MTL - Reborn Mistress’ Scumbag Manual-Chapter 317 Crisis of Faith!

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  Chapter 317 Crisis of Faith!


   Absolutely impossible!

   This is the first voice of all fans!

   They have known their male **** for so long! Witness her growth from a rookie to an internationally renowned top actress! Understand her temper! Watch her get rid of those relatives who are only related to her by blood! Watch her defeat those who hurt her and become the top of the mountain! Be the faith of them all!

  Now come and tell them that their belief, the person they love sincerely, is the mistress! ? A man of bad morals! ? It's a scumbag! ?

   How can they believe it! !

   They frantically attacked the marketing account, even if there were countless navy troops trying to confuse the situation, they were defeated by their frenzy!

  The team behind the marketing account was even found out by hackers, and the vegetable leaves and eggs were smashed by someone. They were strongly urged to delete the post, clarify the facts, and apologize for Lu Nan.

   Fans can do anything for their faith!


  Yu Qing looked at the situation on the Internet and was stunned.

   But immediately, she couldn't help laughing out loud!

  Hahahaha tear it up tear it up!

  She didn't believe that Lu Nan could tear up that big man's fiancée!

   She is not from two worlds at all, even if Lu Nan's boyfriend came out to protect her, as long as the title of mistress was placed on Lu Nan's head, her life would be over!

   Lu Nan's fans are the most in the entertainment industry, and they are also the most fanatical. Treating a star as a belief is something that I can't believe in other stars, and only Lu Nan has done this.

  What is Faith? It is a beacon of progress, a lofty ideal, a creed of life, and a light to be maintained with all our strength! is the only existence!

  But once the light I originally thought was just a spark, the creed has made a mistake, and the navigation mark has actually shifted, what should the believer do?

  They will give up without hesitation, and even turn to the enemy, pointing bows and spears, showing no mercy!

  Yu Qing happily watched the actions of Lu Nan's fans, and waited for Lu Nan to fall to the bottom.

   Without Lu Nan blocking the way, she will definitely become the new pinnacle of the entertainment industry.

   When the time comes, she can leave Gong Yan behind and find someone better and more worthy of her!


  Jiang Jing and the others were frightened when they saw the situation on the Internet.

   Lu Nan and Que Ze didn't know the specific situation at all, so they could only try to comfort the veteran fans in the group, telling them not to act rashly, and not to believe what people other than male gods said. No matter what the male **** does, he is open and frank, and will never meddle in other people's feelings.

   Fortunately, Que Yan soon found out about the situation, sent them a message, and explained the general situation to a group of people, so that everyone should not panic.

   However, such an explanation can only appear in a few veteran fan groups, but how huge is Lu Nan's fan base? This is just a drop in the bucket, especially for some wavering people, this kind of explanation seems to be looking for a reason to excuse, and even indirectly admits the fact of meddling.

   What defeated everyone the most was Mu Gulan who personally published a long article warning Lu Nan not to touch other people's things casually. Although Que Ze was snatched away by her, she still had to pay the price.

  At the same time, a group of people in the upper class liked and forwarded Mu Gulan's long article.

   Dead silence.

  Besides dead silence, I can't find any other words to describe the half-day silence of the entire v blog after this long post was published.


  After listening to the host read out the Best Supporting Actress award, Lu Nan took the stage to calmly receive the trophy, and then returned to his original position.

   But within a short while, her pupils shrank suddenly!

  She looked up at the stage and asked in a low voice, "Does anyone have a mobile phone?"

  In this case, it is usually impossible to bring it.

   Several people shook their heads, Jin Dongcheng saw that something was wrong with Lu Nan's expression, and asked, "What's wrong?"

   Lu Nan lowered his eyes and said, "It's okay, I want to check the time."

  Wei Liang stretched out his arm to her: "Look at the watch yourself. There should be about an hour before the end."

   Lu Nan took a look and nodded.

   pursed his lips and remained silent.

  Wei Liang also noticed that she had a gloomy breath.

   He stopped teasing her, and even had no time to care about the award presentation on stage.

  Lu Nan lowered her eyes, her expression was indifferent, and she couldn't see her expression clearly, but only those familiar with her could tell that she was in a bad mood.

   On the host stage was a beautiful blonde with blue eyes, her words were witty and humorous, and she was very good at driving the atmosphere.

   Immediately it will be the turn of the best male and female lead award.

  Before this, "Rotten Flower" had already won the Best Screenplay Award, "The River Picture in Troubled Times" had won the Best Director Award and Best Cinematography Award, as well as the Best Supporting Actress Award from Lu Nan.

  The Best Actor Award was awarded to an actor from Country C. Griffin did not participate in any movies that could be selected for selection this year. He himself was the most judge who accepted the invitation, but he rejected it.

  The announcement of the Best Actress Award is a little nervous. There are ten actresses shortlisted this time, all of whom are veteran actors with top acting skills and are internationally renowned.

  The most controversial one is undoubtedly Lu Nan.

   But she, the heroine, has no intention of taking this matter into consideration.

  After mobilizing the atmosphere to a climax, the host on the stage was finally willing to show mercy and let everyone’s hearts go, loudly announcing the birth of this year’s Kachs actress—“Let’s welcome Ms. Lu Nan to the stage to accept the award!”

  Lu Nan stood up and walked onto the stage slowly, but there was not much smile on his face.

  The host saw that the face of the person had reached the point of perfection, and seeing that Lu Nan was in a bad mood, he immediately sped up all the procedures so as not to offend others.

   When the show was over and left, Lu Nan came out and saw the assistant waiting outside, and the first thing he wanted was to return his phone.

  The two assistants only pay attention to the situation in the Kachs venue, and have no time to play with mobile phones outside, and have not yet learned about the domestic situation.

  Wei Liang, Xiao Jing and the others were only one step behind Lu Nan. Seeing her looking at her phone in such a hurry, she subconsciously took her own phone and took a look online. This glance was stiff.

   "Book a ticket to return to China tonight." Lu Nan calmly ordered, followed by the assistant whose face changed drastically, and after getting in the car, he took his mobile phone to edit the v blog dynamic release.

  Lu Nanv: "Let me see this scene right after the award ceremony. Your gift is really surprising @木谷兰, I wonder what gift you want in return?"

  She neither appeased the fans nor denied the facts, but declared war and asked what kind of revenge Mu Gulan wanted.

  Fans flocked to her v-blog to leave comments frantically.

  There is someone who trusts her desperately—"Male god, we believe that you are definitely not this kind of person! We boys will always stand behind you!"

There were also people who were swayed by Mu Gulan's eloquent long articles and the reposts of a large number of celebrities in the upper circles, and begged Lu Nan to clarify all these rumors quickly-"Man God, you are not such a person, are you? You must not be? Hurry up and release a statement Clarify, please! Don't let them slander you again!"

There are also many people who trust what Mu Gulan said, and are overwhelmed by the affirmation of many celebrities-"Lu Nan! Why do you want to be a mistress! We like you so much! It's not good for you to find any kind of man, why do you have to?" Be a mistress! Are you worthy of us!?"

   What's more, it has turned from pink to black. In their conception, there is no need for people in the upper class to stigmatize themselves in order to deal with a star like Lu Nan, not to mention that there are so many retweets, and it is absolutely impossible to bring it up casually because they are all celebrities with connections in the business world or even the military and political circles. Go deliberately black Lu Nan.

  They rushed into Lu Nan's updated feed, crying and insulting frantically, more terrifying than the original black fans.

  Followers turned black, because they really loved, so once they become blacks, their resentment will increase a hundred times, and the understanding of the person they love is far less than ordinary blacks. Correspondingly, the combat effectiveness will also be greatly increased.

   More than an hour later, Lu Nan posted another post.

  Lu Nan v: "Wait for me to come back."

   This dynamic falls into the ears of different people and is interpreted as different meanings.

  People who supported Lu Nan also forwarded it one after another. There were people in the circle such as Ma Qingqing and Shan Zong, as well as those outside the circle such as Song Yuanren and Zhou Zihan, with the accompanying text: "Waiting for your return."


  Different from the people in China who didn't know the truth, the few people at the airport were almost terrified as they watched Lu Nan erupt in terror, and the mobile phone in his hand was instantly crushed by non-human violence.

  Lu Nan listened to the voice from thousands of miles away, and Que Ze's muffled groan and Lei Cheng's terrified "Boss" hit her ears like thunder.

   Then there was an intermittent and unclear voice.

  She closed her eyes tightly, and it took three or four seconds before she could barely control her churning killing intent, and said in a gloomy voice, "Immediately book a new ticket and go to the Southwest Territory."

  The assistant didn't dare to say anything, and rushed to re-apply for the ticket in fear.

   Lu Nan didn't have time to worry about whether he had scared someone, so he said to Wei Liang, "Brother Wei, I will use my phone."

  Wei Liang quickly gave her the phone, and saw her log in to the v blog and posted a new post. Only those who watched her at the scene knew how strong her killing intent was at this moment.

Jin Dongcheng was the most stable one present, even though Lu Nan's aura was terrifying, but after she barely controlled it, it was Jin him who came back to his senses first: "If there is anything you need help with, please tell me, after we return to China Watch it for you first."

   Several other people also nodded hurriedly.

  Looking at Lu Nan's appearance, something serious must have happened, far more important than the domestic rumors.

  They had never seen Lu Nan so emotionally exposed.

  In addition to the terrifying killing intent, there are also obvious worries.

  Lu Nan shook his head: "No need." The chill in her eyes almost condensed into substance: "When I come back, I will solve it myself."

   Que Zeqing has been "returning to the gods" for so many years, and there will be empty shots, but he has never had any accidents. His mind is meticulous enough that he will not make mistakes and let "Return to God" take advantage of loopholes.

   Unless there is an inner ghost.

what! Que family! ?

   In front of her, even the Lu family can only back down a step, what kind of **** is the Que family! ?

  Since they don't want to be Que Ze's tribe, then there is no need to be.


  In the southwestern border, the huge brownish-yellow smoke is filled with the smell of blood, and the brownish-yellow dust seems to be covered with a layer of red.

  Lei Cheng's eyes are bloodshot, and he hugs his **** teammates tightly, his eyes are fierce.

   Several people stood in front of them and confronted the place, and the person in the front was undoubtedly Que Ze.

  (end of this chapter)