MTL - Reborn Mistress’ Scumbag Manual-Chapter 330 landslide

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  Chapter 330 The Landslide

  After saying this himself, he denied: "Hypnosis cannot do this."

   Lu Nan smiled and said lazily, "Want to know?"

  Cang Qing pursed his lips, and slowly said: "You don't need to make a deal with this, I can guess it. It is one of the abilities of your blood."

  He asked again: "How much ability do you have?"

  Lu Nan's bloodline is unprecedented, he has never seen it, and even Huishen defines it as the closest to "perfect" bloodline.

  Ordinary blood can only have one or two abilities, but Lu Nan is beyond common sense and cannot guess at all.

   Are five, ten?

   Or as endless as she wants?

Lu Nan raised his hand, looked at him, passed the photo in his hand, and said slowly in an almost seductive tone: "Want to know? Then do you want to experience it yourself? I can let you experience it yourself, do it yourself Know how much ability you have, how about you do a few things for me?"

  Cang Qing agreed without hesitation: "Yes!"

   After agreeing, he immediately took the photo in Lu Nan's hand, and replied, "I haven't seen it, but I can help you find it. If you ask me, it means that this thing is in Huishen, right? Give me three days."

   Lu Nan pressed down the photo, the smile in his eyes sank, and he said, "I'll give you a day."

  Cang Qing frowned for the first time: "One day is too much."

  Lu Nan: "It's more than a day, I can go by myself."

   Cang Qing paused, frowned and thought for a few seconds, "One and a half days. One day is too much, I can't guarantee it. Even if you go by yourself, it will take at least two days. Right now, the 'Huan Shen' is under martial law."

   "Deal. Meet me here tomorrow night."

  Cang Qing nodded.

   This transaction took less than an hour from the beginning to the end. The two lunatics were also geniuses.


  The broadcast of "I'm a Drama Crazy" exploded due to the appearance of Lu Nan.

  Some people rise from this, and some fall from it. The starting point becomes the highest point of this life.

  Yu Qing is a smart person, she also has her talents, and she has a ruthless heart to accomplish great things.

  But some things and some people are always outsiders and mountains outside mountains, and they are not within the scope of ordinary people.

  She provoked Lu Nan, so she must accept the consequences.

  After being found out about the Sanfen City incident, Yu Qing was quickly on the top of the trending searches.

  Lu Nan is originally super popular, and her every move may be trending at the top of the search all the time. In addition, she has just experienced a serious incident of losing fans and backing down, and everyone on the Internet is extremely focused on her.

  When it came to this matter, Yu Qing became the focus in an instant.

  People who take off their fans and step on them, and finally come back, have resentment and guilt in their hearts.

The resentment was vented to Mu Gulan, so the heart of guilt exploded exponentially when facing Lu Nan being wronged. Only by attacking Yu Qing crazily and avenging her idol can relieve some of the guilt in my heart, and can I feel guilty again. Express your heart and let yourself be accepted by boys again.

  After Chuqing spread rumors about the Sanfen City incident, her secret relationship with Gong Yan was immediately picked up.

  Who is Gong Yan, needless to say, the beautiful prince.

  It is precisely because Jinxiu is behind him that there are not many people who will deliberately attack him.

  Just like the first time he snatched Lu Nan's Best Actor Award, most of the netizens scolded the boys because the organizer had no morals, no bottom line, and no authority at all, but few scolded Gongyan.

  Because he has such capital, some people will scold him a few words, but most people think this situation is very normal. After all, this world is so realistic, and the jungle is inevitable.

   Another example is his obvious criticism of Lu Nan in "Natural Survival", deliberately embarrassing him. Those who scolded him were all Lu Nan's fans, and a few passers-by.

  But most people will think that he is too much, and at the same time think that his behavior is normal. After all, he is a pampered son with an unusual temper. When he meets Lu Nan with an even more unusual temper, it is very reasonable to have conflicts.

  But all the rationality will completely collapse from the moment his relationship with Yu Qing is exposed.

  Why does Gong Yan, who is a good player, want to compete with Lu Nan for the best actor? Besides, Wu Jinxiu has been running Jinxiu Entertainment for so many years and is extremely shrewd. Why would she allow her son to make such low-level mistakes and provoke an enemy with great potential like Lu Nan?

  Why in "Natural Survival" several hard-tempered and son-in-law joined as guests, but Gong Yan had to be so unmannered, insisting on getting along with a woman?

   These unreasonable things suddenly make sense under the premise that "Yu Qing is Gong Yan's girlfriend and the princess of Splendid Entertainment".

   The conflict between Yu Qing and Lu Nan existed long before Lu Nan made his debut, and it became one of the reasons for Lu Nan's first public opinion crisis after his debut.

  If Yu Qing had conflicts with Lu Nan a long time ago, then it would be reasonable for Gong Yan to do this for her girlfriend.

  Based on this, the many hardships Lu Nan suffered in the entertainment industry are all inseparably related to Yu Qing.

   If you don’t scold her, who will you scold?

  Someone deliberately hurts his idol, which fan can bear it? !

  I couldn't bear it, I didn't rush into reality and tore her up directly, it was already a great restraint of reason.

   And this is nothing, just the beginning.

  In less than a day, the negotiation between Gong Yan and Mu Gulan was pulled out.

  A big hacker first followed Yu Qing to find Gong Yan, and after discovering the relationship between Gong Yan and Yu Qing, he also searched with Gong Yan, and forcibly pulled out his cooperation with Mu Gulan.

  Because the key part of him and Mu Gulan were interviews, there was not much left on the Internet, but piles of details piled up, and they were deadly enough.

  (end of this chapter)