MTL - Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era-Chapter 555 Who are you planning to cheat?

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   Chapter 555 Who else is planning to cheat?

  Tao Zhiming was not surprised at all.

   Without his own intervention, the damage to the financial system caused by the neon bubble economy will not be concealed until the financial tsunami five years later.

  It has taken so long to digest, and there will still be several hundred-year-old stores and financial giants going bankrupt.

   He doesn't believe that the problem has never been discovered, but the political and business circles in the bureau can only walk step by step at a loss, trying to suppress the debt and plug the loopholes.

   is different now. While Tao Zhiming pointed out a clear path, he naturally gave Miyazawa Kiji and Hashimoto Taro the opportunity to follow the trend.

   But Miyazawa Kiji didn't think so, but asked very solemnly: "How serious is the situation?"

Taro Hashimoto took out a thick stack of reports from his briefcase and handed it over, saying, "The debts hidden outside the official financial statements, as well as the debts active in the subprime financial market, the total size is also Nearly 10 trillion yen!"

   Miyazawa Kiji's hands visibly trembled, and he asked in disbelief, "There are so many?"

  You must know that in their original plan, the financial system was to be restructured while the U.S.’s attention was on Ross’s side in the past two years. For this reason, in addition to financial funds, Taro Hashimoto demanded a clear source of funds for the 20 trillion yen from the private sector at that time.

   As a result, Tao Zhiming told him in a blink of an eye that within the 20 trillion yen, he could alone bear 14 trillion yen, which is a scale of 100 billion yuan.

   But now, another nearly 10 trillion yen has popped up. Where do you get the money this time?

   It's not that Kiji Miyazawa didn't expect that there would be off-book debts, but he just didn't expect that there would be so many. He controlled his emotions and asked in a deep voice: "The 10 trillion it the full scale, or is it the scale involved in the targets that must be dealt with this time around the reorganization?"

   He was afraid that the answer was the latter, but fortunately, Taro Hashimoto said: "If it's just those clubs that are hopeless, their debts add up to only a little over 4 trillion yen."

Kiji Miyazawa just breathed a sigh of relief, but heard Taro Hashimoto continue: "But the difference is not big. Because most of these off-book debts are multiple debts generated through the subprime financial market and through layer by layer transfers. That is to say, there is an implication, near or far, between each of these debts. Ultimately, it will still be related to the major banks.”

  Tao Zhiming listened quietly, triangular debt or something. When the economic situation is good, people who borrow money feel confident that they can afford it, and people who lend money are addicted to the game of money making money.

  Regular big banks will still have a set of procedures and procedures to restrain them. How can various private loans and bridges be managed?

   So don't look at this part is only nearly 10 trillion yen, but they are no bigger than the debts on the public statements of the big banks, almost all of them will become bad debts. With the funds lent by banks to certain convention clubs, the other party still has a lot of assets to dispose of. And these private loans, since the procedures are simple, the interest is naturally high. I can't afford it now. Many people jumped or disappeared. Where can they get their money back?

The meeting room was quiet for a while, Miyazawa Kiji frowned and turned over several pages before asking, "Is there a plan to deal with it? Things have advanced to this point, and we can only move forward! But these new debts, If you let it go, what kind of chain reaction will it have, is there any research to judge?"

"Of course!" Taro Hashimoto looked at Tao Zhiming before continuing, "If you let it go, the plan will get out of control. This is not just a problem of the financial system's complete loss of credibility, but a large number of small and medium-sized clubs directly falling into Deadly, issues involving the employment of a large number of ordinary citizens.”

  Tao Zhiming just raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.

   In the past so many years, there has been so much hot money, but those with the best interest rate conditions and the highest amount have naturally been taken away by the core clubs of the major consortia.

   is like Tao Zhiming himself. Back then, because he was able to subscribe for bonds issued by major banks, he exchanged a large number of low-interest loan lines.

   However, for a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises without strength and contacts, the most convenient channel is various private financial societies. It was easy to get money from them at that time, except that the interest rate was higher.

  What are you afraid of when the interest rate is higher? People's consumption frenzy in the bubble era is enough to support the blind growth of various small and medium-sized societies.

   Now that the situation has changed, they are the most vulnerable.

   Tao Zhiming knew what the two were worried about.

   The major financial rectification did not solve the essential problems first, but because these most vulnerable "victims" were killed by the aftermath, it affected the basic votes.

   You must know that in the current financial system consolidation plan, although there will be giants falling, the top forces have actually reached a tacit understanding.

The big conglomerates such as Mitsui, Sumitomo, and Mitsubishi don’t look like they will be miserable on the surface. They spend a lot of money to solve their own problems and are “forced to swallow” some financial companies with high debts. . But this is a process of further expansion, which is close to monopolizing the market.

   Therefore, Miyazawa Kiji and Hashimoto Taro are confident that after such a major reform, although they will lose power in a short time, they will definitely not be able to solve the current situation after the opposition party comes up.

   But the tens of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises involved in these off-book debts of nearly 10 trillion yen are different.

   Although the scale of their employees is not as big as that of the big consortium, the big consortium has a solid foundation and can handle it. And they will fall when the wind blows. Once it causes countless ordinary people to lose their jobs and their lives fall into complete difficulties, then Taro Hashimoto wants to make a comeback in a few years, adding uncertain factors.

"...Didn't you predict the situation at the beginning? For this reason, a financial fund of 5 trillion yen was specially planned to be used for the digestion of bad debts of such private financial societies." Miyazawa Kiji continued to look at it, his expression became more and more serious. It became more and more ugly. "This number was estimated by the secret investigation team. How can it be nearly doubled?"

Taro Hashimoto took a deep breath: "First of all, the scale of the investigation by the secret investigation team was limited to a few large banks. Second, it has been more than a year since the investigation... We all underestimated The volume of private funds, and the madness of the past few years.”

   Miyazawa Kiji also felt that there was no need to read it, so he closed the report and asked, "What are you going to do now?"

   At this moment, there was a faint noise outside the window. Those who demonstrated and protested seemed to be bursting with emotion after all. From a distance, there are more police officers.

Miyazawa Kiji's face was blue: "We must finish the most important part of the financial consolidation before the House of Representatives votes! Otherwise, they will definitely push all the current rotten financial system on our heads! Only we too He did give them a lot of courage and means to deal with them, so that they could see hope, and even admire our decision and understand our difficulties, so as not to use this matter as a weapon to attack us! It is imperative, Hashimoto-san, time is limited!"

   Hashimoto Taro nodded, then looked at Tao Zhiming and asked calmly, "Tao Jun, what do you think?"

Tao Zhiming looked at him in amazement: "Don't you still want to find a solution from me? Since there is a budget of 5 trillion yen, the extra 4 trillion yen is not a problem, right? Discuss it with Mie Ye-sang, and then release a new one. Approval of special national debt. If I take out 20 trillion yen in one go, wouldn't I be the target of public criticism? My appetite is not that big!"

   As promised before, he can make 14 trillion yen by himself. Now the extra 5 trillion yen, if he were to come forward to solve it, wouldn't it really become the absolute pole of the neon financial system?

Hashimoto Taro just said: "This situation has already affected whether the plans of all parties can be successfully implemented. Tao Jun, if there is no proper solution to this problem, I am afraid we would rather put the financial consolidation on hold until the number of It will be resolved after a year!"

  Tao Zhiming's eyes narrowed.

   I'm afraid it was because of these considerations back then that they didn't think of a way to solve the financial bad debt problem at the first time before the opposition turned over, and then dragged it on until the financial tsunami?

   Now that the central bank has achieved a coveted position, Miyazawa Kiji and the others are fully confident that they will make a comeback in the future, so should they be put on hold?

   Mitsui, Sumitomo, and Mitsubishi can afford to wait. After all, their interest relationship has long been deep and close.

  Can Tao Zhiming afford to wait?

   He can afford it, after all, most of the money in his hand is even cash.

   In times of crisis, it is the uncle who holds the cash in his hand.

   But he suddenly discovered something: Hashimoto Taro and the others think that Tao Zhiming's plan is always linked, and if the middle rhythm suddenly changes, he can't bear the consequences?

  Tao Zhiming knew that they had made a wrong judgment. For Tao Zhiming, if he boarded for two or three years, it would be nothing more than not being able to prepare adequately for the financial tsunami and earn less money.

   The situation suddenly became troublesome.


   "What's the trouble with this? If you have the strength, promise them!"

  In Tao Ran Pavilion, Kinoshita Xiufeng listened to Tao Zhiming's introduction and was immediately puzzled.

Tao Zhiming glanced at him: "Make it clear that to solve the debt problem of those private financial societies, what you can get is not the shares of big banks and big securities clubs, but a lot of bad debts. On the contrary, as long as I agree , For a behemoth like Fuji Bank, some of its debts have been settled and can be recovered from me. By then, I will not pay it back? If I pay it back, their pressure will be relieved. If they do not pay it back, what else can they talk about to help them solve these new emergencies? Debt problem?"

"...Yes." Kinoshita Xiufeng recalled, and then he was very puzzled, "Isn't it said that in the future elections, we have made sufficient preparations? Is this an excuse? I just hope that the cabinet will be officially voted in the House of Confidence. Before the vote, they can give you a policy answer sheet that will not be criticized, and you will be burdened with more burdens."

   "It's more than that." Tao Zhiming thought while sipping his sake, "It's time to end up eating meat with real teeth. I'm afraid Mitsui, Sumitomo and Mitsubishi are also worried that my appetite is too good and my strength is too strong."

   Kinoshita Xiufeng said stunned: "How come? How to carry out the follow-up plan, hasn't it been discussed long ago?"

   "The plan can't keep up with the changes." Tao Zhiming smiled lightly, "They're scared."

   Kinoshita Xiufeng looked at him blankly.

   This is also true.

   His "prophecy" ability is too strong, and his ability to plan and do things is too strong.

   Now not only is the whole neon political and economic situation following his advice, but there are **** actual cases there.

   Kinoshita Xiufeng seemed to hear Horikawa Nobuhiko's wailing: I am so miserable!

  Thinking of this, he shuddered and asked worriedly, "Then what are you going to do?"

   Not to mention others, his interests of Kinoshita Xiufeng are completely tied to Tao Zhiming.

   Now other parties hope that Tao Zhiming will come forward to solve this problem, let him bleed first and carry a new burden, what will Tao Zhiming decide?

  If this problem is not resolved, and the plan to rectify the financial system is really put on hold for a few years, the impact will be wide-ranging.

  Tao Zhiming wants to establish a consortium of his own in Neon. In the economic ecology of Neon, it is bound to need a large bank as the core.

  If you don't get this opportunity, then when the US consortium has eaten and drank from Ross's side and regained her energy, Tao Zhiming will definitely not be as easy as it is now.

Tao Zhiming put down his wine glass and chuckled: "They are the target of the upcoming financial reorganization, and they will definitely not deal with these bad problems at this moment, and it is not convenient to come forward. There is spare energy to solve the bad debts of private financial societies. , why don’t you digest your own bank’s problems first? Even Mitsubishi, Mitsui and Sumitomo can’t answer the questions of small shareholders. It seems that this problem is really only the most suitable for me to solve.”

   "But didn't you say that this part of the debt is basically a complete bad debt? Wouldn't that mean you will lose a lot of money in vain?"

   Who knew Tao Zhiming looked at him with a smile.

   Kinoshita Xiufeng's heart trembled: "What do you want to do?"

   "Brother Xiufeng, speed up the best and best things."

   Kinoshita Xiufeng jumped: "Although the business of cheap goods is indeed getting better now, what do you mean? I'm still familiar with this industry!"

   "It's not for you to come forward." Tao Zhiming sneered, "Besides, I won't do business at a loss."

   Kinoshita Xiufeng didn't care, just looking at his smiling face, he couldn't help asking: "Who are you planning to cheat?"

  Tao Zhiming looked at him helplessly: "I'm a good person, Brother Xiufeng."


   "...This is the latest news I got from my mentor in the US!"

   In the large conference room, no one underestimated the short Son Zhengyi.

He was in high spirits, opened his arms and said excitedly: "There is absolutely no mistake! The personal computer industry is about to explode! Now, there are many research teams in universities in the United States, which have obtained permission from the military to be able to Civil development of some top-secret technologies in the past! Everyone, we can't be left behind, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"...Sun Jun." Some shareholders couldn't help but ask, "But to carry out the plan you mentioned, the amount of capital required is too huge. But now Neon's stock market is very bad, even though we are listed in the United States, But in terms of financing, it is impossible to get a billion-dollar level of funds, right?"

Masayoshi Son said confidently: "This aspect is definitely not a problem! Please believe me, the financing will be solved by me. All I need your support is to really approve this plan! In this way, SoftBank will be separated from pure The role symbol of the software provider. Also, the neon semiconductor industry is at a slump right now, and this is exactly where we can get into the hardware space!”

He raised his arms and shouted: "I have already obtained Cisco's agency rights in Neon, and it will start from this! With the advent of the personal computer era, network routers are only a small link. In my opinion, NEC's PC- The 98 series is not far. Although they are now called national machines and occupy a major share of the neon market, the future of personal computers can only be on another open and unified road! So, we have a great Opportunity to build on Intel and Microsoft's architecture, come from behind!"

   "…but in PCs, Sony and Toshiba are also investing…"

"There is absolutely no one in Neon who is more professional than me in this field!" Sun Zhengyi retorted flatly, but somehow Tao Zhiming's face appeared in his heart, and after a while, he threw out big news, "Two years! In two years, if it goes well, SoftBank will be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange at the same time! The current Neon stock market definitely welcomes a technology company with unlimited potential? Then, SoftBank's listing on Neon will receive the full support of Chairman Tao. Miss Fukagu, tell everyone."

   At the long table of the board of directors, Fukaya Riko just smiled and nodded.

   The great revenge has been avenged, the inner demon has been eliminated, and she does not seem to be as cold as before.

  Tao Zhiming is a shareholder of SoftBank. As a representative of the board of directors he sent to SoftBank, of course Riko Fukaya knows about SoftBank's new plan, but Tao Zhiming actually doesn't know.

   But she will not directly refute Sun Zhengyi's face here.

   I'm afraid that some financing is involved with him, and he also has the idea of ​​seeking a solution from Tao Zhiming.

   But I have to admit that this man is indeed very passionate and provocative.

   What is the reputation of Tao Zhiming in Neon? It seems that these shareholders just remembered that the walking **** of finance is also a major shareholder of their SoftBank.

  If SoftBank can really be listed on Neon, then the investors who are now nervous will definitely follow in the footsteps of Tao Zhiming.

   As long as Tao Zhiming is willing to stand for Softbank, he is optimistic about Softbank's new plan.

   So in the voting session that followed, seeing Fukaya Riko's approval without hesitation, the other minority shareholders were completely relieved.

   After the board of directors was over, Sun Zhengyi invited Fukaya Riko to the office, and said very politely: "Thank you very much for the support of Miss Fukagu! Otherwise, such a bold plan, I am afraid it will take more effort to convince everyone."

   Fukaya Riko replied calmly: "The president said that I am only a representative to attend necessary meetings. As for how Sun Jun runs the club, he will not interfere."

Sun Zhengyi said with emotion: "Tao Jun is really the best investor! By the way, Miss Shengu, I also want to discuss this new plan with Tao Jun. In the field of computer, Tao Jun is one I admire very much. People. When it comes to profits and dividends in the next few years, I hope to get Tao Jun’s advice.”

   Fukagu ​​Lizi was a little surprised: "Sun Jun, you and the president have known each other for a long time, can you contact us directly to make an appointment?"

  Sun Zhengyi said sternly: "Since Tao Jun has sent you to serve as the director's representative, of course you should make an appointment with Tao Jun! This is also the fulfillment of your duties as the director's representative, right?"

   Fukaya Riko smiled.

   After Tao Zhiming recalled her from the United States, her future arrangement was to partner with Maehara Jiu Mina in charge of Changshin Bank. It's just that the rectification and reorganization of Changxin Bank has not yet entered the substantive stage, so she first served as Tao Zhiming's representative of the board of directors, and paid attention to the business of the many clubs he invested in.

   And Sun Zhengyi did not contact Tao Zhiming directly, and naturally he also took into account the reason for the disparity in status today.

   Don't look at him as the president of Neon New Technology Club, but how can Tao Zhiming's influence today be comparable to him?

  Since Shengu Lizi is here, he can't figure out the relationship between Tao Zhiming and her, and it is not good to go over Shengu Lizi to contact Tao Zhiming directly.

  Otherwise, with the face of Sun Zhengyi, why would you care about this if you really need it?

   So Fukaya Riko bowed: "I understand, I will report to the president as soon as possible, and ask him to arrange a time."

Sure enough, Sun Zhengyi hit the snake and followed the stick: "After listening to my explanation just now, you also agree that the opportunity cannot be missed, right? If it is convenient, can you call now? I want to start the preparations as soon as possible. Only in this way can we catch up with the United States. When the research results of some research teams over there came out, they got the most advanced technical results as soon as possible. You must know that the military technology in the past has been proven in the war at the beginning of last year, and civilian research will not cost too much. a lot of time."

   Fukani Liko saw what he said, hesitated for a while but nodded, and took out his mobile phone to contact Tao Zhiming.

  Although Sun Zhengyi has a bottom line, his bigger goal is not the so-called Tao Zhiming's advice, but the funds needed to carry out this huge plan, so he is still very concerned about Tao Zhiming's reaction.

   Neon's economic situation is not good right now. Although he knows that Tao Zhiming is known as the "God of Finance", he must not suffer any losses because of the tragic situation in the neon financial market and the real estate market. But since the economic situation is not good, investment is relatively cautious.

  If he can't do it there, Sun Zhengyi thinks that he can only make a few more trips to the United States.

   Hearing Fukaya Lizi honestly introduce the plan at the board of directors today, then she turned her head and said, "Yes, Sun Jun is right next to me."

  Masayoshi Son was refreshed and ready to answer the phone.

   Sure enough, Fukani Riko handed over the mobile phone, and Sun Zhengyi immediately greeted with a smile: "It's been a long time, President Tao!"

  On the phone, Tao Zhiming's voice was also full of smiles: "What a coincidence, I was also thinking of asking Sun Jun to meet. How about tonight?"

   (end of this chapter)

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