MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 839 ideal result

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  Chapter 839 Ideal result

  Back to Moscow, it is already late February, and the general election of the Duma is about to begin!

  Of course, Wang Ye didn’t have time to run around anymore. He had to sit in Moscow and direct the campaign work of the entire faction.

  In addition, those who expressed their intentions a while ago and wanted to switch to the Wangye faction also started to act.

   Go through the exit procedures from the first, second and each small faction, resign from the job of Duma member, and formally take an oath to join Wang Ye's faction.

   The chaos lasted until March 20th, and finally the situation stabilized before the official campaign began.

  In fact, the period before the general election of the Duma, that is, February and March, is a bit like the "transfer period" in football.

   Members of Parliament must start to consider their own way out.

  Whether to stay in the faction to run for the next parliamentary seat, or quit the Duma completely, and go to the government to work, or to work in a big company.

  Of course, there are also people who want to continue running for election, but if they don’t get enough support and resources from the original faction, they will consider switching to other factions.

  Wang Ye has "taken in" many similar former MPs.

   During this period of time, the work of the entire Duma is also close to a standstill. Everyone is busy with the election, and there will be no major issues that need to be dealt with immediately by the Duma.

  Even if there is, it will be postponed until the election of the new Duma councilors is over...

  March 21st, the registration deadline for each faction, and the election will officially start tomorrow.

   That is to say, those congressional candidates have already identified the factions they belong to, and participating in the election must also be based on the registered factions.

   No further faction switching is allowed until the campaign is over.

  Of course, unless they lose the election, if they succeed in the election, they will not be allowed to switch to other factions during the term of office.

  This is also an institutional constraint on the parliamentarians, otherwise the Duma would be messed up.


  Duma Building, in Wang Ye's office, Rosiana is reporting to Wang Ye the summary of the campaign situation.

   "Misha, now our faction has more than 170 competitive candidates!

   We have members running in nearly every major constituency.

   There are about a hundred people who are relatively sure, and about 30 people who are relatively sure. The remaining forty or so variables are relatively large, or they have certain disadvantages.

   But no matter what, judging from the current situation, we can also get a guaranteed 100 Duma seats in this general election! "

  In fact, what Rosiana said is a bit conservative, because the latest poll shows that the support rate of the faction led by Wang Ye has risen again, reaching about 40%!

   This support rate has even surpassed Gryzlov's first faction...

   Of course, the approval rating does not represent the final election result.

   But it cannot be denied that factions with a high support rate will definitely get the number of seats in the end!

  According to Wang Ye's estimation, 120 seats are stable, and 150 seats can even be impacted. There is still a lot of hope.

   No matter how high it is, there should be little hope. After all, the strength of the first faction and the Moscow faction should not be underestimated.

  Wang Ye nodded silently, as long as he can guarantee 120 seats, he will be very satisfied.

   After all, the entire Duma only has 450 seats, and 120 seats account for nearly 30%, firmly ranking second.

  It is his goal to squeeze the Moscow faction down.

   It is also the target of the Kremlin and the first faction!

  If it really surpasses the first faction, Wang Ye will feel a headache instead, he is not ready yet.

  I can’t just become the speaker of the Duma when I’m only in my early twenties and haven’t graduated from university yet…

  If it’s just the deputy speaker of the Duma, it’s not too eye-catching, after all, there are several deputy speakers.

   The power within the Duma is not small, but it is rare to handle foreign relations alone, so it will not cause a global sensation or something...

  But if he really becomes the speaker of the Duma, Wang Ye can imagine how hot the scene will be...

  He is now at the deputy state level, and he can still find ten or twenty people in the entire Russian political arena.

  And the Speaker of the Duma, that is a veritable senior official!

   No matter how you count, you can’t find a few in all of Russia!

  In addition to the Kremlin, the government, and the nominal Speaker of the House of Lords, that is the Speaker of the Duma!

   It is not an exaggeration to say that he is number three.

  But this position, for the current Wang Ye, seems a bit too exaggerated...

  He doesn't want to be this early bird yet.

  Wang Ye still wants to keep a low-key "growth" for a few more years, let the old fox Gryzlov stand in front of him, and be a "teacher" for himself for a few more years.

  Anyway, the position of speaker of the Duma will be his own sooner or later, and there is no rush.

  Even after I became the speaker of the Duma, I don’t know how many years I have to wait...


   "Misha, should we call the new members of the faction to have a meeting to unify everyone's thinking. Now that there are more members in the faction, I feel that there will be some small hills in the future. I'm afraid it will be difficult to lead the team."

   Rosiana frowned and said.

She has now considered the issue as a "boss lady". The faction led by Wang Ye is of course her own team. The atmosphere in the faction must be maintained and everyone is united so that Wang Ye can stand in the Duma and the political arena. Stand firm.

Wang Ye thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's not in a hurry, let's wait until the election results come out. Now everyone should focus on the election, and many people are trying to canvass votes in their own constituencies. Everyone yelled back, it was a waste of time."

   Rosiana nodded when she thought about it, and it was the same reason.

  Wang Ye is not worried about any small hills appearing inside, because he knows very well that this thing is unavoidable!

  Since it is unavoidable, I only need to consider that after the emergence of a small mountain, we can still keep everyone on the same page on big issues, so that there will be no infighting, that is enough.

  And many of the members who have come here have their own ideas and come with a purpose.

   Just by holding a meeting for everyone by yourself, can you unify your thinking?

   That's obviously whimsical!

  But since I have become a member of a faction and I am the leader of the party, there will be plenty of time and methods to slowly "digest" it, so that those members who have different opinions will stand with me.


  Wang Ye's faction's campaign situation is going well, of course he doesn't panic.

   But Gryzlov panicked a bit...

  As soon as Wang Ye arrived at the office that day, Gryzlov came to his office in a hurry.

   "Misha, have you read the latest poll results, what do you think?"

  As soon as he sat down, he asked impatiently.

  Wang Ye shrugged and said with a smile: "I don't have any ideas, just look at that thing, and it's not the real election result."

  He knew why Gryzlov came to him, because the support rate of the first faction in the latest poll has dropped to 38%!

   This is two percentage points lower than Wang Ye's faction...

   If calculated according to this support rate, then the name of the first faction will be changed, and the seats of Grezlov and his faction will be less than that of Wang Ye's faction!

   Seeing Wang Ye pretending to be confused, Gryzlov laughed angrily.

  He reached out and tapped Wang Ye, and said helplessly: "Now that there are no outsiders around, you and I should stop playing around in circles. Let's put it this way, if your faction gets the most seats, do you know what will happen?"

  Wang Ye responded with an innocent face: "Let's not say that our faction cannot get the most seats, and even if we get the most seats, what will happen?"

   "Then your faction will become... a strange thing!" Gryzlov blurted out.

  Wang Ye asked in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

"As far as I know, your faction is not planning to launch its own presidential candidate, right? Then the first faction in the Duma will not have a presidential candidate that it supports. Isn't that weird enough!" Gryzlov stared at Wang Ye said.

  Wang Ye frowned, this is indeed a problem.

   It stands to reason that his faction should support Putin, but Khovchenko also wants to participate in the election, so he is in a dilemma.

   On one side is Rosiana's adoptive father, on the other side is her own uncle...

  Wang Ye didn't support it at all, let them run for election on their own strength!

   But this is really as Gryzlov said, it is indeed a bit strange that the largest faction in the Duma has no presidential candidate to support.

  Of course, all of this is based on the fact that Wang Ye's faction can get the most seats in the election and become the largest faction in the new Duma!


  Wang Ye asked with a headache: "What's going on with your faction, why has the support rate been falling?"

   This point is really hard for Wang Ye to understand, because according to the original plan, Grezlov and the others should not behave like this.

  Although the financial resources of the first faction are not as good as Wang Ye and Hovchenko, they have a profound background and a lot of talents!

  The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, but the first faction has about 300 seats in the current Duma!

   No matter how bad it is, it shouldn’t be a problem to get 200 seats in the next Duma...

  It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. In several successive polls, the performance of the first faction is getting worse and worse, and the support rate is getting lower and lower.

"Isn't it because some senior congressmen have jumped to your job! As far as I know, there are at least 20 members of our faction who can secure the Duma seats, and they jumped to your side. The ebb and flow, so The support rate of your faction in this poll is higher than ours." Gryzlov said with some emotion in his tone.

  Wang Ye scratched his head, this is indeed a problem.

  Twenty Duma seats!

   directly reduced the first faction by 20 seats, and gained 20 seats on my own side...

   No wonder his own faction surpassed the first faction in this poll.

  But it is obviously impossible for Wang Ye to spit out the fat in his mouth.

  So Wang Ye still pretended to be stupid: "Then what should we do?"

  Seeing Wang Ye's dazed and innocent face, Gryzlov wanted to strangle him to death...

  Of course, this is just thinking about it, and he can only say patiently: "So, Misha, the only one who can help me now is you. Besides, helping me is helping yourself!"

   "How do you say that?" Wang Ye asked puzzled.

Gryzlov smiled, leaned back on the back of the chair, and said calmly: "I just said that there are no outsiders here, so don't pretend. Now I do have a headache, but again, I I believe you have more headaches than me!"

  Since Gryzlov saw through, Wang Ye couldn't continue acting.

  He originally wanted to continue to whet Gryzlov's appetite so that he could get more benefits.

   "Haha, so I still need to learn more from you, my Speaker!

  Let’s put it this way, you don’t have to panic, I should be able to guarantee that the first faction will get 160 seats, which is enough to ensure that your faction can still become the first faction in the next Duma.

  Because of my faction, I finally got about 120 seats.

  Oh, no more than one hundred and fifty at most. "

  Wang Ye said with a smile on his face.

   There is no need to consider other factions, as long as Gryzlov can get 160 seats and Wang Ye can get 120 seats.

  Then the two of them add up to 280 seats.

  The remaining seats are only one hundred and seventy...

  These seats, as well as the Moscow faction and Khovchenko, are robbing them. Absolutely no faction can take them all.

   It is impossible to even want more than one hundred and twenty!

  The new Duma, the situation is very clear.

   Gryzlov's faction will get about 160 seats, still the first faction.

  Wang Ye's faction got 120 guarantees, with a maximum of 150, ranking second!

  Moscow sent and Khovchenko's faction to fight for third...

   To be honest, judging from the current trend, it is really hard to say who the Moscow faction and Khovchenko are third.

   After all, Hovchenko is really willing to spend money!

  It is very likely that their two factions will each take sixty or seventy seats.

   It is completely impossible to pose any threat to the first two factions.

  In the future, the Duma will not be dominated by one family, but will be equally divided between Gryzlov and Wang Ye!

  This is the most ideal election result in Wang Ye's plan...


   The speaker of the new Duma is still Gryzlov.

  Wang Ye is still his deputy speaker, but he intends to take away one more committee director.

   He wants to monopolize two of the three Duma committees!

   This is also his "remuneration" for supporting Gryzlov.

  The committee to be taken over is naturally the foreign affairs committee that Korov, the leader of the second faction, is currently the director of.

  After the election results came out, there were only a few seats left in the Moscow faction, and Kolov was no longer qualified to hold such an important position...

  After talking about his ideas with Gryzlov, Gryzlov nodded and agreed without hesitation.

   Anyway, it doesn't harm his interests. As for Kolov's life and death, he doesn't care!

  (end of this chapter)

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