MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 857 Misfortunes never come singly

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  Chapter 857 Misfortunes never come singly

  Mike's body suddenly lost all strength, and fell limply.

  The light in his eyes began to slowly dissipate, and he looked up at the lights on the roof, wondering what was going on in his mind.

  Perhaps, there are surprises and regrets.

   Surprisingly, how could anyone really dare to kill himself, but he is from the most powerful country in the world!

   Today's incident was obviously a trap set against him!

  The purpose is to want their own lives, so they must know their true identities before they do it.

  But they still moved their hands...

   Regret is that I still think of "enemy" too simply.

  It should have occurred to him long ago that since his side can break the rules and disrupt the situation, the opponent may of course use some off-the-board tricks, or even directly ruthless hands!

   But it's too late now...


  Because the lights in the bar were a little dim, and the place where Mike fell was close to the wall, and there were a few other boys on the periphery who stopped Mike and his men from fighting, the scene was chaotic.

  So didn't notice that Mike was dead.

  The young man was very calm. When he pulled out the dagger, he didn't forget to cover the wound with Mike's clothes to prevent the blood from spraying out.

   His few blows just now were fatal!

  So there is no need to worry that Mike is not dead at all.

   Flipping his wrist skillfully, the dagger disappeared, and he turned around to join the big fight next to him.

  Mike's subordinates were coming and going with those boys, and the scene was evenly matched, even slightly prevailing.

  Those guys looked like ordinary street gangsters. They didn't have any moves in fighting, and they all relied on brute force.

   It seemed that they couldn’t fight anymore, and the young men suddenly started to retreat, fighting and retreating, and when they retreated close to the door of the bar, they ran away...

  Mike’s subordinates laughed when they saw this scene, thinking that their side had won a big victory.

  But when they found Mike lying on the ground, their faces turned pale, and they realized that something big happened...


  Mike's identity is relatively sensitive, so after his accident, Priority Branch was the first to express his anger, and even wanted to take the opportunity to pin the blame on his competitors.

  "As we all know, Mike was the campaign consultant I hired, but when the campaign was most tense, he was attacked to death~!

  I suspect there must be a conspiracy!

  Some people are so dirty in order to win the election, it's disgusting! "

  He made accusations and curses, and everyone naturally understood who he was talking about.

  So Yanukovych did not show any weakness, and immediately gave a strong counterattack.

  In an interview with the TV station, Yanukovych commented:

  "Many people may not know the identity of the deceased named Mike. In fact, he was an American, but he was hired by the Priority Division as a campaign consultant.

   And his death was entirely his own fault.

  He developed into a fight with jealousy in a bar, but he didn't hit anyone, and was beaten to death.

  This kind of thing can only say that he deserves it, how could it have anything to do with me.

  In addition, as far as I know, there are a large number of foreigners in the campaign team of the Priority Division.

   I'm curious, what are they trying to do!

  It is obviously our own election, why would a group of foreigners participate in it..."

  His counterattack also embarrassed the priority department.

   After all, Mike is indeed an old beauty. He used to hide behind the scenes, and few people knew his identity.

   But now after the accident, Yanukovych exposed it, and everyone suddenly realized that the so-called consultant of the priority department turned out to be a foreigner!

   Then this has aroused a lot of people's thinking.

  Why did the priority department hire foreigners as their campaign consultants?

  Although in recent years, there are more pro-Western factions in both Da Mao and Er Mao.

   But when it comes to sensitive matters like election campaigns, no one wants foreigners involved, because it may involve betraying national interests!

   Therefore, Yanukovych's counterattack will have an impact on the election, and it may be slowly revealed in the next period of time!

  In addition to the two of them arguing, the official staff of the old US embassy in Keefe also jumped out.

  Mike was employed by the priority department in a private capacity in name, but his real identity had an official background!

  However, there are also difficulties in the US side, and even the ambassador dare not publicly say that Mike is a diplomat or official, and can only say that he is "the American people."

  The only way to put pressure on the Kifu police from this perspective is to let them investigate the truth of the murder as soon as possible.


   No matter how hard or pressure those above are.

   Regarding the case of "group beating to death" that took place in a bar, the Kifu police seemed not to have been affected, and they quickly came to a conclusion.

  The matter is very simple, it is a simple case of fighting to death caused by jealousy, and now the police are looking for the murderer.

   It was just because the bar was dimly lit that night, and the scene was chaotic when the case happened, and no one could see the murderer's face clearly.

  So it will take a certain amount of time to find relevant clues...

  Based on the budget of the Kiefu police, it is enough to barely make a salary, and many police cars can’t even afford to fill up the gas!

  Who will investigate the case for you.

  In this year, I don't know how many people died or disappeared due to various reasons.

   I don’t know how many cases have been backlogged in the police station for several years, and no one cares about them.

  As long as the criminal is not caught on the spot, it is basically tantamount to declaring that the case is over, and Mike's death is for nothing.

   Except for Lao Mei and Priority Branch, they will pay attention to it, and everyone else will act as if this incident never happened...

  The conclusion of the police made the US ambassador in Kiefau furious. He also publicly criticized the Kiefau police for not being rigorous in handling the case, and put pressure on the Ermao foreign affairs department.

   But to his surprise, the diplomatic department, which has always been easy to talk to him in front of him, pushed him back this time without being humble or humble.

  Let him trust the professional ability and judgment of the Kifu police, and even warn him, as a diplomat, not to point fingers at the internal affairs departments of other countries...

  This incident is weird and unusual inside and out.

  The ambassador and the priority department are convinced that there must be a conspiracy behind it. The purpose of killing Mike is not to kill people, but to target the priority department and next year's election!

   But they have no way to prove this.

  From the police to the foreign affairs department to the government, it seems that they have suppressed this case in a tacit understanding.

  Priority Division once suspected that this matter was instigated by Guccima?

  Because in the current Kiefu, there may be quite a few people who are capable of planning such an assassination.

  But there are not many people who can handle the aftermath so "smoothly".

   There is no doubt that Gucci can do it!

  Although he will retire next year, he is still in power, and those powerful departments are still firmly in his hands.

   But he has no reason to do so!

   If he really wants to participate in the campaign, Gucci has more and better ways, and killing a Mike is of little significance to him.

   Or to help Yanukovych?

  That's not like that either.

   To be honest, if you really want to help Yanukovych, Guccima will stand up for him and help him in the news media, and the effect will definitely be better.

   Could it be that Yanukovych did it?

  Priority Branch also denied this possibility.

  Because Yanukovych does not have such great strength!

  After much deliberation, the priority department can't figure it out...


   Didn't give Priority Branch much time to think, and soon another "heavy stick" hit him on the head.

  Kifford TV has a program with a high ratings and a high number of viewers.

   This is a character interview program, often interviewing some celebrities, from all walks of life.

  The hostess is good at digging out the emotions of those celebrities, and can often lead some celebrities to tell their unknown past.

  For example, a tragic childhood, the experience of being excluded by seniors or big names when I first entered the industry, and even some shady secrets in the industry, etc.

  The topics are usually hot, so they are very popular with the audience.

  On the weekend night, as usual, a new episode of the program begins.

  The person invited in this episode is a female star who has starred in several TV dramas with relatively high ratings in recent years and is quite well-known in China.

  At the beginning, the show was normal, and it followed the interview outline. The two talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was good.

  But when the host asked a question, the female star's mood was obviously depressed.

"Everyone knows that you are in your early thirties this year, but you haven't had a clear lover yet, and you haven't even had a scandal. Can you talk to everyone about how you treat love and marriage?" Female the host asked.

  The female celebrity's complexion suddenly darkened, and her eye sockets became moist.

   After being silent for a while, she said in a heavy tone, "I...maybe I won't get married in the future."

   "Why? Are you single, or do you have different orientations?" asked the hostess.

  The reason why this program has a high ratings is because it can talk about anything, and there is no taboo!

The female star was silent for a while again, not knowing what she was thinking about. After she raised her head and took a deep breath, she said with a painful expression on her face: "Because... when I was... in college, I was once violated!"

   There was an uproar in the studio, and even the hostess looked shocked and looked at her in disbelief.

  Perhaps because she told the secret that had been hidden in her heart for many years, the female star also seemed a lot more relaxed, and she spoke the following words more smoothly.

   "In the forced situation, that incident hurt me a lot, so since then, I have started to fear marriage.

   No, it can’t be said that it is fear of marriage, it is the beginning to resist intimate contact with men. "

  The hostess finally came to her senses, and hurriedly asked: "Then did you call the police? Did the... beast be punished by law?"

The female star shook her head slowly, and said with a sad face: "I was young at the time, and the other party was a powerful person, he threatened me not to call the police, otherwise I would be ruined and my reputation would be ruined. You can't even graduate from college."

   "Who is that person?!" The hostess continued to ask.

  The female star hesitated for a moment, as if she didn't dare to speak.

   "It's okay, now we are a free society ruled by law, no one can hurt you." The host encouraged her.

   Gritting her teeth, the actress said the name.

   "It's the priority class!"


  When the female star said the name "Priority Section", I don't know how many viewers who were sitting in front of the TV and watching the show exclaimed.

  Because this name has been too loud recently!

   Is running for election, and there is still a lot of hope to succeed Guccima as the country's next...

  If what the female star said is true, it would be outrageous!

  Back to the TV studio, the hostess was still racking her brains to get the female star to tell more details about the time.

   She doesn't care whether this matter is true or not!

   All she cares about is the ratings.

  Besides, even if it is fake, the first department sued is also a female celebrity, so what does it have to do with me.

   Taking a step back, even if Priority Section sues itself, the program group and even the TV station, there is nothing to worry about.

  The media, the least afraid of lawsuits!

  That means continuous exposure, maybe I can do a few more episodes of the show to catch the heat...


   This matter was once again pushed to a peak during the audience interaction session!

  The program has an interactive link, that is, lucky viewers will be randomly selected in the studio and in the audience's calls, and let them interact with the program guests and the host.

  In today's interactive session, a caller was drawn. As a result, the female viewer who called came up emotionally and said that she had also been violated by the priority department.

   is also in college, because she herself is a classmate of the female star.

   And this year, the priority department is still working at that university...

  If we say that when the female star mentioned this incident just now, some viewers expressed doubts.

   But now, almost no one doesn't believe it...

  The following program almost turned into a denunciation meeting of the priority department.

  The hostess is still making suggestions, discussing what to do to bring the priority to justice!

  It's a pity that the incident happened too long ago, not to mention physical evidence, and even the validity period of accountability has passed for a long time.

   It is almost impossible to punish him legally.

  Many viewers still feel pity, thinking that the "scumbag" of Priority Branch escaped a catastrophe.

   But what they didn't know was that the Priority Department, who had just received the news, was so angry that he was about to be sent to the hospital...

  He had indeed been a university teacher before, and it was indeed the university that the female star mentioned.

   But the problem is, he never did such a thing!

   Moreover, he doesn't know who this female star is, and he doesn't even remember if he ever had such a student.

   Also, who is that person who called the TV station? He didn't report his name, and he just accused himself!

good news! I haven't had a fever yet, and I'm still sticking to it!



  (end of this chapter)