MTL - Reborn Mistress’ Scumbag Manual-Chapter 301 then admit he's a bitch

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  Chapter 301 Then admit that he is a bitch

  The car drove into the manor, and the waiter led the car to the designated place. The tall and thin young man in black sportswear opened the door and got off. Song Jianxing stretched out his hand and pushed the door down without waiting for him to open the door for himself. The young man followed behind him and walked towards the banquet venue.

  The waiter looked at the young man, wondering if he should stop him.

   While hesitating, the two had already entered the venue.

  Two guards at the gate reached out to check the invitation again, and put Song Jianxing in, but the young man who was half a step behind him was stopped.

   "Excuse me, sir. You are not on the invitation list, please wait outside."

  Song Jianxing paused, turned around to speak, but the young man with his head down on his hat suddenly raised his head, revealing his dark eyes, and asked softly, "Now, can I go in?"

   The two guards stared into her eyes, their expressions slightly dazed, listening to her question, nodded and said: "Yes, please come in."

   Lu Nan pushed down the hat again and stepped into it.

  Song Jianxing squinted his eyes, and after Lu Nan came to him, he asked in a low voice: "When you use the power of blood, can no one notice?"

  Lu Nan replied in a low voice: "No."

  Que Ze's strength can only be seen as the power of faith attached to objects. Unless someone with special abilities, it cannot be found.

  Thinking flashed across Song Jianxing's eyes. It seems that what his father said was only part of it, and this little girl might not be able to use the word "not simple" to describe her.


   There are more than a dozen people in the venue, and the average age is no less than forty years old.

  Every five or six people form a small circle, and the atmosphere between each circle is also somewhat subtle.

  The one closest to the inside was a tall and imposing young man who stood out from a group of old men in their fifties and sixties.

   However, although he is the youngest, his position is the most respected.

   Seeing that the Song family elders were only a few steps behind Song Jianxing and the others, they would follow up. Seeing Lu Nan successfully entered the venue, he was relieved. The old Patriarch personally told her to take good care of this girl. If something happened if she couldn't be brought in, even if they were elders, they would inevitably be scolded by the old Patriarch.

  They glanced around a few times, and then consciously went to the middle seat and sat down. Lu Nan sat beside Song Jianxing.

  The eyes of the front and rear seats converged, and the young man in the center of the front glanced back, and then turned back without interest. Only Lu Nan, who was looking at him, knew the heat in that man's eyes.

  Among the four families that arrived, the Que family was the head of the family, the Song family was the last of the four families, and the other two families were the Cecil family and the Murphy family.

  These two families have the lowest status in the aristocratic family except for the Lin family, and they have a good relationship, so the two families sit very close and exchange some news in a low voice. There were two younger people beside them, their eyes were constantly glancing at the seat of the Que family, as if they really wanted to go up to make love. However, Que Ze, who resembled Zunsha, sat there, making people afraid to approach him.

  The elders of the Que family also lowered their eyes, with a haughty and indifferent appearance that strangers should not get close to.

  So the two of them just stared tentatively for a while, without any actual action.

  After about four or five minutes, another wave of people came in.

  Among the people who came in this time, the leader was a gentle and noble young man who was gentle and handsome. With a faint smile on his lips, he came slowly. The elders behind him were much younger than the people sitting in the synagogue. From the looks of it, the oldest one was only in his forties.

He entered the venue, but looked at the front row of the Song family, paused for a second on a thin figure, the smile on the corner of his mouth was happier, entered the last seat, sat down and folded his hands on his knees, quietly waiting for the remaining the next person.

  The Qiu family followed.

  The last ones to arrive were the Eno family and the Vincent family.

  The Vincent family is the home court, but it seems that the owner of the family is waiting for the owner of the Ino family, so it is only now.

  Griffin stepped into the arena, with a bright smile on his face, breaking the silence: "Sorry, sorry, some things are busy, and I have delayed a little time. So, it seems that the eight great families are here, can the meeting start?"

   Que Ze buckled the table, and the crisp sound was like knocking on people's hearts. He frowned, and said: "Can you be the first to ask, who is the first to bring up this meeting of the Eight Clans?"

  The field is quiet.

   Que Ze raised his eyes, a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes full of oppression, and looked around at the other families in the field.

  The elder of the Cecil family said: "Patriarch Que, isn't this what your Que family proposed? What do you mean by asking this now!?"

  Que Ze locked his eyes on the elder who was speaking: "Of course I know. But, when will the Eight Clans Council be approved by the elders before the Patriarch is notified? I don't even know, when the Patriarch's power begins to be lower than that of the elders."

  Except for the elders of the Song family who had passed the agreement with the head of the family in advance, the heads of the other families were "notified" that the eight-ethnic group meeting would be held after the approval of the elders' meeting. It is understandable that Que Ze and the elders of Que's family are not on good terms. The elders are going to hide it and tell Que Ze the day before departure.

  But the elders of other families also passed the notification first, so there was a problem.

  The elder of the Cecil family who spoke was silent, unable to think of what to say for a moment. Patriarch Cecil sitting obliquely in front of him lowered his eyes, his face was expressionless, as if nothing had anything to do with him.

  The Lin family sat at the end, Lin Cheng leaned against the back of the chair, and there was only one person in the center of his gaze. The elders behind him lowered their eyes, looking at their noses, their noses and their hearts, and they were alone.

  In other families, it also means that there is obviously no one to talk to.

The eldest elder of the Que family sighed, put his crutches on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Patriarch. There are reasons for the incident, and there is nothing wrong with special practices. There is no need to be so hostile. Besides, although the elders do not have power over the patriarch, they do not Living under the head of the house. If the head of the house is wrong, the elders naturally have the right to make special decisions."

  The minds of the people of each family turned.

  The head of the family is having internal strife?


  Each family is holding the attitude of watching a drama and is not prepared to make a sound.

  After this has been uncovered, there is no rush to get back to the topic after watching the play.

  Song Jianxing glanced at Lu Nan, whose presence was minimized by the youthful attire covering most of his face. Seeing her indifferent posture of watching the show, his evaluation in his heart climbed up again. The relationship between her and Que Ze is definitely not weak. As the saying goes, caring makes chaos, but she is not in a hurry. This kind of disposition is really rare.

  The most rare thing is that at such a young age, she has only lived a third of the age of many people present, so she can have such a mind.

  Talent and heart are both extraordinary. For such a person, it is unbelievable to say that she will not stand at the top in the future.


   Que Ze stared at the First Elder coldly, and the First Elder also stared at him. The triangular eyes with drooping eyelids did not appear cloudy, but gleamed brightly. Countless calculations flashed in his mind without making a fuss.

  Que Ze said coldly: "Since the Great Elder said that the Patriarch was at fault, let's clarify what is wrong and where it is. There is a reason for what happened, and what is the reason."

The great elder drooped his eyelids, and said: "What's wrong with the patriarch, as long as you know it in your own heart, and the public will not bring it up to embarrass the Que family. The patriarch should also be clear about the cause of the incident. After so many years of suppressing the gods, why did you return to the gods?" The **** is still immortal? Patriarch, do you have to give an explanation?"

   Que Ze stared at him, and when the atmosphere in the field froze to freezing point, Que Ze suddenly smiled.

  His smile made the great elder's drooping eyelids droop even more, as if he was asleep, leaving only a gap.

   "How does the Great Elder know that the revival is not going away?" He leaned against the back of the chair, crossed his hands and fingers on the table, and leaned on the table with a leisurely attitude, halfway through the sentence, there was no follow-up.

  He suddenly felt that his Nan Nan's posture was really good, and it was even more effective to annoy people, and he was quite comfortable.

The Great Elder raised his eyelids to look at him, was silent for two seconds, and took the initiative to take over the conversation: "Patriarch means that the returning spirit will be wiped out soon? But the returning spirit is still rampant now, and the elders have not seen returning God has any sign of dying."

   "The head of the family, please provide some proof. After all, there is no basis for empty words. If it is true, it will help the bloodline world to settle down, and all the families can let go of the big stone in their hearts."

   Que Ze squinted at him: "Prove it? I said, the **** that Huishen has been researching has already existed. How about this proof?"

  The great elder drooped his eyelids again, as if he was not interested in joking, and said indifferently: "Patriarch, don't play tricks. If there is a **** in this world, Huishen has researched it for so many years and came up with the result."

   "Heh~" A chuckle was inserted, like a stone thrown into a calm lake in the tense atmosphere, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

  The face of the Great Elder suddenly changed.

  In the center of sight, the laughing young man raised his hand, put his slender fingers on the brim of his hat, and took off his hat, revealing a face that is definitely memorable.

  Even though most of the people present were over half a century old, they could recognize who they were when they saw this face.

  A starlet actually sneaked into the Eight Clans Meeting! ?

  The Great Elder stared closely at Lu Nan, remained silent for a long while, and then slowly uttered a sentence in a calm voice: "The Song family is really very courageous."

  Song Jianxing just smiled: "Elder Que is too famous."

Seeing Lu Nan's face, the Fifth Elder burst into a tantrum that had been suppressed all the time: "You are such a lowly actor, you dare to sneak into the family meeting! Who gave you the courage! Now, while the old man still has a little kindness, I don't want to pursue it. You, old man, get out immediately!"

   Que Ze's eyes were dangerous for a moment, Lu Nan opened his mouth first, and said with a chuckle: "No, don't be kind, you should try to pursue it now."

  The Fifth Elder’s blue veins were bulging, staring at Lu Nan, and said repeatedly: “Okay! How dare a class of **** show off their power in front of this old man!”

  He raised his foot, and his aura was as thick as a mountain in an instant, pressing down on Lu Nan.

  Looking at him, Lu Nan's eyes were black and smudged, filled with evil spirit, and the whites of the pupils were reduced a lot. Looking at each other, the fifth elder spit out a mouthful of blood in horror, dyeing half of the body of the fourth elder beside him red.

  The fourth elder stood up and helped the fifth elder: "Old fifth!"

  The luxurious auditorium was immediately filled with fishy smell, and the hall was so quiet that even breathing was weak.

  Everyone's eyes are extremely frightened, even Que Ze's eyes are full of surprise.

   Only Lin Cheng, who was at the end of the crowd, had extremely excited glints in his eyes, not surprised at all, only weird joy.

   It's just that his emotions are so deep that no one in the field can find out.

  The Fourth Elder supported the Fifth Elder to sit down, and seeing the corners of his mouth constantly dripping with blood, he anxiously turned to look at the First Elder: "Brother! Fifth Elder!"

The first elder walked slowly to the side of the fifth elder, pressed his head, but stopped after only two seconds, his eyes became more and more serious: "Miss Lu has a heavy hand. The little girl is young, and her heart is not usually cold. hard."

  Lu Nan smiled and said, "Miao Zan, what a heavy hand this is. It's just for the Fifth Elder to try."

   It was probably the first time that the Great Elder met someone like Lu Nan, and he was silent for two seconds before he answered, "Young man."

  Lu Nanzhan didn't even stand up, and leaned back in his chair in a lazy posture. The Great Elder stared at her like this, and suddenly recalled Que Ze's abnormal attitude just now in his mind, following the girl's appearance at this time was 100% like it.

   It seems that Que Ze also knows about this.

  Approximately, they still colluded with the Song family.

Lu Nan leaned against the back of the chair, admiring for a while the arrogance of the Fifth Elder spitting blood and half-dead, and asked the First Elder softly: "This Fifth Elder seems to be unable to hold on anymore? Why don't I save his life? How about admitting he's a bitch?"

  The Fifth Elder was still spitting blood. Hearing Lu Nan's words, he spit out another mouthful of blood angrily, and said angrily, "Bitch, arrogant! Don't even think about it!"

  Lu Nan doesn't care about him. She was negotiating with the Great Elder, and she had no time to wait for the Great Elder to make a decision.

  The Great Elder stared at her closely, and spoke slowly, his voice was hoarse and hoarse, like iron sheets hanging from glass, and it was so ugly that it could pierce the eardrum: "The fifth child's injury is so serious that you can save it?"

  He just probed, and the internal organs of the fifth elder were smashed into pieces, almost turning into **** of meat sauce, and now he is relying on the power of blood to hold on for the last while.

   To recover from such an injury - the gap with the flesh and bones of the living dead is not far away. This is almost the realm of God.

   He thought of more for a while.

  What Que Ze said just now, with such a firm attitude... Could it be true? Could the **** in his mouth be the girl in front of him! ?

  Other aristocratic families were also shocked when they heard the conversation between the two, but because they didn't know the fifth elder's injury, the shock was not strong, and they couldn't understand what kind of behavior Lu Nan said lightly "save his life".

  Lu Nan lazily said: "It depends on his sincerity. He is very happy to scold the bitch, so it shouldn't be difficult to admit it."

  However, the words that are most often scolded by people who hate people are often the words that they think are the most unacceptable, the most vulgar and hurtful. It would be easier for a person like the fifth elder to admit that he is a low-born person with a high opinion of others and to let him die.

   But the decision is in the hands of the Great Elder.

  He nodded, responding to Lu Nan's request: "Miss Lu, please save Lao Wu first. We can talk about the rest when he recovers."

   Lu Nan glanced at him with a half-smile. The Great Elder clearly saw the meaning—she could kill Lao Wu once, so naturally she could kill Lao Wu twice and three times.

   To her, these are not much different from crushing ants.

   I asked, is the male **** handsome? handsome or not!

   By the way, in the confession chapter, my application for lifting the ban was rejected again... So why should I try on the edge of danger? ? Cried!



  (end of this chapter)

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