MTL - Reborn Mistress’ Scumbag Manual-Chapter 3 key

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  Chapter 3 Key

  Zhou Zichen put down the book, glanced at Lu Nan, then looked away, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. This girl, at first glance, is not easy to provoke, she has a natural temperament, she doesn't look like someone who grew up in an orphanage at all. He waited to see Zhou Zihan suffer.

  After Lu Nan cleaned up his desk, he saw Zhou Zichen across the corridor, with a thick book in his hand, which was clearly not a textbook, stretched out his long legs and kicked his chair across the corridor.

  Zhou Zichen tilted his head in surprise, he didn't expect this girl to provoke him.

  Lu Nandao: "Do you still have this kind of book? Lend me to read."

  Zhou Zichen looked at the thick book of French classics in his hand, and asked doubtfully, "Do you want to read the documents?"

   "As long as it's not a textbook, anything is fine."

   Zhou Zichen reached out and took out a magazine from Zhou Zihan's table hole, and handed it to Lu Nan.

   Lu Nan raised the crumpled magazine cover in his hand, and said, "Thank you."

  Zhou Zichen nodded and continued to look at his tome.

  Lu Nan flipped through the magazine in his hand, and there were a lot of miscellaneous introductions on it, including luxury cars, celebrities, and entrepreneurs. She flipped through it aimlessly for a while, and stopped when she saw a page about the introduction of Imperial Capital University.

  The page of the book introduces that Imperial University has a long history and has accumulated many antiquities, and thus the Imperial University Museum was specially established. A photo was attached to it. On the booth in the tempered glass, an unknown token covered with blue patina and some cracks was lying on it.

  Lu Nan's pupils constricted, he stared intently at the token, and there were thin bloodshots from the corners of his eyes spreading to his eyeballs. She closed her eyes, waiting for the emotions in her heart to calm down a little, then opened her eyes again, and her eyes fell on the token.

   It turned out to be the key to her Lu family...

  Since she woke up in this world, she always thought she had entered another world. Because in the memory of Lu Nan's body, there was no Fengtian Dynasty at all, and there was no extremely prosperous Lu family in history. No matter how she searched, she couldn't find any traces of the existence of Fengtian Dynasty.

   But she didn't expect that she had already given up, but the key to the Lu family was delivered to her!

  Dropping her eyelids to cover up the surging emotions in her eyes, she stroked the picture of the token with her fingertips, and the corners of her mouth curled up a little bit, revealing a bright and coquettish smile.

   This is hers, so what if it becomes a cultural relic? It's still hers. Except for the Lu family, this thing is a decoration in anyone's hands. Since the key is still there, so is the Lu family's old house.

  Is it Teito University? Looks like I'll have to find a way to go...

  Zhou Zihan slept until the first class in the morning. He looked up and saw an elderly history teacher standing on the podium, dragging his chin and preparing to go back to sleep. He saw a figure out of the corner of his eye, and the one who turned his head was that gorgeous face.

  He was stunned for a while, grinned, and abducted Zhou Zichen with his elbow: "Hey, she is Lu Nan? Is this appearance okay?"

  The girl in the front row buried her head in the book when she heard what he said.

  Zhou Zichen looked at his grinning mouth, and said in a neutral tone, "Yes. I remind you one last time, don't cause trouble."

   "Don't worry, don't worry," Zhou Zihan patted him on the shoulder, "I'm sensible."

  As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, there was a figure beside Lu Nan's desk. A slender hand that was prettier than some girls was propped on the desk. Zhou Zihan said with a bright smile, "Is your name Lu Nan?"

  Lu Nan leaned on the back of the chair, lazily raised his head to look at Zhou Zihan, his voice was a little hoarse for some reason: "Yes, what's the matter?"

  (end of this chapter)