MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 785 Fancai Acacia

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In the setting sun, a pair of lovers embrace each other. Relying on each other's warmth tightly, they couldn't see each other's expression. Therefore, the posture of cross-necked hugging, sometimes it is not conducive to communication.

He Danggui bowed her head, although she could not agree with some of the words, but because these words came from Meng Xun, she did not want to refute.

How can Meng Yue be tolerant of her? Can't she give in?

Sure enough, the proposal to settle in Luzhou was too difficult for him. Although Meng Yue was often away from home, but occasionally returned home, he still wanted to see his mother. This is not to blame Meng Wei, Meng Wei is right.

However, I am afraid that no matter how she gets along with Mrs. Su, she can only try to keep the relationship from deteriorating, and can't get along like mother and daughter.

Alas, between mother-in-law and mother-in-law, it seems that as long as the first impression is not good, they can't be reversed in the future. Speaking of this, I was envious of Qinger. Madam Su loved Qinger from the bottom of her heart and wanted to hurt her daughter. It's no wonder that Qing'er is such a girl.

He Danggui smiled lonely. Maybe he didn't recruit elders in this life.

At this moment, the topic changed, and Meng Yue said, "You still don't know? The emperor pointed the two daughters of the King Yan to the 7th-ranking Beijing official, and then ordered the King Yan Zhu to return to Fengzhou, Yanzhou, and cooperate with the cut off Fan. Handing over the affairs. But the emperor was still a little bit reassured, so on the pretext that the Yanzhou border was infested with gangsters, he asked the Meng family to send a soldier to the bandits, and to monitor the movement of the garrison in Yanzhou.

"Go to the Yanzhou bandits? Let you go?"

Meng Yue said: "The emperor wants me and my third brother and fifth brother, but after considering it, I only recommended 11 brothers to be in charge alone."

He Danggui frowned, "Meng Yu has just turned thirteen. Even the experience of being a general is the first time. It is too reluctant to let him take charge? Princess Xu Wuyan is a former princess with boundless ambitions and ambitious. She I have always dreamed of resuming the country, and I want to support King Yan as the emperor and let their son be the prince, so that Mongolian blood can regain control. I think it is not a big win for Meng Yu to go to Princess Yan.

"If you add another Yitong and a Changnuo, what's the chance of winning?" Meng Yue asked.

"Huh? Yitong is out and back, isn't he angry with you?"

Meng Yue smiled slightly and explained: "Yi Tong was seriously injured on the school grounds. I actually arranged it early in the morning. I planned to hide him as a surprise soldier and hit the other side by surprise. Unexpectedly, Qi Jing planned to cut off my arm and face Yi Tong. After the killer, Yi Tong hid the plan and hid it. Now he changed his name to 'Yi Shi' and became the eldest general of the eleventh brother. He is a very secure candidate. He can also get rid of slavery and open a separate account. Government. "

"That's good. Yitong's talents are enough to be competent before the game."

"I had Yi Yi go with me, and I regained the original name 'Du Huan'. After his success, he shone to his Du family doorkeeper, but Yi Yi said that he had no intention of fame. When we were in the nursing home, we were the third general of the court. . He was so stubborn that he had to follow him. "

"That's fine too."

Meng Yue's smiling eyes moved closer, and he whispered, "Qinger thinks my arrangement is good?"

He Danggui nodded and calmly analyzed: "Meng Yu is in the bright spot, which can make Princess Yan relax her vigilance, and feel that a 13-year-old teenager general can't take her for granted; Yi Tong and Chang Nuo are in the dark, and assist Meng Yu. This arrangement is the best."

"So what do we think about our future arrangements?"

"all good."

Meng Yue also said, "By the way, Chang Nuo married Feng Shiyi, and I gave him a big gift. What do you guess?"

"Well, I can't guess."

"It's a pack of tricks from Bai Baobai. I heard that Chang Nuo worships Baigong very much. I specially found him as a wedding gift."

"that's good."

"I heard that Chang Nuo was honest with Master Feng. He used to pretend to be his son for a few years, and used it to control the shipping business of the gang. Really, Feng Yang died when he was a kid. Master Feng said at first sight that he was not his own son, but got along I continue to appreciate the fake wind Yang. Now that he is not a son, he has become a son-in-law and can be considered a half son. After a century, Master Feng still wants to give him his help. "

He Danggui was surprised: "The dowry of the eleven sisters is a whole gang, and the world is rich, and Chang Nuo makes a lot of money!"

Meng Zheng shook his head: "No, Chang Nuo refuses to ask for this gift, but instead advises Master Feng to adopt a distant nephew to inherit the Feng family. When Yanzhou is gone, he will bring his wife to Wudang Mountain to live in seclusion and spend some leisure time.

"Hermitage, that's great." He Danggui showed a stern smile.

It seems that after many things, Chang Nuo has been completely released and is willing to abandon the double shackles of Gong Ming and King Ning and become a free self.

The two talked in a stunned way. A man with a nasty face and a swollen face approached from a distance. It was actually Meng Xian who was behind him, followed by Songyuan and Yatao Xiaotao.

Meng Wei frowned and asked, "Brother, have you fought? You must be angry when you see your father."

Meng Xian gave a hard look at He Danggui, and said angrily: "It must be that she bought a murderer and attacked me. She failed to seduce me last night, so she turned to attack me. Seventh brother, this woman ca n’t stay, you can take her off. ! "

"You mean—" Meng Yue looked weird and asked slowly, "Qing Er seduce you?"

"Yes!" Meng Xian's righteousness was strict.

Meng Yue looked down at He Danggui, then looked up at Meng Xian, and finally shook his head helplessly: "Brother, take your father's post to the Taiyuan Hospital for a sentence."

"Huh? I only had some skin trauma, so I didn't need to go to the hospital." Meng Xian was puzzled.

"The skin trauma is down, but you can treat yourself as affectionate and wishful thinking is the first serious illness, so you have to treat it as soon as possible." Meng Yue persuaded seriously.

Meng Xian was furious and pointed at He Danggui and said, "She bought me a murderer, you are my seventh brother, and you have a nostril with an outsider, don't try to kill the murderer for me! You care about family discipline, you don't filial piety to your brother! "

"Don't look for it, the killer is me."

After waiting for Meng Xun to correct Meng Xian's misunderstanding about "outsiders" and "inners", a BMW with a yellow claw stepped out of the tent, and immediately sat a man in a costume, and pointed Meng Xian with a whip: "Last night I saw you with the same jade pendant as my king's shadow. The king was so upset that he let the husband hit you. If you disagree, come to my king."

Meng Xian recognized the Rongzhuang man as King Ning Zhuquan, and narrowed his neck carefully and asked, "Have I ever sinned against Wang Ye? Who is Jueying?"

"My King felt that your face was born to be boring, and I wanted to slap you once when I saw you. It's the shadow."


With his head raised, Malaysia snorted, Meng Xian stepped back two steps in panic, and saw that the jade pendant on the horse's neck was exactly the same as his own, suddenly ashamed and annoyed, and turned to run away.

Zhu Quan's head strode across the horse, looking down at the embracing Meng Yue and He Danggui, and his cold eyes slowly flowed over Yurong.

"You, follow my king!" Zhu Quan ordered.

The horsewhip refers to Aunt Xiaotao. I do not know when, Xiao Tao has been hiding behind Meng Yue.

She shook her head in panic: "I don't want to go with you, General Meng will save me!"

Zhu Quan said coldly: "You have been seen naked, you must find someone responsible. The king is willing to be responsible for the repair of the three generations of your ancestors. Go now, otherwise the king will not treat you as a woman."

Meng Wei pulled back his cuff from Xiao Tao and gently advised: "Ning ’s palace is already an empty house, and even the princess ’s room is unoccupied. It ’s not a beautiful thing that little Tao girl goes there to dress and eat.

"No, I won't go! General, save me!"

Xiao Tao actually started crying, Zhu Quan nodded impatiently, wrapped his hands around Xiao Tao's hands, and whispered "driving!" Turning the horse's head and leaving, regardless of whether the woman behind the horse could not keep up. The basic thing is to drag Xiao Tao on the ground.

He Danggui asked inexplicably, "What is going on? Is King Ning very hostile to Xiao Tao? Why is Xiao Tao so afraid of him?"

Meng Yue looked at the dust and looked away, explaining gently: "A few months ago, Xiao Tao was driven out by the Guan government and went to the streets. When he met me and Zhu Quan at the Yangzhou Inn, he could recognize the Mongolian general I played. I I gave her some silver and opened a room for her. A few days later, Zhu Quan's room was ringing. I used to see that Zhu Quan was not there. Only a smooth little pottery was ordered. I opened the cave and sent her away. I asked Zhu Quan what was going on. Zhu Quan said that she had mistakenly drunk the wine she gave me, and when she felt something was wrong, she stopped and went out to find a place to solve it. "

"That's it? Nothing?"

"Xiao Tao also came to see me in the back, and I gave her Yinzi to persuade her to return home. I never thought she would come to Beijing."

"What about you and Zhu Quan?"

"We reached an agreement and I helped him restore his skills. He helped me to transfer troops. Without him, I wouldn't be able to transfer the Yanzhou Cavalry." Meng Yue explained in 151.

He Danggui pouted his lips and thought: "Meng Yue, you have hidden a lot of private house money, send it to Xiao Tao today, and He Jingxian tomorrow, which day can you give me a little?"

"Ah?" Meng Yue froze.

"Don't deny it, He Jing first asked you for 100,000 gold, and the next day you asked Dai Pin to raise money in Weiyang Palace. Is this the case?"

"Oh, what?" Meng Yan smiled. "He Jing first went looking for someone to talk to because the Treasury in his care had something wrong, and a large amount of Treasury was missing. The man who moved the Treasury was actually ordered by the emperor to send the bank silver. I transferred to the underground treasure collection to keep some basics for future generations, but it was La Hojing who first came out to blame. Since the emperor was deliberately unable to get through with He Jing, I was not good at intervening, so I did n’t lend him money. As for me, I was anxious to raise money and had a relationship with him nothing."

"So why are you raising money?"

"Guess." Meng Yue blinked.

"I guess? Would you let me guess again?" Fiber poked, "I guess you built a house outside to build a garden for the Golden House to hide it!"

Meng Yue was surprised: "Qing'er is so smart, I guess I'll hit it!"

Why Angelica's eyes narrowed into a dangerous line and asked, "Meng Xun, do you want to die or not to live?"

Meng Yue puzzled: "Is there a difference between the two?"

He Danggui nodded: "Of course there is a difference. The former is for you to take the road, the latter is for you to go your own way."

After listening to it, Meng Yue laughed and said, "I don't choose either. I want to go on the road with Qinger. The journey alone is too lonely. With Qinger traveling, the lychee in Lingnan must be sweet and sweet.

"Ah?" He Danggui was dumbfounded. Drag her on the road?

Meng Yue continued: "Have you ever read the poem‘ Three Sunlit Litchi, Longing for the Lingnan People ’? We shall follow the sages in the future.”


Meng Yue tapped her head: "Stupid! I didn't mention it to you, I will go to Lingnan to station troops, and then I heard that the emperor meant a long-term station, so I asked Dai Pin to build a building where I made drawings." "Red Bean Villa" urgently raises money for this purpose. The name is to repair the princess house for you, so the deed is also faster than the normal process. Once we arrive, the villa will be able to go in and live. "

When Angelica rubbed her head in doubt, Nana asked, "But don't you disagree, should I move out of Mengfu?"

"I mean, I don't agree with you going to Luzhou to eat apples and persimmons, where the air is too cold, and it will ice you up," Meng Xie said with a patience and patience. "Lingnan is so good, the air is warm, and it is suitable for mountain tours. Water is also suitable for us to have a few more children. Just now, Bai Jinbai's mouth was cut straight, I wish us a hundred sons and grandchildren, what do you think, mother? "

"Oh." He Danggui nodded stupidly. After a while, he turned to Meng Zhe, annoyed, "You look like I am a pig, a hundred sons and a grandson?" After thinking about her, she asked, "Two aunts in Meiyuan I was scared by a word, thinking that you were going to beheaded by the emperor, and they packed up their bags and went back to their maiden house overnight. Did Xianggong send someone to pick them up again? "

"Oh that's fine."

"Huh ?!" He Danggui stared.

"The lady doesn't want to?" Meng Yue asked with a smile.

"I'm asking your opinion, do you feel good, would you like to?" He Danggui struck hard.

"Of course I ... Thank you for helping me to solve the trouble that has troubled me for three years." Meng Yue laughed. "I secretly ordered me to persuade them for a long time, even the damage of putting snakes and insects in the room. Let ’s go together, it wo n’t work. If you have a way, you can defeat the enemy in one move. Thanks, I will take you home with my own hands. ”

He Danggui reassured him again, and Meng Xuan kindly persuaded, "I hurt your hand carefully, and my robe was lined with a set of soft armor. Qing'er likes to hit me so much, why not make an appointment tonight?"

"I'll just slap me now!"


Meng Zheng grabbed her fist and gently put on a string of red bean bracelets for her. Those red beans were crystal clear, and the red was too thick to melt, but at this moment they were not as deep as the affection of the two.

"Qing'er," he shook her hand and rested in his heart, and said softly, "May Qing pick more, this thing is the most loved." 2k novel reading network

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