MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 4 The world has its own true feelings

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Updated: 2013-06-14

In the pouring downpour, a thin gray figure rushed across his head, running crookedly.

"Stop and stop, what are you running like a mourning dog! It's you, really quiet!" A loud voice exploded in the night.

Zhenjing was soaked by the rain, and a few curls of hair stuck to the cheeks like an applique. She arched, panting, and exclaimed in surprise: "Too great! Finally found you, Uncle Taichen!"

"What's the name of a ghost? You're evil in the middle of the night, or you have been sitting in the hall for too long!" Tai Chen cursed with her arms folded.

"Uncle, it was the master who asked me to take care of Miss He," Zhen Jing said, quietly and pitifully, "couldn't seem to be wrong with that Miss He. Please follow me and see if she doesn't I remember her name, she must have hit her head, and I saw a big swelling on her forehead, and you had betta and antler cream ... "

"What shit! Your master wants you to look at her, you just look at her. What a fuss!" Tai Chen's body is tall and wide, and she can fit in three or four really quiet voices. Fighting as much as you are, "My native doctor can only treat you cats and dogs like you, Dongxiang is a delicate figure, where can I dedicate her to a doctor!"

"But uncle, I don't know anything, and I don't know how to take care of the patients. Everyone said that you have good medical skills, and the old way is hot," Zhen Jing folded his hands together, made a gesture of worshipping God, begging, "Hello, follow me Take a look at it, it is your merit to see it, and Miss He will not blame it ... "

Too dusty interrupted her words: "Go and go! The old lady is so sleepy that she's dead, where should you go honestly, and then let me see you jumping around, the old lady will expose you skin!"

Zhenjing turned her head down, and just took two steps, just listening to Taichen shouting "Stop!" Zhenjing turned back in surprise, looking up at Taichen's face with a jerk. Too dusty eyebrows are very thin. At night it looks as if there are no eyebrows, but a pair of eyeballs are as bright as they will glow. She stared at Shi Jing with a smile on her face, and whispered, "Dead girl, how do you know I have antler paste?"

The cold wind whistled past, and Jingjing couldn't help but stunned, and stuttered, "It seems ... I forgot ... I don't know who heard it once ..."

"Jingjing, why are you standing here, isn't the master asking you to go to the East Chamber?" A voice came across, talking to a 30-year-old Dao, who looked like a full moon, his eyes bright, and his long hair stayed to his ankles. Office.

Long-haired Daunt slowly came over from a distance, raised his hand and put a robe on Zhen Jing's head, sharply reproached: "You're stupid, why don't you take an umbrella and walk? How many times have you said that you should be on your side!"

"Sister, why did you go, I've been looking for you," Zhen Jing said with a grievance, "You don't know, the Dongxiang room was dark and cold, so I went to the warehouse to get some Bedclothes and candles, but they said that Master did n’t say anything, and they could n’t give anything. I went to the kitchen again to mention a stove, but they said that the weather has turned cold recently, and their stove is not enough. I ’ll go again ... ”

"Well, isn't this Uncle Taichen!" As if Chang Dao suddenly found Taichen, showing a very frightened expression, he smiled again, "Uncle, this windy and rainy day, you stand I made a fuss on this mouth and carefully watched the cold, it wasn't fun! "Too coldly glanced at the two of them, and turned away without saying a word.

The aunt with long hair turned back again, and said quietly, "You, you, I don't know that everyone is tired for a day, and then they just rested. Do you want to make everyone quarrel? So here we are? It ’s Taoism, it ’s our dojo and ritual. That ’s our housekeeping skills. We do n’t have to wait for patients. If anyone feels indifferent and does n’t like to live here, go home early ... ”Speaking here, she said It stopped abruptly, but suddenly "giggled" a smile, letting Jingzhen who had been bowing and scolding for a moment froze.

Aunt Longhair looked around and saw that there was no one around, holding her really quiet and cold hand, and giving her a key, whispering: "This is the key to the Dongxiang cellar. Although the quilt inside is old, it is also It ’s clean; the hot soup and hot water are imaginary for a while. When you pass by the Lingtang, turn in and take away some pastry water, then Miss He just woke up and should not eat more.

Really quiet face wrinkled into a ball, grinning grinningly, "Woohoo ... Sister Zhenzhu, I ... I know, you are the best!"

"Come on, let's just do it tonight. If you mess around like this, you will just hate her plainly, go quickly!"

Zhenjing blinked strangely: "However, everyone didn't know this Miss He before. Why did they all have red eyebrows and green eyes as soon as they heard that Miss He came to life, as if they had long been hated by her?"

Zhenzhu sighed and whispered, "There are more people who hold high and low, and I heard that Miss He was not to be seen at Luo's house. Even the funeral can't be done at home, of course the villain despised her. What's more ... it was originally scheduled for the Dodo Dojo 20 days later. I heard that Luo Jiajia had offered a price of 152 days to let Guanli give her a beautiful funeral. At that time, everyone would have a reward ... "

Zhenjing's eyes widened in disbelief: "What? Are they just waiting to die for the rewards?"

The rain is getting heavier, and the raindrops seem to have their own life, like thousands of silver beads that have broken the line, and fall on the soil, and the soil begins to **** and **** greedily.

"People are rich and dead, and food is dead, why are you so fussy. Regardless of what they have in mind, anyway, they have no good intentions, so you have to be cautious these days, and ran out in a panic. I ’m going to ask for this for a while, and then I ’m asking for the doctor ’s medicine. Have you not understood what Master meant? I ’m going to talk to Master and her old man on the surface, and it ’s not as good as yours. Go now, look at her like a baby , I'll have time tomorrow and tomorrow to see her again. "

Zhen Jing nodded and ran towards Lingtang in a smoky way.


It was bright and the rain had stopped. The sky was spotlessly cleaned by rain. The moon had not yet fallen, but the sun had already climbed up.

I cried happily all night, and my calm heart was like a sky, washed away. He Danggui smiled quietly as he looked at the sky in the sky. How fair is God that he gave himself this second life, how can he fail it.

Oh, those who slander me, deceive me, humiliate me, laugh at me, despise me, despise me, hit me, kill me, in a few years, look at me!

He Danggui took a deep breath, lay flat on the bed, and simply moved his joints. He found that not only his feet had sprains, but also his arms and lower back were sore, and his lower abdomen was not very pleasant. Taking the left hand and giving the right hand a pulse, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It's really hurting to die once."

Her current body is weak and exhausted, her tongue is astringent, her nightmare is frightened, her eyes are crying, her ears are cicadas, her waist is heavy, her soreness, her back is tired, her yin and night sweats, her limbs are weak ... Oh my god, Fortunately, I'm alive. There are many ways to heal, but there are no medicinal materials or silver needles at the moment. It is not impossible to press acupoints and massage meridians to slowly recuperate, but if you want to see results, you have to wait six or seven days ...

Holding a clay pot in her heart, she trot all the way into the house. Like a treasure, she raised the jar in front of He Danggui and laughed: "Look, here is the hot water. Come on, let's have a snack!"

He Danggui frowned, took the jar in her hand, placed it on the bedside, pulled her arm backhand, raised her sleeves and checked, and she saw a large hot mark, and she could not help saying: "Silly girl, with the back end Remember to wrap the hot water in a cloth. "

Really vomiting her tongue and retracting her hands, spreading out the handkerchief next to the pillow, revealing more than a dozen osmanthus cakes and peach kernel cakes, she smiled and said, "Miss He, you are younger than me, how can you be like an adult!"

He Danggui took a piece of crisp and took a bite, and said carefully: "Well, this is new made three days ago, Tao Ren uses the finest materials, and the craftsmanship is second-rate. You see, here are all Stir-fried. Even the sugar is wrong. Peach kernels should be fried with black sugar and a few drops of vegetable oil. "

Zhenjing didn't close his eyes for a night, ran back and forth dozens of times, and his stomach sang an empty city plan long ago. She stared brightly at the peach kernel cake, swallowed, and sighed, "Your lady from a big family eats beautifully!"

He Danggui smiled, pushed the pastry out and said, "Come, let's eat together!"

Zhen Jing waved her hands repeatedly and said, "No, no! This is your meal all day. I can't steal it until the evening ..." Realizing that she said something wrong, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands. .

As if Angelica did not hear it, he picked up a piece of osmanthus cake, shoved it into Zhenjing's hand, and said, "The face of this osmanthus cake has really bad hair. It is better than osmanthus cake. Let's eat it! "Said holding up Zhenjing's hand and sending the cake directly to her mouth. Zhen Jing had to take a bite, and the sweet and glutinous taste made her forget the restraint immediately. She solved the cake with three mouthfuls, and her eyes became a crescent with a smile.

"Although the craft of making dim sum is really not good, fortunately, the sweet-scented osmanthus flowers are freshly picked and fresh and spleen. Moreover, the sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus flowers can disperse the cold and break the knot, which is great for your dysmenorrhea. He Danggui handed her two more sweet-scented osmanthus cakes. "Hurry up, let's eat up all these snacks, and then worry about the next meal."

Zhen Jing's complexion turned white and red, her eyes almost fell out, and her mouth was big enough to swallow an egg. Holding on to the hand of He Danggui tightly, she hurriedly asked, "He ... Miss He, how did you know ... I'm here? No one here knows except the master sister ..."

Angelica He smiled: "Don't worry, I just touched your veins, and I saw that you were pale, there were faint marks under your eyes, and your cheeks were slightly flushed. It was a symptom of blood loss and poor blood. Guessed. You can rest assured that I will never tell anyone. "

"You ... wonderful!" Zhen Jing was surprised and shy. "You can feel what is wrong with me just by touching it like that ... it's so godlike!"

The menarche came last month. Zhenjing didn't dare let others know. She only told Zhenzhu a person and asked her to teach her how to deal with it. She also asked her to keep a secret for herself.

Zhenjing remembered that when Jinggong first came to Kwai Shui when he was fifteen years old, he hid the changed things under the bed and was discovered by Uncle Taichen. He threw a few slaps at Zhengong and yelled at him. Face "," little bitch. Person ". That incident turned Zhen Gong into a laughingstock of the water business view, and it is still mentioned occasionally until now. She herself became an adult before she was twelve years old. If you let others know, it will not become a laughing stock for everyone!

He Danggui guessed her mind and softly explained: "Truely, the girl's first menstrual period varies from person to person, and there is no uniform time. It may not be early to come. Although you are thin, but your physique is It ’s hot, so it ’s not a strange thing at this age. Do n’t treat the moon with care because you are ashamed. Once you fall ill, you wo n’t be able to regret it. In a small day, cleaning and keeping warm is the first priority. Yes, it ’s better to wash it with hot water every night, and then soak in hot water to clear the blood, which is even better. Also, although I appreciate you running for me, but remember, do n’t do this again in the future Running in the cold wind and rain. "

Zhenjing looked at He Danggui in surprise and asked again and again: "Wow, how do you know everything? Who taught you? You know more than Sister Zhenzhu. Are you really only ten years old?"

He Danggui smiled quietly and said to himself, "Yeah, that's strange."

"Ah, don't move! Look, you look like an adult!"


They talked and ate, and in a blink of an eye, a pot of hot water and a bag of pastries were resolved.

As soon as Zhen Jing finished eating, she started frowning and sighing, "It's awful! I blame me for this pouting cat, and it has eaten up all your food for a day! It's awful! I'm sorry!"

He Danggui leaned on his pillow with a smile, looking at the real silence.

In the previous life, she liked this little girl with a real temperament. In those dark years, it was all her help and comfort to walk through. Taishan and Taichen both regarded He Danggui as the most inferior emissary. They beat and scolded at every turn, fisted up, and greeted her with whatever they felt. Even as a child, she did not suffer as much as doing farm work on a farm outside the city.

I remember once she picked water for a whole day, her legs trembling, her shoulders were worn away with a layer of blood, but she didn't eat a meal. She was so hungry at night that she cried secretly with her quilt covered her head. Suddenly, someone poked at her and quickly wiped her tears to open the quilt.

I saw Zhen Jing sitting next to the bed and smiled at her, only to see her teeth but no eyes, as brilliant as the starlight in the dark night.

Zhenjing raised her right hand and said, "Here, two big white buns, from the kitchen!" Then he smiled mysteriously, and suddenly spread his left hand-"And, this!"

"... meat!" She wiped her tears and exclaimed, "Where's the meat?"

Zhen Jing smiled and said, "I just passed by the backyard and saw Uncle Taichen stealing and cooking dog meat. While she went to the kitchen to get salt, I saw no one around and grabbed one and ran away!"

She stared blankly at Zhenjing's palm, and the pieces of half-baked meat suddenly burst into tears: "Your hands, the blisters are hot ..."

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt, it really doesn't hurt! You eat quickly, eat enough to sleep!" Really quietly wiped her tears, comforted, "Xiao Yi, don't cry, your mother just Come to pick you up, eat more fat, and she will be more happy to see you ... wait a moment, she will come soon! "

She nodded, eating while crying. The few pieces of dog meat that were neither cooked nor salty were the best she had ever eaten.

Later, her mother really sent Song Po to pick her up. She really wanted to take Zhenjing with her, but she was too kind and refused to let people go. She said that Zhenjing's father and mother owed a lot of rent to Shui Shangguan before sending Zhenjing here to work. She asked how much money she owed, and she answered her with a smile.

At that time, she was penniless, and even her most cherished longevity golden lock was stolen from the viewpoint. Therefore, she had to run to begged Mother Song to put on the mat first, and then asked her mother. Ms. Song told her expressionlessly that one did not have the spare money to borrow, and the other girls who were served by the Luo family were that Baguan money could buy three or four good girls. I've traveled all over Yangzhou City, and I haven't heard of anyone who bought thirty girls for thirty yuan. So stop.

Before leaving, she took Zhenjing's hand and whispered, "You wait, I'll take you as soon as I have enough money." Zhenjing smiled and nodded, "I'm fine here, you don't have to remember Me, come home and meet your mother! "

When she got home, she begged her mother again. The mother ’s statement was exactly the same as that of Song ’s mother. Without saying a few words, the mother said she had gone to the back hall to study the scriptures.

After that, she started saving money herself. The head mother-in-law reduced her monthly order to the first-class daughter-in-law at home, which was one or two or two dollars a month. Alas, for more than a year, she secretly became a few pieces of clothing and jewelry, plus the twenty-four silver mules given by the old lady, and finally she collected thirty-two silver. The girls who served her kept reminding her explicitly and impliedly that all the masters of the house were generous and generous, and the people below often received rewards of various names ... She always pretended not to understand. , Several times, those girls did not take her as the master at all.

Taking a chance to get incense, she walked into the Shui Shangguan again, eagerly embracing the silver to find Taishan, and demanded to redeem Zhenjing. Taishan took the money bag and gave it back to her. Pi Xiaorou said with a smile, thirty-two was already the price last year, and now it's profitable, it's forty-two, and-in half A few months ago, Zhen Jing was bought by a master Wei Wei who was staying there.

Finally, too kind to look at her scornfully, turned and left, leaving her alone in a daze. How could this be? Zhenjing is only twelve years old ...

Since then, she has never seen Zhenjing again.

Now, looking at the still lively young girl in front of her, He Danggui's lips evoked a radian, and her eyes were dark like wells, but the dark blue fire was beating inside. This time, she will not only take away the real quiet, but also let Luo ’s family lift the limousine to take them away!

Zhenjing was squatting at the door, "snapped" and took flint to hit Mars, trying to use a hay to heat a brazier, but Mars who had been playing for a long time couldn't burn the fire. Suddenly she felt a chill on her spine, and turned her head subconsciously to look at the strange expression of He Danggui. She suddenly screamed and said, "Wow, why look at me like this and see my hairy."

He Danggui smiled warmly and said softly, "True, thank you, really thank you."

Zhenjing made a face: "Miss, I just light a brazier, so you won't fall in love with me like this!"

"Follow me, okay?"

"Ha ?! Do you want to go for a walk? No, it's windy outside. It blows you down with a blow!"

"... My fine print is 'Qing Yi', so you will call me Xiao Yi."

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, ha ha ha, it's quite smooth, but it looks like a boy name."

"Then let's go together, shall we?"

"Ha ?! Do you really want to go for a walk? Then you wait, I'll get you a thicker robe!"


"Hey, why are your eyes red and swollen, hee hee, you cried yesterday?"


"Hee hee, look, I also know‘ Wang Wen Qie ’, am I very powerful?”

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