MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 781 The father of a foreigner kills a daughter

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Wulipo is a piece of grass that can't be seen in the end.

During the night, when He Danggui and Lu Jiangbei and Monk Jichen arrived, they were surprised to see Liao Qinger and her brother standing opposite each other. A few days ago, Liao Zhiyuan ran out of breath and said that Liao's father must marry Qing'er to his grandson, and Qing'er left the house, leaving a message saying that he would go home that day.

Later, Qinger was dug out from Bai Bobai, and He Danggui told Qinger that the marriage was a lifetime matter, and it must not be used as a joke. He Danggui asked Qing'er to hide first, until he had dealt with his family's marriage proposal. Qing'er promised well, vowed to say "I won't show up even if I heard my mother hanged me", it was only two days, how come out again? ← _ ←

He Danggui ran anxiously, but he didn't notice that many people were standing not far away, all turning to look at her.

He Danggui took Qing'er's shoulder by one hand, squeezed it twice, and cursed: "You stupid girl, where isn't it fun? Run here to play, and one will lose his life without paying attention!"

Qinger waved with a smile and said, "It's okay, I brought my brother as a bodyguard, and the knife in the world is not afraid!"

He Danggui was still uneasy, frowning for a moment, seeing Meng Yu brought soldiers from the opposite side, and asked him to have two small light armors, and he and Qinger were all put on one by one. In such a wild and chaotic place, you can't be too careful. In the same way as last time, a cold arrow flew out of the oblique stab, it is truly regrettable!

Liao Zhiyuan next to him smiled like Qing'er, and said, "Hey girl, uh no, it should be Her Royal Highness Princess! Princess, last time you ran around in the palace, one ear let the cold arrow of unknown origin shoot. It hurts, right? "

"Why do you mention this all of a sudden? I'll soon forget it." He Danggui looked at Liao Zhiyuan and felt his smile a little gloating.

Liao Zhiyuan blinked the cat's eyes. "You forgot. Some people have fresh memories and hardworking memories."

"Who?" After asking subconsciously, after asking the question, I thought this question was unnecessary ... who else?

"Who else can there be!" Except for that idiot in Duan Xiaolou!

He Danggui raised her hand to caress the earlobe. There was a small scar after the wound healed. Every time she was dressing, she painted a four-petal red plum to cover it, which looked like a red mole at first glance.

Looking back on the roof of the palace, she was suddenly attacked by Leng Jian. If she hadn't responded quickly and ducked her head to avoid it, she might lose her ears, and would inevitably bleed and scream. Once the feather arrow team that surrounded the house was alarmed, she would have no life!

The identity of the person who put the cold arrow can not be determined, but it can only be inferred that the other party was not a guard in the feather arrow team, because later the entire team of the feather arrow team did not find her. And the person who fired the arrow was in the dark, and did not intend to expose himself, so he did not continue to fire the arrow.

He Danggui smiled and said, "It's hard for you, Lord Liao, to keep in mind, but after so long, you can't find out if you want to investigate, right? Forget it."

Qing'er carried He Danggui's left arm, and Liao Zhiyuan turned to the other side. He pressed his elbow against He Danggui's right shoulder and came over quietly: "That time, I can break Duan Qi's anger, and click through the roster of the guard inside I vowed to knock out the person who shot you, because with the first time, there is no guarantee that there will not be a second sneak attack. Alas, today Xiao Ye brought the real murderer to you for disposal, thank me Come on! "

Why Angelica stunned, the real murder has been found?

"Heavy death, please take away your respect!" She said angrily, "Qinger, look at your brother, like a tree with a crooked neck that is unstable." Even if Liao Zhiyuan is a cat, he can't hang out when he sees someone!

Qing'er laughed: "Xiao Yi, you grit your teeth, many Miss Jin Jin want to hang on this tree, it's not possible-hurry up, Xiao Yi, look over there."

Looking at the past along Qing'er's hand, He Danggui was a stunner again.

He Jingxian, Zeng's, and He Shangyu, how did this family of three also come to the cavalry battalion exercise ground? No, it should be a family of four. The one who spoke with Meng Yu in the distance was the only son of the He family, who worshiped Xiaojun Wangchen under the princess's skirt.

When He Shangyu looked over, his face was red and his **** and white eyes were staring at Liao Zhiyuan?

That's right, although the look was a bit erratic, at this moment Liao Zhiyuan's appeal to the girl is obviously much greater than He Danggui. He Danggui squinted at the side of Liao Zhiyuan, with a handsome appearance, which can confuse people's lazy and evil temperament, with a big smile, and discharged without hesitation towards He Shangyu.

Why is Angelica squinting? Frowning Emei asked: "What did those four people come to do? Will we destroy our array?"

Liao Zhiyuan laughed: "Hey girl, guess!"

Qing Er also smiled: "Guess the prize, Xiaoyi!"

He Danggui suddenly became mad at the brothers and sisters, gritted his teeth and said, "Are you sure you want to joke with me on this matter, eh ~~?"

Qinger grinned and appeased her friend, with ears: "Xiao Yi, listen well, everything that happens next is Miss Ben's tricks. Now that you're in control, just keep your eyes open!"

On the other side, Liao Zhiyuan added: "Lao Gao and Du Yao are looking for evidence of rebellion. Once they have confirmed that they colluded with the Phoenix on the premise of" informed ", the flying pigeons came to me, so I can catch them here. Arrest, a rope tied the family of three standing over there-the king of Xiaojun has a special status and can't handle him for the time being-the rest of the three, you have to chop or slap it all! "

Qinger invited me and said, "Thanks to my cleverness, I know how to use my brother's beauty to seduce He Shangyu. I didn't expect it to work so well! I told He Shangyu that my brother was going to play a huā gun on the school field. As a result, she didn't tell her herself, and her father and mother didn't worry about her daughter coming with them. Wow, click! A piece of fat attracted three ducks, and see how they fall into my trap! "

Liao Zhiyuan pointed at his nose, displeased cross-eyed: "Am I fat?"

He Danggui reluctantly said, "You two, don't make your own claims for others, okay? Who said that I'm going to attack people from any family?"

"You do n’t shoot, it ’s because your heart isn't hard enough." Liao Zhiyuan lowered her voice with her cool fingers touching her ears. "Compared to He Jingxian, you are still too tender, He Xiaoqiu ... The murderer who shot your ears is not It's someone else, your biological father, He Jingxian. "

"?!" He Danggui chanted.

Qing'er nodded to prove: "It's true! I didn't believe it before, but Duan Xiaolou found out that among the people who entered the palace before and after that day, there was only one He Jingxian who was related to you. Duan Xiaolou has been following this one The clue is unclear. We don't know what method he used, but the day before yesterday, he let He Jingxian admit it ... He Jingxian put the arrow that hurt your ear.

"Why did he shoot me?" A light voice, cold eyes, could not see a trace of anger.

Qing'er looked at Liao Zhiyuan, and Liao Zhiyuan spread his hands. Finally, Qinger said, "He Jingxian thought that your mother was unkind and your daughter ... was not his. He never saw you until the death of Yan Wangfu. You went to it once. He also went to the court to observe the trial. It turns out that you look like him. Instead of regaining the joy of the bead, he is very angry and regards this resemblance as shame. "

Liao Zhiyuan added: "Duan Shao heard from He Fuxia's servants. After He Jingxian watched the court and returned home, he smashed a house and vowed to save you ... the misfortune."

He Danggui calmly put forward: "In the palace that day, Yi Rongcheng was a eunuch. Even Bo Xibai could hardly recognize it. How did He Jingxian recognize it?"

Qing'er tilted his head and sighed: "Bai Bobai couldn't recognize it, He Jing first recognized it and followed you secretly. Isn't this a proof of the nature of the father and daughter? But the dead lady is a life and death who doesn't recognize you as his daughter. There is only one daughter, 'Yu'er. Duan Xiaolou could not bear to tell you the truth, and was afraid that He Jingxian would hit you later, and then he had a heart attack on He Jingxian. "


"My brother discourages Duan Xiaolou. It is not worth getting dirty for the dead shemale. The dead **** is now the treasurer of the treasury. It is enough for him to squat for ten years to find someone to slip into the treasury and touch something."


"Afraid of Duan Xiaolou's temper, and still thinking about the killer, my brother told him all about Duan Xiaolou's mother. His mother immediately decided to take Duan Xiaolou away and return to the old house in Northeast China for two years. They I moved my family north this afternoon ... "


"Xiao Yi, are you okay?" Qing'er never talked, but once the truth was told. , And worried that Angelica would be hit hard.

Everyone has a tolerance, and not shouting does not mean that it will not hurt.

But He Danggui is such a magical woman that seems to have been insulated from pain. When she heard that her biological father was killing herself, she was neither sad nor angry. Upon hearing the news of Duan Xiaolou's departure from Beijing, she smiled and said, "Intersect one, he did so much for me. I don't think it will be reported, and I will not even see him off. If there is one day, he can do it for him. Just be fine. "

"Woo--wow--" the trumpet sounded in the camp.

There was light rain in the sky, and the grass of Wulipo and the sergeants' armor were wet. The rain and fog retreat slowly started, starting from the first dozen feet, and skyrocketing to hundreds of feet.

Many veterans and veterans of the Yan Cavalry saw this formation, and they changed colors.

They were all people who followed the Taizu Emperor to fight the world. Many of them had seen the skill of military division Xu Da, the most compelling of which was this "Rainbow Retreat." Both the enemy and the enemy's soldiers can be encased in it. It can be used in a variety of ways, and it can be used forever. It can even devour powerful enemies without even a drop of blood.

The rain and fog array in front of them overlaps with decades ago and is so similar in appearance. The sky above the clouds changed color, and the wind roared like a song.

"Sister-in-law, all of you women will go to the camp area a mile away and wait. It's too dangerous here!" Meng Yu walked over, beside Miss Meng Jing, an unsmiling little county prince.

Meng Jing walked to He Danggui, and politely squeezed Liao Zhiyuan away. He took He Danggui's arm and whispered, "Qiyi, remember the thing I told you last time when I entered the palace?"

He Danggui thought about it and shook his head sincerely: "I don't remember, you said a lot of things at that time."

Meng Jing said with a black line, "With regard to‘ He Jingxian, who claims to be your father, He Junhao, He Shangyu, who claims to be your brother and sister, and Wang Xiongwei, who claims to be your fiance ’s abandonment. '”

"It seems like some impression."

"So, have you offended He Jingxian's mother, Granny?"

"Well, I fed her a drink."

"Uh ..." Meng Jing pressed her convulsive brows and whispered to her. "I heard that the people in Jinyifu copied He's house, and Fang Granny pulled a five big and three thick black man to come to our house. "Wife Ho's"-that's you. That black man is the baby relative that He's given to you, and is the distant nephew of Fang Fang. "

"I don't know any Wang Weixiong."

"Xunzi, that person is called Wang Xiongwei" Meng Jing sighed 'Go home. Ermei Xiaowan is very irrational. She quickly called Zhuangshang's mother back. The mother was very angry and asked me to take you home. "

He Danggui shrugged indifferently: "Anyway, how big are the oars and how many feet of waves. I have a clear conscience."

Meng Jing comforted: "Big Brother and I are on your side, and you must be fair."

Meng Yu next urged the female streamers to go to the front line, and Bai Baobai grabbed the cuff of He Danggui, screaming strangely, "Master, you can't go, wow. Sit down, my apprentice is shaking my legs and stomach! "

This remark made everyone here, what? Why Angelica is the master of Dao Shengbai, and how did Daogui learn the skills of Daogui? Not kidding!

Before the formation of the battle, the sergeants who fought inside and outside saw only one old Taoist man who heard that Taoist Saint was the dragon king in the world, and they all paid their respects. Originally this cloth was an errand of He Danggui. When seeing the coming of Dao Sheng, the crowd thought that Dao Sheng was the helper of Danggui, but never thought that He Danggui is the master of Dao Sheng!

What happened to her? Holy on the road? Daoxian?

Led by Qing'er, Liao Zhiyuan revealed a idiotic expression similar to "Huā Chi". He Shangyu stubbornly drummed up his cheeks and said crisply, "I won't leave, and I will stay watching!"

Zeng was surprised and urged his daughter: "Good boy, your father is just fine here. Let's go outside and wait for him, huh?"

In fact, He Jingxian ran to Wulipo at this time because I heard that Jinyifu had to set up a house and hurriedly asked Lu Jiangbei to talk about his relationship. Liao Zhiyuan smiled and told him that our boss has gone to Wulipo, and He Shiku went to find someone there. He Jingxian came to the cavalry battalion without any doubt. He didn't know what was waiting for him.


Under Qinger's nearly-anticipated gaze, He Jingxian stepped into a trap, his thigh fell into the ground, and was bitten by steel teeth. Zeng Shi and He Shangyu screamed.

Qing'er was busy: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, as long as you use the blood of your own daughter, the steel teeth will open!" 2k novel reading network