MTL - Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era-Chapter 596 I want to see you in red

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   Chapter 596 I want to see you in red and deal cards

   Li Jiacheng could not help but be afraid.

  Because he knows very well that Neon can go through such a decade, and Zhou Kingdom, which is in the same situation as Neon, will definitely repeat the same mistakes.

   Compared to the Xia Inland which has not really developed and is more stable, how delicious is the delicious flesh and blood of Zhou Kingdom?

   In addition, this can then form a chain of **** on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean at the economic level.

  Why did Xia Guo pull the status of Pengcheng so high? Because Hong Kong is already a world-class financial and trading port.

   At this time, Li Jiacheng discovered his most fatal weakness compared to Tao Zhiming: the foundation of Li's family is in Xiangdao, and Tao Zhiming has risen by taking advantage of the crisis faced by the last round of neon, and now has a wider layout.

   He really can afford the losses on Xiangdao, as long as he can get more benefits from the future of Zhou Kingdom and Neon.

   No wonder he took Li Ju to hear their plan and told himself so clearly.

Li Jiacheng quickly arranged several things, not only let Li Ju go to Neon first to get in touch with Iwasaki's family to keep in touch, but also made a decision for Li's family to sell Orange, the third-ranked telecommunications company in the country, to reserve cash. After arranging the strategy of Xiangdao Industry for the next few years, head to Neon.

   He has to interview Tao Zhiming.

   "...Tao Sheng, you let go of the words in Xiangdao, you have to invest so much money, do you really want to burn that fire to Xiangdao?" Li Jiacheng stopped detours this time, and asked bluntly.

  Tao Zhiming met him on a yacht, sitting under a parasol blowing the leisurely sea breeze.

   Seeing that he came so quickly, and the news of his sale of Orange has already been revealed, Tao Zhiming is in a good mood now.

  Why did the Taoya people express their support for Tao Zhiming's interests in eating more Fragrant Island, but instead he helped the Li family to grow after all these years?

  Although there are considerations for raising pigs, Li Jiacheng’s own ability must also be considered.

   This is Tao Zhiming's memory, who raised a lot of cash by selling Orange and other actions, and finally was able to buy the bottom and make his wealth skyrocket after the crisis.

  On Neon's side, he was able to do this with his strength, because he let Mitsui and Sumitomo get on his own boat through operation from the very beginning.

   But on Kashima's side, Tao Zhiming didn't want to take Mitsui and Sumitomo to share.

   He needs to be able to have enough independent say over the future of Xiangdao.

   In order to single-handedly pick the basic game of the Li family, the strategy adopted is a little different.

  If a person has limited knowledge and makes a decision based on analysis and judgment, he may be able to bet on the general trend. A lot of awesome bosses have this ability.

   But if a person knows too many details, it will produce some unnecessary delusions.

   Originally, I just wanted to preserve the capital, but now I want to make a lot of money. This is human nature.

Now Tao Zhiming is qualified to be one of the "directors" of this big drama, and it took several years to create a situation where he and the Li family cooperate with each other. Will be on guard against him, and hope to get more from him.

Li Jiacheng's question looked a bit like a cross-examination, and Tao Zhiming replied calmly: "There is no question of whether it was deliberately burning the Xiangdao. Li Sheng was in Xiangdao, didn't he hear that several other companies were a little pessimistic and were already doing some work. Are you ready to transfer? This contest will not be absent from the beginning."

"But you have been operating in Xiangdao for so long." Li Jiacheng thought about his plans for Lamma Island, paused and asked, "Don't you just plan to become a pivotal force in Xiangdao, and you can play a restraint in the future? and the power of influence?"

   Li Jiacheng's eyes were cold: "Tao Sheng, the foundation of the Li family is in Xiangdao, and I can't afford to lose it!"

Tao Zhiming turned his head to look at him, took off his sunglasses and said with a smile: "With the market that Neon has developed over the past few years, and the layout that Li Sheng has done overseas a long time ago, the Li family should be in the best situation, right? Aren't you ready to sell Orange? Great decision!"

   His words were serious.

  Orange seems to be the third largest communication company in the country, and it just went public this year, which is a promising time. But from the third to the second, the first, and the middle is difficult and difficult.

   On the contrary, now there is a rumor that it can be sold, the first ranked eat it, and his position will be as stable as Mount Tai; the second ranked eat it, it can overturn the boss.

   is waiting for a price, and it is best to sell at this time.

  Tao Zhiming's memory, Li Jiacheng did not officially complete the transaction until three years later, making a profit of more than 100 billion incense coins.

   Now, Tao Zhiming has helped the Li family grow stronger, the stalls are bigger, and he has more information to tell him. Li Jiacheng is likely to act in a hurry to deal with the big crisis.

  Then there won’t be so much profit, but you have to protect a bigger stall.

   This is the real opportunity for Tao Zhiming.

Li Jiacheng looked at Tao Zhiming, and after a long time he said, "Tao Sheng, if the Li family does not have a safe way to deal with it, this matter will lead to a crisis in the capital chain. We have cooperated in many projects. If it goes down, then some assets will have to be sold.”

  Tao Zhiming's eyes widened: "You suspect that I am plotting against the Li family? Then what am I doing with Young Master Ju?"

"..." Li Jiacheng was speechless, and he sighed before softening his tone a lot, "According to your method, what kind of collapse does Xiangdao have to first collapse? Tao Sheng, you grew up in Neon, and you may be interested in Xia Guo's feelings. I don’t understand the ideas and practices so well. I don’t agree with them. I think the prospect of Xiangdao is broader, so instead of diversifying investment, the foundation of Xiangdao is increasing investment.”

"No conflict!" Tao Zhiming said flatly, "As I said, the loss is only temporary. In any case, after this war, we will have a greater say in Xiangdao. Li Sheng has such a layout now, which shows that his vision is vicious. ."

   "...then we also need to be able to survive this storm first!" Li Jiacheng is now in a complicated mood about his investment in Neon.

   He wouldn't need to face a bigger plate if he hadn't made his foray into neon, but he couldn't have known so many details right now.

   But now this situation really demands his feelings.

  It was the same reason, he put on a feeling that he didn't care about the temporary gains and losses of Xiangdao, that was because he had enough expectations of returns in other places! You can also reap long-term rewards in Xiangdao!

   But the Li family is different. The main business of the Li family is listed on Xiangdao.

  If the financial market and real estate market of Xiangdao repeat the situation of Neon in the past few years, how can the Li family survive?

  Li Jiacheng now has no doubts about Tao Zhiming's position on the opposite side of the mainland of Xia. This is undoubtedly a direct stab to let blood.

Tao Zhiming smiled and said calmly: "What do you mean to survive this storm? As for it? Since you already know how things will turn out, with Li Sheng's ability, can't you make huge profits from it? I asked Master Ju to listen, but Li Sheng doubted me, which is really chilling."

  Li Jiacheng had a headache: "I didn't mean that..."

   "What does that mean?" Tao Zhiming squinted, "One thing is certain, without me, this thing would have happened, what do you think?"

   “… Having said that…”

"Then it's over!" Tao Zhiming said without changing his face, "Whether it is to go short in other markets first, and then secretly join the ranks of shorting Xiangbi and Xiangdao stock market, or withdraw some marginal ones like now. To save money for the winter, Li Sheng has a lot of choices, but there is no need to suspect me and accuse me."

   Ordinary people scolding him like this, Li Jiacheng probably has a black face.

   But what status and strength does Tao Zhiming have?

   Li Jiacheng said with a big head: "My foundation is in Xiangdao, how can I make a profit by shorting Xiangdao and then buy the bottom?"

  Tao Zhiming's expression did not change, and he sneered in his heart: It's like saying that you haven't done it before, and you have done good deeds and accumulated virtue all your life.

   "Then what did Li Sheng think when he came to see me this time?"

   When he asked the real question, Li Jiacheng's heart was even more chaotic. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's impossible to short Xiangdao, but I hope some of the money from selling Orange can join your capital pool!"

  Tao Zhiming shook his head: "Since he has scruples about me, there is no need for this. Of course, Li Sheng can go and find Yarenjun."

   In a word, how do I play here, I won't take you this time.

   Li Jiacheng actually has another option, he can do it himself.

   But he is really afraid now that whether he will make a profit or a loss will depend entirely on the changes in the situation. The change of a minute or even a second, the strength of these people's gathering is so powerful, if the rhythm can't keep up, it may be doomed.

   There seems to be a problem with today's words. Speaking of which, is Tao Zhiming really not wanting to cooperate with the Li family on this matter, or is he asking for conditions?

  You can find Tao Yaren, of course, but how much bargaining chips can the Li family have? Maybe just give him a basic return, just like lending them a sum of money.

   "...Tao Sheng, shouldn't you use this as a reason? I really don't care about you."

"Come on, I also said that we are partnering on many projects. If you can't support it, you have to sell your assets, which makes me want to buy some of your shares." Tao Zhiming stood up and went to the side of the ship to blow the sea breeze. , "I've eaten so much in Neon, I can't digest it."

   Li Jiacheng was entangled, those words must be said, after all, some real attitudes have to be tested. What Li Ju can't see, he Li Jiacheng may be able to see.

   As a result, Tao Zhiming grabbed this point to talk about it.

   "Let's do it!" Li Jiacheng also followed, "If you want to use Tianle as a breakthrough, I am willing to give a sum of money to contribute together. Take me with you for your financial operations!"

Tao Zhiming chuckled lightly: "I said that this time the above will not cooperate, just cooperate. Li Sheng, this sensitive juncture, I don't want everyone to be nervous and guarding each other. Let Ju Shao know the whole picture of our plan, just take it as I have good intentions for the Li family. How should the Li family deal with the next turmoil? Anyway, you already know the risks and opportunities. Trust is cultivated little by little. Now that the two families have the current relationship, it is not necessary. So ruined. I'd rather you say 'Tao Sheng's righteousness' to me after you earn it again."

   Li Jiacheng's mood was as undulating as the sea under the boat.

  Why are you still unwilling to advance and retreat on many things as before?

   He really couldn't understand what Tao Zhiming was thinking.

  You must know that if the Li family does not want more, and still only relies on Tao Ya people to get through this crisis, then even if Tao Zhiming really has an idea for the Li family, he will not be able to say anything.

  Unless...the Taoya people are also eyeing the Li family.

  The old fox-like Li Jiacheng thought about this possibility, and he couldn't help feeling cold all over his body on a hot day.

   This guy has really gained so much trust from them, will he cover the sky with one hand in Xiangdao in the future? Wouldn't it be nice to have another powerful Li family?

   Of course, this is only a possibility. Li Jiacheng, after all, is thoughtful by nature, and the best choice is always tied to them. If they lose, they will both lose and prosper. At the same time, they will leave behind some other hands, and reserve some funds that they can't see to carry it through.

Li Jiacheng thought so much in the blink of an eye, and said solemnly: "Since Tao Sheng said so, then I will express my opinion! On Lamma Island, I will now give up 20% of the real estate project to Tao Sheng, so that it can be Have you expressed the trust of our Li family?"

Tao Zhiming looked at him strangely: "You said that now I'm using power to oppress people again, and it's the same as bargaining. Besides, let me be tighter in Xiangdao, you're not targeting Taoya people to save money. Did they pay me back?"

   "...Then what is Tao Sheng's idea? Take Aju to meet Tao Yaren, there is always an idea, right?"

   "Aren't you afraid I'm scheming against the Li family?" Tao Zhiming asked again without a smile.

   "...What did Tao Sheng say? Feel free to say what Tao Sheng thinks, and I will naturally be able to think and judge. Even if Tao Sheng is really plotting against the Li family, it's just me losing. What's there to complain about?"

  Tao Zhiming shook his head, the conversation between the old foxes was really interesting.

Does    win the king and lose the bandit? It is best to have this awareness.

   So Tao Zhiming let out a long sigh: "If I refuse you again, it really seems that I have a plan for the Li family. Forget it, let's play together."

   Is one prosperous and all of them lost?

  That would be the best, if you want to break your head, you can't think of where my decisive piece will land.


  The consequences of Li Jiacheng obediently paying the ransom are obvious, so they kept a low profile for two months, and the gang **** the son of the Guo family.

   Fragrant Island's people's hearts have reached the peak, what is all this chaos?

   It seems that everyone has tacitly agreed that after next year, Xiangdao will probably fall into a period of chaos that will last for an unknown amount of time.

   In this situation, it is reasonable for the Tao family to strengthen their vigilance?

   Tao Zhiming went to Fragrant Island again, this time living in a villa in Repulse Bay.

In front of    are the nanny who had just hired back from Chen Yueying's hometown in Minzhou, as well as the female bodyguard hired by Zhao Yuanxi in Xiangdao.

   Now Tao Zhiming wants to lecture.

   The three stood in front of him, but Tao Zhiming looked at them up and down.

The    eyes were very rude, which should have made people very uncomfortable, but the three of them were calm and looked at him with the same curious eyes.

   Then Tao Zhiming clicked his tongue: "It's not easy. Tell me, how long ago did you start doing these things now?"

   The Tao family's mansion is safe enough now, so Duan Lanyun, who is standing on the far left and is a nanny, replied, "Boss, you shouldn't ask."

   Tao Zhiming pouted, and the other two bodyguards nodded.

   "When you get here, you have to obey my orders. I ask, you answer."

   Duan Lanyun was silent for a while, and then answered: "For five years, I have been working in Minzhou. Last autumn, I went back to my hometown and got divorced. Boss, don't worry."

   "What about you?" Tao Zhiming looked at the two female bodyguards again.

   "I grew up on Xiangdao since I was a child, so don't worry, boss."


Tao Zhiming showed a satisfied smile: "This way I can rest assured. You can be sent to my side, and you probably know a little more. I don't care what you think, you must accept my orders and you should be explained. Bar?"

   The three nodded together.

   "Okay!" Tao Zhiming waved his hand, "You should accompany my mother-in-law to pick up the child first."

   The two female bodyguards left the room, and Duan Lanyue stood there.

   "Come with me into the room." Tao Zhiming got up and walked to a room upstairs.

   Duan Lanyue did not hesitate, and went straight in.

   In the room, Tao Zhiming said solemnly, "Anything I tell you, you must do it without hesitation, understand?"

   Duan Lanyue looked solemn: "Understood!"


   Duan Lanyue was stunned, then nodded.

   "Relax." Tao Zhiming laughed, "Really back home and divorced?"

   "...Boss, you should understand that it was just a cover up for the task." Duan Lanyue said after a sentence, "Let's do business first."

   "So let's relax, babysitters are babysitters, and your business is to take care of Ah Ying and the children."

   Duan Lanyue nodded helplessly: "This boss can rest assured, in addition to completing your instructions, I will do my job well."

  Life is so bizarre, who knew that the original task was well done, and suddenly there was a new consideration in the organization?

  The divorce was fake, and then I was suddenly taken to a place where I didn’t know where it was. I saw a high-level chief and a beautiful woman, and then I took on this terrifying task.

  In the study, Tao Zhiming turned on the machine while shaking his head: "Don't be so rigid, I don't like being so boring."

   finished and pointed to the computer.

   Duan Lanyue walked over, bent down and operated the keyboard rusty.

   is a very special connection address. Tao Zhiming doesn't care about what the great powers in the mainland can do.

  This is just for passing certain commands anyway.

   Tao Zhiming looked at her who was close at hand, and asked with a smile, "Aren't they worried that you will be corrupted by me?"

   "...Boss, stop joking." Duan Lanyue thought of Lin Qiyu, how beautiful he is? If you want to start, look for her.

   Besides, considering the mission you are undertaking now and the huge amount of money involved, your sincerity is a little too scary.

   "Don't shake your hands, you entered the wrong password. Isn't it exciting?" Tao Zhiming started joking again.

   "Boss!" Duan Lanyue reluctantly replied, then took a breath, calculated the current date, and entered the correct password.

  The content was finally displayed on the computer interface. Tao Zhiming carefully checked the many platform software on it, and couldn't help but nodded with a smile: "There are also many computer talents in the mainland."

   "Don't worry, it's absolutely safe."

   "You understand this?"

   “…I believe in organizations!”

   Tao Zhiming remembered Lin Qiyu, so he smiled slightly.

   put away his smile, and he said, "Password tool man, tell me what the password is today."

   The corners of Duan Lanyue's mouth twitched. When she saw him in person, she realized that he was such a hippie smiling person.

  What is a password tool person! Don't talk about the mission I shoulder so low-end, okay?

   But what is the daily password is really not so easy to calculate purely by memory.

   " let it go first."

  Tao Zhiming obeyed the rules of kindness, and slipped on the pulley of the chair to let the side give way. Duan Lanyue opened one of the software, clicked on this and that from the above, and opened articles that had nothing to do with it.

   There are papers published by Lin Qiyu, as well as other articles that Tao Zhiming doesn't know where they came from. Duan Lanyue glanced at it quickly, her lips moving silently from time to time.

   Finally, I finally tore out a piece of post-it note, and wrote a string of numbers and a combination of upper- and lower-case subtitles on it.

  Tao Zhiming raised his eyebrows, opened another software, and said, "I'm optimistic about the short paragraph, I will only demonstrate it once."

   Duan Lanyue widened her eyes solemnly, watching his operation attentively.

   Following Tao Zhiming's operation, Duan Lanyue held her breath as she watched the changes in the numbers above.

   But Tao Zhiming disturbed her attention again: "Just kidding, if you don't understand anything in the future, feel free to ask me."

   "...Boss!" Duan Lanyue served him.

   Such a big event, is it appropriate to be so naughty?

After Tao Zhiming finished the last order, he turned the chair to look at her: "Okay, now the 10 billion yuan has been confirmed to be mobilized. From today, without my password and your password, no one will be able to Use the 10 billion yuan. Five years, ten years, twenty years, how much this money can change, you can't make mistakes."

   Duan Lanyue nodded nervously, the pressure was a bit high.

   "When I wasn't in Xiangdao, I asked Ah Ying to call me if I had any questions. Our teacher Lin taught her a lot back then, and she is your senior sister."

   "Then... madam is calling you, is it safe?"

   "The whispers between us will be more, and others will not understand."

   Duan Lanyue nodded again.

  Tao Zhiming blinked: "Set a small goal first, and by this time in the year after year, let this money become 100 billion."

   Duan Lanyue looked at him with wide eyes, is that possible?

Tao Zhiming patted her on the shoulder: "You must be a genius to appear here, and there are more geniuses behind. There is a back door that I have opened for you. If you can't do this, then I will personally Feed you peanuts."

   He walked to the door, turned around and said fiercely: "If I lose, it will have a great impact on my plan!"

   Duan Lanyue's face is a little distorted: don't scare me, okay? Was nervous enough.

  Tao Zhiming smiled brightly: "Comrade Duan Lanyue, work hard."

   Duan Lanyue looked at him and walked out so dashingly, she closed the door before turning to look at the computer.

   The 10 billion yuan fund was really mobilized like this, so did she have the authority to operate it?

   Of course, her task is to make this money as much as possible in the investment direction Tao Zhiming has already chosen.

  Which direction the money is invested in must follow Tao Zhiming's choice.

   However, the words the chief told her lingered in her ears again.

"Xiao Duan, this money is mainly from Mr. Tao. The purpose of this money is to fully cooperate with Mr. Tao's plan. However, this money can also be regarded as a secret foreign exchange reserve of the country. You have a great responsibility and must be Do your best, understand?"

   Duan Lanyue's blood boils.

   A tens of billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves that came out so secretly, will it become 100 billion in two years?

  Crypto tool people fell into the lofty mission of "I earn foreign exchange for the country", and they are full of motivation!

Tao Zhiming had already gone and Chen Yueying was tired and crooked. When the two children, Tao Xingye and Tao Zhihua, got home, the family had dinner, and the parent-child time was over, and the children were rushed to the room to sleep. Tao Zhiming stayed for a while and became magnanimous. Swing away to Lamma Island.

   Duan Lanyue was speechless looking at his back.

  This guy is so scumbag, is he trying to cover up his big plan?

  Impossible, looking at the way he faced his hippie smile, Duan Lanyue felt that he was pure scum.

   So is it a beauty plan for Teacher Lin to stay by his side?

   Madam and the child fell asleep, but Duan Lanyue was full of energy.

   She got into that room and continued to immerse herself in her noble mission.

  The scum Tao knows that fate has other joys. In the dead of night, Qiu Shuzhen cuddled next to him and hadn't fallen asleep.

   "How long will it take for the Gwa to arrive?"

   "Why do you care about this?"

   Qiu Shuzhen looked at him with bright eyes, remembering the story of "Miss Qiu" he told.

  How did he know this kind of story?

Will the   Gwa really be placed on Lu Di Wan on Lamma Island and become a themed hotel?

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help hugging the man next to her, gritted her teeth and said, "Because it feels very dangerous! You are playing with fire like this, what will you do when the weather changes next year?"

  Tao Zhiming patted the peach hard: "Why do you care about this? Do you have any secrets that I don't know?"

   "Hey! I'm worried about your safety, as well as my own!"

  Tao Zhiming smiled and said, "For no other reason, I just want to see you in red and deal cards on a big boat."

   Qiu Shuzhen was stunned, what is the answer?

   (end of this chapter)

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