MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 872 Make up for regrets

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  Chapter 872 Make up for regrets

  Wang Ye stayed in Pengcheng for three days. After dealing with the Penguin business, he asked Brother Ma how many cars he wanted.

   I took a few entourages around Guangdong Province.

   Went to the oil refining base to have a look, and those gas stations that have been built also had a general inspection.

  It is not an exaggeration to describe Guangdong Province, especially Pengcheng and Yangcheng, as changing with each passing day.

  The vehicle density on the road is much higher than other areas!

   Especially when compared to Wang Ye's hometown.

  In the area of ​​Wang Ye’s hometown, there are relatively few vehicles in the aisles and on the highway, let alone traffic jams.

  But after coming to Pengcheng and Yangcheng, the famous Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway was densely packed with vehicles, and there would be traffic jams from time to time, which was considered a spectacle at the time.

  There are many cars, the business of the gas station can be imagined, it is absolutely hot!

  The gas stations in Yukos are located in relatively good locations, and they are very formal.

  Unified decoration style, unified large LOGO, and even a 24-hour convenience store that was rarely seen at that time in each gas station, coupled with excellent oil quality and reasonable price, it soon became famous in Guangdong Province.

  Many drivers know that the fuel at Yukos gas stations is of good quality and affordable.

  So Wang Ye saw that most Yukos gas stations had a lot of cars queuing up to refuel, and the business was very good.

  After watching a circle, Wang Ye felt relieved.

  Many things are still developing according to the laws in my "memory", and there is not much change.

  The only ones I can influence are those who are close to me.

   And some things and industries that I can come into contact with and make decisions...


  After inspecting the oil refining base and gas station, Wang Ye's official duties on his return to China are considered to be complete, and he is about to leave for Moscow soon.

  Before leaving Pengcheng, Wang Ye deliberately drove around the rented place by himself.

  This community is near the gate in Fu T District.

  When Wang Ye lived in the previous life, this place was already considered the city center, very prosperous.

  But in 2004, because it was close to the pass, the surrounding area was relatively desolate. Only this community stood alone beside the road, full of dust and surrounded by large construction sites.

  There is a big red banner hanging at the gate of the community, which reads "The down payment is only 28,000, and the two-bedroom apartment can be taken home!" "

   If it is true, this actually involves "false advertising". Although the houses in Pengcheng were cheap at the time, they were not that cheap...

  In 2004, the housing price of this kind of place near the gate should be four to five thousand one square meter. Even a small two-bedroom apartment would be fifty or sixty square meters, which would cost more than two hundred thousand yuan.

  A down payment of 28,000, that's just a 10% down payment.

  However, at that time, there was no so-called purchase restriction, nor was there a limit on how much down payment must be.

  The house is not so popular yet, and there is no big money to hype it.

  In Pengcheng, the money of the rich is still invested in industries, to open factories and expand production for foreign trade, no one cares about houses...

  So in order to sell the house, the major real estate companies are also racking their brains, such as a 10% down payment, a full set of furniture and home appliances, etc., as long as you are willing to pay for a house, you can negotiate anything!

  In fact, in China, until 2008, housing prices were relatively reasonable.

  People at that time, no one thought that the house had any investment value, and everyone bought a house for the real living property.

  So even though the house price at that time was not high compared to people's income, the house was still not easy to sell.

   Let’s talk about Pengcheng. At that time, the per capita income should have reached more than 2,000 yuan.

  The price of many real estate projects is only four to five thousand yuan per square meter, which means that many people can buy a flat house with two months' salary.

  The ratio of income to house price is very reasonable in the whole world, even relatively low.

  After more than ten or twenty years, looking at the housing prices at that time, it is simply unbelievably low...

   It can only be said that people's ideas are the decisive factor driving the skyrocketing housing prices!

  When people only value the living attributes of houses, it is impossible for house prices to rise.

  However, once the house has the so-called "financial attributes" and becomes an "investment product", it is normal for the price to be high!


  Putting the car across the road from the sales office of the community, Wang Ye opened the door and got out of the car, carrying a small handbag in his hand, which contained a mobile phone and some documents.

   This was the standard outfit for small bosses in that era, but it was quite awkward for Wang Ye.

  Because he seldom goes out by himself, and every time he goes out, he is hugged and hugged, and he doesn’t need to take anything by himself...

  Several salespeople stood at the door of the sales office. Seeing Wang Ye walking towards this side, everyone's eyes lit up.

  One of the girls moved a little faster, she rushed over in one stride, and greeted Wang Ye with a smile on her face.

  The rest of the salesmen could only sigh and stop. Who made them move a beat slower, and the girl took the lead.

"Sir, do you want to buy a house? Our real estate is doing big bargains. The price is very favorable. As long as you buy a house, you will get fine decoration and a full set of furniture and appliances. The down payment is only 28,000 for a small room! The average price is not high..." The woman Sales spouted introductions like a machine gun.

  Wang Ye walked forward and said casually: "It's too hot outside, go inside and introduce me."

  Pengcheng at the end of August was indeed unbelievably hot. After getting out of the car and walking these few steps, Wang Ye was sweating on his forehead.

  The female saleswoman heard that this is indeed for viewing the house. Although she is not sure whether she will buy it, at least there is hope, and the smile on her face is getting brighter.

  The house is not easy to sell these days, not to mention the location of their real estate is relatively remote, so it has been open for a while, and basically no one cares about it.

   If they can't sell the house again, they will all be "laid off" in this batch of sales!

  Grantly opened the glass door of the sales office for Wang Ye, and invited Wang Ye to enter.

  After Wang Ye found a sofa to sit down, the saleswoman busily brought him cold drinks and so on.

  After finishing the work, the saleswoman brought some beautifully printed floor plans and real estate color pages, and began to introduce Wang Ye in detail.

   "Hello, sir, my name is Hu Yueyue, and I am the sales consultant here. Let me give you a detailed introduction to the situation of this real estate.

  The developer of our real estate is a large state-owned enterprise. You should have heard of Vanke.

  The developer is strong, and the quality of the community built is absolutely reputable, so don't worry.

  This community is called Jinyu Huafu, and its positioning is relatively high-end. The plot ratio of the community is only 2.2, the green area is as high as 50%, and the parking space ratio is as high as 1.6:1…”

  Actually, Wang Ye may be more familiar with this community than this saleswoman.

   After all, he lived here for seven or eight years in his previous life...

  The reason why Wang Ye came here today is to make up for the regrets of his previous life.

  In his last life, he rented here for seven or eight years. He is very familiar with this community and its surroundings. He has always wanted to buy a small house in this community and bring his family to Pengcheng.

   Unfortunately, until he was "reborn", this wish still failed to come true!

   Now that I have the opportunity, even if I don’t come here to live at all, and I don’t care about the little money I made from real estate speculation, Wang Ye still comes here to buy a house, just to fulfill a dream from a previous life...


  Smiling and interrupting Hu Yueyue's introduction, Wang Ye asked, "There are eight buildings in this community, right?"

  Hu Yueyue nodded quickly.

  The community of Jinyu Huafu is neither big nor small, with only eight residential buildings.

   But in Pengcheng, this is not too small.

  After all, the land in Pengcheng is very tight, and there are very few large-scale real estate projects. This kind of eight-building community is already considered quite large.

  As for the large-scale real estate with dozens of buildings in other cities, it is almost impossible to see it in Pengcheng.

   "The seventh building is now on sale? How many houses have been sold in this building?" Wang Ye continued to ask.

  Hu Yueyue froze for a moment, she had never encountered such a problem before, this client is so strange...

   But it doesn't matter, no matter what the customer asks, she will answer it.

"The seventh building has not yet been put on sale. Now we mainly sell the first to fourth buildings. The first four buildings are also very complete, and they are close to the street. In the future, there will be a subway station 100 meters away from the main gate of the community. , very convenient…”

  Real estate agents sell houses in this way.

  First take out one or two buildings, or even take out some units for sale, to create an atmosphere of tight housing supply for potential customers.

   As for good houses and units, they are reluctant to sell them in the early stage, but they are held in their hands and will be sold later.

  Wang Ye waved his hand, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Since the seventh building has not yet started selling, then I will buy this one."

  Hu Yueyue's complexion was a bit unsightly, and her smile became forced.

  She thought to herself, I'm afraid this is not intentional trouble!

  Since the 7th building has not yet started for sale, she is a small salesman, so naturally she is not qualified to be the master of selling houses to customers.

  Even if the customer really wants to buy, this matter is not easy to handle!

  She tried her best to persuade: "Sir, which house type do you like? The house type of the seventh building is exactly the same as the third house..."

   "I mean to buy the whole building." Wang Ye said lightly.

   "Ah..." Hu Yueyue was stunned on the spot.

  Buy the whole building…

  She has no such concept at all!

  Hu Yueyue also graduated from college and just came to work in Pengcheng not long ago, and it was her first job here as a salesperson.

   Not everyone can be a sales consultant for a big real estate company like this. That is to say, Hu Yueyue has a better image, is pretty, and has a college degree, so she was admitted.

  After a period of training, I came here to work as a sales consultant.

   To be honest, she hasn't really sold a house yet, but now the client is asking to buy a building...

   Could this be the legendary "real estate speculators"!


   Speaking of the famous Wen Z real estate speculators group, many people should be familiar with it.

   This word appeared in 2001.

  However, the Wen Z real estate speculation group was active in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou at that time, and had not yet come to Guangdong Province.

  So although Hu Yueyue heard her colleagues mention the real estate speculators in an envious tone, she never thought that such a legend would appear by her side one day.

  She carefully looked at the man in front of her again.

  It looks quite young, and the clothes are relatively ordinary, wearing a white crew neck shirt, beige casual pants, and a pair of canvas shoes on the feet.

   There is no difference between him and many white-collar workers in Pengcheng, except that he is quite handsome...

   But it doesn’t matter whether you are handsome or ugly, because buying a house depends on financial resources, whether you have a thick pocket, not your face.

  She asked cautiously: "Sir, do you know how many houses are in a building and how much does it cost?"

  That is to say, a novice like Hu Yueyue, who dare not offend customers, if it is replaced by an old salesman, it is estimated that he will turn his face and drive him away.

   What a joke!

  Even the well-known Wen Z real estate speculators group, they also form a group to buy a house, and they directly contact the top management of the developer to get the lowest price.

  How could it be possible to send a young man in his early twenties to come straight to the sales office to talk to a sales consultant?

   It’s unreliable at first glance!

   This kind of person is here to make trouble!

Wang Ye smiled slightly, and said calmly: "Building 7 is designed with two elevators and six households. The building is 21 stories high, which means 126 households. Calculated at 100 square meters, based on your public selling price, it is about 450,000 yuan per household. The whole building is just over 50 million yuan, I don’t know if I am right?”

  He has lived in this community for so many years, and of course he is very familiar with the house types, so talking about these data is easy and effortless.

  Hu Yueyue is a little uncertain now, if it is said that this young man is here to make trouble, but judging by his momentum and tone of speech, it is completely different.

  And those things said are all well-founded and very reliable.

   But if it is said that he can and will buy a building, Hu Yueyue wouldn't believe it even if he was killed...

  Fifty million!

   This amount is too exaggerated, is it really something this young man can afford?

  When Wang Ye came over just now, he was driving an ordinary car, just a Toyota Camry. This is not a luxury car. It is not the kind of car that a rich man who can spend 50 million yuan to buy a house should drive...

  She is hesitant here, but Wang Ye has no time to spend with her.

He said: "I know, you can't make decisions about this kind of thing, let your sales director or vice president, someone who can make decisions anyway, come and talk to me. You can tell them that I am serious, and I will take care of it today. Set it down!"

  Perhaps it was Wang Ye's self-confidence and aura that shocked Hu Yueyue when she spoke. She said nonchalantly, "Well...well, I'll go find the vice president of sales right now, he's in the office."

   As he spoke, he got up and hurried inside.


  Wang Ye sat there, drinking a cold drink leisurely.

   Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps behind her, and Hu Yueyue and a middle-aged man in a white shirt and black trousers walked over quickly.

   "Hello, I'm the vice president of sales here. What's your name for this gentleman?" The middle-aged man stretched out his hands from afar and said with a smile.

  (end of this chapter)

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