MTL - Reborn Mistress’ Scumbag Manual-Chapter 269 tester

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  Chapter 269 Test Item

   Later, Song Qingcheng was really observing Lu Lan seriously.

  The time on the road is too hasty, even if I really have any preferences, there is no room to express them.

  But abruptly let Song Qingcheng see a few points.

  For example, Lu Lan likes to read books, and has an excellent memory, so it is very likely that he has a photographic memory like him.

   Another example is that her temper is not really good, but she is too lazy to argue with others.

   Bit by bit, bit by bit. It was all in his mind.

   It wasn't until they arrived in Fennan City that the observation came to an end.

  Because Lu Lan is going to the battlefield.

  For the arrival of the spiritual girl, the soldiers of the Southern Army were extremely excited. For the soldiers and civilians of Fengtian Dynasty, Ling Nu is their god. God personally came to the battlefield to support them, there is no reason not to be excited. They firmly believe that when their spiritual girl comes, their battle will surely be won, and the years of disputes between them and the people in southern Xinjiang will come to an end.

   Be steadfast.

   On the day Lu Lan arrived, he hurriedly met with the city lord of Fennan City and the top general stationed there. After learning more details, he put on his armor and went to the battlefield in person the next day.

  The city lord and the general of the southern army turned pale with fright, and they held Lu Lan back to dissuade them in every possible way. If the spirit girl died here, even if they had 10,000 heads, it would not be enough to chop off, let alone explain to the people of the Quanfeng Dynasty.

Song Qingcheng took a look at Lu Lan, stood up and said, "The general and the city lord are eager to protect the spirit girl, and they are humble and considerate, but I also ask the general and the city lord to believe that your highness is not a reckless person. It is just a sergeant in southern Xinjiang, and there is nothing to be afraid of in front of your highness." .”

  The two worriedly said: "But!"

  Lu Lan stroked them away with such force that they could not resist and almost fell to the ground.

"No, but. I can't take down the southern border. The spiritual girl can be replaced by another person. Feng Tianchao can't live without only the spiritual girl, not Lu Lan. If I die, the Lu family will soon find a second person to board the board. As a spiritual girl, you don’t need to worry about this.” After she finished speaking, she strode towards the horse indifferently, turned on her back, and the immature face of only sixteen years was covered with the coldness of iron and blood killing, and she pulled the reins, Shouted loudly: "Let's go!"

  The bright red cloak swung past, and behind her was the billowing dust raised by tens of thousands of soldiers riding past.

  Massive, firm and decisive.


   "How is it! Has the master's situation stabilized!?"

  The tense voice surrounded Qiu Chengwu's ears, making him frown.

  The voice immediately said pleasantly: "It's moving! Master has woken up!"

  Qiu Chengwu's head burst into pain, and his muddled consciousness slowly gathered, and finally he was soberly aware of where he was now. He slowly opened his eyes, the glare hurt his eyes, he squinted his eyes to adapt to the bright light for a while, and then he opened his eyes completely.

   Zeng Yue, who was beside the bed, immediately came up to him, and his heart that had been carried for a long time finally fell down. He breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to relax completely, and said cautiously: "Master, how do you feel now?"

  Qiu Chengwu propped himself up on the bed, and sat up with difficulty, only to find that every part of his body was pierced like a steel needle, and the cone bone hurt. But he didn't respond in any way except his face turned pale a little. Opening his mouth, a hoarse voice sounded: "Is there something wrong?"

   "No!" Zeng Yue supported Qiu Chengwu's back, and hurriedly said: "Master, don't worry! We have found the person in charge of 'Returning to God', and your body will recover soon."

  Qiu Chengwu frowned, and said in a low voice, "I'm asking if Lu Nan is okay!"

  Zeng Yue said in a daze: "Lu, Ms. Lu went to filming, she is not in the imperial capital should be fine..." He didn't expect the master to ask this first thing when he woke up. But during the period when the master was in a coma, all their attention was on the master and "Return to God", and they didn't have any extra energy to pay attention to Miss Lu, so he also answered very uncertainly.

   Qiu Chengwu raised his hand to support his forehead, his brows were tightened, and there was a look of pain on his face.

  Suddenly a large and complex memory appears in a person's mind, and the pain to be endured is not just a little bit.

  His painful appearance frightened a group of subordinates, and Zeng Yue shouted anxiously: "Hurry up! Bring them in! Didn't you say that there is no problem!? Why is the master still in pain!?"

   "It's okay." Qiu Chengwu interrupted him in a low voice, "Bring the people from 'Return to God' over here, I have something to ask them."

   "Okay! Bring the 'Returning God' person in!" Zeng Yue shouted to the outside, but still worried: "Master, are you really okay now?"

   "It's okay." Qiu Chengwu lowered his forehead and gradually got used to the pain. The pained look on his face faded, and he returned to his previous indifferent appearance, except for his pale face, there was nothing unusual about it.

  He got out of bed, sat down on the chair by the window, and looked out the window indifferently.

  The subordinates in the room were all afraid to make a sound.

   It wasn't until the two people captured from "Returning to God" were brought into the room that Qiu Chengwu turned his head and looked at them indifferently.

When the two saw Qiu Chengwu sitting upright, they were stunned for a moment, and then they cried out in surprise together, like madmen: "Alive! Alive! Hahahaha! Our experiment is right! This is feasible. !" They yelled as they rushed towards Qiu Chengwu, if the two subordinates hadn't reacted quickly, they would have almost fallen on Qiu Chengwu.

The two looked crazy, staring at the faint bloodshot eyes of Qiu Chengwu, and asked loudly: "How is it? Have you recovered your memory!? Has your strength been greatly enhanced!? Do you have any discomfort? Aftereffects What are the sequelae? Blood! Blood! Give us your blood sample! We need to do component monitoring!"

   Upon hearing the words, Zeng Yue's face changed first, and he asked loudly: "How dare you use your master as an experiment!? You want to die!"

   "Zeng Yue." Qiu Chengwu said flatly.

He didn't seem to care about this matter, and stopped Zeng Yue from doing anything to the two of them. His indifferent eyes fell on their faces, and he asked, "Why did you bring the test items here? The help I promised you is better than what I have given you." Isn't it important to have an experiment on your body?"

"No, no." The two experimenters murmured like crazy: "How come? You have verified the feasibility of this experimental direction. You are our first finished product. With those Compared with indifferent help, how can it be less important than them?"

   Zeng Yue looked at them, frowned and said: "Master, they seem to be crazy."

  Qiu Chengwu twitched his eyelashes, and said lightly: "Take it down, try to cure it."


   "Master, where is Miss Lu..."

  Qiu Chengwu's eyes fell outside the window, and it was rare that he seemed to be a little dazed.

   "She...protect her well." In the end, there was only this low sentence left.


   Sanfen City has been extremely lively for the past month.

  In the past, some deserted tourist attractions were almost overcrowded because of the arrival of a crew.

   Lu Nan was wearing a woolen coat and a gray beret on his head, leaning against the door. The shoulder-length black hair, which had grown back in half a year, hung softly on her shoulders, adding some softness that belonged to a woman.

  Sanfen City is close to the south, so it was quite warm at first. When they came here a month ago, they all changed into single long-sleeved sleeves, but in recent days the temperature suddenly dropped, so everyone changed back to coats and woolen trousers.

  Qi Haodang stood behind Lu Nan, rubbed his arms and asked, "Isn't it cold? Well, it's been raining for more than a week now, and it's not an option to only shoot indoor scenes."

Lu Nan squinted his eyes for a while, then stretched out his hand to catch two drops of cold rainwater, then withdrew his hand and said, "It's okay, there's no rush. Finish the filming of brother Wei's part first. He's a cameo, so he can't stay with us all the time." Wait here."

  Qi Haodang agreed and went to order the crew.

  It rained for a few more days, Wei Liang's part was finished filming, and his manager kept urging him, so he had to say goodbye to Lu Nanjitao first.

   Lu Nan glanced at him and said, "Sister Ji, you should go back to the imperial capital with Brother Wei first."

  Ji Tao was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and refused: "You and Xiao Jing are both here, how can there be any reason for the manager to abandon the artist and leave?"

  Lu Nan smiled: "Xiao Jing and I are not children, and we don't need Sister Ji to watch over us all the time. You and Brother Wei have finally established a relationship. Your affairs are much more important than ours."

   During this month, under Lu Nan's final customs clearance notice, Wei Liang mustered up the courage to confess to Ji Tao.

  Ji Tao was surprised at first, she really didn't think about this matter, and she was going to refuse. However, Wei Liang saw that Ji Tao didn't dislike his confession, and it was exposed anyway. Compared with alienating each other because of this in the future, he simply smashed the pot and threw his face at Ji Tao.

   Ji Tao was exhausted for a few days, and finally agreed to Wei Liang's request, willing to try dating him.

  Wei Liang wept with joy, he was only short of following Ji Tao all the time. Letting him leave at this time is simply killing him.

  Seeing Lu Nan speaking for him, he stood behind Ji Tao and kept winking at Lu Nan.

  However, Ji Tao was well aware of his little tricks, and ordered in a cold voice: "Wei Liang, stand away from me, and don't wink at Lu Nan."

Lu Nan smiled and said: "Sister Ji, you have a lot of time to take care of us, so go back with Brother Wei first, and help me supervise the studio by the way. There are so many newcomers in the studio at once, and there are many problems. It's more important than mine. Let's wait here for a few more days, and if the rain doesn't stop, I'll take the crew back to the imperial capital."

  Ji Tao thought for a while, and could only say: "Okay. I'll go back and look at the studio first. If you have any questions, please call me. I can prepare a plane ticket to come back at any time."

   "Okay. You go quickly." Lu Nan said, pushing Ji Tao towards Wei Liang, and waved goodbye.

   Wei Liang embraced Ji Tao with one hand, turned and walked towards the car, with the other hand behind his back, he gestured "OK" to Lu Nan.


  The film crew continued to wait in Sanfen City for two days, but they didn't wait for the rain to stop, but they waited for the news that all flights to Sanfen were cancelled.

   Lu Nan frowned, and said to Xiao Jing: "Go and ask Director Qi to pack up their equipment and their own things, and prepare to return to the imperial capital tomorrow."

   "Tomorrow? But aren't all flights stopped?" Xiao Jing reminded her.

   "Take the bus to go back, leave Sanfen first, and then go to the next city to buy a plane ticket."

   "Okay." Xiao Jing didn't ask Lu Nan why he suddenly left in a hurry, agreed, and turned to look for Qi Haodang.

  At this time, Lu Nan's cell phone rang suddenly.

   She heard this ringtone a month ago. Connected, said lightly: "What?"

  Que Ze's deep voice came from the microphone, tinged with imperceptible anxiety: "Nannan, stop filming in Sanfen for now, and take your crew with you. After a while, the rain will stop and continue filming."

   Lu Nan frowned and asked, "Are you in Sanfen?"

   Que Ze anxiously said: "I'm not here, but I'm not far from Sanfen. In short, you listen to me first and leave Sanfen temporarily. It's okay to travel to the next city to relax."

   Lu Nan squinted his eyes, staring at the endless white rain, and asked Que Ze: "Has the center not detected any problems with Sanfen?"

"No. The rain is still within the normal range. There are some problems with the terrain of Sanfen, but the problem is not serious, and nothing serious will happen. Besides, Sanfen's drainage system is at the top of Z country, and there has never been a flood. After Que Ze finished speaking, he made a sharp turn and added: "But I always feel something is wrong, you should feel it too, right?"

   "Well, in the last few days, it should be a flood." Not only did Lu Nan sense the danger, but he was also more certain than Que Ze, and could even guess the approximate time. Such continuous rain could endanger her life, so she had nothing to think about except floods.

   Que Ze was even more worried, gripped the phone tightly, and said, "I'll send someone to pick you up!"

  Lu Nan refused: "No need, I have already booked the ticket, and I will leave Sanfen with the crew tomorrow. You should find a way to notify the upper management of Sanfen to prepare."

"I know. Be careful, tell me when you get there tomorrow, and I'll come to you." The anxiety lingering in Que Ze's heart didn't decrease at all because of Lu Nan's words, but he trusted Lu Nan, so he first suppressed the anxiety in his heart, Let Lu Nan do it according to his own arrangement.

  However, even Lu Nan did not expect that the disaster would come more suddenly than they imagined.

   At midnight, the sound of "squeaking" rain covered up all the dark changes and contributed to a disaster.

  Lu Nan slept very lightly, but less than a minute after she realized it, an overwhelming flood suddenly gushed out from the other side of the city, like ten thousand horses galloping, with roars. Her face changed, and she shouted: "Get up! Go to the roof!"

  The sound swarmed and scattered in the package of golden light spots, and spread to most of Sanfen City in the blink of an eye, awakening countless sleeping people and running towards the roof.

  The crew of "Rotten Flowers" also woke up and ran towards the roof.

  In order to maintain its unique style, Sanfen City rarely has tall buildings in the whole city. Buildings with the highest ten floors are very rare. The flood flooded in and submerged most of the town in an instant.

  The crew huddled on the roof of a rare ten-story building in Sanfen, looking at the huge disaster with pale faces.

   "Why, how could this happen?" The timid girl had already started to cry softly as she looked at the rolling flood.

  Qi Haodang wiped his face, his mind was completely blank, he didn't know what to do at this moment. A hand patted his shoulder, he looked back, Wei Chen looked at him with a serious face.

   "Don't just watch here, first organize them to report the number, and see if the crew is complete." He calmly ordered.

  (end of this chapter)

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