MTL - Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era-Chapter 560 no lower limit

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   Chapter 560 There is no lower limit

   In the cabin, Shinichiro Mitsui and Seiya Sumitomo were smiling, and Yoshie Anzai and Tatsuo Nojima were also smiling.

  Tao Zhiming looked at Iwasaki Ryunosuke and sneered: "Stop joking, I want an explanation."

  Iwasaki Ryunosuke could only take out his mobile phone, and while dialing the number, he said, "Let Masato-kun explain to you personally."

   Tao Zhiming raised his eyebrows.

  The Tao family's ghost, that is to say, this is the meaning of those guys who have diverted their attention to Hongsu's side?

   While thinking about the other party's purpose, he listened to Iwasaki Ryunosuke explaining the current situation with a smile on his face, and then handed over the phone.

   This smiling tiger is restless again and again.

   Iwasaki Ryunosuke also showed a helpless and apologetic smile, as if to say: What can I do? I'm scared too.

  Tao Zhiming picked up the phone and became angry: "Yarenjun, I am very happy now, very happy. The career is going well, the family is harmonious, how about you? Are things going well in Oylt and Hongsu?"

"...It's just a woman, what kind of trouble is this trouble for you?" Tao Yaren's voice was speechless, "This is a great opportunity for you. How about you, feel the importance of the media? Hurry up and take this The problem has been dealt with well, and everyone is looking forward to your participation in the following plans."

Tao Zhiming turned his head and thought a little, so he clicked his tongue and said, "You have moved the mind of Neon International Cooperation Bank and Neon's exchange rate policy? Do you still need to go through me for this kind of thing? Do you have a direct dialogue with the finance ministers? Enough?"

"Okay, there's no need for this." Tao Yaren was clearly a little high-spirited, "Listen, this matter is also very important to me. Of course, I tried it, and Hashimoto-san believes that the domestic situation is also very serious and needs to be dealt with with all my strength. I politely declined the excuse for me to help. To do this, we still need the power of the media. Haven't you already made such arrogant things as preparing to acquire the five major news agencies of Neon without me having to say anything? It seems that you have already guessed the reason, as expected of you."

  Dad has the strongest opponent, and the dog's momentum is also a lot.

   Tao Zhiming had guessed this possibility, but he was still extremely unhappy with his behavior of acting directly as a general without consulting him.

   "This kind of thing, should we talk about it face to face?"

   "Of course! Mr. Jamie and I will pass through Tokyo the day after tomorrow."

  Tao Zhiming nodded and handed the mobile phone to Iwasaki Ryunosuke.

   After he hung up the phone with a few polite words, Tao Zhiming asked with a smile, "So why did you do this? Iwasaki-san?"

"I'm short of money." Iwasaki Ryunosuke sighed, "The next Kaguracho and Odaiba development, I have to take on so many charitable fund tasks, I'm short of money, so I can only hold some media in my hand. The shares have been sold. Tao Jun, for the sake of comrades-in-arms, give me a little more price. If it weren't for other returns in the future, the shares of a promising club like Dentsu would be absolutely reluctant to sell. "

  Tao Zhiming's eyes narrowed slightly: "You should know that every penny of the money I have is useful now, and it is related to the success or failure of our plan."

"It can be paid in installments, and it can also be borrowed from our bank." Sumitomo Seiya spoke, and now he has put away his smile, "Tao Jun, don't think too much. Although Itochu-san is the inner responder, but Furong and Miwa's The strength should not be underestimated. They are not stupid, and the situation will be clearly seen. At this moment, everyone must have complete trust in each other, at least until the battle is completely decided. So Iwasaki-san came to find After we discussed it, we came up with this solution together.”

   Tao Zhiming looked at them.

   Could it be that Nobuhiko Horikawa was played so badly that they were all afraid?

   They were involved in the beginning, are they still worried that they are in their own game without knowing it?

   Tao Zhiming frowned and tapped the table.

   Good guy, before you know it, Lao Tzu's prestige has become so terrifying?

   This is to make each of them owe their boss a sum of money, so that they can be assured of the follow-up plan. In the context of the financial consolidation, they have expanded their bank debts, which is considered sincerity.

  Although to a certain extent, Tao Zhiming is a very high-quality borrower.

   But if Tao Zhiming is going to turn against them, then the identity of the creditor will also be a means for them.

  Tao Zhiming feels weird.

   Having said that, Taro Hashimoto and the others really haven't gotten to the bottom of these three guys. How much cash do they have in their hands?

   It's right to think about it. Compared with the three major consortiums, Hashimoto Taro and the others still feel that they are more suitable to win over. After all, he has the shallowest foundation, and theoretically needs the future Hashimoto Taro the most.

   And the two old foxes and a middle-aged smiling tiger in front of them have a lot of roots. Who knows if the guys in the opposition party will have better control in the future, so that the future plans of Hashimoto Taro and others will fail?

   No wonder he had to tell them the truth at the time, and he signed the letter of commitment very simply later.

  Thinking of this, Tao Zhiming nodded: "Then wait for Yaren-kun and Mr. Jamie Dimon to come over to discuss in detail. Before that..."

  Looking at him, Iwasaki Ryunosuke smiled without pressure: "What do I need to do to help Tao Jun return to a state of family harmony? For your happiness, I have an obligation!"

  Tao Zhiming looked at him strangely.

   That doesn't sound right.

   In terms of facelessness, Tao Zhiming seems to be inferior to him.

   This kind of affectionate eyes, it seems that Tao Zhiming wants him to lift his butt, and he can do it.

   M&0 who has been impressed.

  Tao Zhiming suddenly followed up with the death of Iwasaki Kuranosuke and released such a guy.

  Iwasaki's family really became more and more prosperous by him, and he even took advantage of Tao Zhiming's enemy.

   looks like this now, although he has a handle, but Tao Zhiming is sure that he still has an old yin critic.

   Then I was so lonely when I was Yin Iwasaki Kuranosuke?

   Good fortune fools people!


   We all know that Tao Zhiming lifted the roof, it is impossible to achieve that goal now, that is to think of peach.

   But everyone who understands understands.

   Tao Zhiming acted so crazy, and then the financial reorganization really started in full swing. The cabinet, which has been criticized a lot, is actually acting in tandem with him. Although ordinary people are constantly cursing, the middle and upper classes are all horrified and shocked.

   In addition to the sky-high asking price, is it possible that he really wants to swallow some of the media this time?

   Ordinary tabloids and small magazines are naturally inaccessible to his eyes, but those big news agencies, TV stations and media industry giants, which are not intricate with major financial groups behind them?

   Now, the disputes between the financial groups are clearly visible in the eyes of many ordinary people.

   The scolding is scolding, Tao Zhiming's financial investment exchange meeting has been broadcast on East TV since the second issue, so the dislike of the body and integrity was clearly quantified.

"...President Tao is really the guarantee of our club's ratings... Every shot is..." The supervisor of this program couldn't help but ask the president, "Mr. President, has President Tao also initiated an acquisition of our TV station? ?I think…"

   "What do you think!" The current president of East Vision, Hideki Shirakawa, said with a dark face, "Concentrate on work!"

After   , he turned around and left, all the way to the office.

After    sat down, Hideki Shirakawa kept frowning and thinking.

   I am afraid that one of President Tao's real goals includes TV Tokyo.

In the past few years, firstly, the cooperation between Mitsui and Sumitomo made Tao Zhiming a shareholder of TV Tokyo; then, because of the Toshiba incident, Mitsui, at the request of the United States at the time, adopted Tao Zhiming to hold the Neon Economic News instead. The way of the company's shares and part of TV Tokyo's shares has increased his shareholding ratio.

   In this process, Tao Zhiming has indeed been helping Dongshi to increase its influence through WanderStar, animation of comic works on the dimension culture side, as well as Tokyo Fashion Festival, Dongbao and other clubs.

   After spending so much energy, you should have an idea for Dongshi, right?

   Hideki Shirakawa is a little worried now, mainly because he is confused about the future.

   Not only Dongshi's own future, but also his own future.

  Tao Zhiming does have talent, strength, and good resources. As a minority shareholder, Tao Zhiming has brought a lot to Dongshi, which Hideki Shirakawa thinks is very valuable. After all, although shareholders in the past provided initial capital and did not care much about returns, they just had a mouthpiece of their own, but they could not help Dongshi develop and grow.

   But if Tao Zhiming replaces the shares of Mitsui and other consortium clubs and bigwigs as the major shareholder, the advantage of relying on the consortium will be reduced.

   Not only that, this time Tao Zhiming's move is such a big battle, when the consortium dispute ends, it will not only make Dongshi establish a powerful enemy, but also face the hostility after the opposition party comes to power.

   Yes, Dongshi is a TV station after all. It has its own team of reporters and a huge audience. Through questionnaires or telephone calls, DTV has also done a survey, the situation of the current cabinet is really not optimistic. Tao Zhiming, who is now closely related to Miyazawa Kiji and Hashimoto Taro, can imagine the turmoil he will face in the future.

   Of course, none of these issues were influenced by Shirakawa Hideki's will. He was also worried that after Tao Zhiming took over TV Tokyo, there would be an emperor and a courtier.

   Judging from the past cooperation experience, Tao Zhiming's cooperation on TV Tokyo, including the vision of TV Tokyo's future expressed in the original communication, proves that he has a desire to control TV Tokyo.

  In this case, when he really becomes a major shareholder, Shirakawa Hideki as an "old man", I am afraid that he will have to make other arrangements.

   Thinking of this, Hideki Shirakawa felt that he still had to make some efforts, so he picked up the phone on the table, gritted his teeth and dialed.

   After the phone was connected, the opposite was actually Tatsuo Nojima.

   Hideki Shirakawa pondered for a while, and then asked, "Sorry for bothering you, Nojima-san. In fact, it's always because of President Tao's actions towards the media industry now..."

   "Shirakawa-san." Nojima Tatsuo calmly interrupted him, and then said, "I understand your concern. If it was you, you should have understood our position, right?"

"...Eh, that's right." Hideki Shirakawa said after a pause, "Mitsui, Sumitomo, and Mitsubishi have jointly launched the follow-up development of the Kaguracho project, as well as the development of the Odaiba Rinkai sub-city center, and the Mori family has finally begun to advance. The matter of Roppongi Hills, at this point in time, of course, is on the side of Miyazawa-sama... Because of this, I am worried. Don't we have a lot of shareholders from... other parties?"

   "Looks like you already know that Tao Jun is not just making a fool of yourself." Nojima Tatsuo chuckled, "The one most likely to achieve the goal is TV Tokyo, is that what you think?"

   Hideki Shirakawa smiled shyly: "Noshima-san Hideaki..."

Nojima Tatsuo was silent on the phone, and then said: "I understand what you mean by calling. Shirakawa-san, do your job now. No matter how the people at the board table change, you will always be there. It depends on your position. Tao Jun will definitely have a place to rely on you, and as for arranging someone to assist you or whatever, you have to adapt to the new changes."

   Hideki Shirakawa was shocked: " sure?"

   "Don't worry, the person he trusts the most has a more important position to hold. TV Tokyo, he has been greatly appreciated by him over the past few years. With his mind, he won't be able to tolerate you."

  Nojima Tatsuo just said that, and told him that he was busy and hung up the phone.

   Hideki Shirakawa has been unable to calm down for a long time. Is there a more important position than TV TOKYO?

   Could it be that mastering a TV station is not the end? In the five major news agencies, can he really be in charge of a family? Or...more key clubs across the industry?

   Are Mitsui, Sumitomo, and Mitsubishi such forces that are so easy to compromise? Even if you are confident in this consortium duel, why would you hand over these results to that man?

   It seems that his strength is much stronger than he imagined.


   At this moment, Tao Zhiming is sitting in the conference room of WanderStar.

   In the room, there is a more oppressive atmosphere.

  Sawaguchi Yasuko's eyes are blank, she doesn't care about exposure or not. Anyway, life is like a drama, and this sudden turmoil was a surprise to her to some extent. However, in a cultural atmosphere like Neon, actors who are tainted and no longer popular will have a difficult career path in the future. Even if Tao Zhiming still invests in her filming, he is now looking like a crazy enemy.

   And Nakamori Akina was more affected. There was Kondo Masahiko before, and now Tao Dalang, and some people have already laughed at her for her preference for scumbags. In her aggrieved eyes, there is actually some resentment: It really has nothing to do with this guy! It wasn't his dish, and he didn't shamelessly send it over to let him taste it, even though he knew the ripples in his heart.

   Sakai Spring is very worried. For a long time, under the protection of Tao Zhiming, she made her debut, became famous, and climbed step by step. Although there have been scandals in the past, there is no evidence after all. And the photo of holding hands and watching the sunset together on Rebun Island seems to confirm the speculation that has been denied many times in the past.

   In fact, up to now, it has only reached this stage. It took him a long time, and he just developed naturally. Sakai Quan Shui even felt that the feeling between the two was purer than ordinary spiritual attachment, and even had the feeling of a young girl who was initially tempted and timid.

   But although it is not as dirty as the reports say, the existence of feelings is real, and the relationship is equivalent to real. She, who has always been afraid of facing the public, has not slept well for quite some time.

   As for Kawai Sonoko, Kudo Shizuka and others in the house, they were all at a loss at this time.

  The other innocent actresses who signed up later could only wait quietly for the matter to be dealt with.

   Only Miyi Asuka and Nagumo Chiyo are still heartless.

"How can there be such a thing!" Meiyi Fei Niao is not afraid of acting like a spoiled child when facing the president, "Mr. president, how much do you teach that guy how to chase girls! Last time I foolishly asked me if I like sports cars, so I come directly this time. Just sit down: 'Asuka! Help! Within a month, agree to my proposal, or I will be cut!' What's the situation?"

   At this moment, everyone in the conference room with different moods turned to look at her.

  Tao Zhiming held his forehead speechless: "I didn't save this guy...Is that what you really said?"

"Yeah! It's related to this crisis! So why should I use my marriage to deal with this crisis? Yuta-ge-san is cute and reliable, but he's stupid and rude! I'm a singer, how much? Teach him some delicate feelings. And it's so dangerous to follow you every day..."

Miyi Asuka began to talk incessantly, her words were not exclusive to Yuta Irie, but she was picky and said a lot before she said seriously: "Also said to make Shizuka-chan and Takuya's relationship public, and to match Yuta and I. , Do you want to marry everyone off and then dissolve WanderStar?"

   Qiu Yuankang couldn't help but look at Tao Zhiming, wanting to see his reaction.

"What are you thinking?" Tao Zhiming looked at the girls in the room affected by time, and sighed, "I'm so sorry for causing trouble to you all. For this reason, now that Rie-chan is ill, you two have a relationship with each other. It was embarrassing for a while. The photos that were exposed were actually... only me, Jingzi and Quan Shui had a slightly intimate act. Others don't need to be affected by those vicious speculations. I am serious about the lawsuit and will seek a response for you. Some apologize and compensate. Except for Jingzi and Quan Shui, everyone else should go out first."

   Then he said to Qiu Yuankang, "According to what I said just now."

   Qiu Yuankang hesitated for a while and then asked: "In addition to the statements and announcements just mentioned, public opinion is very turbulent now, it is better to temporarily disappear from the public eye for a while."

   After he finished speaking, he looked at the three most speculated female stars.

   Tao Zhiming only said: "I will make arrangements."

   Qiu Yuanyao nodded, then gestured to the others.

   Nakamori Akina also stood up, looked at Tao Zhiming with a complicated expression, and then hugged Sakai Quan Shui's shoulder before walking out quietly.

   Sakai Springs has been burying his head.

   Tao Zhiming said: "Okay, now you can invite them in."

  Sawaguchi Yasuko was a little puzzled, and then saw Toshio Ogata go out for a while, and then two people came in.

   Her eyes are a little big, what's the situation?

   Isn't now the time to appease two people who are really related and value their careers alone?

  Nagumo Chiyo does not care about fame, it's just that he can't continue to be a singer and idol happily.

   In front of so many people in the club just now, it seems that he disclosed his relationship with the two internally, which has already made Sakai Quanshui restless.

   Now there are two more men coming in, one of them... seems to be the head of the Iwasaki family, how is this going to be arranged?

  Tao Zhiming looked at Ryunosuke Iwasaki, who had a slightly hip-hop smile, and said with a sneer, "Look at what you have done!"

  Iwasaki Ryunosuke sighed: "You don't need monetary compensation..."

   "Who said that?" Tao Zhiming interrupted immediately, "I don't need it, Jingzi and Spring need it!"

   Sawaguchi Yasuko and Sakai Izumi both looked at Iwasaki Ryunosuke after hearing the words. What's the meaning? Did he do this?

  Iwasaki Ryunosuke said with a bitter face: "At most, when you buy my shares, I will let you pay a little more..."

"Then show other sincerity first!" Tao Zhiming snorted before saying to the two of them, "...I don't know how to explain it. In short, this guy is now an ally, but the idea of ​​this matter this time, It was him who did it. I know that the damage to you is irreparable, so bring the person who made the idea first and apologize to you."

  Iwasaki Ryunosuke immediately bowed shamelessly: "I'm really sorry for the troubles caused to the two young ladies!"

   "That's it?" Tao Zhiming's face froze, "Just this sincerity?"

   "... Give me some face, I'm the head of the Iwasaki family, do I have to take the seat?"

  Tao Zhiming sneered, the meaning is obvious: what do you say?

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion