MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 780 The finale (below)

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"I'm not mistaken, uncle said that I sent a girl to watch you?" He Danggui asked with amusement, "Which girl? Let her come out to confront me!"

Meng Xian replied: "It's been a long time since I died. I guess it's your mouth. Since the beauty is ulterior motivated to me, why should you deny it?" In fact, I have long wanted to kiss Fangze ... "

He Danggui covered his face and the goosebumps stood up. There is a saying called Longsheng Jiuzi. The sons are different. This scum of Meng Xian turned out to be the eldest son of the Meng family born in the group?

"Don't think you're Meng Yue's elder brother. I don't dare to kill you, Meng Xian, you are playing with fire." She narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"Then ... what would you look like on fire?"

"Meng Xian!"

"Hahaha!" Meng Xian's forefinger moved her forefinger, stripped her robes, and smiled wryly. "All the nursing homes in the garden made me tune away, and your throat is broken." Someone will come to your rescue! Don't be so cold-faced, tell you the truth, both Meng Yue and Meng Ying were secretly transferred to the prison where there is no return, and no doubt will die within three days. From now on, Meng Home is mine, and I will accept you. You should be grateful to me. "

Why Angelica frowned and asked: "Tian prison? You mean the imperial prison that even the emperor cannot help?"

Meng Xian nodded proudly: "Exactly! The first emperor built the sky prison on the cliff, originally to use the danger to prevent the prisoners from escaping. I did not expect to be used by those evil men to invade the entire sky prison. Yi Shou is difficult to attack. I heard that a group of prisoners who were recently sent in did not even have bones when they were thrown out! "

He Danggui fell on his eyelashes and said, "I know, you let go first."

"Are you willing to follow me?"


"Really ?!" Meng Xian didn't believe it, and her men tightened.

He Danggui's lips were bent, and her smile was dazzling. "The uncle is handsome and handsome, I have nothing to choose from, but I really don't send someone to watch you!"

"Oh? Xiangzhi's maid, isn't it someone in your room?" Meng Xian held her chin lightly. "Xiangzhi conspired with a family member named Song and tracked me inside and outside the government. Isn't it your intention?"

"Let her go, it has nothing to do with her."

A cold voice came from under the moon, speaking in the shape of a monk. "I'm the ambassador behind Xiangzhi. After using her, it's me who kills me."

Meng Xian recognized the voice, took two steps back in panic, and stuttered, "Yes, it's you!"

"Yes, it's me." The monk stepped closer.

Meng Xian turned away and fled, and had no time to look at He Danggui again. He was confused and turned to ask the monk, "Why is Meng Xian so afraid of you, Qi Xuanyu?" It was just like seeing a ghost.

The monk Qi Xuanyu replied: "The person he fears is not the young monk, but the young monk's father."

"Your father?"

Qi Xuanyu explained from the beginning: "More than thirty years ago, a prosperous tribe in the desert overwhelmed small nations by force and called themselves the" big tower nation ". Their king was called the wolf king, and my father was the master of the big tower nation. Later, the Great Pagoda Country lost to the Daming Tieqi, the country was destroyed, and only escaped the four-year-old brother of the Wolf King. It is said that he was living in the rivers and lakes. My father came to Daming to find a young master. Worship him as a teacher. "

He Danggui looked at Qi Xuanyu's appearance and made an evaluation: "It turned out to be a foreigner. No wonder the eyes are different, and the bridge of his nose is slightly higher. So, your father has found a master?"

"found it."

"Then they are planning to return to the country now?" He Danggui supported his chin with one finger. "Let me think about the nearly ten million silver, weapons and jade seals that Tuerzhen had raised. This was the treasury left by Han Youchen, the king of Han. The emperor also took it into the underground treasure house of the palace, which is richer than today's big treasury. Qi Jing and his young master are focusing on the assets of this group of restored nations? Holding money to recruit soldiers, and pledging away several cities in Daming. They will be restored. "

After a pause, Qi Xuanyu said, "A woman is a woman, her ambition is too small."


Qi Xuanyu solemnly said: "They look down on ordinary cities. My father has greater ambitions. In addition to the underground treasure house, their real goal is the 20,000 elite soldiers in the cavalry battalion outside the city, and the Imperial Forest Army controlled by Meng Xian. The goal is probably the entire imperial city. "

"The Cavalry Battalion was loyal to King Yan in the past, but now belongs to the Meng family in name. How did Qi Jing get their idea?" He Danggui looked so dazzling that he chose a rock and sat down.

"It's true," Lu Jiangbei said, coming out of nowhere, and replied, "They buried a lot of spies in the cavalry battalion to incite the army. Today, 2,000 of 20,000 people are dedicated to them. And support them to complete Where is the base of the 'Emperor Phoenix' of this operation? Gao Jue and Du Yao have been ordered to destroy it, wouldn't you have an opinion? "

"What do you think?" He Danggui asked indignantly. Her only opinion was to destroy He's family. She was afraid that Gao would be too careless and not bad enough.

Lu Jiangbei smiled and said, "I captured Meng Yue. Are you still angry about this?"

"Is this a trivial matter that can get rid of the next day?" He Danggui grinds his teeth.

Lu Jiangbei clapped his head and smiled bitterly: "The person who really should be angry is me-there is a tacit understanding between Meng Yue and the emperor. We must test whether the Jin Yiwei is as loyal to the current emperor as the loyal to the emperor. When the Meng family showed 'anti bones' "When I look at how I choose, is it firm enough?"

"Then Baoding Hou ’s Tucun village in Meng's mouth was all fake 20 years ago?" This was her most concerned issue.

"But that is true," Lu Jiangbei Rong said, "but the inside story behind Tucun is really shocking! Do you know the inventor of the Dongchang Orc, who invented it?"

He Danggui thought about it and answered, "Ning Wang."

At that time, Zhu Quan had memories of previous lives, so he used those capitals to collude with the East Factory and let the orcs appear three years in advance.

Lu Jiangbei shook his head: "No, when the orc prototype appeared twenty years ago, King Ning was still a baby doll. In fact, the first person who wanted to train the orcs was Chen Zei. He wanted to form an invincible orc army and experiment. The target was several villages in Taizhou. After the thief Chen was overthrown, an undead subordinate was desperate and sprinkled the prepared alienated powder into the well water for the entire villagers to take. Meng Shan was aware of the conspiracy and decided to take it. Ordered the subordinate village-this is the truth of the Meng Jiajun village for 20 years! "

He Danggui said sternly: "So it is no wonder that when I asked my father-in-law, he said that he would never regret it, even if he bears infamy, he would do it, it was to wipe out the source of the orcs! Hehe!"

Qi Xuanyu handed a bag of spring water and said that drinking can cure dizziness. He Danggui took a sip, and her spirit was refreshed, and her throat didn't hurt.

Lu Jiangbei still shook his head: "Unfortunately, Meng Shan was still not cruel enough, leaving 19 children who had drunk the well water, isolated in a valley, and sent a team of sergeants to guard. Soon the children mutated and killed all the sergeants. Since then there have been the first orcs. "

Qi Xuanyu said sadly: "Chen Youliang was the founder, but my father was a communicator. At that time, the orcs who led the orcs into the East Factory were my father. He originally wanted to control the orcs, but the orcs were too fierce. He could bite off the iron lock and the black iron cage could not be closed. His father chose to cooperate with Cao Hongrui of the East Plant. After the new emperor ascended the throne, Cao Hongrui fell and the entire East Plant's force and poison were all collected into his father's 'Emperor Phoenix.' "

"Is Cao Hongrui alive?"

"Useless people have long died under the hands of Wang Ye." Qi Xuanyu replied.

He Danggui asked with curiosity: "The prince of the" Emperor Phoenix "in your mouth, is it the four-year-old brother left by the Wolf King at that time? His ambition is to replace the big tomorrow son and dominate the world?"

Qi Xuanyu sighed and shook his head, "It is true that Wang Ye is the young master of my father, but when it comes to dominating the world and counterattacking Daming, it is better that my father inherited the old wolf than the ambition of the new wolf king. The ambition of the king was at the mercy of everyone. When Zhu Yuanzhang was still alive, I was afraid that my father would destroy himself and threatened to report him. He ran away in anger, and then I went out of the sea. I switched to Buddhism, and this time I returned to Central Plains. I also wanted to persuade my father to turn back.

Lu Jiangbei praised: "The master knows the righteousness, and Lu really admires it."

"It shouldn't be too late, let's get out of the city," Qi Xuanyu clapped his hands to call three horses, turned over one of them, and Shen said, "Only in the rain and mist retreat, the '** Road' can distinguish the spies in the army and cut Go to my father's control of the cavalry barracks! "

The three men whip their horses in the moonlight, and the wind whispers in their ears.

He Danggui suddenly remembered the eyes that Peng Jian was taken away from. Secular medicine was powerless. Qi Xuanyu's strange technique might have a way. So he quickly asked: "Master Jichen, can you give me two more bags of that magical powder of dead bone and flesh? I have urgent use!"

"No more," Qi Xuanyu apologized.

"Are you gone?" He Danggui was very disappointed.

"Well," Qi Xuanyu explained with patience. "It was a Taoist practice. Demolition of the East Wall and Western Wall. It ’s a bad practice. It ’s not practiced since the young monk believed in the Buddha. The last thing left is emergency. The powder, just mixed for you in the spring. "

"..." He Danggui stroked his chest and gave her all to drink? Healing her sore throat?

Hey! Can she spit it out?

"Princess, here you are." Qi Xuanyu threw a slender crystal jade bottle from the horse on the opposite side.

Why Angelica grabbed it and asked, "What is it?"

Qi Xuanyu smiled and said, "The little monk met Qi Yang's demon Lord Meng Xi at Penglai Xianshan. He asked me to transfer this thing to you and say you need it. There are two drops of ground milk in it, which are pure essences of the earth, better than my tricks. The powder is much brighter. "

"Ah! Land milk!" He Danggui raised the jade bottle in surprise and looked up. She remembered that Meng Xi passed power to Meng Xuan and blinded Meng Xuan's eyes.

"Be careful not to spill, the demon said that these are the last two drops in the world, and there will be no more." Qi Xuanyu kindly reminded.

He Danggui heard his heart shake, and almost slipped his bottle without slipping his hands. She stared at Xuan Yu fiercely: "Master, you should hand it to me on the flat land, and even throw it away on a horse, what about your compassion?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Jiangbei was even more excessive, one left, one right, two whips, and at the same time pumped the horse buttocks of He Danggui and Qi Xuanyu, "driving! There is no time for two to chat! Driving!"

He Danggui hurriedly put away the small jade bottle and stared back at Lu Jiangbei: "Even if Meng Yue helped the emperor to test Jin Yiwei's loyalty, you don't need to puff at me? I didn't offend you! Besides, you didn't pass the test smoothly, It should be happy. "

Sure enough, she didn't guess wrong. Lu Jiangbei, who had always been generous, really remembered his hatred, and said with a moan, "Jinyi Fu will always be loyal to the emperor. Whoever becomes the emperor, we will be loyal to anyone. Any question is an insult to the 800 Jinyiwei . "

"Oh yes," He Danggui yawned, and asked with tears, "Where is my Meng Chen?" (Subtitle Jun: Meng Chen posted on the scenery board shed tears, did the lady finally remember me?)

Lu Jiangbei replied: "Meng Yue and Meng Ying have gone to the prison. The new wolf king will set the helm of the emperor and phoenix there, and the brothers of the Meng family will destroy the prison.

"Is the new Wolf King good to deal with?" He Danggui was slightly worried.

"The wolf king is your acquaintance, judge it for yourself." Lu Jiangbeitou gave a complicated look.

"My acquaintance?" He Angelica asked puzzledly, "Who?"

"The leader of the Longjing religion, the people of the rivers and lakes call it" God's Walk ", and his own phantom footsteps alone ..." Lu Jiangbei sold Guanzi, but the answer became clearer and clearer-"Nie Chun is the wolf king of the Great Tower Kingdom . "

"Nie Chun ?!" He Danggui said sharply, "Are you kidding me?"

"It's not a joke. I personally gave the answer to the punishment on Zixiao, the princess of the Great Tower Kingdom, word by word." Lu Jiangbei hooked his lips. "This time, Dao Sheng's old house was blood-washed by the mysterious killer. pass."

"I don't believe it." He Danggui shook his head.

"It's true," Qi Xuanyu also said, "After learning about his life, Nie Chun must evaporate himself and cut off the connection with the Longyang religion, because he didn't want his subordinates to become my father's pawn. Of course, after your mother died, Nie Chun is no longer the former Nie Chun, and now he is as cruel as my father. "


He Danggui had a lot of heart. When the three came to Wulipo outside the city, among the piles of stones, Liao Zhiyuan and Liao Qinger brothers and sisters were waiting there, waving at them with a smile.

Under the direction of He Danggui, Meng Yu intimidated Bai Baobai, finally forced Dr. Dao Sheng to promise to perform the "prestige dragon king", to get some rain to help out, and help Buna rain and fog retreat. Qi Xuanyu and He Danggui also came up to take the lead, and the formation method soon took shape.

It turned out that a few days ago, Bo Xibai got a good job from the emperor, and ended the "Ruixue" in the rice paddy field that the emperor prayed to the heaven to show that the emperor was the heavenly son of heaven.

The corresponding reward is a larger, exquisite home, with everything from gold, silver, jade, and incense cars. But Bai Bobai probably looked down on these vulgar things. He took the errand because the emperor allowed him to enter the treasure house of the palace and take away anything he could handle alone. He Danggui guessed that Bo Xibai may have dreamed of longevity again and wanted all kinds of rare medicinal materials in the treasure house.

Bo Xibai's "Snowfall Array" clothed in the rice paddy field was learned by the stolen teachers, and he also worked out a similar formation method, which could invalidate Bai Yibai's rainfall and snow. Moreover, Qi Jing can also advance the rainfall, causing anthropogenic drought for a period of time later.

It rained all night today, and there will be no drops of rain when the retreat starts tomorrow. This is a wishful thinking by Qi Jing.

Fortunately, Angelica got to know the soft underbelly of Bai Bibai and opened attractive conditions. Bai Yibai bit his teeth and suffered a pain, risking half a year of life, and opened the door. At noon on the second day, a chilly autumn rain came on schedule, washing the grass of Wulipo green and translucent.

A round of rain and fog retreat spread out, Meng Yu headed, 5,000 Yanzhou cavalry, and 17,000 Lingnan cavalry entered the line. He Danggui learns the appearance of Bai Bobai, burns the rune paper in the array, and urges the "** Tao" who can discern the spy. Those sergeants who betray their hearts and approach the Qi Jing have fallen off the horse and were injured in "Random Stone Road" .

Qi Jing was furious and released the thirty-eight orcs hiding in secret, trying to kill He Danggui and others in a hurry.

It was said that time and time later, the underground gunpowder burst into pieces, and it turned out that the orcs had stepped into the most dangerous "Beacon Road" in the formation, and no matter how strong the body was, it couldn't stop the waves of powder!

However, three of the most clever orcs spotted the door in the "Gossip Road" and escaped. Qi Xuanyu's face changed, and he rushed into the battle to fight with the three orcs, forcing them back to the "Beacon of Fire" to be burned to death. Lu Jiangbei felt this was too dangerous, and frowned: "Master, come back, it's okay to walk one or two, it will not affect the overall situation!"

As soon as the words came down, the fire thunder of "Beacon Road" exploded in succession, engulfing Qi Xuanyu and the orcs in the fight.

He Danggui lowered his head in tears, but did not expect Qi Xuanyu to have such a realization. Before Qi Xuanyu entered the battlefield, she whispered in her ear, "If the orcs are not eliminated, it will be passed down ... Father is an eternal sinner."

For such a reason, Chi Xuanyu, who is chic in his life, can never chic again!

It's a pity.

Fortunately, everything came to a successful end, and all the remaining forces of the Emperor Phoenix were eliminated. The world should be leveled up.

He Danggui had a sense of instinct, and suddenly turned back, Meng Yue in the sunlight was smiling at her.

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