MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-~ Short in parents, beauties of beauty

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Updated: 2013-08-04

Step by step for the vengeance of the battalion, tricky tricks, intense and exciting plot. Conspiracy and love, compose a song together, alas, alas ~~~!

This article was produced by Wentao. The Lun family doesn't hide or hide, it doesn't look good, you, you, you hit the Lun family!

Hateful, strong return.

Short in parents, beautiful women think.

Love and hatred farming + house fighting + revenge. The female lead has a strong belly, the male lead has a strong belly, mysterious boss, affectionate beauty, cold charm and petting his wife ... various blushes, heartbeat, and nosebleeds


The house is dangerous and horrible, the little abuse is happy, and the revenge is refreshing, so please read it.

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Whooooooooooooooh, it ’s easy to be satisfied.

One click is a little touched, and one watering message is "Bar 唧" "Bar 唧" "Bar 唧" "Bar 唧" "Bar 唧" sip (this product is definitely not good math), a collection of two lines of tears slipped off his face, Red tickets just blow your nose, if readers are in favor ... just ... just ...

Blink away!

Give Way! !! !!

What are you thinking about? !! !!

o (╯ □ ╰) o

That ’s you, hurry up and go offline! !! !!

Come online to update your article, don't make your eyes straight and drool here! !! !!

Are you responsible for slipping people down? ? ?

╭ (╯3╰) ╮

[Update time] Update every day at -8: 10- and -16: 10-; Huh, finally I have saved the manuscript, and come on time later; if the manuscript is rich, every Saturday 0: 10- and -23: 10 -One more chapter to two chapters; every ten yuan for tipping, this Sunday -23: 10-One more chapter to chapter oh oh oh (⊙o⊙)

[Book friends exchange q group] Come and go: 180969382.

Bragging, yelling, yawning. Life is tired, rest here. Any ideas about the development of the story can also be put forward, everyone to discuss and discuss together, huh, huh, huh, huh (dry laughter in the cold wind). 2k novel reading network

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