MTL - Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era-Chapter 5 People who are very boring in their small days (please collect and ask for tickets)

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  Chapter 5 People who are boring in their days (please collect tickets)

  Yuwa Shoji is mainly engaged in trade, and the scale is not small.

   Behind it is actually a large consortium of neon.

   At this time, Neon was still a big country in the manufacturing industry, and both the domestic consumer market and international trade were expanding in scale, and even the United States across the ocean launched a boycott of neon goods.

   Sitting on the seat, the HR director who introduced the event spoke passionately. Tomoka's broad prospects depicted an attractive prospect, and many students heard their eyes shining brightly. Even Yokohisa Yamane and Yosuke Ueno, who wanted to come and make money, looked impressed.

   In short, this link is just to give the applicant a good impression of the company.

   Tao Zhiming also listened very seriously, he needed to clearly understand the current details of this era.

   I only have the general trend of neon in this era in my mind, and some rough outlines are not enough.

   What makes Tao Zhiming a little bit painful is that Tao Dalang has already delivered his resume before, and now he has to fill out three more information-rich forms on the spot.

   That's right, three copies, exactly the same.

  Because the first round of interviews started next, there were three interviewers.

   And what continues to make Tao Zhiming heartbroken is the interview etiquette in Tao Dalang's memory.

  When it's your turn, you must knock on the door first, and when you enter the door, you must first say "I'm sorry", wait for others to confirm, please take a seat, and bow to thank you for the interview opportunity before you can sit down.


   Tao Zhiming felt more and more that this was not the place to stay for a long time.

   Even if you have to seize the opportunity here and stay here for a few years, you have to quickly become a big man, mainly to let others bow to you!

   As a coincidence, when Tao Zhiming was waiting outside the interview waiting area, it was Yamane Yokohisa who came out first.

   In front of others, Yamane Yokohisa smiled brilliantly and said, "Dalang, come on! I will try to get the first default today, and I can't lose any more!"

   The person in charge looked at Tao Zhiming oddly.

   Aren't you a classmate from Dongda University? Is this young man with strange hair so bad?

  Tao Zhiming is really convinced, sloppy guy.

  Pi is very happy now?

   is also right, he is here to mix money and vanity with girls, and it doesn't matter how other companies feel about him.

   It seems that the gesture of being persuaded when I heard the introduction just now is also pretending.

  Tao Zhiming is too lazy to care, adjust his mentality, and prepare to make money.

   etiquette or something, make money, not shabby.

   Actually reborn here, another advantage is that it directly inherits a practical foreign language.

   Think about it, if you want to watch any interesting neon film and television works in the future, you won’t need subtitles.

  Tao Zhiming, who is fluent in foreign languages, has both memories of Tao Dalang, who grew up here, of all aspects of life, as well as the experience of a veteran in the workplace.

   In the face of this kind of interview for school recruitment, Tao Zhiming played calmly.

The purpose of    is very simple: the buddies are very good, in order to keep the buddies, prepare more gifts.

   As expected, gradually, no matter how calm the three interviewers concealed, it was inevitable that Tao Zhiming could see their interest and satisfaction from their body language.

   "Tao Jun," a person sitting in the middle finally asked a question, "What kind of club do you think our Youhe Shangshi is?"

   The two people next to him looked at him together with a little surprise in their eyes.

  Because he hasn't spoken before, he just writes something on his resume from time to time.

  Tao Zhiming knew that this question was not about how well he knew Youhe Shangshi, but why he chose Youhe Shangshi to apply for the job.

   This is a matter of will.

"What I'm studying is management." Tao Zhiming replied immediately, "Youhe has a large supplier and channel system, which allows me to develop and develop what I have learned. Youhe's strategy in the field of international trade makes me yearn very much. .I have full consciousness and hope to create greater value in an enterprising society."

   The person who asked the question just asked, "Any other questions?"

   At this time, it is impossible to say no, Tao Zhiming said simply: "Current exchange rate changes have a great impact on exports. I want to know what solutions the company has for the field of export trade."

The person who asked the question narrowed his eyes and didn't pause, and replied, "Youhe is moving towards a global enterprise, and has developed a lower-cost supplier system and a broader emerging international market with stable financial support. .As the influence of neon increases, the club is accelerating the promotion of high-end brands with higher added value."

  Tao Zhiming looked satisfied and nodded: "Thanks for the answer. If I join the club, I would like to know what skills I need to improve to meet the requirements of the job."

   The three people on the opposite side showed a faint smile, and the person in the middle replied: "In practice, the ability to communicate in spoken English is very important. If you have time, the trade rules and laws of different countries also need to be familiar with."

   "Thank you very much. I have no more questions."

  Tao Zhiming's first round of interviews ended. As soon as he went out, the person in charge of reception led him to the lounge.

In the    room, the person in charge asked, "Vice President, how do you feel?"

   The person sitting in the middle nodded: "It's amazing. It's hard to see such calmness and steadiness in a mere student. His interview was impeccable."


  The vice president frowned and looked at Tao Zhiming's resume and drew a circle: "I don't know, will this become his weakness..."

  These Tao Zhiming didn't know, but when they went to the lounge, they met another annoying guy.

   "Dalang-chan, it's been an unexpectedly long time, have you spoken?" Seeing him come in, Yamane Yokohisa started to peel again.

  Tao Zhiming smiled and said sincerely: "You were very boring when you were young."

   Yamane Yokohisa looked at him dumbfounded.

   Tao Zhiming speaks Chinese, this guy can't understand.

   He didn't bother to waste time with such a child. When he saw a girl not far away who was not sitting next to him, he went over and asked, "I'm sorry, can I sit here?"

   "Huh?" The girl panicked, glanced at him quickly, and lowered her head, "Of course, of course..."

   "Thank you." Tao Zhiming sat down calmly and asked again, "Did the interview go well?"

   "Huh? It's alright...probably..."

   "What do you think of Youhe?"


  The girl looked at him again and was even more panicked. Why did this guy ask this? Wouldn't it be Youhe's cadre?

   She hurriedly bowed and nodded, and said respectfully, "Excellent club! The seniors here are all very nice, and they speak very softly..."

  Tao Zhiming said softly: "Really? Do it!"

   "Haiyi!" The girl nodded her head with joy.

   "If you enter a club, in practice, the ability to communicate in spoken English is very important. If you have time, you need to be familiar with the trade rules and laws of different countries." Tao Zhiming continued to speak softly.

  The girl was elated, so you passed this round?

   This is a special cadre in the club, is he instructing himself what to pay attention to next?

   She secretly glanced at Tao Zhiming again.

   This senior looks so young and handsome! But the eyes are mature and gentle, giving people a sense of reliability.

   She couldn't help but jump up cautiously.

   Yamane Yokoji, not far away, was dumbfounded. Is this the cowardly Tao Dalang from before? Why did he pretend to be a club cadre chatting with the women who attended the briefing?

   Looking at the neon girl and chatting with him with a smile, Yamane Yokoji felt his blood pressure soaring and kept calling the police in his head.

   His gaze kept sending threats, but Tao Zhiming turned a blind eye.

   Bickering is, of course, more pleasant to do with a girl.

   "Tao Sang, what are you talking about?" Yamane Yoko couldn't take it anymore, came over and asked in a friendly way.

   "Huh?" The girl looked at Yamane Hengjiu in surprise and asked Tao Zhiming, "Are you his father?"

  Tao Zhiming sighed: "Shangen-kun, you have to call me that, it makes me very embarrassed."

   Yamane Yokohisa's blood pressure soared: This bastard, why is the surname Tao?

  Tao Zhiming felt more at ease.

  It's only a little smart when he calms down, and this guy's head doesn't seem to work very well.

   The contract has been sent, hurry up if you want to invest.



   (end of this chapter)

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