MTL - Reborn into A Slash Game-Chapter 23 Chapter 23

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Su Miao is stepping towards Sophie step by step. Shurao Blade has made an exclamation and excitement. Sophie is in a cold sweat.

He put his hand in the space bag, wondering how he had to resist, so unclear that he couldn't die.

Su Miao finally approached him, but Shura Blade was forcibly suppressed by him and turned into a dagger ...

Sophie really couldn't figure out the situation, he couldn't help but say: "How ..."

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked.

Don't try to crook ... It is not the mouth of the horse that is blocking the mouth, but Su Mi's arm.

A moment of blood had just penetrated into the nostril, Sophie had just tasted a little rust and could not smell anything. He raised his head in doubt, and the purpose was exactly Su Miu's arm, where there was a wound, smooth as before, and delicate.

Su Miao's eyes flickered, and she slashed her sword again at her own arm. Before Sophie had time to stop, the blood began to flow, and the wound was much larger than the last time.

The onlookers of Sophie all felt terrible pain, but Su Miao did not even frown, but silently handed her arm to Sophie's mouth again.

So far, Sophie didn't understand that it was an idiot. He put his mouth in the right way, just like before, and just tasted the blood, the wound recovered quickly. It was amazing.

At this moment, Sophie took it easy. He remembered that in the Knoll jungle, Su Mi wanted to cut his arm and let Sophie drink his blood to fight the toxin. God ’s resilience was blocked, and I could n’t drink it.

Now think about it, is it not because Su Miu heals quickly but because of him?

Feelings allow him to heal a wound with a kiss? This, this is too bad!

He was still dumbfounded and Su Miao was thinking.

After half a ring, he picked up the Shura blade again, and saw that he was going to cut himself again, Sophie quickly stopped, even if he could heal, but it is still good to cut the wound, don't cherish yourself so much.

Su Miu said: "It's okay, don't open your mouth this time, just stick it and try it."

Uh ... he meant Sophie understood that this was to verify whether Sophie's saliva had healing effects or just a kiss.

Before Sophie asked to scratch himself, Su Miao had handed the **** arm over. Sophie paused for a moment, and he lowered his head and squeezed his mouth tightly.

After a while, the wound healed again ... it was amazing.

Sophie didn't give up. He grabbed the small dagger and stabbed him in the arm. He grinned with a painful hoarseness, then lowered his head and pinched up. His lips just touched the wound, and he could clearly feel a warm air flow After entering the wound, it doesn't hurt anymore. And the wound healed very naturally.

No wonder Su Miu will be suspicious, after the original kiss will have a different feeling.

After many experiments, it was finally concluded that Sophie's mouth had the magical effect of a strong band-aid, and it was effective as soon as the patch was applied, the wound was restored, and the scar disappeared.

However, they can't determine whether any wound can heal, like some fatal injuries and broken arms and broken legs. It's hard to say whether they can be used. After all, they want to verify that the risk is too great, and try more brain damage by themselves ...

At the end, Su Miao looked to Sophie and said, "Don't use it lightly, don't tell others."

Sophie nodded and responded. This ability is really too much. If someone knows it, I don't know what kind of trouble it will cause.

Speaking of which, Sophie had been confused before, Sophie Evans' appearance was not the best, and her character was weak and unpleasant, but why he was noticed everywhere he went. Mary Su's aura was enough. outrageous.

If it is because of the leak of this ability, it seems to make sense ...

So ... Is there such a daddy hardware facility as the reason why the general acceptor becomes the general acceptor?

Sophie is speechless. Although "Yalans" is a high-h meat-selling game, it can be called a masterpiece without mentioning the exquisite pictures and countless sidelines. The settings for personal appearances are very detailed and interlocking.

Moreover, each operable character has a clear and clear main line. Of course, recovering a small attack (oR attack) is the ultimate goal, but it is not because you want to recover.

For a character like Su Miu, the game details his past experience from the beginning. From this bumpy childhood, he can also feel that the original game is an advocate of childhood theory. Such a bitter past makes Su Miu's character better. The darkness, planted the seeds of power for his later blackening.

Then, when Su Miu started to attack the small races of various races, the player can follow his perspective a little bit to reveal the root cause of his blackening. He and each race have a past that has to be said ...

In the initial racial strategy, his past with Xiao Shou was mostly due to tragic betrayal or pure exploitation. In short, others were sorry for him. Then with the morbid exhibition of Su Miu's character, in the later "remembering the past", players will show up, and the unreasonable elements occupy the majority.

Just like an orc, a joke that was unintentional made Su Miao remember in his heart, and he carried out cruel revenge. In fact, the careful player will show that Su Miu has been completely perverted at this stage, and the dark side completely occupies the upper part, which is a true ghost animal attack.

Therefore, the total recovery of nine small sufferers may sound like a matter related to love, but in fact it is a complete revenge. From the goal he chose to attack, it can be seen that it is a premeditated revenge. Battle.

This is why Sophie is so scared of Su Miao. He deeply knows how crazy the late Su Miao was. In comparison, the Mozu boy in front of him is so cute.

Thinking of this, Sophie frowned. He remembered that Su Mi he had been operating was an adult. Why was Su Mi in front of him?

The thought was just a flash, and he was now concerned with Sophie Evans.

Combining Sophie Evans's magical healing skills and looking at Sophie Evans' past from the beginning, it seems that you can see the malicious nature of the original game.

It also cleverly explained why Sophie Evans was not so good in appearance and disgraceful, but was able to be harassed to the end by all people.

In Yalansi, healing spells are rare, and they are also very ineffective. Basically, they temporarily relieve pain. It is very difficult to heal quickly.

And this skill of Sophie Evans will undoubtedly make those ambitious authorities in heart. With such a mobile blood bottle that can be used indefinitely, you will be invincible!

It seems natural to be scrambled ...

Sophie thought about it, and then thought that she was now Sophie Evans, and inherited the skills of this pit father, and successfully transformed into a powerful blood bottle with a bed warming function. I immediately wanted to say: I bought a watch last year!

For a whole day, Aryan didn't show up, Sophie finally calmed down after buying a watch nest and mowing, and now irritability is useless, the plug-in has been added, obviously does not have the uninstall function, and can only recognize it.

Fortunately, this plug-in is an active skill. As long as he arrives casually with his loved ones, he will not be shown. He will not be able to pull the hatred value if he is not shown, and he will not be reduced to the sadness of a blood bottle. Will be born easily.

Such a self-consolation, Sophie had a lot of comfort in his heart, etc ... Suddenly he remembered that it was already known now, Brother Su Miao was earlier than he was now!

He suddenly looked at Su Miao, who also happened to be looking at him. Before he spoke, Su Miao said, "Don't kiss other people casually."

Sophie: ...

Su Miao even more solemnly asked: "As long as you don't mess with your loved ones, no one will show up."

Is this concerned about him?

Sophie looked at Su Miao. The appearance of the Devil boy in front of him was very delicate, but because of this dazzling, it was easy for people to ignore the immature tenderness between the eyebrows.

Sophie suddenly felt that she was too subjective to Su Miu. He was simply afraid of Su Miu as an adult, but he forgot that Su Miu was not an adult now, and he was a tragic childhood boy. He was far from being upgraded to the ghostly scum attack of the Zhong Er Bao Yi Xin Xin News Agency.

And now, for so many days, although Su Miao doesn't like to talk and don't like to gossip, he gets along well, and even notices Sophie's many preferences ...

Thinking of this, Sophie suddenly felt a flattering feeling, maybe in fact, Su Miu was trying to treat him as a friend?

A bit awkward but intentional ...


Aryan replaced the riding suit shredded by the beast, took a simple bath, and finally refreshed. He looked at the clothes laying on the bed, and his green eyes flashed with disgust.

But in the end, he managed to put it down, skillfully put the clothes on, and stood in front of the mirror.

The young man in the mirror is standing barefoot, with a beautiful appearance, but his skin tone is very charming. He is white and smooth with a touch of pink, like a blown petal.

And the clothes on that body can hardly be called clothes. The wide robes and long sleeves are very elegant, but the material is just a layer of tulle, which dimly outlines the juvenile slender figure.

In the depths of the house, a faint radiance from the naked eye burst into a faint light, and soon a large figure came out.

That's right, it's really huge. It's three meters high and very strong. He wears a short sleeveless top with strong arms. Even in the dark, he can see that the man's skin is dark and glowing. blue.

He walked behind Aryan, covering the juvenile's slender waist completely with his palms only, and the dark and rough palms touched the white and delicate skin, the stronger the visual contrast.

His voice was hoarse and a little strange: "My baby, you are so beautiful."

Aryan's body stiffened a little, but only for a moment, then he softened his body, turned his head, and squinted his eyes slightly. The original bright eyes instantly became charming and passionate, and his voice was soft and smooth like water: ... "

Read The Duke's Passion