MTL - Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era-Chapter 563 Family and state affairs are done together

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   Chapter 563 Family and state affairs are done together

  The Gate of Heaven is a "twin tower", and the floor where Zhenying Residence is located was originally only the part of the tower on one side of the floor with a covered bridge structure in the middle.

  Now, after the Gate of Heaven was repurchased by Tao Zhiming, the "expanded" Zhenyingju includes the part of the bridge in the middle and the first floor of the tower on the other side.

  The entire 24th floor, the bottom floor of all the covered bridges, has completely become a super large flat-story villa, or it can already be called a "palace in the sky".

   Compared with the real palace, the area here is naturally much smaller. However, when the twin towers with covered bridges are all connected and specially designed, not only the five internal organs are complete, but the "sparrow" is not too small.

The towers on both sides of the    have more than 1500 square meters each on this floor alone. In the middle of the covered bridge, in order to be closer to the "torii" in shape, it has already achieved the current extreme within the scope of engineering technology.

   In addition to the 12 meters on both sides of the towers, the length of the suspended part between the two towers also reached 90 meters. As a result, the entire layer is nearly 220 meters wide and 42 meters deep.

With a total area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters, if it were placed on the ground, it would already be a small manor covering an area of ​​more than 10 acres.

   Once it is placed in the air, coupled with sufficient financial support, the design and construction began after the repurchase at the end of 1989, and the renovation and decoration have now been completed.

Such a large amount of work, coupled with the effects and usage plans that have been presented now, make everyone who has come here have an idea in their hearts: he should have had this idea very early, otherwise he would never have it now. After such an incident broke out, suddenly there was a ready-made place where all the women related to him could find a small "courtyard" of their own.

   It's already been built!

   So hearing Tao Zhiming's question, the maid leader Maki Shikano just replied, "The guest rooms in Miss Springshui's mansion are all ready."

   Kamaichi Aichi, who just followed Ueda Masahiro to the landscape "courtyard" in the middle covered bridge, couldn't help staring at the outside scenery in a stunned manner.

   There is a lack of natural atmosphere here, and all tree species are naturally not the kind that can grow very tall.

   But too delicate.

  The neon people really have their own ingenuity in the layout of this small-scale courtyard.

  Although the tree species are not tall, they are all outdoor tree species that do not require very good sunlight to grow well, but as long as someone carefully nurtures them, they can still create a very special indoor courtyard here.

The most important thing is that the side facing Tokyo Bay, because the steel frame on which the glass curtain wall relies has been specially visually designed from the beginning, and most of them are relatively clean except for each individual perspective separated by green plants. The glass can see the outside view.

   There is only one exception, where it is more open, and more metal frames can be seen outside.

   But this place has a more special design: there is probably a layer of transparent glass structure on the ceiling, which allows water to flow through and pour down the side facing Tokyo Bay, forming a water curtain waterfall.

   Attention will no longer be drawn to those metal frames that divide the field of vision.

   When he came here, Tao Zhiming stopped and bowed: "Wait a minute, there are important guests who will come over. Let's have a good rest tonight. After entertaining the guests, I will go to visit."

   Ueda Masahiro gave him a deep look, and then continued to lead the way: "Pu Chi-sang, please this way. Listen to Haiyuan, after tomorrow's meeting, you can play carefully."

  Puchi Zhaozheng Nuo Nuo replied: "Of course..."

   He was a little puzzled: I specially invited everyone here tonight. Don't we have any arrangements tonight? Let's talk about how to solve this problem now?

   Looking at Sakai Springs, the child kept his head down and kept silent since he came in.

On the other hand, Tao Zhiming said to her: "Wait a minute, the owner of the Iwasaki family and several other important guests will also come, and what I want to talk about is the problem created for me this time. After talking with them, I will visit you. "


  Ueda Masahiro, who sees his nose, nose, mouth, and mouth, sees his heart. For a woman other than her son-in-law who gently comforts her daughter in front of her, she can only be like an old swordsman.

   Waiting for Puchi Zhaozheng to say "I'm in trouble, Ueda-san", and then he walked forward.

   Ueda Xana glared at Tao Zhiming, and at the same time bemoaned why his father insisted on welcoming every family in person and taking them to the "courtyard" that belonged to that "her".

  Ting Haiyuan, which is located in the covered bridge, is both a public courtyard and a future reception area, has been quiet.

   Then, three people walked out of the path behind a rockery.

   Kinoshita Hidekaze was in front, Ueno Yosuke and Akayan Yosui followed, and when they saw Tao Zhiming, they clicked their tongues and looked at the direction where Sakai Quanshui and others disappeared just now.

   "Dalang, why do I think you got inspiration from Susakura Shrine?" Kinoshita Xiufeng began to tease with an inexplicable mood.

  Tao Zhiming's face froze: "Brother Xiufeng, this analogy is not appropriate!"

   Kinoshita Xiufeng was stunned for a while, then immediately bent down 90 degrees: "I'm very sorry! It's just a joke."

   Ueno Yosuke and Akayan Yosui looked at each other. Although Kinoshita Xiufeng has been famous for many years, but on an occasion like today and tomorrow, since the relationship between several families in the next decades or even a hundred years has been clarified, Kinoshita Xiufeng, headed by the Tao family, has already placed its position. Woolen cloth.

Tao Zhiming seemed to have accepted the joke again, and said cheerfully: "This thousand-year residence in the 'Gate of Heaven' is the destination of the sacred heart in my heart. Only me and my most trusted friend can Can visit here."

   Kinoshita Xiufeng smiled, blinked and asked, "What about tonight's guests?"

  Tao Zhiming frowned and stretched out his hand to lead the way to the tea pavilion, which was slightly raised on the ground: "Because it is a guest, I can only stay here for a while in Tinghaiyuan, but I can't live in the Hanging Pavilion like you."

Under the command of    Shikano Maki, the original two girls are now in charge of the "Hongu" where Ueda Xana is located, and the other is in charge of the other "Bieyuan", each with several new subordinates.

   And Maki Shikano, who is in charge of the servants on this floor, has already prepared everything for these few days.

   Sitting in the tea pavilion, Yosuke Ueno looked at the surrounding scenery and said with emotion: "Is this the power of money? When it comes to knowing how to enjoy, I still admire you the most..."

"Today, when I invite my father and mother over here, don't say words that point to unknown meaning." Tao Zhiming said with a haha, "The goal of waiting for a while is to show them my determination to form a line of my own. , and our clear position!"

   Kinoshita Xiufeng's smile narrowed, and he said sternly: "After coming over in the afternoon, I and the two of them also discussed for a long time. Let me tell you about the current situation, you can listen to it and see if it's right."

   Tao Zhiming nodded happily.

  Kinoshita Xiufeng took out the pieces on the Go board next to the tea table and began to place them on the board.

   "Now it's mainly the confrontation between the two major consortium alliances." Kinoshita Xiufeng said, "The other side is Furong, Sanhe, No. 1 Quanye, and the opposition alliance that is the most vocal right now."

   There is no name on the white chess piece, but everyone here knows it and just nodded.

Kinoshita Xiufeng weighed a chess piece: "After the death of Nobuhiko Horikawa, Takagi-san has been removed from the board of directors of the first industry. He who receives the influence of you and Nobuhiko Horikawa is the future who will sway the Komei Party, and through and The secret cooperation of Itochu Kobei affects the key person in the first Kanye. Itochu-san is now an enemy of you on the surface because of Horikawa-san, but it is actually an internal response to the plan. His defection at a critical time will be shaken The foundation of the opponent!"

After   , he looked at Yosuke Ueno.

   This is Takagi Renhachi's son-in-law. It can be said that the core team of the Sanyou Foundation present can most easily influence No. 1 Quanye in the future.

   Yosuke Ueno has been very calm, just listening.

   Kinoshita Xiufeng began to play with Kuroko: "As an attacker, our composition is very complicated. In fact, now it is the transcendent power of one party, plus the power of the five parties."

On the five sunspots that were placed into an arrow, Kinoshita Xiufeng pointed to one of them: "We, the tip of the arrow, are now being tempered by your new scandal. The guys behind Mitsui, Sumitomo, Mitsubishi, and Taoya people, this is the It's intended to both sharpen us and take away our lethality."

   Tao Zhiming was noncommittal.

   He and Kinoshita Xiufeng have already talked about these things, and doing this now is nothing more than to make Ueno Yosuke and Akayan Yosui hear more clearly.

"Mitsui and Sumitomo know that we are not strong enough to fully digest a certain big consortium. This is not just a matter of money, but more importantly, manpower." Kinoshita Xiufeng looked at the two of them, "The three friends in our conception The consortium, the current core figures and generals who can be useful are still too few."

   His words were a little shy.

   It's really not just about money. If you swallow it, if no one controls it properly, you will definitely experience indigestion.

  Because of this, the previous Horikawa Nobuhiko always had an uncontrollable thought: under Tao Zhi's command, who has enough ability to support his future Sanyou Consortium plan?

   Kinoshita Xiufeng? A real estate bastard.

   Ueda Masahiro? A swordsman who knows nothing about business.

   Zhao Yuanxi? Unrecognized aliens.

  Masayoshi Son? He never got involved in Tao Zhiming's real plan.

   Yosuke Ueno? Chiyan Yangshui? Irie Yuta? All of them are new and tender, with obvious shortcomings.

   There is no one who can fight!

   So in Horikawa Nobuhiko's view, Tao Zhiming really doesn't want to take him for his own use, which is really unwise! baffling!

Kinoshita Xiufeng said with emotion: "It is precisely because we can't afford a real consortium that Mitsui and Sumitomo can support us with confidence to open up the situation. At that time, they will be able to successfully receive the fruits of victory with the talent team accumulated over the years. This incident has given you a big surprise, which is not only very beneficial to our plan, but also a reminder to us."

   "...the favorable part, I still can't figure it out." Chiyan Yangshui spoke a little embarrassedly.

  Tao Zhiming looked at him and said with a smile, "Don't be so stressful. You were just exercising at BravoSport before, and you haven't been involved in a big plan, so you don't know much about it."

Seeing his gesture, Kinoshita Xiufeng introduced: "The point is that a major financial reorganization is imperative. This is already a major plan that everyone has bet on for the future, even if the timing cannot be delayed. But now, because of the new emerging Huge scale of off-book debt, they do not want to contribute to the burden of carrying this burden, but also want to kill our strength first."

   Ueno Yosuke looked at Tao Zhiming: Is it to kill his strength? For this guy, those people can't touch the bottom.

"It took a very short time from when Miyazawa-san asked you this question to when the news broke." Kinoshita Xiufeng continued, "The time to get the photo from that Miyazawa Rie's mother was earlier. So, this is early. It was planned, just kept hiding from you."

   Kinoshita Xiufeng looked at him deeply: "Including Miyazawa-san, Hashimoto-san and the others, they should also know!"

  Tao Zhiming nodded slightly: "This is also a balancing trick by Miyazawa-san and Hashimoto-san."

   "...What do you mean?" Chiyan Yangshui was stunned again.

   He was originally just a warm-blooded middle-school literary teenager, but after leaving his family and his grandfather's death, he became independent and took charge of a small business. Already a few years older, he also began to enter the stage of middle-aged people knowing the importance of career.

   Now, he is very clear that calling him here this time has another important mission.

   In this regard, Chiyan Yangshui has readily accepted it, and began to find a new way of being a hot-blooded man: to find a new future for the Chiyan family that he came from but was disgusted by in his own way!

   So he began to earnestly learn from Tao Zhiming and these big men.

   This is the benefit of having a good birth. Even if he was disgusted, he still participated in today's "chess game" by virtue of this identity. Even though his attitude is extremely correct, Tao Zhiming's willingness to play with him is probably the reason why he likes his identity.

   Kinoshita Xiufeng knows this.

   The current core members of the Sanyou Consortium, Mali, Tao Zhiming and his Kinoshita Xiufeng, needless to say, the young and old are all foxes. But everyone else has their own shortcomings.

   The Ueda family is "very prestigious", but Ueda Masahiro himself is just a brave man. Let him intrigue in the business world, he would rather draw his sword and kill.

Yosuke Ueno has talent and potential, and Yasushi Akimoto has the experience of playing in the middle and lower levels of the business world, but even with old foxes like Tao Zhiming and Kinoshita Xiufeng, it is still necessary to firmly hold the helm of a giant wheel like a future consortium. Something very important is missing.

   If not the name of a family that has stood the test of time, it must be a close alliance with many strong connections.

So Kinoshita Xiufeng explained to Chiyan Yangshui: "They are in a very critical period, very critical! They have been active on the highest stage of this country for decades, and they are in the most vulnerable period in the next few years. After the wild group came to power, can they make a comeback, pinning all their hopes on the deep-rooted consortium, or hoping to control another powerful enough force?"

"That's why!" Chiyan Yangshui is not stupid, "Since they need to rely on us, why would they cooperate with those of Iwasaki Ryunosuke and choose to let Brother Tao settle the debt outside the book and put pressure on him? Wouldn't this cause resentment? Besides..."

   He looked at Tao Zhiming and said meaningfully: "What about controlling another powerful force, Brother Tao is not someone who likes to be controlled."

Tao Zhiming said leisurely: "There are too many twists and turns here, you should understand the meaning of it more. Tao Ya people said that they can't make it to dinner, and they won't be here until 8:30. Is that really true? Take advantage of this time, let me tell you more! Because the next is the real decisive battle, everyone is very nervous now. If there is another change, it will not be so easy to deal with, so we can only choose to hurt each other, Deepen the bond. Of course, it’s always a double-edged sword…”

   In late autumn, the night is darker.

  The young people are learning the conspiracy of the old foxes, and they only find it dark and exciting.

When they both looked excited, Kinoshita Xiufeng complained again: "I also don't understand. Since it is such an important meeting, why did you invite your father-in-law at this time? Use the form of this family meeting. , can you show your determination and position?"

  Tao Zhiming smiled lightly: "Of course! They choose to use my family to test, and I will use my family to answer!"

"..." Kinoshita Xiufeng looked left and right, and continued to sigh, "If your father-in-laws know what the current situation is, it will be very exciting... I am afraid that your real purpose is to use the current situation that involves the family's huge future. An important meeting of interests, to shock the hearts of the father-in-laws? 'For the sake of the whole family's rise, let's be willing to let the daughters go. After all, this is their own choice.'"

   Kinoshita Xiufeng leaned on the old and sold the old, and looked at the young old fox with regret: "You are such a bastard, it's a pity my daughter..."

   Ueno Yosuke and Akayan Yosui rolled their eyes again.

   The old and the young have the same odor, it is really hopeless...


Among the   zhen Yingju residences, there are a total of twelve "courtyards".

  In addition to the original place where Shana Ueda lived, there are so many "courtyards" in the back that Xana Ueda used to be very strange.

  Because she doesn't know twelve at all.

   Does this mean that Tao Zhiming didn't hold back? Is there something hidden, or is he setting aside for the future?

  Tao Zhiming's answer is also plausible: With his status, it is inevitable that some important close guests will come over, and of course he needs to stay in a few rooms!

   No, now this "family meeting" is not limited to Tao Zhiming's father-in-law and mother-in-law. As important allies, there are three other people who have come over in advance.

   "...So, that Kinoshita-san, as well as Ueno-san and Akayan-san, including those who will be attending tomorrow... Suzuki team leader, the so-called family meeting, what is the real meaning of this?"

   In this "small courtyard" named "Maeharasha", Maehara Kyumina's father, Maehara Hideyoshi, stared blankly at his daughter, and after listening to her introduction, he asked in amazement.

   The so-called small courtyards are just because there are irregular garden-like corridors that separate each “courtyard”. After entering the independent courtyard, it is basically a villa covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters, with a terrace garden, living room and so on.

  Each courtyard has an official name. This one is called "Former Hara", and the hostess is naturally former Hara Mina.

  Because of this unusually important meeting, Mina Maehara also returned from the United States.

At this moment, she glanced at the child in her mother's arms, and said solemnly: "That's natural! This is not just to give us a righteous name in some form, but also for the long-term future of the foundation he created. This child will change his surname to Maehara Liangyi. If I still have children, the second one will be named Ueda, and the third one will be named Tao. This is just the Tao family, the Ueda family and their families. This is the moment when the backbone families of the entire Sanyou Consortium will officially meet!"

   "...Sanyou Consortium." It was when Maehara Hideyoshi arrived here that he heard the truth and the whole picture from his daughter's mouth.

   The huge amount of information made the couple, who used to be just ordinary people, feel too exciting.

  Kumina Maehara did a great job.

   In the past, she just said that she had received Tao Zhiming's appreciation and came to work beside him from Changxin Bank.

  Curiosity about the unknown intentions of her parents, Kumina Maehara has always been vague, so her parents have already been psychologically prepared. But even they never imagined that the former Hara Mina, who claimed to be entrusted with a heavy mission to the United States, had brought back a "grandson" after returning to China this time.

Maehara Jiu Mina also had a showdown: "Don't think that our Maehara family can also become a major family! Remember, we only have one identity: that is a branch of the Tao family! Everything today is all I do with my heart. Work and dedication can only be recognized. If the Qianyuan family can achieve something in the future, it can only be that if the child of Liangyi is outstanding in the future, his descendants will be able to take on important responsibilities!"

   "...I know, I know..." Maehara Eiji looked at the grandson he suddenly got, like a dream. this really the direct bloodline of the strongest of the neon youth generation?

   He actually, is willing to let this child be named Qianyuan?

   Maehara Mina's "ambition" is naturally partly due to the subtle influence of the family, so the Maehara family is accepting all this with joy and expectation.

   But in another small courtyard, "Naked Heart Valley", the middle-aged man was very worried.

   It was Yoichi Nonaka who got on the plane from Osaka, and after reporting his name, Aotian Nagaomi's attitude was a little colder.

   The father and daughter sat on both sides of the coffee table, silent.

   The large room looked deserted.

   "...So, did you resign from the First Quanye Bank long ago?"

   After a long time, Yoichi Yezhong sternly spoke.

   Sitting across from him is Fukaya Riko.

   Hearing her father's question, Fukaya Riko pursed her lips, and then said, "I didn't expect that he insisted on inviting you over."

   answered the question, but Yoichi Nonaka nodded again and again: "I shouldn't have invited me... I'm already satisfied that Tao Jun can treat you so kindly! In the past, I was afraid of disturbing your life, so I never contacted you often..."

  Yo Nakayo said as he spoke, his voice became smaller, and he looked very cowardly.

However, Fukagu ​​Lizi smiled brilliantly: "Father, I understand your good intentions. You would rather I always live under the name of Fukagu ​​Lizi, as the widow of the Fukagu ​​family, and do not want others to find out that my real surname is Nonaka. , I understand this. As a tribesman, or a descendant of Huiduo who was originally engaged in the funeral industry, you hope that I can get out of the shackles of the family. Now I don't expect that I will meet a man who doesn't care about this at all, right? "

   Looking at her daughter's charming smiling face, Yoichi Nonaka, who was cowardly and nervous all the way over, seemed to be stunned.

After a while, his eyes softened, and he said with pity and emotion: "It's very hard, Lizi? You never tell me how your life is, but you quietly send me some money. In fact, no need, Dad and me, although no one except the Luye family wants to associate with me, I am a little lonely, but the profession of mortuary has been very prosperous recently!"

  Is Fukaya pear hard?

   She dazedly recalled the first half of her life.

   From a little girl who was inexplicably ostracized and alienated by her peers, to her father giving her only friend, Luye's family, as an adopted daughter because of her diligent study and showing her future. In the end, after marrying into the Shengu family, she was finally found out that she was a tribesman.

   This may be an excuse for her husband to abuse her.

After that, he got divorced and was harassed by the company and let Nobuhiko Horikawa know, but he used a ruthless hand to kill his ex-husband, but he left some clues that Fukaya Riko might be involved, and used the considerable treatment of bank members and various means to make him. Deep Valley Pear fell into the abyss in that special state.

  In the end, due to a decision of Horikawa Nobuhiko, Takagi Renhata took her to receive Tao Zhiming, and it came to this day.

   Now Horikawa Nobuhiko is dead.

   In front of Tao Zhiming, his "evidence" related to Fukagu ​​Lizi was completely out of the table of the game they were playing.

"...It's all over." Fukagu ​​Lizi let out a long sigh and smiled again, just like when she was still young, "Now, I'm one of the most trusted people around him. It's strange to say, maybe because of With my background, he will be more convinced that I have no other intentions."

   "He...doesn't he really mind?" Nonaka Yoichi always had a hard time believing this.

Fukaya Riko shook his head: "I'm sure! Knowing my origin, he knew that as long as he was good enough to me, he knew that I would not ask for more. However, he also did more for me, although not just for me. …”

   She thought of Horikawa Nobuhiko.

   There are a lot of things, such as the apology to face the ground, the on-the-spot persecution of his heart, and even the final decision to kill him... Actually, this is not necessary.

   Fukagu ​​Lizi believes that with Tao Zhiming's ability, there should be other better solutions.

   But whether it was due to Haruka Haru, or more mainly because of his plans, he always did those things.

that's enough.

   Fukaya Riko said with a smile: "He said that the surname of Nonaka is very good, and he knows a big person with the surname of Nonaka. He also said that that Nonaka-san might be someone who can be the prime minister in the future."

  Yo Nakayo was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

  zhenyingjuli, in different courtyards at this moment, different people are talking with different moods.

   But they were not ready to rest, but waited for the man to come.

  Because he said he would come to see him tonight.

   See you all.

   But before that, they all heard from their daughters about the guests that will be welcomed in Tinghaiyuan at this moment.

   Representatives of the Mitsui Foundation, Mitsui Shinichiro, the head of the Mitsui family, and Nojima Tatsuo, who has just assumed the post of chairman.

  Representatives of the Sumitomo Foundation, Sumitomo Naiya, the head of the Sumitomo family, and Anzai Zenwei, who has just assumed the post of chairman.

  Representatives of the Mitsubishi Foundation, Iwasaki Ryunosuke, the head of the Iwasaki family, and the current chairman, Shiota Tsunashige.

   The representative of the First Quanye Foundation, Keisaburo Itochu, the young master of the Itochu family, came in secret.

   Then came the representative of foreign capital, the person sent by the famous Rockefeller family and other consortia, Citibank President Jamie Dimon.

   In the end, it was to let them hold their breaths, not daring to be excited by hearing about such a big secret, but rather panic.

   A person who is on the cusp of public opinion and who is under siege by the opposition group because of a major financial rectification.

   Miyazawa Kiji, and his financial partner Hashimoto Taro, who seems to be extremely important at this moment, will also come quietly later at night.

   highlights an outrageous one.

   Who would have thought that such an important and huge interest group was involved behind the lace scandal of a young rich man?

   A feeling of family affairs, state affairs, world affairs, and everything related to it.

   In our hospital, Ueda Xana and Nagumo Chiyo played together with Ueda Jiro and Tao Mingzhi, while Ueda Haruko and Mrs. Qingtian laughed and talked.

  In the terrace garden outside the house, next to Ueda Masahiro, stood Qingtian Yongchen.

"Sure enough, you need to blow the cold wind to cool down the fanatical heart!" Qingtian Yongchen couldn't help but nodded, with high spirits, "Speaking of which, Ueda-sang has naturally become Tao Jun's father, and the spirit and pattern are also very good. It's bigger!"

   Ueda Masahiro didn't change his face, but clenched his fist.

  No, no, I just chopped him down and suggested a way to adopt a daughter, and also to tell him that I would have to admit it to me in the future!

   The rest is operated by that guy.

   So you are so excited?

   But Qingtian Yongchen is really excited.

  Especially he, who has been keeping an eye on the movements downstairs, suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed: "Here!"

   On the street next to the gate of heaven, a luxurious car turned from the road.

   At this point in time, who else can come here specially?

  The ground floor shop leased to Iwasaki Noya has been closed tonight due to the maintenance of the electricity and fire protection system!

consumer rights Protection!

   Then I solemnly promise today: From today onwards, the big things will be changed constantly, and the debts will be made up within a week!

   These more than two months, let's chat when I have time...



   (end of this chapter)

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