopolizes the coal industry, what hugs the thigh of the Kremlin, let’s stop joking.

  He already has the intention to quit, and plans to learn from Abu, and emigrate abroad with a huge amount of cash!


  The reason why he disclosed this information to Wang Ye on the phone was because Abramovich was not sure about Wang Ye's attitude towards Menichenko.

  The last time Constantine came forward to acquire the Siberia Coal Group, Abramovich also paid attention.

  Although Wang Ye did not show up from the beginning to the end, but combined with the so-called "Joint Operation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Duma", there is no doubt that the real person in charge of this acquisition is Wang Ye!

  Abramovich has a close relationship with Wang Ye, but a mediocre relationship with Menichenko, so of course he has to stand on Wang Ye's side.

  If Wang Ye still intends to continue to deal with Menichenko, it will be helpful for Wang Ye to tell him about Menichenko's plan to "flee abroad".

   As for the life and death of Menichenko, it has nothing to do with me...

  Wang Ye just smiled lightly after listening to it, and didn't take it seriously.

  He is not the kind of person who kills everything, and he has no hard knot with Menichenko.

  Since Menichenko wants to immigrate to London, let him go, and I don’t bother to care about it.

"I don't know him very well. The last time we met was because of the acquisition of the Siberia Coal Group. But the acquisition was successful and the matter was settled. He can do whatever he likes, it's fine." Wang Ye smiled. said.

  When he said this, Abu immediately understood everything.

   "Haha, that's easy, he wants me to help buy a Premier League club, he wants to learn from the two of us.

  By the way, your Arsenal is too powerful now, with superstars one after another, they are all so powerful.

  I heard that you made the list of signings for Arsenal last year. Several signings are very valuable, especially Ronaldinho. Watching him play is simply a kind of enjoyment.

  How about we discuss something, you sell Ronaldinho to me, the price is whatever you want! "

   This is not because Abramovich is being polite. He really likes football and appreciates Ronaldinho's skills.

  Of course, Wang Ye’s asking price is just talking about it. If Wang Ye really wants to ask a price of tens of billions of dollars, see what he will say...

  However, it is impossible for Wang Ye to offer any outrageous price, and Abu is still sure of this.

  Unfortunately, although Wang Ye won't bid indiscriminately, he won't sell stars for money either.

So Wang Ye evaded and said: "I don't care about this matter. I made an agreement with Professor Wenger at that time. I am only responsible for the team's affairs, especially the buying and selling of players. He is responsible for the specifics. You really want to If you want to buy Ronaldinho, then talk to the club."

  Abu sighed:

   "That's fine, with Ronaldinho's current performance, it is estimated that Professor Wenger is definitely not willing to sell.

  By the way, when will you come to London again, I am quite bored here. "

  Wang Ye said with a smile: "I guess it will be summer. When my club wins the league championship, I will be there to celebrate."

  The season is just halfway through, but judging by Arsenal's performance, the league title should be lost.

  The mission of the club this year is not just to win the league championship, but to win the triple crown!

  League champion, FA Cup champion, Champions League champion!

  Especially the Champions League champion, this is the top priority!

  In the league, Arsenal can no longer find an opponent. Of the eleven players on the field, more than half are real superstars.

  Even those players on the bench can play the absolute main force in any other club...

  This kind of lineup, with its real strength, should win the Triple Crown.

   If you can't get it, it can only be said that you are out of luck.


   When going to rest at night, Natalia got up first and said with a smile: "It's time to sleep, I'll take a bath first."

   As she spoke, she glanced at Wang Ye.

  After Natalia left, Wang Ye and Ajielina also got up and prepared to go back to the bedroom.

  Wang Ye subconsciously walked towards Ajielina's bedroom.

  But Ajielina gently took Wang Ye's arm, and said in a low voice: "You should go and accompany Natalia tonight, and accompany me tomorrow."

  Wang Ye was stunned for a moment, as if it should be like this. After all, he treated Natalia so "roughly" last night, so he should "make up" for her tonight.

   Besides, I can’t remember what happened last night at all, and I don’t know if it’s a feeling...

  After hugging and kissing Ajielina goodnight, Wang Ye stood in the corridor and watched Ajielina walk into the bedroom, and then closed the door.

  He looked at Natalia's bedroom door next to it, it was ajar...

  There was the sound of "crashing" water, and the sound of Natalia humming a song.

   Then why hesitate, Wang Ye opened the door and walked in...

   What puzzled Wang Ye was that Natalia's physical fitness is very good, but this is her "second time" tonight, and she still can't help crying...


  The happy time of a few days is fleeting, and in the blink of an eye, Wang Ye has been in Simferopol for a week.

   These few days are the most relaxed and happiest time for him in the past two years.

  Unfortunately, he is going back to Moscow soon, the vacation is over, and there are a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

  On the tarmac of the airport, Ajielina and Natalia are seeing Wang Ye off.

  The eyes of the two girls were red, and they were obviously reluctant to leave Wang Ye.

One person held Wang Ye's hand and was unwilling to let go. Wang Ye shook their hands a little harder and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm leaving, and I will come to visit you often in the future. Besides, excuse me How soon, I will go to Kiefu, and Natalia, you will also go..."

  Wang Ye has already brewed a new plan for the upcoming general election on Kiefu's side.

   And in this plan, Natalia will become an important part!

   After persuading for a long time, the two let go of their hands and watched Wang Ye walk up the gangway of the plane.

   Until the plane took off, I still stood there for a long time and refused to leave...

  (end of this chapter)

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