MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 7 Throwing leaves to save ants

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Updated: 2013-06-19

"Shuishangguan" is located on a barren mountain on the outskirts of Yangzhou. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Taoists were not Taoists but Taoists. It is said that those Taoists saw a rare grass growing on the mountain and recruited silver to build the Taoist temple in order to refine the medicine. But after less than ten years of living, the world is in chaos, and even this barren mountain cannot escape the battlefield. After the battle, the Mongolian soldiers set off a fire when they retreated. Seeing that the Taoist Temple was about to be destroyed, a sudden downpour rain suddenly fell, and the rain immediately extinguished the fire and kept the Taoist Temple.

Because of this allusion, this original Taoist temple was contaminated with a lot of immortality, and the incense was full of prosperity. Later, in the Ming Dynasty, a woman from a large family was suspended by her husband because she could not give birth to a son. Her family refused to let her in, so she went to the concept and became the first woman. Lord, the law is no worries.

Mrs. Mo Chou used her dowry funds to purchase farm products and shops at the foot of the mountain, giving Taoist Temple a stable source of money, which led many unreliable women to practice there. A poor family nearby gave birth to a daughter, and there are some people who can't afford it, and sending it here as an aunt has also become a way out.

The third visitor is too ignorant of Taixi, and now the head is too kind and too dusty, and the two have always been at odds with each other.

Taishan was a monk who became a monk halfway through school. He had studied in his early years. He had some means for managing farmland. He also rented out farmland for loans, and secretly collected a lot of money. And Taichen's uncle was an old man who took her everywhere. When they passed by Yangzhou, they caused a lawsuit. When his uncle died in jail, she went to the water trade concept. Taichen's uncle loved burning smelt and smelting mercury, and Taichen would follow her ears and eyes, and now she's in charge of the Danfang and Yaolu.

"Mother, spill the oil on the gourds-don't do it, don't stop, you just scratch your hands!" Taichen grabbed a big Yali in one hand and pointed at a few aunts in the courtyard, yelled, "I The other day, I said that I cleaned up the medicine cabinet of Yaolu, and you promised one by one. Today, the old lady stretched out her hand and touched it. It was a group of things that had no long memory. It was farting when she was a mother ... "

"Hey, look at it! There are a lot of people out there, all of them men!" Suddenly, a Taoist shouted. In the view, Taichen is notorious for her violent temperament. When she spoke, no one had the courage to interrupt her. This is the first time, so many people looked at the shouting aunt in surprise.

Too dusty with his eyes protruding, waiting to be scolded again, and then a few aunts shouted, "Really, a lot of men! Look!" Tai Chen followed and looked, only one glance, the eyes instantly Bright.

Suddenly, all the aunts in the courtyard rushed to the door, and you pushed me to look outside, and saw a group of men at the end of the mountain road.

"One, two, three, four ... eight, nine, a total of nine people. Hey, look at that person, he just glanced at me!"

"Nonsense, he's watching me!"

"What are you two messy, he looks at us!"

"That's it!"

"Don't make a noise. Look at the man in the crimson suit. He looks so good ..."

"Ah, look, he laughed!"

"Strange, he laughed as soon as you finished speaking, as if you could hear us."

"And the one in purple ..."


Most of these young aunts in the Taoist temple were sent here to become monks because of their poor family. Few were able to endure loneliness and concentrate on spiritual practice. On weekdays, even if I saw a chapman delivering a chariot and a bearer who lifted a coupe for a lady, they couldn't help coming forward to say a few more words. This time, they saw so many big men at once, and they all jumped up.

Most of these men are in their twenties and thirties. They wear luxurious clothes and walk vigorously, and everyone looks extraordinary, as if they were born with the label of "excellent". Compared with the men I have seen before, they are the clouds flying in the sky, and those who cut firewood and carry sedan chairs are the mud on the stinky soles.

The younger aunts looked and became more and more excited, and felt that the gods must have manifested their spirits, so they sent them these excellent men. They thought involuntarily that as long as they could climb any one of these people, even if they were a little sister-in-law and a close-fit girl, they could leave this sullen living dead tomb early and go to the flower world outside. Spicy and spicy.

Duan Xiaolou, Liao Zhiyuan, etc., before they reached the top of the mountain, they heard those aunts commenting on them, which was novel and funny. Gao Jue was already angry because he was hungry. When he heard those who were snoring, his face became darker.

Too dusty, throwing away the pear cores in his hands, wiping the juice from his mouth with his palms, with a charming smile on his face, trotting forward to the front, "Welcome welcome! Please come in, I am Steward here! "

Master Geng nodded a little: "Go in and talk."

Tai Chen nodded hard: "Of course! Please come in, please come in!"

So everyone came to the main hall of the front hall, took a seat, and served fragrant tea. Too good in the back Zen room had already received the letter and hurried over.

Geng put two twelve foot ingot-shaped silver at the table, and said, "My surname is Geng, and my family is four. I am a leisure traveler. I will stay here for a few days. A quiet cabin. "

Tai Shan's eyes narrowed into a gap, and he smiled familiarly: "Okay, Lord Geng, you and your distinguished guests can just rest in peace. The poor way will arrange the best room for you and your distinguished guests. Good food for everyone to live comfortably! "

Lu Jiangbei put down the tea cup and took a good look at him. He asked, "We have a book boy who was injured and lost in the mountains. Have you ever seen a teacher?"

Hearing too kindly, he shouted, "Yeah, yeah, the lost guest? How can that be good! But please be at ease, let the people in the viewpoint help you find it!"

Master Geng shook his head: "No need, we will look for it tomorrow. The teacher said too much to your doorkeeper. If there is an injured book boy found here, do not let him leave, let me know immediately."

Tai Shan laughed: "It must be certain, Siye and rest assured! Please go to the cabin to rest for a while. Poor people will give you hot water and hot food!"

With that said, Taishan personally led them to the West Chamber. When passing by the side hall, Gao Ju gave a glance: "Is there a spiritual hall here?" Too good, afraid of their suspicion, and quickly promised: "The poor road will let people withdraw from the spiritual hall tomorrow. The guests are assured that the concept is clean and comfortable. Nothing dirty! "

Lu Jiangbei also looked at the Lingtang, frowning: "Weird, since the Lingtang was established, why not even add a joss stick?"

Taishan laughed on his face and explained, "This is also a strange thing. Three days ago, Luozhou, Yangzhou, carried a young lady who died with a coffin. It is said that because she was a cousin with a foreign name, she died again. I do n’t know why, so it ’s inconvenient for them to give a magpie in the house, so they asked Xiaoguan to set up a spiritual hall as a dojo. The poor man asked her apprentice to change her shroud and comb her makeup. A terrible dead man. Unexpectedly last night, this Miss He suddenly crawled out of the coffin to drink water, oops, countless Tianzun! On the spot, the three apprentices of the poor were dazed, until now, they were still kneeling under the statue of Sanqing Reading the scriptures to expel evil ... "

Duan Xiaolou raised an eyebrow: "There is such a strange thing! That said, the dead lady is now alive?"

"Yangzhou Luofu ..." Lu Jiangbei pondered, "But Luo's family dedicated to official medicine?"

Taishan nodded: "It is his family. When it comes to this Luo family, Yangzhou people do not know-one of the four big Yangzhou families," Wu Luoguansun, Gui Man Qiankun ". After Miss He lived, she was very poor. Sympathizing with her experience, I heard people say that Miss He has always been frail and sick, and likes to be quiet, so she was arranged to rest in the East Chamber. "

Duan Xiaolou hugged his chest with both hands and laughed, "Because she can be resurrected from death, presumably this Miss He is also a genius. It happened that I had two bottles of supplement pills around me, and it was superfluous to suspend me, maybe she could use it together "Master, I don't know how Dongxiang can go? Now it's inconvenient for me to visit in the past?"

Taishan immediately thought of the run-down scene in Dongxiang, so that outsiders might let her know what she had treated, and quickly sneered: "Millions of Heaven! You are really a good person, thank you Miss He who is desperate for you! But she I just took the medicine and fell asleep, and it wasn't easy to wake her up. Please go to the box room to have some fast food first. After a while, you will be full of rice, and then you will be asked to bring tea to you, how about it? "

What did Duan Xiaolou want to say? Lu Jiangbei pulled him to whisper: "Good brother, you can stop for a while, you haven't seen Gao Jue's face darker than the bottom of the pot. You don't remember, so Tangtang asked before leaving He pays close attention to you, don't pick up a woman and take it home. But you don't cooperate at all, and everywhere you go, you can't see the unevenness and pull out the sword. When you get home, wouldn't it bother him? Scolded with you ... "

It turned out that Gao Jue and Duan Xiaolou were cousins, and Duan's mother was Gao Jue's aunt. Although Duan Gao is only four years younger, in contrast, Duan Xiaolou has not yet set a relative, but Gao Jue already has a son and a daughter. Duan's mother looked anxiously in her eyes, so she ordered Gao to take good care of his cousin, and don't do ridiculous things outside.

Too good nodded and let everyone into the West Chamber, and urged people to prepare hot water and meals. Then he returned to the front hall, found the disciple Zhenzhu, and hurriedly explained, "Hurry up and take a look. The man in Dongxiang is still alive? If she is dead, she will be carried back into the coffin; if she can still walk , I prepared her a decent set of clothes, cleaned them up, and took them to the western compartment to **** the VIPs! "

Zhenzhu wondered: "Isn't it just a few passers-by, why are you so serious? Moreover, the lady in Dongxiang is a deep lady, and the Luo family will come to pick them up sooner or later. How can we support her to see a strange man? "Guest?" Said another finger to the yard, with a bitter smile on his face. "Say to serve and wash food, there are talented people, and all of them are rushing to go. Only if I didn't stop them hard, they still want Peeking through the window, since you are impatient to stay in the Taoist temple, don't hinder their good future. "

Taishan waved his hand: "No, I look at the people who are a little bit old, at least it is also the grandfather of the big rich family. Hey, I also blame me, I just told them about the corpse fraud as a joke, one of them After hearing this, it was novel, and I was going to meet the dead and resurrected person immediately. I was in a hurry to stop it. Dongxiang's house was broken and rotten. Where is the cheap ground where their expensive feet can set foot, and in case it passed out Say I abused a half-dead child, wouldn't there be no light on my face! "

Zhenzhu lowered her head and said yes, but she only returned after a short while, anxiously, "Master is not good, Zhen Jing and Miss He are all gone! No one can be found everywhere!"

Taishan was startled from the teacher's chair in shock: "What's the matter? They are? Impossible, two big living people, how could they say that they are gone, please go and ask who saw them out!" Zhenzhu nodded. Just before leaving, Taishan shouted again, "Slowly, you go to the backyard first, nod the young aunt in the view, find some who can come to the table, and send them to the West Chamber to serve the guests!"

So Zhenzhu came to the backyard again. Upon entering the hospital, there were 20 or 30 young aunts, the youngest was less than 30 years old, and the youngest was only 14 or 15 years old. "Hula" all gathered around Zhenzhu, squinting at her face.

Zhenzhu looked at these people with sorrow and tears, and saw that they had all changed to silver-white water-gloss satin-covered blue robes, all greased, powdered, eyebrows painted, and a few of them had their mouths large. Spiraea, nondescript, is more funny than the harlequin on the stage.

It is said that in the water business view, a total of three Taoist uniforms were distributed to the aunts. The best is the silver and white satin clothing they currently wear. Each person has only one set and is uniformly worn on major occasions. For example, originally scheduled for two In ten days, the dojo for He Danggui will wear this best suit to support the table. Followed by silver-gray cotton robes, three sets per person, which are specially worn by outsiders to receive pilgrims on weekdays and to purchase supplies down the mountain. The most common is a gray burlap gown, each of which has five or six suits, which are wear-resistant and stain-resistant when working in the view.

One way is Zhou Yu hitting Huang Gai, one is willing to hit the other. There is no need to say anything. Zhenzhu carefully selected among the crowd, and found a few older aunts who spoke sharply and knew how to look. When the sixteen or seventeen-year-old aunts saw that they had no part of themselves, they blocked the door of the courtyard with a loud noise, embracing the real beads and shouting "Eccentricity." Zhenzhu had no choice but to elect four or five young aunts, and told them to calm down a little later, and told them to take down the flowers on their heads.

As a result, more than a dozen young Taoist aunts hurriedly walked away, and Zhenzhu saw the young Taoist aunts re-flowering the flowers and shook her head helplessly. They are not deeply involved in the world, they are a little bit smart, and they only have a water pit concept, but in fact, the outside world is really dangerous. How can a woman without a brain live long?

However, none of them could listen to her at all, and instead laughed at her "being afraid of a rope by a snake for ten years." Forget it, life and death have their lives, and wealth is in heaven, and each has his own destiny. The road comes out by itself, and no one else can go for them.


He Danggui and Zhenjing used their memories to find their way, and it took some trouble to find the grass where the fugitive was hiding. The person was still in a coma and he didn't change his posture.

He Danggui took a look and saw that he was about ten years old, and his dark, long hair was cluttered to his shoulders, and his pale face had exquisitely amazing features. In such a embarrassing situation, no one can ignore his appearance. He Danggui and Zhenjing glanced at each other, and at the same time saw amazing from the other side.

But why is such a beautiful child hunted down by a group of experts in Jin Yiwei? He Danggui turned over his wrist and felt cold when he touched his hand. After a detailed diagnosis, she began to reach out and take off his shirt.

Zhenjing screamed in a low voice: "Xiaoyi, what are you doing!"

He Danggui raised his head and blinked innocently: "Of course he was cured for him, how to take medicine across his clothes."

Zhenjing blushed and said, "But men and women do not accept each other ..."

He Danggui gave her a white look, and said, "In the eyes of the doctor, there is only the patient, regardless of the man and the woman, not to mention he is only a half-old child." Really shrinking his neck, his belly is not half-big. Little child?

He Danggui took off the child's shirt, unbuttoned his pants, and gradually exposed his crystal-clear white chest, arms and thighs, starting to be ashamed to the side.

He Danggui leaned over to take a closer look. There were eleven stab wounds in the whole body. The two wounds on the shoulders and calves were the deepest, and blood was slowly bleeding out. Fortunately, none of the viscera was injured, and the blood was red and non-toxic. She tore the clean part of the clothes she had taken off into long strips, dipped the leafy stream water that she found in the mountain stream, washed the blood stains on the wound, and crushed the washed mountain grass on the wound, using a clean cloth Bandaged up.

I watched with admiration for her skillful bandaging action, as if she had done it countless times. Zhenjing asked herself not to be timid. It can be seen that such a **** man can't help shaking his legs, and Miss He is a big family's Miss Qianjin. Why is she so calm and calm, and why does she still do these dressings? What has she experienced before?

Thinking of the ups and downs of Miss He who was talking privately, my mother suddenly expressed her pity, holding her slender arm, and said gently: "Good man has good rewards. You saved a life today, fairy Jun will bless you. "

He Danggui bent his lips and smiled lightly, "It's not that I want to save him, but God wants to save him. You see, this kind of grass is called Longya Cao, and it mostly grows by the river, and this kind of grass is called Puhuang Most of them grow in the swamp. These two kinds of grass can stop bleeding and treat wounds, and they are often added to the good gold wound medicine. Originally, I didn't plan to save him at all, but I saw them on the side of the mountain road back. These two kinds of grass, you said, is n’t God trying to save him? "

Zhenjing shook her head and said seriously: "No, I can feel that when you save someone, you only want to save him with one heart and one heart. Xiaoyi, you are a really good person and kinder than us."

He Angelica folded several blades of grass and stuffed it into the child's mouth, Fang Zi said quietly: "If an ant falls into the water, throwing a leaf can save it, and I will do such a thing. But if a person falls into the water and jumps into the water to save him, I will do it before. Now I ... no matter how good the water is, we must weigh the advantages and disadvantages before deciding whether to save. " A moist, cool smile hangs on the lips, but doesn't reach the bottom of the eye. "If my 'goodness' can only reach the level of a leaf, then you say, am I a good person like this?"

As he was saying, He Danggui stood up and began to take off his clothes slowly—the outer robes and the middle jackets; the middle jackets and the innermost coats and vests; in the end, all that was left was A thin little bellyband ...

Really terrified, she bounced from the ground, opened her hands and feet between her and the people on the ground, and stared at her in horror, thinking that she suddenly fell into evil, and her voice was like a duck on her neck: " Tai Shang Laojun is as anxious as the law-you-you-what are you doing! "

He Danggui looked at her like an enemy, and couldn't help laughing: "Of course, he took off his clothes, or he would be frozen tonight if he died without blood loss. But the clothes I wear outside It ’s a robe, and you ca n’t leave it to him. Otherwise, once you get Guanchao to find him, you will know that the people in the Taoist Temple saved him. You and I have met Guanchao on the mountain road, and you have plenty of time to commit crimes. The object of suspicion. The coat and vest I wore are made of ivory silk. Ordinary Taoist aunts can never afford to wear it. Even if they are discovered by officials, they will not doubt Daoguan and our heads. "

Zhenjing lamented the thoughtfulness of He Danggui, and said impassionedly, "However, but how precious is a woman's coat, and you gave it to a strange man without shyness. Xiaoyi, you clearly It ’s the tofu heart in the knife mouth, is this a small 'leaf' in your mouth that saves the 'ants'? "

He Danggui smiled quietly and no longer explained. Barely wearing a coat, the child on the ground covered her with clothes, and then covered him with a few large leaves. Until this time, he was still unconscious.

He Danggui asked Zhenjing to leave the bird eggs they had taken to the child, so Zhenjing piled all the eggs on the ground and smiled suddenly: "You have n’t recovered from serious illness, and you ca n’t even eat serious food. These bird eggs are Your only supplement, is this what you call a trivial 'leaf leaf'? Haha, that will give me a few 'leaf leaves' to try someday? "

He Danggui's head is so big, he is really a mouthful little nizi. He is a mother-in-law in his young age. It is a pity not to be a matchmaker and a grandmother. It is a waste of great talent to be a Taoist.

The two left after clearing the scene, but at the moment behind them, the children on the ground suddenly opened their eyes.

He has a pair of beautiful eyes, as bright as a light in a snowy night, looking through the cracks in the leaves, staring at the slender back, and sucking into the dark eyes without blinking. After they walked away, he began to chew the blades of grass in his mouth slowly. The pain in the wound almost emptied his physical strength. Only the faint orchid fragrance of the cloth covered on his body brought him some warmth.

Xiaoyi is her name ... 2k novel reading network

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